I'm new to C++11 thread , when reading a tutorial , I see a piece of code like this.
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class background_task
void operator()() const
cout<<"This is a new thread";
int main()
background_task f;
std::thread my_thread(f);
The output will be "This is new thread", but i don' really understand what does the function "operator()() const" mean?. In this case, it acts really the same with the constructor, is it right?.
And how can C++ have a syntax like that? I have search about related topic by using the search engine but no found no result.
Thanks in advanced.
void operator()() means an instance of the class with that operator can be called with function call syntax, with no return value, and without any parameters. For example:
background_task b;
b(); // prints "This is a new thread"
The operator() part indicates it is a call operator, the second set of empty parentheses () indicate the operator has no parameters. Here is an example with two parameters and a return value:
struct add
int operator()(int a, int b) const { return a + b; }
add a;
int c = a(1, 2); // c initialized to 1+2
Note that this syntax pre-dates C++11. You can create callable types (also referred to as functors) in C++03. The connection with C++11 is that the std::thread constructor expects something that can be called without arguments . This could be a plain function
void foo() {}
a static member function
struct foo {
static void bar() {}
an instance of a type such as background_task, a suitable lambda expression, a suitable invocation of std::bind, in short, anything that can be called without arguments.
It's just operator overloading and has nothing to do with C++11 or multi-threading. An overloaded operator is just a normal function with a funny name (this may be a bit oversimplified, but it's a good rule of thumb for beginners).
Your class has a function named (). That's all. Technically, you could as well have named the function foo or f or TwoParentheses.
Consider a simpler example:
#include <iostream>
class Example
void operator()() { std::cout << "()"; }
void foo() { std::cout << "foo"; }
void TwoParentheses() { std::cout << "TwoParentheses"; }
int main()
Example e;
Now calling an overloaded operator like in this example in main, spelling out the entire .operator() part, is pretty pointless, because an overloaded operator's purpose is to make the calling code simpler. You would instead invoke your function like this:
int main()
Example e;
As you can see, e(); now looks exactly as if you called a function.
This is why operator() is a special name, after all. In a template, you can handle objects with operator() and function pointers with the same syntax.
Consider this:
#include <iostream>
class Example
void operator()() { std::cout << "Example.operator()\n"; }
void function() { std::cout << "Function\n"; }
template <class Operation>
void t(Operation o)
o(); // operator() or "real" function
int main()
Example object;
This is the reason why operator() is an important function in C++ generic programming, and is often required.
It has nothing to do with C++11, it's the function call overload operator. That means if you have a class like yours, you can create an instance of it and use as a function:
int main()
background_task bt;
The above main function should give the same result as your simple thread example.
it is operator over loading. the user provide an additional use to () operator. Example for static polymorphism. it is fearture of Object orieted program
I recently stumbled upon this example code and I was confused:
auto named_funct(const MyClass& some_class)
return [some_class](const MyClass2& some_other_class)
return some_class <= some_other_class; // some expression between capture and input parameter to the Lambda
Is there any reason at all to wrap an anonymous function in a named function? It seems like an extra function call stack is being created for no reason.
named_funct doesn't execute the lambda, it returns it. You could use it like this:
auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(some_vector), std::end(some_vector),
The odd thing is that named_funct takes a parameter that it doesn't do anything with, unless you have a copy/paste error (another instance is passed to the actual lambda). This example is also so trivial I don't see the benefit of a lambda, but if named_funct's argument was captured and used somehow, this is a useful pattern.
There can be a reason (if, for example, you want partial functions (the ability to do f(x)(y) rather than f(x, y))), but there isn't here. The outer input argument is shadowed by the argument of the anonymous function.
To add another possible (slightly modified) use case for this pattern:
you could return different implementations of the lambda even with different return types based on templated traits like in following example
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
enum class MyTrait
struct Foo
std::string Baz() const { return "bar"; };
int Bazz() const { return 42; };
template <MyTrait>
struct LambdaGenerator;
template <>
struct LambdaGenerator<MyTrait::Default>
auto operator()(const Foo& foo) const { return [&]{ return foo.Baz(); }; }
template <>
struct LambdaGenerator<MyTrait::Other>
auto operator()(const Foo& foo) const { return [&]{ return foo.Bazz(); }; }
int main()
std::cout << LambdaGenerator<MyTrait::Default>()(Foo())() << std::endl;
std::cout << LambdaGenerator<MyTrait::Other>()(Foo())() << std::endl;
// prints
// bar
// 42
I quite often used this when working with C++ AMP to implement different variants of GPU targeted algorithms (which in AMP are lambda objects).
