How can one verify the proper operation of a sieve close to 2^64? - primes

Small primes - up to about 1,000,000,000,000 - are readily available from various sources. The Prime Pages ( have lists for the first 50 million primes, goes up to 10^12, and programs like the one available at go even higher.
However, when it comes to numbers close to 2^64 there's only the ten primes mentioned on the page Primes just less than a power of two at and that seems to be it.
The primality test found there refuses to work on numbers that don't fit a double, others - elsewhere - fail to refuse and just print trash. The program refuses to work with numbers that aren't at least some 40 billion below 2^64, which doesn't exactly inspire confidence in the quality of their coding. The same result everywhere: nada, zilch, niente.
The cogs and gears of sieves start creaking around the 2^62 mark, and close to 2^64 there's hardly a cog that doesn't creak loudly threatening to break apart. Hence the need for testing the implementation is greatest where verification is most difficult, because of the scarcity/absence of reliable reference data. The program seems to be the only one that works at least up to 2^63 or thereabouts, but I don't trust it too much because of the above-mentioned issue.
So how then can one verify the proper operation of a sieve close to 2^64? Are there reliable lists somewhere for a million (or ten million or a hundred million) primes just below and above powers of two like 2^64, 2^63 and so on? Or are there reliable (trustworthy, verified, banged-on a lot) programs that yield such sequences or that can verify primes or lists of primes?
Once a sieve has been verified it can be used to produce handy lists with sums/checksums for loads of interesting ranges, but absent such lists the situation seems difficult...
P.S.: I determined the upper limit for the turbo siever to be UINT64_MAX - 10 * UINT32_MAX, or 0xFFFFFFF600000009. That means only the 10 * UINT32_MAX highest primes don't have any reference data at all so far...

Instead of looking for a pre-computed list, you could compare the output of your sieve to a different sieve. A good sieve, written by Tomás Oliveira e Silva, is available at
Another way to test your code is by testing the primality of all numbers your sieve reports as prime (or conversely, testing the non-primality of all numbers your sieve does not report as prime). A good way to do that is the Baillie-Wagstaff test. You can find a good-quality implementation by Thomas R. Nicely at
You might also be interested in Jan Feitsma's tables of pseudoprimes at, which are complete to 264.

First, thanks for sharing your program and working on correctness. I think it's important to do testing, and sieving near the size boundary was something I spent time working on for my code.
"The same result everywhere: nada, zilch, niente." You're not looking hard enough. There are plenty of tools that do this. It's too bad primesieve doesn't go all the way to 2^64-1, but that doesn't mean nothing else does.
"So how then can one verify the proper operation of a sieve close to 2^64?" One thing I did it is make an edge-case test that runs through all combinations of start/end points near 2^64-1, verifying a number of methods all generate the same results. This relies on having a list of these primes to start, but there are many ways to get these. Not only does this test the sieve at this range, but tests the start/end conditions to make sure there are no issues there.
Some ways to generate a million primes below 2^64:
time perl -Mntheory=:all -E 'forprimes { say } ~0-44347170,~0' | md5sum
Takes ~2s to generate 1M primes. We can force use of different code (Perl or GMP), use primality tests, etc. Lots of ways to do this, including just looping and calling is_provable_prime($n), for example. There are also other Perl modules including Math::Primality though they are much slower.
echo 'forprime(i=2^64-44347170,2^64-1,print(i))' | time gp -f -q | md5sum
Takes ~13s to generate 1M primes. As with the Perl module, there are lots of alternate ways including looping calling isprime which is a deterministic routine (assuming a non-ancient version of Pari/GP).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gmp.h>
int main(void) {
mpz_t n;
mpz_nextprime(n, n);
while (mpz_sizeinbase(n,2) < 65) {
/* If you don't trust mpz_nextprime, one could add this:
* if (!mpz_probab_prime_p(n, 100))
* { fprintf(stderr, "Bad nextprime!\n"); return -1; }
mpz_nextprime(n, n);
return 0;
Takes about 30s and get the same results. This one is more dubious as I don't trust its 25 preset-random base MR test as much as BPSW or one of the proof methods, but it doesn't matter in this case as we see the results match. Adding the extra 100 tests is very expensive in time, but would make it extremely unlikely to have false results (I suspect we have overlapping bases so this is also wasteful).
from sympy import nextprime
n = 2**64-44347170;
n = nextprime(n)
while n < 2**64:
print n
n = nextprime(n)
Using Python's SymPy. Unfortunately primerange uses crazy memory when given 2^64-1 so that's not possible to use. Doing the simple nextprime method isn't ideal -- it takes about 5 minutes, but generates the same results (the current SymPy isprime uses 46 prime bases, which is many more than needed for deterministic results under 2^64).
