Xcode codecompletion, just variables - c++

I am learing programming and using Xcode. I would like to trim the autocompletion a bit. I feel like this make me not remember syntax, I often just look it up in codecompletion. And I would for the time being be able to hardcode everything.
Is there a way to make it only complete variable names? This is useful for saving time. But i do not want all the extra.
I am programming in c++ for the record.
Thanks in advance!

You can press escape key when you want to complete names. The first word in the suggest list always the true word. then you just press Enter/return key.


Regex help for somebody that realy need help - Visual basic

I'm actually starting creating a small language (in vb net, yes I know, maybe not a good idea).
I already started learning tutorials about regex, but apparently this function is saying me to get out).
I want to add some kind of commands, such as a command that allow you to arg. a /print command, something like:
/PRINT["Hello world";"blue";propety:{bold;italic}]
So, for me, the regex is :
So you understand that's not something I like writing.
Would you show me how to construct regex code for the first command I let?
Regex alone isn't the best way to create a language that, well, actually works.
Read this article for more info. I'm sure you can find better way to write a language if you really need to write it. In vb.net...
Anyway, if you insist on writing it in vb, I found a video that will help you with it.

Change the ASCII of a typed character

Im looking to make a program that mixes up all the keyboard letters/ASCII values. Sort of like the software version of taking off the keyboard letters and moving them around... Is there any way to do this? Right now, Im using an infinite while loop with a GetAsyncKeyState() inside to get any typed letters, but I dont know how to take that information and change it and put it back into system... Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
This sounds like someone is trying to write some nasty program?
For Windows: The basic idea would be catching window messages (WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP) and change the key values/ids before passing them.
Depending on your version, this will require your code to run with administrator privileges.
I don't have any experience for other systems regarding this, but the basic idea would most likely be the same.

C.VIM not working

I have a simple question (that I don't seem to be able to answer),
I am a new VIM/Linux user, and since I do c++ development I decided to install the C.VIM plugin to speed up my development time. The problem is, it says in the plug-in (c++) menu that to do a switch statement I have to write \ss (for me the leader is ",", so it's ",ss") but when I do this it just puts me in insert mode and nothing happens. I know the plugin is well set up because when I open a new c++ file it generates a comment box where I can give the description of the program.
I would love it if I would be able to use the shortcuts, because using the menu just losses the point of using vim.
Oh and please, just keep in mind that I am new to vim, I still have hard time figuring out what means <c-r> + TAB (which is, if i'm not mistaking "ctrl-r <tab>"), so if you could just try to explain the solution clearly without to much jargon I would appreciate it. (while i'm here, does anyone know of a good vim tutorial where I could understands all of the vim jargon, thanks!)
I appreciate all the help.
I use this cheat sheet:
Please add the below line to .vimrc and
helptags ~/.vim/bundle/c.vim/doc
Note: I have pointed to my c.vim doc and I use bundle, it may differ for you :)

How can I highlight different types of file in dired mode in Emacs?

In a nutshell, I want to have different faces for some types of file in dired mode. I don't think it matters, but I am using Aquamacs.
The example I will use here is .tex files. If I can do it for .tex, then I can just apply the same structure to do create other faces for other types of files.
From what I understand, I have to create a variable, write a regular expression, then apply a hook. I read a bit about regex and so far I have
I think my structure and regular expression are not really correct. I am not a programmer (though I have an interest on it), I have only been using Emacs for 2 weeks or so, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
What I need is at least the basic structure of what I have to do. I understand there may be modes already created that do something similar (such as maybe Wdired and Dired-X), and I would not complain if someone told me about them, but what I really want is to have an elisp code (either already written or that I can work on), as I plan on learning a bit of elisp to be able to write my own customisations and this would be a way to learn.
Thank you!
Since you want to learn how to do it, try checking out the extension dired+.el. This mode does a lot more than what you want, but it does add new faces. Specifically, look for the variable diredp-font-lock-keywords-1 and how it is used. That should get you going.
Other SO questions that seem relevant are:
Match regular expression as keyword in define-generic-mode
Highlighting correctly in an emacs major mode
A hello world example for a major mode in emacs?

Emacs and C++

Once again it is time to clean up my emacs setup. Before I go cleaning it up, are there any packages that you would recommend above and beyond c++-mode, cedet, ecb, speedbar etc. ? Especially stuff that's new in the last five years.
This could be helpful!
I use msf-abbrevs package for inserting code snippets as i type special code words - something like for, if, etc, but with highliting of positions, that should be filled out, and moving between them with TAB key
You might like some of the stuff I added for C programming including splint, cdecl, scons support in making projects and xcscope.