What is the correct place to put mock demand statements in Grails tests - unit-testing

I am working with grails and writing tests using Spock framework.
I am trying to figure out what is the correct section (given, where, then, setup ...) in the test to put mock code.
For example, is the following correct?
void "test Something"() {
//build mock and add demand statements...
//Call method

I tend to put my demands in the then section unless I have complex mocks in which case I put them in the given, but they will work both places.
void "test Something"() {
def myService = Mock(MyService)
mainThing.myService = myService
1 * myService.call() >> 'value'


How to test predicate in an unit test?

I have an Apache Camel application, which uses a Choice with a Predicate. How can I test the predicate without an integration test?
public class TestApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(TestApplication.class, args);
public EndpointRouteBuilder route() {
return new EndpointRouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception {
.when(jsonpath("$[?(#.status == 0)]"))
.log("not ok");
I read Test JUnit5, but it looks like an integration test. However, I don't want to test a full route.
I read Test Spring JUnit5, but it is an integration test.
How can I extract the predicate jsonpath("$[?(#.status == 0)]") and test it isolated in an unit test with JUnit 5?
Might be hard to accomplish this without a CamelContext. I'd probably approach this with Camel's excellent mocking and stubbing utilities. But if you really just want to isolate the jsonpath expression, you could try something like this:
JsonPathExpression exp = new JsonPathExpression("$[?(#.status == 0)]");
Exchange exchange = new DefaultExchange(context);
final Predicate predicate = exp.createPredicate(context);
exchange.getIn().setBody("{ \"status\": 0 }");
final boolean matches = predicate.matches(exchange);
Note that you'll still need a CamelContext for this. Typically you'd get it by having the test class extend CamelTestSupport, or if you're in a spring environment, spring can autowire it: #Autowired CamelContext camelContext;
Edit: If you just want to test the JsonPath expression outside of Camel:
String jsonPath = "$[?(#.status == 0)]";
String json = "{ \"status\": 0 }";
DocumentContext jsonContext = JsonPath.parse(json);
JSONArray result = jsonContext.read(jsonPath);
assertEquals(1, result.size());
My opinion (you'll probably get 100 more ;-)
Separate that route into another class by itself that can be loaded into the Spring context later.
Use CamelTestSupport to load just Camel (not Spring) in JUnit.
Use Camel "advice" to change "from" to a direct, or create a file (in your test) to exercise the test case you want (once with each branch of the choice.
Again with "advice" change the log to mocks - then after running the file/message you want check to see if the correct mock got a message and the other did not.

Unit test fails

I am new in Grails, I want to write unit tests for services using Spock. However I have the following issue.
import grails.transaction.Transactional
class BService {
boolean createB(){
return true
For this class I wrote the following test:
class BServiceTest extends Specification {
def "test createB"(){
def service = new BService()
def boolean temp
temp = service.createB()
temp == true
The error I am getting when I run this test is the following:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No transactionManager was specified. Using #Transactional or #Rollback requires a valid configured transaction manager. If you are running in a unit test ensure the test has been properly configured and that you run the test suite not an individual test method.
and it shows in GrailsTransactionTemplate.groovy:60
I would really appreciatie if anyone can give me a hint.
Add a #TestFor(BService) annotation to your unit test and use the instance of the service that it automatically provides. See http://grails.github.io/grails-doc/3.0.x/guide/testing.html for more information on testing.
Thank you ataylor for your reply. However I did a mistake, so I am now ansewring my own question.
First of all, the name conversion is wrong. When I create a service in grails there is automatically set a unit-test for this, so in that case I would have:
class BServiceSpec extends Specification {
def setup() {
User u = new User(1)
def cleanup() {
def "test something"(){
In this case when I write a unit test, it runs.
The test that I had before was a functional test where I could not pass objects from the domain, so I had an error of the transactional manager.

Grails : Spock : Unit testing GORM domain class hooks

Usually I was ending up writing test cases for a Domain by writing them for constraints and any custom methods(created by us in application) as we know we shouldn't test obvious.
But the time we started using coverage plugin, we found that our domains line of code is not fully covered which was due to gorm hooks(onInsert, beforeUpdate) that we never wrote test cases for.
Is there a way we can test these. One possible way that seems obvious but not suitable is to call another method(containing all code which was earlier in hooks) within these hooks and test that method only and be carefree for hooks.
Any solutions...
Sample code in domain that I want to unit-test:
class TestDomain{
String activationDate
def beforeInsert() {
this.activationDate = (this.activationDate) ?: new Date()//first login date would come here though
How can I unit-test beforeInsert or I would end up writing integration test case?
Perhaps a unit test like:
import grails.test.mixin.TestFor
class TestDomainSpec extends Specification {
def "test beforeSave"() {
def testDomain = new TestDomain().save(flush:true)
testDomain.activationDate != null

Grails 2.4.4 : How do mock a transient service inside a domain?