There are other tools, e.g. FLINT, GAP, etc.
I realize that since you're on Windows, the world is wonky and lots of things don't work right. I have tested Perl's ntheory on Windows and with both Cygwin and Strawberry Perl from command prompt I get the same results. The GMP code ought to work the same, assuming GMP works correctly.
Edit add: If your results don't match one of the comparison methods, then one of the two (or both) is wrong. It may be the comparison code that is wrong! It helps everyone if you find and report errors. It's unlikely but possible they are both wrong in the same way, which is why I like to compare with as many other sources as possible. To me that is more robust than picking one "golden" code to compare against. Especially if you're using an oddball platform that may not have been thoroughly tested.
For BPSW, there are a few implementations around:
Pari. AES Lucas, in the Pari source code so not sure how portable it is.
TR Nicely. Strong Lucas, standalone code.
David Cleaver. Standard, Strong or Extra Strong Lucas. Standalone library, very clear, very easy to use.
My non-GMP code, including asm Montgomery math for x86_64. Quite a bit faster than bigint codes of course.
My GMP code. Standard, Strong, AES, or Extra strong Lucas. Faster than the other bigint codes. Also has other Frobenius and other compositeness tests. Can be made standalone.
I have a version using LibTomMath that I hope to get into one of the Perl6 VMs. Only interesting if you want to use LTM.
All verified vs. the Feitsma data. I'm sure there are more implementations around as well. FLINT has a variation that is quite fast, but it isn't really BPSW (but it's been verified for numbers under 2^64).

In general, one must use less naive techniques than trial division, or be very patient.
(gp/PARI documentation)
For 64-bit integers, trial division takes millions of times as long as even a simple sieve, let alone thoroughbreds like Kim Walisch's program ( which is orders of magnitude faster.
The reference sieve I want to verify (there's a standalone .cpp # pastebin) finds about a million primes per second when sieving close to 2^64, whereas the trial division code I lifted out of the gmp implementation takes 20 seconds to find even one. Restricting trial division to presieved primes (stored as deltas with one byte per prime for fast iteration) speeds it up by an order of magnitude, but it still outputs less than one prime per second on my laptop.
Hence, trial division can deliver only homœopathic amounts of reference data, even if I use all cores I can lay hands on including Kindle, phone and toaster.
More sophisticated tests like Miller-Rabin or the Baillie-PSW linked by user448810 are several orders of magnitude faster than trial division. For numbers up to 2^64 the Baillie-PSW has been verified to be deterministic (no strong pseudo primes below that threshold). The Miller-Rabin may or may not be deterministic up to 2^64 if the first 12 primes are used as base, or the 7-base set found by Jim Sinclar (meaning the 'net offers statements to that effect but apparently no evidence).
With Baillie-PSW verified - and faster to boot - it seems like a good choice. Unfortunately it is also several orders of magnitude more complicated than a sieve, making it even more important to find trustworthy implementations that are ready to compile without lots of twiddling or - ideally - available as binaries.
Thomas Nicely's Baillie-PSW page has source code that uses the gmp, and gp/PARI can use either gmp or its own code. The latter is also available as a binary, which is very fortunate since building gmp code on an exotic, off-beat platform like MinGW under Windows is a non-trivial undertaking, even if MPIR is used instead of gmp.
That gets us some bulk data but still nowhere near enough for verifying the sieve, since it is orders of magnitude too slow even for covering the blank area left by the cap of (10 * 2^32 numbers).
This is where Will Ness's bigint idea comes in. The operation of the sieve can be verified up to 1,000,000,000,000 using reference data from multiple, independent sources. Switching index variables from 32-bit to 64-bit eliminates most of the boundary cases that could cause the code to mess up in higher regions, leaving only a very few places where even uint64_t gets close to its limits. With those places thoroughly inspected and generously covered by test cases derived from the Baillie-PSW undertaking we can have reasonably high confidence that the sieve code is good. Add copious verification against in the range from 10^12 up to its cap, and it should be sufficient to regard the sieve implementation as trustworthy.
