Qt find out if QSpinBox was changed by user - c++

Let's suppose I have a QSpinBox, how I can find out if the value was changed manually from user or from a other function?
EDIT: I want to do some actions only when user change values but if your program does it (setValue) I don't want do this actions.

Possible solution:
In this case, signal will not be emitted, so all what you can catch by valueChanged() signal is only user's action.
For example:
void MainWindow::on_spinBox_valueChanged(int arg1)
qDebug() << "called";
When user change value by mouse or type by keybord, you see "called", but when you setValue with blocking signals, you don't see "called".
Another approach is to provide some bool variable and set it to true before the setValue and check this variable in slot. If it is false(user action) - do some action, if not - don't do(change bool to false). Advantages: you don't block signal. Disadvantages: maybe hard readable code, if slot calls many times, you will many time do this unnecessary checking.


QLabel not updating from slot call

My QLabel is not updating from slot. I run sender class in separate thread using QObject::moveToThread:
QThread* serviceThread = new QThread;
service = new ExportService();
Service object send states by emiting signal with ServiceState enum value, this signal is captured by QDialog slot:
void Dialog::statusChanged(Service::ServiceState s)
switch (s) {
case Service::IDLE:
qDebug() << "Idle";
ui->label->setText("Service send response succesfully.");
case Service::REQUESTING:
qDebug() << "Requesting";
ui->label->setText("Requesting response from service...");
case Service::ERROR:
qDebug() << "Error";
ui->label->setText("Error. Cannot get response from service.");
After operation on the object which emits a signal twice, the first time with value of Service::REQUESTING and second time with value of Service::IDLE my QLabel change text only to "Service send response succesfully.". In the console I can see that qDebug() << "Requesting"; works so the state changed successfully.
After comment out ui->label->setText("Service send response succesfully."); label has changed to requesting state but after the whole operation was done ie i see "Requesting" in console then "Idle" and after that QLabel has changed.
What should I do if I want to see QLabel changing in realtime?
First, try adding update() after setText(), chances are setText() doesn't automatically schedule a repaint() for the QLabel, if it works then problem solved.
However, for update() function:
void QWidget::update()
This function does not cause an immediate repaint; instead it
schedules a paint event for processing when Qt returns to the main
event loop. This permits Qt to optimize for more speed and less
flicker than a call to repaint() does.
> Calling update() several times normally results in just one
paintEvent() call.
which basically says, if you call them too frequently and some of them will be optimized away.
If this is not the desired behaviour, try adding a forced repaint() after setText(), or using a timer to schedule periodical forced repaints.
As is mentioned in the comment, forcing repaint() isn't good solution.
This answer is intended to provide an analysis of the cause of the code's behaviour and the "forced repaint()" suggestion is more of a way to verify this analysis than a solution to the problem.
However, without further information on the purpose of the program, it's very difficult to provide further suggestions.
The status change from requesting to idle happens quickly. The text "Requesting response from service..." is not on the label long enough for the eye to see it.
The fact that "Requesting ..." is in the debug output is proof of this, but if you want more proof there are other things you could do:
use a counter that counts each time the statusChanged() function is called and display this either in the same label as the status text (in addition to the status text) or a different label.
add a high accuracy timer output to the debug outputs - see how close together the status changes are.
use a couple of check boxes, one for idle status and one for requesting status. Change their state when the appropriate status is received. That is whne the first Idle is received set the check box to checked. When the next idle is received toggle it to unchecked.
I would just accept that the debug outputs are telling the truth and move on.

check if qtreewidgetitem checkbox is checked

i have a qtreewidget with checkable item, i can check and uncheck element, i want to check if item is checked or not, i use connect but my slot is not called, i add break point in my slot but i never reach it,
i connect like this :
connect(_events, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), this, SLOT(eventChecked(QWidgetItem*,int)));
connect(_player, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), this, SLOT(playerChecked(QWidgetItem*,int)));
i used both itemClicked and itemChanged but my slots never called, my slot is :
playerChecked(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int i)
if(item->checkState(i) == Qt::Checked) {
std::cout << "reached here" << std::endl;
} else {
i use connect but my slot is not called, i add break point in my slot but i never reach it
There are a couple of things that can be done in such cases to pin the issue down:
Check the console output to see if there are any complaints.
See if the connect statement is called.
Check the return value of the connect statement whether the connection was made successfully.
In this special case, the issue is matching parameters because you have this for the connect statement:
whereas you have this slot declaration:
playerChecked(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int i)
You can see the mix of QWidgetItem and QTreeWidgetItem. This probably applies to the eventChecked slot, too. You need to make them matching, probably by passing QTreeWidgetItem* to the slot, especially since that is what the signal also contains that the slot is connected to. This would be the solution, respectively:
connect(_events, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), this, SLOT(eventChecked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)));
connect(_player, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), this, SLOT(playerChecked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)));
Personally, I would even drop the this parameter as it is implicit. That makes the lines somewhat shorter without making it less comprehensive.
Furthermore, your slot definition does not seem to contain the return value. You would need to add the void in there. You should get a compilation error due to that.
i made mistake because in connect statement i used Qwidgetitem not qtreewidgetitem

How to override keyPressEvent of QTextEdit?

