Infragistics igListView - infragistics

I am configuring an infragistics igListView programmatically binding them to a json object. I want to bind an event handler when an item on the list is clicked. How can I do this?

This api referanced you. You can find some samples


How to trigger a function of class via button in view

I'm setting up an application working with Django and Keras. It takes a lot of time to take my uploaded document, prepare, train and to show my results. That's why I'm trying to split my code into different phases. But I don't know how to trigger a function using my created object before. Do you know how to connect a button to trigger a process via using created object?
Thanks in advance!
To trigger an action from a template view you need to set up an endpoint and use needed class/func there. You can call it with ajax if that's you want.
path('action/', app.views.action, 'action')
def action(request):
return HttpResponse('')

getting value of action in ember route-action helper

Please refer to this issue:
I am facing similar issue, posting it here again:
Is there any solution to this issue?
I am trying to use route-action helper for checkbox as follows:
Select All
It calls my action inside route, but it is passing some event object instead of checked value (I am expecting true/false) like it does for the usual action helper:
I am also facing the same issue while using select drodown:
-- JDBC or HDFS load? --
Here I am expecting to get the values JDBC or HDFS when the actions is fired.
If it can be done by writing action to receive full event, please give some example how to extract required information from the event.
I am new to ember. Please help.

Sitecore Rebuilding Index End Event Programatically

I'm using Sitecore 8.0 and trying to do a Refresh or Rebuild Index programmatically, I just want to know if there's an event where I will know that the job of rebuilding or refreshing is already done, so I can trigger my custom code, I've tried using "Thread.Sleep" but it didn't work as expected.
Here's the sample code that I made:
Let me know if you need any other information. Thanks.

Get Feed from event of page

I need to access all events from my page (using manage_pages). Then, for certain events (id's in an array) I need to access the feed and get the pictures.
I already constructed this link:[pageid]/events?fields=feed&access_token=[access_token_from_page]
which is fine. But I was wondering if I could somehow specify the IDs of the events in the url? And maybe also saying I just want photos?
I'm looking for a way to minimalize the response.

Call Custom Code Upon Item Deletion in Sitecore

Is there a way to call custom code when an item is deleted within Sitecore? Or can I somehow attach code to a publish action?
You can subscribe to item:deleted event. Check this article: Using events.
Attaching to item:deleted will work only if you have a single server solution. If you have separated the content delivery and the content edit servers then it will be a bit more involved.