C++ type suffix _t, _type or none - c++

C++ sometimes uses the suffix _type on type definitions (e.g. std::vector<T>::value_type),
also sometimes _t (e.g. std::size_t), or no suffix (normal classes, and also typedefs like std::string which is really std::basic_string<...>)
Are there any good conventions on when to use which name?

As #MarcoA.'s answer correctly points out, the suffix _t is largely inherited from C (and in the global namespace - reserved for POSIX).
This leaves us with "no suffix" and _type.
Notice that there is no namespace-scope name in std ending in _type*; all such names are members of classes and class templates (or, in the case of regex-related types, of a nested namespace which largely plays a role of a class). I think that's the distinction: types themselves don't use the _type suffix.
The suffix _type is only used on members which denote types, and moreover, usually when they denote a type somewhat "external" to the containing class. Compare std::vector<T>::value_type and std::vector<T>::size_type, which come from the vector's template parameters T and Allocator, respectively, against std::vector<T>::iterator, which is "intrinsic" to the vector class template.
* Not entirely true, there are a few such names (also pointed out in a comment by #jrok): common_type, underlying_type, is_literal_type, true_type, false_type. In the first three, _type is not really a suffix, it's an actual part of the name (e.g. a metafunction to give the common type or the underlying type). With true_type and false_type, it is indeed a suffix (since true and false are reserved words). I would say it's a type which represents a true/false value in the type-based metaprogramming sense.

As a C heritage the _t (that used to mean "defined via typedef") syntax has been inherited (they're also SUS/POSIX-reserved in the global namespace).
Types added in C++ and not present in the original C language (e.g. size_type) don't need to be shortened.
Keep in mind that to the best of my knowledge this is more of an observation on an established convention rather than a general rule.

Member types are called type or something_type in the C++ standard library. This is readable and descriptive, and the added verbosity is not usually a problem because users don't normally spell out those type names: most of them are used in function signatures, then auto takes care of member function return types, and in C++14 the _t type aliases take care of type trait static type members.
That leads to the second point: Free-standing, non-member types are usually called something_t: size_t, int64_t, decay_t, etc. There is certainly an element of heritage from C in there, but the convention is maintained in the continuing evolution of C++. Presumably, succinctness is still a useful quality here, since those types are expected to be spelled out in general.
Finally, all the above only applies to what I might call "generic type derivation": Given X, give me some related type X::value_type, or given an integer, give me the 64-bit variant. The convention is thus restricted to common, vocabulary-type names. The class names of your actual business logic (including std::string) presumably do not warrant such a naming pattern, and I don't think many people would like to have to mangle every type name.
If you will, the _t and _type naming conventions apply primarily to the standard library and to certain aspects of the standard library style, but you do not need to take them as some kind of general mandate.

My answer is only relevant for type names within namespaces (that aren't std).
Use no suffix usually, and _type for enums
So, here's the thing: the identifier foo_type can be interpreted as
"the identifier of the type for things which are foo's" (e.g. size_type overall_size = v1.size() + v2.size();)
"the identifier of the type for things which are kinds, or types, of foo" (e.g. employment_type my_employment_type = FIXED_TERM;)
When you have typedef'ed enums in play, I think you would tend towards the second interpretation - otherwise, what would you call your enum types?
The common aversion to using no suffix is that seeing the identifier foo is confusing: Is it a variable, a specific foo? Or is it the type for foos? ... luckily, that's not an issue when you're in a namespace: my_ns::foo is obviously a type - you can't get it wrong (assuming you don't use global variables...); so no need for a prefix there.
PS - I employ the practice of suffixing my typedef's within classes with _type (pointer_type, value_type, reference_type etc.) I know that contradicts my advice above, but I somehow feel bad breaking with tradition on this point.
Now, you could ask - what happens if you have enums within classes? Well, I try to avoid those, and place my enum inside the surrounding namespace.


Is there automatic name lookup for enumerators in c++?