I have been trying to figure this out for 2 days now and I am really stuck and frustrated. I have a domain object with a service which is being used for custom validation. The domain looks like this:
class Llama {
String name
transient myFetcherService
static transients = [
static constraints = {
name validator: { val, obj ->
if (obj.nameExists(val) == true) {
//return some error here.
protected boolean nameExists(String name) {
List<Llama> llamasList = myFetcherService.fetchExistingLlamasByName(name)
if (llamasList.isEmpty()) {
return false
return true
Now, I have another Service, which simply saves a list of Llama objects. It looks like this:
class LlamaFactoryService {
public void createLlamas(List<String> llamaNames) {
llamaNames.each { name ->
new Llama(name: name).save()
In my test. I keep getting this error:
Failure: createLlamas should create Llammas (com.myLlamaProject.LlamaFactoryServiceSpec)
| java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method myFetcherService on null object
I don't understand. In my tests, added a metaClass for the service in the "given" section. When it tries to save, it's telling that the service is null. This is what my test looks like:
def myFetcherService = mockFor(MyFetcherService)
myFetcherService.demand.fetchExistingLlamasByName {def name -> return []}
Llama.metaClass.myFetcherService = myFetcherService.createMock()
//some validations here....
I also tried using metaClass on the method nameExists() like:
Llama.metaClass.myFetcherService = { def name -> false }
, but it gives me the same nullPointerException as the one above. Could someone point me to the right direction? I'm a bit stuck. :(
Thanks in advance for reading and helping.
You're using a unit test and the general rule for unit tests is that beans generally aren't created for you, so you'll need to inject them yourself.
(Code edited to reflect the fact I misread the question)
I think you want a testing pattern something like:
def mockMyFetcherService = Mock(MyFetcherService) // create the mock
Llama.metaClass.getMyFetcherService = { mockMyFetcherService } // inject the dependency
def returnList = [] // let's just define this here and you can re-use this pattern in other tests more easily
// tell Spock what you expect to have happen with your Mock - return the List you defined above
3 * mockFetcherService.fetchExistingLlamasByName(_) >> returnList
If the injection of the service into the metaClass doesn't work (suggested here), you could always try using the defineBeans{} closure within the unit test itself (http://www.block-consult.com/blog/2011/08/17/inject-spring-security-service-into-domain-class-for-controller-unit-testing/).
Thus you could try:
defineBeans {
where MockMyFetcherService is defined in the same file that defines the test. This is the approach followed here:
See here for examples of more Spock interactions.
If you're using Grails 2.4.3 or below you'll need to put CGLIB in BuildConfig.groovy but I see here that it's already done for you in 2.4.4, so you should be ok just to use Mock(classname).

Passing mock created with Groovy's MockFor as reference

I am trying to augment existing Java project with some Groovy goodness, starting with tests.
So, let's say I have ServiceA (Java class) that depends on ServiceB (another Java class); it is passed as a reference in constructor:
public class ServiceA {
private ServiceB serviceB;
public ServiceA(ServiceB seviceB){
this.serviceB = serviceB;
public boolean doSomeWork(){
//some logic
return serviceB.doMoreWork();
Let's assume that serviceB.doMoreWork() returns true.
In order to test ServiceA I want to mock ServiceB using MockFor:
void testDoSomeWork(){
def mocker = new MockFor(ServiceB) //1 create the Mock support
mocker.demand.doMoreWork(2){ //2 twice for this demonstration
false //3 return other value than in real code
mocker.use {
def mockServiceB = new ServiceB() //4 creates mock instead of real one
assert !mockServiceB.doMoreWork() //5 that's good!
def serviceA = new ServiceA(mockServiceB)
assert !serviceA.doSomeWork() //6 that fails! Real implementation called!
As you can see, the same object acts as mock in #5 and as real object in #6. I assume it has something to do with the fact that it is Java Object, not GoovyObject. What gives?
1) The following understanding is wrong:
def mockServiceB = new ServiceB() //4 creates mock instead of real one
You are not creating mock here. You are creating the real object. It's the method dispatch that Groovy routes differently.
2) In the code below, Groovy takes care of routing your doMoreWork() call to mock version because "new MockFor(ServiceB).demand.doMoreWork" gives Groovy the information that there is a stubbed implementation of doMoreWork()
def mocker = new MockFor(ServiceB)
mocker.use {
So, the above magic works when mockServiceB.doMoreWork() call is made from Groovy.
When the same call is made from Java, it does not go through Groovy's MOP infrastructure, so it goes directly to the real implementation of doMoreWork()
Remember: for MockFor, Groovy does not do any bytecode instrumentation, etc so that the modified class is visible in Java as well.