With the sieve up and running, it's easy to cover arbitray ranges with bulk data. Or with digests, as a canned/compressed means of verification that can serve needs of any size and shape. It's what I use in the demo .cpp I mentioned earlier, although my real code uses a mixture between an optimised digest implementation for general work and a special raw memory checksum of 128 bits for quick self-checks of factor sieve bitmaps.
up to 1,000,000,000,000 verification against or similar
up to 2^64 - 10 * 2^32 verification against
rest up to 2^64-1: verification of strategically chosen segments using Baillie-PSW (e.g. gp/PARI)


Looking for hash algorithm where small change in input will result in small change on hash

Current hash functions are designed to have big changes on hash even if only a very small portion of input is changed. What I need, is a hash algorithm which output mutation will be directly proportional to input mutation. For example, I need something similar to this:
Hash("STR1") => 1000
Hash("STR2") => 1001
Hash("STR3") => 1002
I'm not good at algorithms, but never heared of such implementation, although I'm almost sure someone should already come up with this algorithm.
My current requirement is to have large bitrate (512 bits maybe?) to avoid collisions.
I think I should clarify my goal, I see that I did a very poor job explaining what I need. Sorry, I'm not a native English speaker and great communicator.
So basically I need this hash algorithm for searching similar binary files. You can think of it as Antivirus hashing algorithm. It calculates file checksum, but unlike traditional hashing functions, even after some small modification in malware binary, it still is able to detect it. This is pretty much what I'm looking for.
Another aspect is to avoid collision. Let me explain what I mean by that. It's not a conflicting goal. I want Hash("STR1") to produce 1000 and Hash("STR2") to produce 1001 or 1010 maybe, doesn't matter as long as the value is close relative to previous hash. But Hash("This is a very large string or maybe even binary data" + 100 random chars) should not produce a value close to 1000. I understand it will not work always and there would be some hash/hash-range collisions, but I think I can introduce another hashing algorithm and verify both to minimize collisions.
So what do you think? Maybe there is a better way to achieve my goal, maybe I'm asking too much, I don't know. I'm not well versed in Cryptograpy, math or algorithms.
Thank you again for your time and effort
How about a simple summation? Your hash can then wrap at the desired size, and if you take this into account during hash comparisons, a small difference in inputs should yield a small difference in hashes.
However, I think "minimal collisions" and "proportional change in output" are conflicting goals.
This is called, in other domains, perceptual hashing.
One approach to this is as follows:
Get a training multiset of n-grams. (E.g. if n=2 and your training data was "This is a test" your training set would be "Th", "hi", "is", "s ", etc)
Sort and calculate the frequencies of said n-grams, decending.
Then the hash of a word is the first bits of "for each n-gram in the database, is this word's frequency said n-gram higher than the average frequency?"
Note that this can and will result in many collisions with similar words, unfortunately, unless the hash length is absurdly long.
MD5 or SHA-x is not what you want.
According to wikipedia, for example the substitution cipher has no avalanche effect (this is the word you mean).
In terms of hashing you could use some kind of a figure total.
For example:
char* hashme = "hallo123";
int result=0;
for(int i = 0; i<8; ++i) {
result += hashme[i];
It may be geared towards kids, but the old NSA Kid's section has some really good ideas.
Of course, these algorithms are really insecure, so you cannot use this in place of REAL encryption. (But you can't use a real encryption algorithm when you just want to have fun, either.)
The number grid involves setting up a grid, then using the coordinates of each letter:
Further ideas:
Mix up the letter arangement
Convert numbers to binary to obfuscate
A winding way also uses a grid. Essentially, the letters are packed in the grid left to right, in rows downwards. The output is produced by slicing vertically through the grid:
Typically hash and encryption algorithms oriented towards cryptography will behave in the exact opposite way of what you're looking for (i.e. small changes in the input will cause large changes in the output and vice versa), so this algorithm class is a dead end.
As a quick digression on why these algorithms behave like this: of necessity, they're designed to obscure statistical relationships between the input and output to make them more difficult to crack. For example, in the English language the letter "e" is by far the most commonly-used letter; in some very weak classical ciphers you could simply find the most common letter and figure that that corresponds to "e" (e.g. - if n is the most common letter, then odds are n = e). Actually, a statistical pattern like you describe would likely make the algorithm significantly more vulnerable to chosen-plaintext, known-plaintext, man in the middle, and replay attacks.