As for as I know, currently in c++ there is no support for this.
For example,
class C{
enum {defaulted, opt1, opt2, ...} flag1;
enum {defaulted, optA, optB, ...} flag2;
} flags;
Now suppose we have C obj, to use the flag one would do
obj.flags.flag1 = obj.flags.opt1;
which is unnecessarily verbose.
However as the type of obj.flags.flag1 is known, in theory the compiler could lookup the name opt1 in that scope and save some typing.
Because the flags are not used anywhere else, it is preferred not to give names to the types (in fact it is difficult to come up with appropriate names). using enum syntax in c++20 does not solve this, because: it 1) requires the enum types to be named; 2) using multiple enums may lead to name collision, as shown here, since both enums have a defaulted member.
What will be the difficulties to implement this? Has this been proposed to the C++ standard committee and/or implemented in some compiler?
There could easily be an object named opt1 that could be converted to the appropriate enumeration type. It's better for name lookup to behave consistently rather than make special cases based on the types of other operands (partly because types are usually determined after name lookup).

C++ - Significance of local names for types

I recently read up how classes are allowed to define their own local names for types. One of the famous examples being size_type, provided almost by all STL containers. It was also mentioned that doing so helps hide implementation details from the user of the class. I am not quite sure how this is the case.
What are some examples where defining local names for types might be useful and how doing so hides implementation details?
Please provide some examples where defining local names for types might be useful and how it hides implementation details.
its more usefull when you use templated algorithms or containers, which might assume that your type has such type alias. So even if you modify type for size_type - i.e. change for some reason from size_t to int, then your type will still work with those algorithms / containers.
Otherwise, presence of size_type are required by standard when you for example implement your own allocator.
Suppose you have a program where you define several variables of type size_type and that it is defined somewhere as an int.
Then, upon analysis and reflection, you realize that the variables never assume values igger than 10 thousand. Therefore, the 32 bits used to allocate each of these variables are somewhate an overkill. In this case, you can redefine size_type as being of short type, instead of int. Therefore you will end up saving some memory.
Regarding the examples, you can check clock_t, char16_t, char32_t, wchar_t, true_type and false_type.

C++: are "trait" and "meta-function" synonymous?

