In the example code below I return a lazy list. What I would like to happen when someone calls count on the list is that some arbitrary function get executed instead and returns whatever I like.
(defn my-range [i limit]
(when (< i limit)
(cons i (my-range (inc i) limit)))))
(count (my-range 0 9)) returns whatever
I'm not sure if this should be possible: I have been looking at reifybut can't figure out if it can be used in this situation.
You can do this, but it's rather a lot of work: you have to implement all the sequence-related interfaces yourself, and delegate most of them to your lazy seq. Here's a sketch:
(defn my-range [i limit]
(let [ret (lazy-seq
(when (< i limit)
(cons i (my-range (inc i) limit))))]
(count [this] 10)
(first [this] (.first ret))
(next [this] (.next ret))
(more [this] (.more ret))
(cons [this x] (.cons ret x))
(empty [this] (.empty ret))
(equiv [this x] (.equiv ret x))
(seq [this] (.seq ret)))))
And indeed (my-range 1 3) returns a two-item sequence which claims to have a count of 10, which is what you wanted.
I'm trying to make a take function myself, but this appears to be giving a stack overflow, any idea what may be causing it?
(defn my-take-plus [n Lst LstAcc count]
(let [LstVec (into [] Lst)]
(cond (= count n) LstAcc
(conj LstAcc (first LstVec))
(inc count)
(my-take-plus n (apply list(rest LstVec)) LstAcc count)
(defn my-take [n Lst]
(my-take-plus n Lst [] 0)
also, there is one more 'clojurish' way to do this:
(defn my-take [n data]
(when (and (pos? n) (seq data))
(cons (first data)
(my-take (dec n) (rest data))))))
this one is lazy, and also prevents stack overflow.. Moreover, as far as i remember, the clojure.core/take is implemented in a similar way
I would consider using a loop/recur strategy so that Clojure does tail-call optimization (TCO) to prevent a Stack Overflow.
(defn take' [n coll]
(loop [n n
acc []
coll coll]
(empty? coll) acc
((comp not pos?) n) acc
:else (recur (dec n) (conj acc (first coll)) (rest coll)))))
In your example, I would've considered using an if since you only had to conditional branches. cond is generally used more like a case statement.
I have written a function that uses recursion to find the number of elements in a list and it works successfully however, I don't particularly like the way I've written it. Now I've written it one way I can't seem to think of a different way of doing it.
My code is below:
(def length
(fn [n]
(loop [i n total 0]
(cond (= 0 i) total
:t (recur (rest i)(inc total))))))
To me it seems like it is over complicated, can anyone think of another way this can be written for comparison?
Any help greatly appreciated.
Here is a naive recursive version:
(defn my-count [coll]
(if (empty? coll)
(inc (my-count (rest coll)))))
Bear in mind there's not going to be any tail call optimization going on here so for long lists the stack will overflow.
Here is a version using reduce:
(defn my-count [coll]
(reduce (fn [acc x] (inc acc)) 0 coll))
Here is code showing some different solutions. Normally, you should use the built-in function count.
(def data [:one :two :three])
(defn count-loop [data]
(loop [cnt 0
remaining data]
(if (empty? remaining)
(recur (inc cnt) (rest remaining)))))
(defn count-recursive [remaining]
(if (empty? remaining)
(inc (count-recursive (rest remaining)))))
(defn count-imperative [data]
(let [cnt (atom 0)]
(doseq [elem data]
(swap! cnt inc))
(deftest t-count
(is (= 3 (count data)))
(is (= 3 (count-loop data)))
(is (= 3 (count-recursive data)))
(is (= 3 (count-imperative data))))
Here's one that is tail-call optimized, and doesn't rely on loop. Basically the same as Alan Thompson's first one, but inner functions are the best things. (And feel more idiomatic to me.) :-)
(defn my-count [sq]
(letfn [(inner-count [c s]
(if (empty? s)
(recur (inc c) (rest s))))]
(inner-count 0 sq)))
Just for completeness, here is another twist
(defn my-count
(my-count data 0))
([data counter]
(if (empty? data)
(recur (rest data) (inc counter)))))
I have completed this problem on hackerrank and my solution passes most test cases but it is not fast enough for 4 out of the 11 test cases.