The man in the middle and replay attacks would be made significantly easier by the fact that it would be much easier to edit the ciphertext to achieve the desired plaintext without knowing the key (especially if you have access to a couple of chosen plaintexts).
If you know that
7/19/2016 1:35 transfer $10 from account x to account y
(where the datestamp is used to defend against a replay attack) encodes to
7/19/2016 1:40 transfer $10 from account x to account y
encodes to
it's a pretty safe guess that
will mean something like
7/19/2016 1:45 transfer $10 from account x to account y
Without having access to the original key, you could replay this packet on a regular basis to continue to steal money from someone's account simply by making a trivial edit. Granted, this is a fairly contrived example, but it still illustrates the basic problem.
My understanding of what you're looking for is statistical similarity between files. This might help some:
This does indeed exist. The term is Locality-sensitive hashing. A concrete implementation can be found here.
Depending on the source document you might want to look at digital forensics or VisualRank (from google) for finding similar images and video. For textual data this is commonly used in anti-spam (read more here). For binary files you might want to first run disassembler and then run the algorithm on the text version - but this is just my feeling, I don't have a research to back this statement but it would be an interesting hypothesis to test.

Is there any deterministic method to check whether a number is prime or not?

And also is this method a deterministic method, written below:
bool isPrime(int a){
if( a <= 0) return false;
if( a == 1) return false;
if( a == 2) return true;
if( a == 3) return true;
int sqr = sqrt(a)+1;
if( a%2 == 0) return false;
for(int i=3;i<=sqr;i+=2){
if( a%i == 0 )
return false;
return true;
If your input is less than 2^64 (more than enough for your example using an int) there are some good methods:
1) BPSW. Fast, deterministic, correct for all 64-bit inputs, no known counterexamples above this (though we believe they exist)
2) Deterministic Miller-Rabin. The Wikipedia page gives some correct but inefficient base sets -- the ones at Best Known SPRP Bases are the best known for 64-bit inputs. At most 7 tests for any 64-bit input. New (Sep 2015) results give deterministic results for 81-bit input with 13 tests.
3) Hashed deterministic M-R. This is just an optimization of #2. Only a single M-R test needed for 32-bit inputs, 2 or 3 for 64-bit inputs. See Forisek and Jancina 2015 paper and my different hashed implementation.
Trial division, the method you're showing, is quite good for tiny inputs, say under a million or so. It is still computationally ok for a while past that, but it is exponential time in the bit length of the input. It slows down very rapidly, and really isn't usable past 26 or so digits (just because of the huge time growth). In my test, at 25 digits it is 400M times slower than BPSW (a PRP test at this size), 13M times slower than ECPP, 3M times slower than APR-CL.
Graph of run times for primality tests on large inputs
If your input is larger than 64-bit, some options include:
BLS75 methods (from the seminal 1975 paper), including N-1, N+1, and hybrid methods based on partial factoring. These are still used, and are surprisingly fast for numbers up to ~40 digits. Generalized Pocklington is a special case of one of the theorems. Since this relies on partial factoring of n-1 and/or n+1, it doesn't scale well in general and fizzles out around 80-100 digits for practical use.
APR-CL. Quite fast (e.g. half a second for a 200 digit number). Open source in Pari/GP and mpz_aprcl.
ECPP. Fastest method for large inputs not of special form. Primo (free to use and the gold standard), ecpp-dj (open source). This uses randomization, so it isn't deterministic in some sense, but it is 100% correct, which is what many people mean in this context. It also can provide a certificate for fast third-party validation, making it especially attractive.
AKS. Horrendously slow. Theoretical breakthrough and fascinatingly simple math, but practically useless. It is faster than trial division at 20 or so digits, and eventually will pass the BLS75 methods, but it's nowhere close to the methods we usually use: APR-CL or ECPP. Various implementations exist, with the fastest I'm aware of being in ecpp-dj and Perl/ntheory [caveat: I'm the author]. Polynomial time, but the exponent is higher than APR-CL for inputs under a quadrillion or so digits (ridiculously large sizes).
Yes, I think it is ... Deterministic Algorithm.
One other more efficient deterministic prime number test algorithm is AKS Primality Testing.