Or, does trait perhaps refer to a specific way to utilizing meta-functions?
If they are not synonymous, please point me to some examples of traits which are not meta-functions or those of meta-functions which are not traits. An actually working piece of code, perhaps within STL or Boost libraries, would be appreciated rather than a contrived toy example.
I'd like to see how experts in this field of C++ programming use these terminologies. I'm not sure if there are authoritative definitions of them...
Thanks in advance!
Clarification: It's not that I looking for any examples of traits or meta-functions. I've been using tens (if not hundreds) of them at my day job.
"Venn0110". Licensed under Public Domain via Commons.
"Meta" is C++ terminology for template programming. A clear example is the Boost Meta Programming Library (MPL).
In this sense, a meta-function is a function whose domain is not objects but C++ constructs. The common inputs are therefore types, ordinary functions and other templates.
A simple meta-function is for example template<typename T> using Foo = Bar<T, int> which has as its input a type T and as its output a type Foo<T>. Trivial, yes, but ordinary functions can be trivial too.
A trait is a metafunction whose codomain is a constant expression, often boolean. E.g. is_foo<T>::value obviously is boolean. The oldest trait in this sense is sizeof(T) whose codomain is size_t.
The terms are not equivalent.
Meta functions
The term is not defined in the C++ Standard.
There seem to be two main contending definitions:
1) "meta-functions derive/calculate/map-to values or types (based on their arguments/parameters) at compile time", and/or
constexpr functions may or may not be included in any given person's definition/conception; there's functional overlap, but much existing writing mentioning meta functions predates or just doesn't also discuss constexpr functions, so it's hard to know whether any definition or examples given deliberately leaves room for or excludes them
2) "meta-functions are functions and/or classes utilising template meta-programming", which specifically means a core of code (the template) may be reused for different parameters, performing some code generation or transformation based thereon
it's not necessarily the case that a meta-programming's final product is a compile-time type or constant - it may be a function intended for use with runtime values or data
A small survey of top google results for "meta function c++"
"metafunctions accept types and compile-time constants as parameters and return types/constants. A metafunction, contrary to its name, is a class template."
"code...executed and its result used while...compiling. ...meta-functions can compute two things: values or types"
this article uses "meta function" to refer to class templates yielding compile-time values/types
The C++ Standard doesn't define "traits", but does define "traits class"es:
17.3.25 [defns.traits] traits class
a class that encapsulates a set of types and functions necessary for class templates and function templates to manipulate objects of types for which they are instantiated
[ Note: Traits classes defined in Clauses 21, 22 and 27 are character traits, which provide the character handling support needed by the string and iostream classes. —end note ]
I'd add that traits can have values, as well as types and functions - for example rank exposes ::value. Traits provide types/values offering insight into either the parameter type itself, or the behaviour desired of the system using the trait when that system's working on variables of that type.
The Standard Library's character traits contain example of runtime functionality: for example X::length(p), X::find(p, n, c).
The <type_traits> header in the C++ Standard Library is a good place to get an initial feel for what kind of things traits can be used for.
Traits are traditionally and typically (but now C++11 provides constexpr functions not necessarily) classes, as distinct from functions meta- or otherwise.
A trait might tell you if a parameter T is constant or not, whether it's serialisable, or whether it should be compressed when transmitted via TCP: whatever some other general-purpose code might need to customise its behaviour for the range of types it handles.
Sometimes traits will be provided by the system that uses them - other times they can be supplied by client code wishing to customise its behaviour on a per-type basis.
Traits may deduce things using various tests of the parameter types, or they may be hand-crafted specialisations hard-coding values for specific types.
This ACCU introduction to traits](http://accu.org/index.php/journals/442) is worth reading, and includes this quote from the creator of C++:
Think of a trait as a small object whose main purpose is to carry information used by another object or algorithm to determine "policy" or "implementation details". - Bjarne Stroustrup
Contrasting "meta function" with "traits"
Regardless of which definition of meta function you adopt, the criteria relates to implementation details: when the function can be evaluated, and/or whether it involves code generation/transformation. That contrasts with traits, where the key concept/requirement is the purpose to which they're put, not the common - but far from universal - implementation using template specialisations or instantiations, or any capacity for compile time vs run-time evaluation.
A metafunction (in the context of C++) is a function that produces a result that can be used at compile time. The result can either be types (which can only be obtained at compile time by definition, using techniques such as partial specialisation) or values (which can be computed at compile time, using the fact that template parameters can be integral values, not just types).
A trait is essentially a class (or object) that packages up information (policy contraints, type characteristics, implementation details) for use by another class (or object) at compile time. The information packaged up can consist of type information (e.g. typedefs) or properties of interest. For example, std::numeric_limits<T> (available through <limits>) is a "type trait" which provides information about arithmetic types (e.g. is T an integral type? is the set of values a T can represent bounded or finite? is T signed? etc). The information is packaged in a form so that metaprograms (i.e. template functions or classes) can use the information at compile time. For example, a template metafunction might use information from a type trait to ensure the template is only instantiated for unsigned integral types, and trigger a compilation error if an attempt is made to instantiate the template for other types.
In this sense, a trait is a type of metafunction that provides information at compile time for use by other metafunctions.
As far as I know, there aren't any formal definitions of these terms. So I'll provide the ones that I use.
Metafunctions are templates which return a type. Usually, the returned result is a type which contains a member type named "type" so it can be accessed via the suffix ::type. Example invoking a metafunction:
using new_type = std::common_type<int, char>::type;
(see http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/types/common_type)
A trait would be be special type of metafunction which returns a result convertible to bool. Example:
bool ic = std::is_convertible<char, int>::type;
Note that nowadays, the requirement that a metafunction result have a member name "type" is relaxed so some metafunctions might be defined in such a manner that the ::type can be dropped. Example:
bool ic = std::experimental::is_convertible_v<char, int>;