My solution looks like this:
(ns scratch.core
(require [clojure.string :as str :only (split-lines join split)]))
(defn ascii [char]
(int (.charAt (str char) 0)))
(defn process [text]
(let [parts (split-at (int (Math/floor (/ (count text) 2))) text)
left (first parts)
right (if (> (count (last parts)) (count (first parts)))
(rest (last parts))
(last parts))]
(reduce (fn [acc i]
(let [a (ascii (nth left i))
b (ascii (nth (reverse right) i))]
(if (> a b)
(+ acc (- a b))
(+ acc (- b a))))
) 0 (range (count left)))))
(defn print-result [[x & xs]]
(prn x)
(if (seq xs)
(recur xs)))
(let [input (slurp "/Users/paulcowan/Downloads/input10.txt")
inputs (str/split-lines input)
length (read-string (first inputs))
texts (rest inputs)]
(time (print-result (map process texts))))
Can anyone give me any advice about what I should look at to make this faster?
Would using recursion instead of reduce be faster or maybe this line is expensive:
right (if (> (count (last parts)) (count (first parts)))
(rest (last parts))
(last parts))
Because I am getting a count twice.
You are redundantly calling reverse on every iteration of the reduce:
user=> (let [c [1 2 3]
noisey-reverse #(doto (reverse %) println)]
(reduce (fn [acc e] (conj acc (noisey-reverse c) e))
[:a :b :c]))
(3 2 1)
(3 2 1)
(3 2 1)
[(3 2 1) :a (3 2 1) :b (3 2 1) :c]
The reversed value could be calculated inside the containing let, and would then only need to be calculated once.
Also, due to the way your parts is defined, you are doing linear time lookups with each call to nth. It would be better to put parts in a vector and do indexed lookup. In fact you wouldn't need a reversed parts, and could do arithmetic based on the count of the vector to find the item to look up.
I have the following functions that check for odd parity in sequence
(defn countOf[a-seq elem]
(loop [number 0 currentSeq a-seq]
(cond (empty? currentSeq) number
(= (first currentSeq) elem) (recur (inc number) (rest currentSeq))
:else (recur number (rest currentSeq))
(defn filteredSeq[a-seq elemToRemove]
(remove (set (vector (first a-seq))) a-seq)
(defn parity [a-seq]
(loop [resultset [] currentSeq a-seq]
(cond (empty? currentSeq) (set resultset)
(odd? (countOf currentSeq (first currentSeq))) (recur (concat resultset (vector(first currentSeq))) (filteredSeq currentSeq (first currentSeq)))
:else (recur resultset (filteredSeq currentSeq (first currentSeq)))
for example (parity [1 1 1 2 2 3]) -> (1 3) that is it picks odd number of elements from a sequence.
Is there a better way to achieve this?
How can this be done with reduce function of clojure
First, I decided to make more idiomatic versions of your code, so I could really see what it was doing:
;; idiomatic naming
;; no need to rewrite count and filter for this code
;; putting item and collection in idiomatic argument order
(defn count-of [elem a-seq]
(count (filter #(= elem %) a-seq)))
;; idiomatic naming
;; putting item and collection in idiomatic argument order
;; actually used the elem-to-remove argument
(defn filtered-seq [elem-to-remove a-seq]
(remove #(= elem-to-remove %) a-seq))
;; idiomatic naming
;; if you want a set, use a set from the beginning
;; destructuring rather than repeated usage of first
;; use rest to recur when the first item is guaranteed to be dropped
(defn idiomatic-parity [a-seq]
(loop [result-set #{}
[elem & others :as current-seq] a-seq]
(cond (empty? current-seq)
(odd? (count-of elem current-seq))
(recur (conj result-set elem) (filtered-seq elem others))
(recur result-set (filtered-seq elem others)))))
Next, as requested, a version that uses reduce to accumulate the result:
;; mapcat allows us to return 0 or more results for each input
(defn reducing-parity [a-seq]
(fn [[k v]]
(when (odd? v) [k]))
(reduce (fn [result item]
(update-in result [item] (fnil inc 0)))
But, reading over this, I notice that the reduce is just frequencies, a built in clojure function. And my mapcat was really just a hand-rolled keep, another built in.