Also, if you want to use some probablistic(non-deterministic) primality testing, you can refer to Miller-Rabin Test.
Hope this helps ! 100 times slower than native C++11

I have a Matlab-background, and when I bought a laptop a year ago, I carefully selected one which has a lot of compute power, the machine has 4 threads and it offers me 8 threads at 2.4GHz. The machine proved itself to be very powerful, and using simple parfor-loops I could utilize all the processor threads, with which I got a speedup near 8 for many problems and experiments.
This nice Sunday I was experimenting with numpy, people often tell me that the core business of numpy is implemented efficiently using libblas, and possibly even using multiple cores and libraries like OpenMP (with OpenMP you can create parfor-like loops using c-style pragma's).
This is the general approach for many numerical and machine learning algorithms, you express them using expensive high-level operations like matrix multiplications, but in an expensive, high-level language like Matlab and python for comfort. Moreover, c(++) allows us to bypass the GIL.
So the cool part is that linear algebra-stuff should process really fast in python, whenever you use numpy. You just have the overhead of some function-calling, but then if the calculation behind it is large, that's negligible.
So, without even touching the topic that not everything can be expressed in linear algebra or other numpy operations, I gave it a spin:
t = time.time();, range(100000000)); print(time.time() - t)
So I, these 40 seconds I saw ONE of the 8 threads on my machine working for 100%, and the others were near 0%. I didn't like this, but even with one thread working I'd expect this to run in approximately 0.something seconds. The dot-product does 100M +'es and *'es, so we have 2400M / 100M = 24 clock ticks per second for one +, one * and whatever overhead.
Nevertheless, the algorithm needs 40* 24 =approx= 1000 ticks (!!!!!) for the +, * and overhead. Let's do this in C++:
int main() {
unsigned long long result = 0;
for(unsigned long long i=0; i < 100000000; i++)
result += i * i;
std::cout << result << '\n';
herbert#machine:~$ g++ -std=c++11
herbert#machine:~$ time ./a.out
real 0m0.254s
user 0m0.254s
sys 0m0.000s
0.254 seconds, almost 100 times faster than
I thought, maybe the python3 range-generator is the slow part, so I handicapped my c++11 implementation by storing all 100M numbers in a std::vector first (using iterative push_back's), and than iterating over it. This was a lot slower, it took a little below 4 seconds, which still is 10 times faster.
I installed my numpy using 'pip3 install numpy' on ubuntu, and it started compiling for some time, using both gcc and gfortran, moreover I saw mentions of blas-header files passing through the compiler output.
For what reason is so extremely slow?
So your comparison is unfair. In your python example, you first generate two range objects, convert them to numpy-arrays and then doing the scalar product. The calculation takes the least part. Here are the numbers for my computer:
>>> t=time.time();x=numpy.arange(100000000);,x);print time.time()-t
And without the generation of the array:
>>> t=time.time();,x);print time.time()-t
For completion, the C-version takes roughly the same time:
real 0m0.108s
user 0m0.100s
sys 0m0.007s
range generates a list based on your given parameters, where as your for loop in C merely increments a number.
I agree that it seems fairly costly computationally wise to spend so much time on generating one list-- then again, it is a big list, and you're requesting two of them ;-)
EDIT: As mentioned in comments range generates lists, not arrays.
Try substituting your range method with an incrementing while loop or similar and see if you get more tolerable results.

C/C++ fastest cmath log operation

I'm trying to calculate logab (and get a floating point back, not an integer). I was planning to do this as log(b)/log(a). Mathematically speaking, I can use any of the cmath log functions (base 2, e, or 10) to do this calculation; however, I will be running this calculation a lot during my program, so I was wondering if one of them is significantly faster than the others (or better yet, if there is a faster, but still simple, way to do this). If it matters, both a and b are integers.
First, precalculate 1.0/log(a) and multiply each log(b) by that expression instead.
Edit: I originally said that the natural logarithm (base e) would be fastest, but others state that base 2 is supported directly by the processor and would be fastest. I have no reason to doubt it.
