Error while compiling srilm in linux ubuntu 12.04 - c++

I am trying to install SRILM on my computer using os linux ubuntu 12.04, the gcc version 4.6.3 and the machine type is i686. at the end of the process it gives result of 2 errors as follows:
-o ../obj/i686/tclmain.o fatal error: tcl.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[2]: * [../obj/i686/tclmain.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory /home/supriadi/workspace/srilm/misc/src'
make[1]: *** [release-libraries] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory/home/supriadi/workspace/srilm'
make: * [World] Error 2
what should I do to fix this problem? thanks friend

You're missing the dev files of tcl. Use
sudo apt-get install tcl-dev tk-dev

You need to install tcl development files.
You can find tcl-dev package for ubuntu 12.04 here

Try this instead of make:
make MACHINE_TYPE=i686-m64 World
make NO_TCL=1 MACHINE_TYPE=i686-ubuntu World
In my case this lead me into another error
/usr/include/features.h:323:26: fatal error: bits/predefs.h: No such
file or directory
Which I found a fix here, such that:
sudo aptitude install libc6-dev-amd64


Install g++ from source in Fedora 26

I am trying to install a c++ compiler on a IBM Power7 with Fedora 26.
In /usr/bin it is installed gcc [(GCC) 7.2.1 20170915 (Red Hat 7.2.1-2)] but it has not the c++ compiler (I tried gcc -lstdc++ but the result is: `
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++
I do not have sudo rights so I have to install everything from source.
I was able to install:
but when I try to install locally gcc, after a successfull configure, when I try make I got this error:
configure: error: in `/home/aantonietti/gcc/host-powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu/gcc':
configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
See `config.log' for more details.
make[2]: *** [Makefile:4333: configure-stage1-gcc] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/aantonietti/gcc'
make[1]: *** [Makefile:23745: stage1-bubble] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/aantonietti/gcc'
make: *** [Makefile:945: all] Error 2
I also tried to install clang++ but it needs tons of other dependecies.
Do you have any hint on how to install just the gcc-c++ compiler?
Why don't you run dnf install gcc-c++? It will install the C++ system compiler bring in linking support for libstdc++ as well.

gcc 4.7 on Fedora 23 with gcc 5.3.1

I need to install gcc 4.7.x on my fedora 23 in order to make Matlab compile the code. I also came across an error when I was trying to use Cuda which required gcc 4.9.x or lower.
I tried to compile gcc-4.7.4 from scratch but I get the following errors:
Makefile:4107: recipe for target 'all-stage1-gcc' failed
make[2]: *** [all-stage1-gcc] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/x/src/objdir'
Makefile:19334: recipe for target 'stage1-bubble' failed
make[1]: *** [stage1-bubble] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/x/src/objdir'
Makefile:903: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
I made a separate directory for configuration and building and I ran the configure as:
../gcc-4.7.4/configure --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-multilib --prefix=$HOME/gcc-4.7.4
However I think the problem rises from the fact that I am using gcc-5.3.1 to compile gcc-4.7.4 but I have no idea how to fix it.
I noticed there is no packages available from dnf to install gcc-4.7.x either.
It looks like you put your build dir inside the source tree. Don't do that. Follow the wiki's instructions.
do not run ./configure from within the source directory, this is not supported. You need to run configure from outside the source directory, in a separate directory created for the build
It'll look something like this:
tar xzf gcc-4.7.4.tar.gz
cd gcc-4.7.4
cd ..
mkdir objdir
cd objdir
$PWD/../gcc-4.7.4/configure --no-multilib --prefix=$HOME/gcc-4.7.4 --enable-languages=c,c++
make install
This question is a little dated now, but patching gcc/cp/cfns.gperf did the trick for me. See here: Built using gcc 5.3.1 under Fedora 23.
#Download and apply fix to be able to build gcc 4.7 with gcc 5.1
cd /path/to/build/gcc/source
wget -O cfns-fix-mismatch-in-gnu_inline-attributes.patch
patch -p1 -i cfns-fix-mismatch-in-gnu_inline-attributes.patch

PyQt 5.3.1 Installing on ubuntu 14.04

I am trying to build PyQt 5.3.1 on ubuntu 14.04. I need QtWebKit module on it.
I configured it following step
python -q /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmake --sip-incdir=/usr/include/python2.7 --sipdir=/usr/share/sip --enable QtWebKit QtWebKitWidgets
I got following error when I am using make,
$HOME/PyQt-gpl-5.3.1/QtWebKit/sipQtWebKitQWebSettings.cpp:1208:48: error: ‘WebAudioEnabled’ is not a member of ‘QWebSettings’
{sipName_WebAudioEnabled, static_cast<int>(QWebSettings::WebAudioEnabled), 26},
make[1]: *** [sipQtWebKitQWebSettings.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '$HOME/PyQt-gpl-5.3.1/QtWebKit'
make: *** [sub-QtWebKit-make_first-ordered] Error 2
How can I fix this?
Thanks in advance.
you can install PyQt5 with pip instead of building from source.
try pip install Python-Qt5