I override keyPressEven() of widget QTextEdit:
void myTextEdit::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
qDebug() << "Ok";
Button 0 works - show "Ok", but does not write in field of QTextEdit. Why? Thanks advance.
You need to call the base class implementation if you want to keep the default behaviour:
void myTextEdit::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
qDebug() << "Ok";
See the docs for keyPressEvent.
In case someone using PySide2 is having trouble overriding QTextEdit's built-in keybindings, I post my solution here. Hopefully this is also useful for C++.
We are using a QTextEdit in an application and want to distribute a series of keybindings, but the text editor has already several hardcoded bindings. We want the editor to ignore them and hand them over to its parent, so they can be eventually handled by our code.
While the docs say that whenever an event is ignored (e.g. by returning True in the installed eventFilter method) it automatically gets passed on to the parent, the truth is that when doing that for predefined keybindings QTextEdit did not hand them over: the event got ignored AND absorbed. So any textedit built-in keybindings filtered this way will be effectively globally disabled.
Direct event passing via sendEvent inside the editor's eventFilter had an interesting effect:
When calling sendEvent and returning super().sendEvent, the keybinding got executed by the editor AND the event passed to the receiver.
When calling sendEvent and returning True, the keybinding didn't get executed, and the event didn't get passed to the receiver.
When calling sendEvent and returning False, the keybinding didn't get executed, and the event passed to the receiver twice.
Using event.ignore() didn't have any effect: the editor executed the built-in anyway.
Trying to discriminate via event.spontaneous() caused a segfault due to a missing pointer. Probably something got GCed but didn't try to debug that.
Trying to replace the event with a "dummy event" and call super also didn't work. Magically, the text editor kept executing the built-ins.
Maybe I missed something. Anyway, below I detail the approach that worked for me.
The plan is to completely block the event, but broadcast it via signals, and then connect to them wherever we want. In your text editor instance, define the signal e.g. as follows:
eventCatched = QtCore.Signal(QtCore.QEvent)
Then, e.g. the following event filter will prevent execution of a few keybindings, and emit them once via eventCatched:
def eventFilter(self, obj, evt):
Remember to install via self.installEventFilter(self)
catch_control_keys = {QtCore.Qt.Key_Left, QtCore.Qt.Key_Right}
catch = False
# documentation for keys and modifiers:
# https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython-5/PySide2/QtCore/Qt.html
if evt.type() == QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress:
modifiers = evt.modifiers()
ctrl = bool(modifiers & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier)
shift = bool(modifiers & QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier)
alt = bool(modifiers & QtCore.Qt.AltModifier)
key = evt.key()
# catch all undo/redo builtins
if ((ctrl and shift and key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Z) or
evt.matches(QtGui.QKeySequence.Undo) or
catch = True
# catch specified control-keys
if ctrl and not shift and not alt:
if key in catch_control_keys:
catch = True
if catch:
# block event but send it as signal
return True
return super().eventFilter(obj, evt)
Then, we are free to connect the signal wherever we want to, we just need a method that handles events. In my case, I just wanted to pass them to the main window, which can be done with the following one-liner in the constructor:
text_editor.eventCatched.connect(lambda evt: QtCore.QCoreApplication.sendEvent(self, evt))
This way, whenever we catch an event in the text editor, it will be ignored and won't be propagated the standard way. Instead, a signal will be emitted, and we can subscribe to that signal to e.g. restart the propagation tree at a different point, as shown here via sendEvent.
Hope this helps!

What signal should I capture to grab the text of Gtk::Entry before it is changed?