Edit 2: I originally assumed that a was a constant, but in re-reading the question that is never stated. If so then there would be no benefit to precalculating. If it is however, you can maintain readability with an appropriate choice of variable names:
const double base_a = 1.0 / log(a);
for (int b = 0; b < bazillions; ++b)
double result = log(b) * base_a;
Strangely enough Microsoft doesn't supply a base 2 log function, which explains why I was unfamiliar with it. Also the x86 instruction for calculating logs includes a multiplication automatically, and the constants required for the different bases are also available via an optimized instruction, so I'd expect the 3 different log functions to have identical timing (even base 2 would have to multiply by 1).
Since b and a are integers, you can use all the glory of bit twiddling to find their logs to the base 2. Here are some:
Find the log base 2 of an integer with the MSB N set in O(N) operations (the obvious way)
Find the integer log base 2 of an integer with an 64-bit IEEE float
Find the log base 2 of an integer with a lookup table
Find the log base 2 of an N-bit integer in O(lg(N)) operations
Find the log base 2 of an N-bit integer in O(lg(N)) operations with multiply and lookup
I'll leave it to you to choose the best "fast-log" function for your needs.
On the platforms for which I have data, log2 is very slightly faster than the others, in line with my expectations. Note however, that the difference is extremely slight (only a couple percent). This is really not worth worrying about.
Write an implementation that is clear. Then measure the performance.
In the 8087 instruction set, there is only an instruction for the logarithm to base 2, so I would guess this one to be the fastest.
Of course this kind of question depends largely on your processor/architecture, so I would suggest to make a simple test and time it.
The answer is:
it depends
profile it
You don't even mention your CPU type, the variable type, the compiler flags, the data layout. If you need to do lot's of these in parallel, I'm sure there will be a SIMD option. Your compiler will optimize that as long as you use alignment and clear simple loops (or valarray if you like archaic approaches).
Chances are, the intel compiler has specific tricks for intel processors in this area.
If you really wanted you could use CUDA and leverage GPU.
I suppose, if you are unfortunate enough to lack these instruction sets you could go down at the bit fiddling level and write an algorithm that does a nice approximation. In this case, I can bet more than one apple-pie that 2-log is going to be faster than any other base-log

Testing for Random Value - Thoughts on this Approach?

OK, I have been working on a random image selector and queue system (so you don't see the same images too often).
All was going swimmingly (as far as my crappy code does) until I got to the random bit. I wanted to test it, but how do you test for it? There is no Debug.Assert(i.IsRandom) (sadly) :D
So, I got my brain on it after watering it with some tea and came up with the following, I was just wondering if I could have your thoughts?
Basically I knew the random bit was the problem, so I ripped that out to a delegate (which would then be passed to the objects constructor).
I then created a class that pretty much performs the same logic as the live code, but remembers the value selected in a private variable.
I then threw that delegate to the live class and tested against that:
Debug.Assert(myObj.RndVal == RndIntTester.ValuePassed);
But I couldn't help but think, was I wasting my time? I ran that through lots of iterations to see if it fell over at any time etc.
Do you think I was wasting my time with this? Or could I have got away with:
GateKiller's answer reminded me of this:
Update to Clarify
I should add that I basically never want to see the same result more than X number of times from a pool of Y size.
The addition of the test container basically allowed me to see if any of the previously selected images were "randomly" selected.
I guess technically the thing here being tested in not the RNG (since I never wrote that code) but the fact that am I expecting random results from a limited pool, and I want to track them.
Test from the requirement : "so you don't see the same images too often"
Ask for 100 images. Did you see an image too often?
There is a handy list of statistical randomness tests and related research on Wikipedia. Note that you won't know for certain that a source is truly random with most of these, you'll just have ruled out some ways in which it may be easily predictable.
If you have a fixed set of items, and you don't want them to repeat too often, shuffle the collection randomly. Then you will be sure that you never see the same image twice in a row, feel like you're listening to Top 20 radio, etc. You'll make a full pass through the collection before repeating.
Item[] foo = …
for (int idx = foo.size(); idx > 1; --idx) {
/* Pick random number from half-open interval [0, idx) */
int rnd = random(idx);
Item tmp = foo[idx - 1];
foo[idx - 1] = foo[rnd];
foo[rnd] = tmp;
If you have too many items to collect and shuffle all at once (10s of thousands of images in a repository), you can add some divide-and-conquer to the same approach. Shuffle groups of images, then shuffle each group.
A slightly different approach that sounds like it might apply to your revised problem statement is to have your "image selector" implementation keep its recent selection history in a queue of at most Y length. Before returning an image, it tests to see if its in the queue X times already, and if so, it randomly selects another, until it find one that passes.