uint32_t, int_t notation for representing variable size

This question only is about the notation selection reason.
To prevent bugs it is essential to mention the variable size in bits like
uint32_t VariableA; // uint32_t has been type defined for architecture whose int size is 32 bit.
int16_t VariableB;
instead of using only type specifiers like
int VariableName;
The question here is why is _t used in the uint32_t instead of only uint32. Where did this _t come that has been seen appended in the typedef?
The names were taken from the POSIX specification, which was widely used before C and C++ standardised the names of fixed-size integer types. POSIX uses a convention of appending _t to most type names.
The _t convention comes from the early days of UNIX. Following suit, most (or all) aliases to scalar types and many struct types in Posix are named as such, and some such types are even standardized in C itself.
Posix furthermore reserves all names suffixed with _t in the C++ global namespace (or for C, just in general).
C++ does not introduce any new _t names to my knowledge, and best-practice use of the C++ standard library only introduces names into the std namespace.
At some point in the future, it is anticipated/hoped that Posix will be sandboxed in the posix namespace.
In any case, best practice is to keep all your interface typedefs in your own namespace, and once you've done that, naming aliases to scalar types with _t is quite a reasonable policy. The benefit is that C++ is often sensitive to whether two name refer to types that are really different (but maybe behave similarly) or they are really aliases to the same thing. _t is obviously an alias to something simple.
_t basically denotes a type name. Therefore, you would be ill-advised to end variable or function names with _t since it could cause some confusion and even undefined behaviour(depending on compiler etc.)
POSIX systems define a lot of extra type names ending in _t, and reserves the suffix for the implementation. Therefore when working on POSIX-related systems, defining your own type names with the convention is ill-advised and can lead to undefined behaviour

what is a type in C++?

What all constructs(class,struct,union) classify as types in C++? Can anyone explain the rationale behind calling and qualifying certain C++ constructs as a 'type'.
$3.9/1 - "There are two kinds of
types: fundamental types and compound
types. Types describe objects (1.8),
references (8.3.2), or functions
(8.3.5). ]"
Fundamental types are char, int, bool and so on.
Compound types are arrays, enums, classes, references, unions etc
A variable contains a value.
A type is a specification of the value. (eg, number, text, date, person, truck)
All variables must have a type, because they must hold strictly defined values.
Types can be built-in primitives (such as int), custom types (such as enums and classes), or some other things.
Other answers address the kinds of types C++ makes available, so I'll address the motivation part. Note that C++ didn't invent the notion of a data type. Quoting from the Wikipedia entry on Type system.
a type system may be defined as "a
tractable syntactic framework for
classifying phrases according to the
kinds of values they compute"
Another interesting definition from the Data Type page:
a data type (or datatype) is a
classification identifying one of
various types of data, such as
floating-point, integer, or Boolean,
stating the possible values for that
type, the operations that can be done
on that type, and the way the values
of that type are stored
Note that this last one is very close to what C++ means by "type". Perhaps obvious for the built-in (fundamental) types like bool:
possible values are true and false
operations - per definition of arithmetic operators that can accept bool as argument
the way it's stored - actually not mandated by the C++ standard, but one can guess that on some systems a type requiring only a single bit can be stored efficiently (although I think most C++ systems don't do this optimization).
For more complex, user created, types, the situation is more difficult. Consider enum types: you know exactly the range of values a variable of an enum type can get. What about struct and class? There, also, your type declaration tells the compiler what possible values the struct can have, what operations you can do on it (operator overloading and functions accepting objects of this type), and it will even infer how to store it.
Re range of values, although huge, remember it's finite. Even a struct with N 32-bit integers has a finite range of possible values, which is 2^(32N).
Cite from the book "Bjarne Stroustrup - Programming Principles and Practice Using C++", page 77, chapter 3.8:
A type defines a set of possible values and a set of operations (for an object).
An object is some memory that holds a value of a given type.
A value is a set of bits in memory interpreted according to a type.
A variable is a named object.
A declaration is a statement that gives a name to an object.
A definition is a declaration that sets aside memory for an object.
Sounds like a matter of semantics to me...A type refers to something with a construct that can be used to describe it in a away that conforms to traditional Object Oriented concepts(properties and methods). Anything that isn't called a type is probably created with a less robust construct.