(defn most-idiomatic-parity [a-seq]
(fn [[k v]]
(when (odd? v) k))
(frequencies a-seq))))
In Clojure we can refine our code, and as we recognize places where our logic replicates the built in functionality, we can simplify the code and make it more clear. Also, there is a good chance the built in is better optimized than our own work-alikes.
Is there a better way to achieve this?
(defn parity [coll]
(->> coll
(filter (fn [[_ v]] (odd? v)))
(map first)
For example,
(parity [1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3])
;#{1 3}
How can this be done with reduce function of clojure.
We can use reduce to rewrite frequencies:
(defn frequencies [coll]
(fn [acc x] (assoc acc x (inc (get acc x 0))))
... and again to implement parity in terms of it:
(defn parity [coll]
(let [freqs (frequencies coll)]
(reduce (fn [s [k v]] (if (odd? v) (conj s k) s)) #{} freqs)))
As a neophyte clojurian, it was recommended to me that I go through the Project Euler problems as a way to learn the language. Its definitely a great way to improve your skills and gain confidence. I just finished up my answer to problem #14. It works fine, but to get it running efficiently I had to implement some memoization. I couldn't use the prepackaged memoize function because of the way my code was structured, and I think it was a good experience to roll my own anyways. My question is if there is a good way to encapsulate my cache within the function itself, or if I have to define an external cache like I have done. Also, any tips to make my code more idiomatic would be appreciated.
(use 'clojure.test)
(def mem (atom {}))
(defn chain-length
([x] (chain-length x x 0))
([start-val x c]
(if-let [e (last(find #mem x))]
(let [ret (+ c e)]
(swap! mem assoc start-val ret)
(if (<= x 1)
(let [ret (+ c 1)]
(swap! mem assoc start-val ret)
(if (even? x)
(recur start-val (/ x 2) (+ c 1))
(recur start-val (+ 1 (* x 3)) (+ c 1)))))))
(is (= 10 (chain-length 13))))
(defn longest-chain
([] (longest-chain 2 0 0))
([c max start-num]
(if (>= c 1000000)
(let [l (chain-length c)]
(if (> l max)
(recur (+ 1 c) l c)
(recur (+ 1 c) max start-num))))))
(is (= 837799 (longest-chain))))
Since you want the cache to be shared between all invocations of chain-length, you would write chain-length as (let [mem (atom {})] (defn chain-length ...)) so that it would only be visible to chain-length.
In this case, since the longest chain is sufficiently small, you could define chain-length using the naive recursive method and use Clojure's builtin memoize function on that.
Here's an idiomatic(?) version using plain old memoize.
(def chain-length
(fn [n]
(== n 1) 1
(even? n) (inc (chain-length (/ n 2)))
:else (inc (chain-length (inc (* 3 n))))))))
(defn longest-chain [start end]
(reduce (fn [x y]
(if (> (second x) (second y)) x y))
(for [n (range start (inc end))]
[n (chain-length n)])))
If you have an urge to use recur, consider map or reduce first. They often do what you want, and sometimes do it better/faster, since they take advantage of chunked seqs.
(inc x) is like (+ 1 x), but inc is about twice as fast.
You can capture the surrounding environment in a clojure :
(defn my-memoize [f]
(let [cache (atom {})]
(fn [x]
(let [cy (get #cache x)]
(if (nil? cy)
(let [fx (f x)]
(reset! cache (assoc #cache x fx)) fx) cy)))))
(defn mul2 [x] (do (print "Hello") (* 2 x)))
(def mmul2 (my-memoize mul2))
user=> (mmul2 2)
user=> (mmul2 2)
You see the mul2 funciton is only called once.
So the 'cache' is captured by the clojure and can be used to store the values.