If you are really asking about testing the quality of the random number generator, I'll have to open the statistics book.
It's impossible to test if a value is truly random or not. The best you can do is perform the test some large number of times and test that you got an appropriate distribution, but if the results are truly random, even this has a (very small) chance of failing.
If you're doing white box testing, and you know your random seed, then you can actually compute the expected result, but you may need a separate test to test the randomness of your RNG.
The generation of random numbers is
too important to be left to chance. -- Robert R. Coveyou
To solve the psychological problem:
A decent way to prevent apparent repetitions is to select a few items at random from the full set, discarding duplicates. Play those, then select another few. How many is "a few" depends on how fast you're playing them and how big the full set is, but for example avoiding a repeat inside the larger of "20", and "5 minutes" might be OK. Do user testing - as the programmer you'll be so sick of slideshows you're not a good test subject.
To test randomising code, I would say:
Step 1: specify how the code MUST map the raw random numbers to choices in your domain, and make sure that your code correctly uses the output of the random number generator. Test this by Mocking the generator (or seeding it with a known test value if it's a PRNG).
Step 2: make sure the generator is sufficiently random for your purposes. If you used a library function, you do this by reading the documentation. If you wrote your own, why?
Step 3 (advanced statisticians only): run some statistical tests for randomness on the output of the generator. Make sure you know what the probability is of a false failure on the test.
There are whole books one can write about randomness and evaluating if something appears to be random, but I'll save you the pages of mathematics. In short, you can use a chi-square test as a way of determining how well an apparently "random" distribution fits what you expect.
If you're using Perl, you can use the Statistics::ChiSquare module to do the hard work for you.
However if you want to make sure that your images are evenly distributed, then you probably won't want them to be truly random. Instead, I'd suggest you take your entire list of images, shuffle that list, and then remove an item from it whenever you need a "random" image. When the list is empty, you re-build it, re-shuffle, and repeat.
This technique means that given a set of images, each individual image can't appear more than once every iteration through your list. Your images can't help but be evenly distributed.
All the best,
What the Random and similar functions give you is but pseudo-random numbers, a series of numbers produced through a function. Usually, you give that function it's first input parameter (a.k.a. the "seed") which is used to produce the first "random" number. After that, each last value is used as the input parameter for the next iteration of the cycle. You can check the Wikipedia article on "Pseudorandom number generator", the explanation there is very good.
All of these algorithms have something in common: the series repeats itself after a number of iterations. Remember, these aren't truly random numbers, only series of numbers that seem random. To select one generator over another, you need to ask yourself: What do you want it for?
How do you test randomness? Indeed you can. There are plenty of tests for that. The first and most simple is, of course, run your pseudo-random number generator an enormous number of times, and compile the number of times each result appears. In the end, each result should've appeared a number of times very close to (number of iterations)/(number of possible results). The greater the standard deviation of this, the worse your generator is.
The second is: how much random numbers are you using at the time? 2, 3? Take them in pairs (or tripplets) and repeat the previous experiment: after a very long number of iterations, each expected result should have appeared at least once, and again the number of times each result has appeared shouldn't be too far away from the expected. There are some generators which work just fine for taking one or 2 at a time, but fail spectacularly when you're taking 3 or more (RANDU anyone?).
There are other, more complex tests: some involve plotting the results in a logarithmic scale, or onto a plane with a circle in the middle and then counting how much of the plots fell within, others... I believe those 2 above should suffice most of the times (unless you're a finicky mathematician).
Random is Random. Even if the same picture shows up 4 times in a row, it could still be considered random.
My opinion is that anything random cannot be properly tested.
Sure you can attempt to test it, but there are so many combinations to try that you are better off just relying on the RNG and spot checking a large handful of cases.
Well, the problem is that random numbers by definition can get repeated (because they are... wait for it: random). Maybe what you want to do is save the latest random number and compare the calculated one to that, and if equal just calculate another... but now your numbers are less random (I know there's not such a thing as "more or less" randomness, but let me use the term just this time), because they are guaranteed not to repeat.
Anyway, you should never give random numbers so much thought. :)
As others have pointed out, it is impossible to really test for randomness. You can (and should) have the randomness contained to one particular method, and then write unit tests for every other method. That way, you can test all of the other functionality, assuming that you can get a random number out of that one last part.
store the random values and before you use the next generated random number, check against the stored value.