Cannot open while making gcc4.8.1

I want to install gcc4.8.1 on ubuntu 10.04.
Here are my installing steps:
Install libgmp, libmpfr and libmpc.
After switch to gcc4.8.1 source code dir, run "./configure --prefix=/usr/bin/gcc4.8.1 --with-gmp=/opt/pkg/gmp5.1.2 --with-mpfr=/opt/pkg/mpfr3.1.2 --with-mpc=/opt/pkg/mpc1.0.1"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/pkg/gmp5.1.2/lib:/opt/pkg/mpfr3.1.2/lib:/opt/pkg/mpc1.0.1/lib
sudo make install.
In the last step I get this error:
/usr/local/sbin/gcc-4.8.1/host-i686-pc-linux-gnu/gcc/cc1: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
make[5]: *** [install-exec-hook] Error 1
make[5]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/sbin/gcc-4.8.1/i686-pc-linux-gnu/libjava'
make[4]: *** [install-exec-am] Error 2
make[4]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/sbin/gcc-4.8.1/i686-pc-linux-gnu/libjava'
make[3]: *** [install-am] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/sbin/gcc-4.8.1/i686-pc-linux-gnu/libjava'
make[2]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/sbin/gcc-4.8.1/i686-pc-linux-gnu/libjava'
make[1]: *** [install-target-libjava] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/sbin/gcc-4.8.1'
make: *** [install] Error 2
I have switched to the libmpc library path and tested with ldd. It has been installed successfully. Why does it say it cannot open shared object How can I fix it?
According to your suggest, I have installed gcc4.8.1 successfully. Here are my steps:
Remove gmp, mpfr and mpc from /opt/pkg.
Install gmp, mpfr and mpc with the default configure. These packages will be installed in /usr/local/lib.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Enter the gcc source dir, run "./configure".
Add symbol links:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/
sudo make install.
Than you KiaMorot. Thank you trojanfoe.
I don't believe any of the answers here address the issue. Your problem is the last two steps
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/pkg/gmp5.1.2/lib:/opt/pkg/mpfr3.1.2/lib:/opt/pkg/mpc1.0.1/lib
sudo make install
exporting your LD_LIBRARY_PATH is correct, but then you reset all environment variables when you change to root user with sudo in the last step.
One way to get around this:
sudo -s # become root user
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/pkg/gmp5.1.2/lib:/opt/pkg/mpfr3.1.2/lib:/opt/pkg/mpc1.0.1/lib
make install # don't use sudo here
If anybody stumbles upon this using their own manually-built version of libgmp, libmpfr and libmpc instead of the system-provided ones:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/your-prefix-directory
is necessary for make itself, i.e. even when gcc ./configure was run with
--with-gmp=/opt/your-prefix-directory --with-mpc=/opt/your-prefix-directory --with-mpfr=/opt/your-prefix-directory
you need to specify where the linker should go looking for libgmp and friends.
You have to check if the is a successfully created symbolic link to This error may arise because you have installed this library manually and the sym. link may be missing. You could try this:
sudo ln -s /opt/pkg/mpc1.0.1/lib/ /opt/pkg/mpc1.0.1/lib/
Syntax of ln is ln -s <real path to file> <symbolic link name>. For more check out the man page of ln.

Cannot build LLVM and Clang

I have tried to compile clang and llvm using the clang getting started manual. However, at step 5, when I do make, I get the following error. Any idea what is going on here, and how to fix it? Note that I am using Ubuntu 10.04 on a 64 bit x86 system.
cp: cannot stat `/home/MetallicPriest/Desktop/build/tools/clang/runtime/compiler-rt/clang_linux/full-x86_64/libcompiler_rt.a': No such file or directory
make[4]: *** [/home/MetallicPriest/Desktop/build/Debug+Asserts/lib/clang/3.1/lib/linux/libclang_rt.full-x86_64.a] Error 1
rm /home/MetallicPriest/Desktop/build/Debug+Asserts/lib/clang/3.1/lib/linux/.dir
make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/MetallicPriest/Desktop/build/tools/clang/runtime/compiler-rt'
make[3]: *** [compiler-rt/.makeall] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/MetallicPriest/Desktop/build/tools/clang/runtime'
make[2]: *** [all] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/MetallicPriest/Desktop/build/tools/clang'
make[1]: *** [clang/.makeall] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/MetallicPriest/Desktop/build/tools'
make: *** [all] Error 1
## Heading ##
The instruction given on this site work!
I had the same problem. As Eli suggested, I got the 3.0 release. It doesn't come with a 'getting started' but you can follow the INSTALL file from clang's root top.
You should be able to copy/paste the following (as root of course for the /usr/local/ part)
export NUMCPU=4 # or however many cores you want to paralell build with
tar -zxf llvm-3.0.tar.gz
cd llvm-3.0.src/tools
tar -zxf clang-3.0.tar.gz
mv clang-3.0.src clang
mkdir build
cd build
../llvm-3.0.src/configure --prefix=/usr/local
make -j$NUMCPU
cd tools/clang
make install
update, I should also note that following the 'getting started guide' with latest subversion (2012 09 10) actually does work , and i copy/pasted the lines exactly from the 'getting started' page (including 'optional' stuff) on a Fedora machine on ppc64.