I am writing an application using gtkmm 3 (running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS) and working right now with the Gtk::Entry control.
I cannot find the correct signal to capture so that I can grab the Gtk::Entry buffer text before it is changed, and persist it to maintain a record of changes. I know that in some other tool-kits, there is a hook provided that facilitates such. (I believe using a "shadow buffer".)
What signal do I have to grab to do this? What is the slot's signature for this signal? Is this functionality supported at all?
Since you are changing the behaviour, it's better to inherit from Gtk::Entry:
class ValidatedEntry : public Gtk::Entry {
Glib::ustring last_valid;
virtual void on_changed()
Glib::ustring text = get_text();
if (... validation here ...)
set_text(last_valid); // WARNING: will call this on_changed() again
last_valid = text;
Gtk::Entry::on_changed(); // propagate down
This goes against usability, that's why it's not a built-in behaviour. Users won't like the text reverting back just because they miss-typed something; they might hit backspace before they realize the entry threw the wrong character away.
You should at least wait until the user presses the Enter key (i.e. signal_activate or override on_activate()), or do something less drastic, like showing a warning icon.
You could give a try to GObject's "notify" signal. It is used in conjunction with the property to spy. Connecting to "notify::text" will call your callback for each modification of the "text" property, but the first change may be the setter that will set the initial value, that you could then store. Worth a try.
Otherwise, you could try to store it on the first triggering of the "insert-text" or "delete-text" signals. Please give use some feedback if that seems to work.
I also agree with DanielKO: on an usability point of view, modifying user input is just annoying and bad practice. Better to tell her which field is wrong, put the focus there, and/or have a button to reset to defaults, but not enforce any change on user input.

Validation in QSpinBox

I have QSpinBox which should take only odd numbers, so I've set initial value to 3 and step to 2.
QSpinBox* spinBox = new QSpinBox;
When I'm using spin box arrows to modify value everything is ok. But when I input value from keyboard it can take not odd numbers to.
So is it possible to set validation which fulfills my requirements without inheriting QSpinBox and redefining its validate method?
My current solution is checking in slot if the value is odd:
void MyWidget::slotSetSpinBoxValue(int value)
if(value%2 != 0)
//call function which takes only odd values
//here I want to show some kind off message that value can only be odd
//call function with --value parameter
Second question is how to show some tip for QSpinBox? I would like to show tip like tool tip is shown with message that QSpinBox value should be odd. I've found statusTip property in QWidget but cant find example how to use it.
You can connect to the editingFinished signal and fix it:
void Obj::onSpinEditFinished()
int val = ui->spinPoints->value();
if(val % 2 == 0)
With respect to Richard's comment, I think that ctrl->setKeyboardTracking(false) would get around the checking that would otherwise happen on each keystroke, and allow the validation only to happen at the end.
I think the correct answer doesn't work perfectly. It makes you unable to input values like "12", because the value changed singal will be triggered when "1" was input and it will be corrected to "0" as 1 is an odd numer.
The fix could be using a timer to correct the values in the spinbox. E.g. we restart a timer with (500ms) timout once we received the valueChanged signal(The timer will only triggered once if you type quickly enough). And we check and correct the input in the timers timeout slot.
In python I solved this as follows using the editingFinished property of the spinbox. This only fires a signal when you hit enter or move the focus away from the box. In python I had to pass the function references or the value passed is not the updated one but the one at initialization.:
class SpinboxExample:
def __init__(self)
spinbox = QSpinBox()
lambda value=spinbox.value, set_spinbox_val=spinbox.setValue:
self.value_changed_spinbox(value,set_spinbox_val, set_slider_val)
I then had a callback function which checked whether number was odd and if not altered the value in the spinbox to make it odd.
def value_changed_spinbox(self, get_value,set_spinbox_value):
if value % 2 == 0:
value += 1
Hope that helps.
Well you can make a workaround using the valueChanged() slot:
void MainWindow::on_spinBox_valueChanged(int arg1)
if( arg1 % 2 == 0)
//for even values, show a message
QMessageBox b;
b.setText("Only odd values allowed!");
//and then decrease the value to make it odd
ui.spinBox->setValue( arg1 - 1 );
Now if you want to keep the old value in case the used enters an even number, you will have to either inherit from QSpinBox, or use an event filter to catch key press events, and act before the value gets changed.
To show the message when the user hovers his/her mouse over the spinbox, you will need to set the box's toolTip, which holds the string that will be shown:
If you don't want a message box, you can:
use QStatusBar. It can display messages which only last for some amount of time (that you pass it). The downside of it is that the message will appear on the bar on the bottom of the window, instead of being close to the spinbox.
Place a label under the spinbox. Set the label's text to something like "only odd values are allowed" when the user enters an invalid value, and set an empty string when the user enters a good value. You could also do this dynamically:
The user inputs a wrong value
Create a QLabel with the warning text, and set Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose flag, so the label will delete itself when closed.
Create a QTimer with singleShot, and set it to fire after a couple of seconds (when you want the message to dissapear)
Connect the timer's signal to the label's close() slot. When the timer will expire, the label will be closed, and, thanks to WA_DeleteOnClose, will be deleted.