Any good pseudo-random number generator will let you seed the generator. If you seed the generator with same number, then the stream of random numbers generated will be the same. So why not seed your random number generator and then create your unit tests based on that particular stream of numbers?
To get a series of non-repeating random numbers:
Create a list of random numbers.
Add a sequence number to each random number
Sort the sequenced list by the original random number
Use your sequence number as a new random number.
Don't test the randomness, test to see if the results your getting are desirable (or, rather, try to get undesirable results a few times before accepting that your results are probably going to be desirable).
It will be impossible to ensure that you'll never get an undesirable result if you're testing a random output, but you can at least increase the chances that you'll notice it happening.
I would either take N pools of Y size, checking for any results that appear more than X number of times, or take one pool of N*Y size, checking every group of Y size for any result that appears more than X times (1 to Y, 2 to Y + 1, 3 to Y + 2, etc). What N is would depend on how reliable you want the test to be.
Random numbers are generated from a distribution. In this case, every value should have the same propability of appearing. If you calculate an infinite amount of randoms, you get the exact distribution.
In practice, call the function many times and check the results. If you expect to have N images, calculate 100*N randoms, then count how many of each expected number were found. Most should appear 70-130 times. Re-run the test with different random-seed to see if the results are different.
If you find the generator you use now is not good enough, you can easily find something. Google for "Mersenne Twister" - that is much more random than you ever need.
To avoid images re-appearing, you need something less random. A simple approach would be to check for the unallowed values, if its one of those, re-calculate.
Although you cannot test for randomness, you can test that for correlation, or distribution, of a sequence of numbers.
Hard to test goal: Each time we need an image, select 1 of 4 images at random.
Easy to test goal: For every 100 images we select, each of the 4 images must appear at least 20 times.
I agree with Adam Rosenfield. For the situation you're talking about, the only thing you can usefully test for is distribution across the range.
The situation I usually encounter is that I'm generating pseudorandom numbers with my favourite language's PRNG, and then manipulating them into the desired range. To check whether my manipulations have affected the distribution, I generate a bunch of numbers, manipulate them, and then check the distribution of the results.
To get a good test, you should generate at least a couple orders of magnitude more numbers than your range holds. The more values you use, the better the test. Obviously if you have a really large range, this won't work since you'll have to generate far too many numbers. But in your situation it should work fine.
Here's an example in Perl that illustrates what I mean:
for (my $i=0; $i<=100000; $i++) {
my $r = rand; # Get the random number
$r = int($r * 1000); # Move it into the desired range
$dist{$r} ++; # Count the occurrences of each number
print "Min occurrences: ", (sort { $a <=> $b } values %dist)[1], "\n";
print "Max occurrences: ", (sort { $b <=> $a } values %dist)[1], "\n";
If the spread between the min and max occurrences is small, then your distribution is good. If it's wide, then your distribution may be bad. You can also use this approach to check whether your range was covered and whether any values were missed.
Again, the more numbers you generate, the more valid the results. I tend to start small and work up to whatever my machine will handle in a reasonable amount of time, e.g. five minutes.
Supposing you are testing a range for randomness within integers, one way to verify this is to create a gajillion (well, maybe 10,000 or so) 'random' numbers and plot their occurrence on a histogram.
****** ****** ****
1 2 3 4 5
The above shows a 'relatively' normal distribution.
if it looked more skewed, such as this:
****** ****** ****
************ ************ ************
************ ************ ***************
************ ************ ****************
************ ************ *****************
************ ************ *****************
*************************** ******************
**************************** ******************
******************************* ******************
1 2 3 4 5
Then you can see there is less randomness. As others have mentioned, there is the issue of repetition to contend with as well.
If you were to write a binary file of say 10,000 random numbers from your generator using, say a random number from 1 to 1024 and try to compress that file using some compression (zip, gzip, etc.) then you could compare the two file sizes. If there is 'lots' of compression, then it's not particularly random. If there isn't much of a change in size, then it's 'pretty random'.
Why this works
The compression algorithms look for patterns (repetition and otherwise) and reduces that in some way. One way to look a these compression algorithms is a measure of the amount of information in a file. A highly compressed file has little information (e.g. randomness) and a little-compressed file has much information (randomness)