I am trying to compile C++ code to a DLL file to use with Lua. To do this, I am using Visual Studio 2022 with Windows 10. My goal is to use the Lua require(modname) function to require my DLL and use the C++ methods in Lua. For now the DLL and the main.lua files are in the same directory. What is actually happening is that I get an error message saying:
error loading module 'lgf' from file 'lgf.dll': The specified module could not be found.
with the Lua code:
package.cpath = "?.dll;"..package.cpath
create = require("lgf")
My main.cpp file contains the following:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <window/include/window.hpp>
#include <font/include/font.hpp>
#include <image/include/image.hpp>
#include <keyboard/include/keyboard.hpp>
#include <mouse/include/mouse.hpp>
#include <rectangle/include/rectangle.hpp>
#include <lua/lua.hpp>
#define LIB
SDL_Window* sdlWin;
SDL_Renderer* sdlRen;
window win(sdlWin, sdlRen);
static const luaL_Reg lib[] = {
{"create", window::create},
{"isCloseRequested", window::isCloseRequested},
{"sync", window::sync},
{"update", window::update},
{"setVSync", window::setVSync},
{"setIcon", window::setIcon},
{"clearScreen", window::clearScreen},
{"render", window::render},
{"windowChangeColor", window::changeColorRGB},
{"close", window::close},
{"createRectangle", rectangle::create},
{"changeRectangleColor", rectangle::changeColor},
{"drawRectangle", rectangle::draw},
{"mouseButtonUp", Mouse::mouseButtonUp},
{"mouseButtonDown", Mouse::mouseButtonDown},
{"keyup", Keyboard::keyup},
{"keydown", Keyboard::keydown},
{"loadImage", ImageLoader::loadImage},
{"drawImage", ImageLoader::drawImage},
{"loadFont", FontLoader::loadFont},
{"loadText", FontLoader::loadText},
{"renderText", FontLoader::renderText},
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int luaopen_lgf(lua_State* L) {
luaL_newlib(L, lib);
return 22;
I am creating a simple graphics library. My dependencies are SDL2 and (of course) Lua.
I have tried creating an entry point (main) for the file, and I still get the same message. Let me know if I should include my other .cpp files in here.
There is a "hello world" project in Eclipse IDE that is supposed to compile against ESP8266 RTOS SDK.
File structure is as follows
I added one C++ class to it and put it into its own folder. Here is the class header
class Blinker {
Blinker( int period );
int Period() const;
int period_;
and the definitions
#include "Blinker.h"
Blinker::Blinker( int period ) :
period_( period )
int Blinker::Period() const {
return this->period_;
Main.cpp file is like this
#include <stdio.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "blinker/Blinker.h"
extern "C" {
void app_main()
auto blnk = Blinker( 3000 );
int i = 0;
while ( 1 ) {
printf( "[%d] Hello beautiful world!\n", i );
vTaskDelay( blnk.Period() / portTICK_PERIOD_MS );
It compiles but fails at final stage because the linker (or what is supposed to be a linker in xtensa toolchain) does not see definitions of Blinker methods. This is what I get in the build log
If I put class files next to main.cpp file, the build succeeds. However with time there will be hundreds of files, and without any grouping it will quickly turn into an unmanageable mess.
Alternatively I could put this class into top-level components folder and equip it with empty component.mk file. This would also make the build system happy, however it would force me to use ugly header includes like ../components/blinker/Blinker.h, which I would like to avoid.
So the question is how to make build system aware of .c and .cpp files residing in subfolders of main folder?
you can set COMPONENT_SRCDIRS in "main" component.mk file
Try to add blinker/Blinker.cpp to your CMakeLists.txt.
Take a look at
How to add new source file in CMakeLists.txt?
I am working creating a hololens application using a native code dll based on c ++. The problem comes when I add it in the unity project (plugins / WSA / x86).
When generating the UWP solution in Visual Studio I get a failure of DllNotFound.
From what I have been able to read, it is necessary to create a UWP library to use it in my application. That library must contain my native code. The truth is that I'm not sure how to do that. Is there any way to stop my dll based on c ++ on a UWP dll ??
error: System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'nativoHololensPrueba.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E).
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory>
#include "Header.h"
int testo() {
return 10;
extern "C" {
int testo();
public static extern int testo();
// Use this for initialization
public GameObject texto;
void Start () {
texto.GetComponent<TextMesh>().text = "Cambiando el nombre " + testo();
I also had this and I solved it by compiling the dll on ARM64 (or ARM) with /MT flag.
I'm trying to compile a console program that uses a static library implementing CString.The console app has been created with the VS wizard with :
Win32 console application with precompiled headers, SDL verification but without ATL or MFC.
The static library is a MFC static library (wizard construction).
Where is (are) my mistake(s) ?
This is what I so long have tried:
I've created a new console app using MFC controls - this compile fine with the static library.
Then I've controlled and modified when necessary every link options, comparing the 2 console projects.
But the 1st console application does not compile.
I'm stucked !
I'm working with Visual Studio 2012 on Windows 10.
Here is the code :
File TestLib.h
#pragma once
#include <atlstr.h>
class TestLib
TestLib(const CString &tst);
virtual ~TestLib(void);
CString _tst;
Fichier TestLib.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "TestLib.h"
TestLib::TestLib(const CString &tst)
: _tst(tst)
Fichier ConsoleTest2.cpp
// ConsoleTest2.cpp : définit le point d'entrée pour l'application console.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "TestLib.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
TestLib *tst = new TestLib(); // This compile fine !
//TestLib *tst = new TestLib(_T("Test")); // This generates LNK2019 link error
return 0;
Here is the solution, thanks to Jochen Arndt
Just have to change the TestLib declaration to
TestLib::TestLib(LPCTSTR str)
: _tst(str)
I have created a static library with the files alien.h and alien.cpp below. That library is linked by the file user.cpp. If one removes the line with the comment, then the code compiles, links, and runs as expected. As it is, the library and the program compile, the program however does not link. MSVC2015RC generates over 100 errors about std::numeric_limits being already defined.
Is there some setting that I should be aware of or is this a MSVC2015 bug?
File alien.h
#include <vector> // This line causes troubles.
struct alien
const int * const value;
extern alien meh;
File alien.cpp
alien meh { 7 };
File user.cpp
#include "alien.h"
#include <iostream>
#pragma comment(lib, "alien.lib")
int main()
wcout << meh.value;
return 0;
Error LNK2005 "public: static int const std::numeric_limits::max_exponent" (?max_exponent#?$numeric_limits#M#std##2HB) already defined in alien.obj
It is a bug! The same library/program compiles under MSVC2013 without language extensions enabled. In MSVC2015, language extensions must be enabled.