What is the correct way of passing a member function to thread
class foo{
int sum(int a ,int b)
i need to pass this function to a thread in my main function.I have seen an example
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
class SayHello
void greeting(std::string const& message) const
int main()
SayHello x;
std::thread t(&SayHello::greeting,&x,"goodbye");
why do we need to pass the reference to the object in this case?
why do we need to pass the reference to the object in this case?
A member function, apart from the "normal" arguments, also takes a pointer to the object (this). This one is implicitly provided when you call with the normal syntax:
x.apply_greeting("goodbye"); //secretly calls apply_greeting(&x,"goodbye"). (not valid code!)
So when you have a pointer to a member function which you have when you write &SayHello::greeting, you need to provide the pointer to the object as well. Otherwise - how would it know about its member variables?
Pointer to member functions are messy, you can circumvent by using a lambda:
std::thread t([&x](){ x.greeting("goodbye!"); } );
I know it's not a perfect answer to the question. But in my experience of C++03, manage member functions is a hard work, especally when the code is shared with beginners in C++. My habit is the following:
class SayHello
void greeting(std::string const& message) const
std::cout << message << std::endl;
void apply_greeting(SayHello const* say_hello, std::string const* message)
int main()
SayHello x;
const std::string message = "goodbye";
std::thread t(apply_greeting, &x, &message); // I'm not sure for this line, my habit is C++03 with boost::thread and boost::bind
return 0;
Alright, I think the title is sufficiently descriptive (yet confusing, sorry).
I'm reading this library: Timer1.
In the header file there is a public member pointer to a function as follows:
class TimerOne
void (*isrCallback)(); // C-style ptr to `void(void)` function
There exists an instantiated object of the TimerOne class, called "Timer1".
Timer1 calls the function as follows:
How is this correct? I am familiar with calling functions via function pointers by using the dereference operator.
So I would have expected the above call via the object to be something more like:
So, what are the acceptable options for calling functions via function pointers, as both stand-alone function pointers and members of an object?
See also:
[very useful!] Typedef function pointer?
Summary of the answer:
These are all valid and fine ways to call a function pointer:
// etc.
(**********************************f)(); // also valid
Things you can do with a function pointer.
1: The first is calling the function via explicit dereference:
int myfunc(int n)
int (*myfptr)(int) = myfunc;
(*myfptr)(nValue); // call function myfunc(nValue) through myfptr.
2: The second way is via implicit dereference:
int myfunc(int n)
int (*myfptr)(int) = myfunc;
myfptr(nValue); // call function myfunc(nValue) through myfptr.
As you can see, the implicit dereference method looks just like a normal function call -- which is what you’d expect, since function are simply implicitly convertible to function pointers!!
In your code:
void foo()
cout << "hi" << endl;
class TimerOne
int main()
TimerOne Timer1;
Timer1.isrCallback = &foo; //Assigning the address
//Timer1.isrCallback = foo; //We could use this statement as well, it simply proves function are simply implicitly convertible to function pointers. Just like arrays decay to pointer.
Timer1.isrCallback(); //Implicit dereference
(*Timer1.isrCallback)(); //Explicit dereference
return 0;
You don't have to dereference a function pointer to call it. According to the standard ([expr.call]/1),
The postfix expression shall have
function type or pointer to function type.
So (*myFunc)() is valid, and so is myFunc(). In fact, (**myFunc)() is valid too, and you can dereference as many times as you want (can you figure out why?)
You asked:
Timer1 calls the function as follows:
How is this correct?
The type of Timer1.isrCallback is void (*)(). It is a pointer to a function. That's why you can use that syntax.
It is similar to using:
void foo()
void test_foo()
void (*fptr)() = foo;
You can also use:
void test_foo()
void (*fptr)() = foo;
but the first form is equally valid.
Update, in response to comment by OP
Given the posted definition of the class you would use:
To use
isrCallback has to be defined as a non-member variable of whose type is a pointer to a member variable of TimerOne.
void (TimerOne::*isrCallback)();
#include <iostream>
class TimerOne
void foo()
std::cout << "In TimerOne::foo();\n";
int main()
TimerOne Timer1;
void (TimerOne::*isrCallback)() = &TimerOne::foo;
In TimerOne::foo();
(Test this code)
If you want to define isrCallbak as a member variable of TimerOne, you'll need to use:
#include <iostream>
class TimerOne
void (TimerOne::*isrCallback)();
void foo()
std::cout << "In TimerOne::foo();\n";
int main()
TimerOne Timer1;
Timer1.isrCallback = &TimerOne::foo;
// A little complicated syntax.
In TimerOne::foo();
(Test this code)
My title is my main question.
The code below shows what i want to do, but it causes an error.
class B
void DoSomething(void (*func)())
class A
int x;
void Start(B* b)
auto func = [this]()->void
If I remove the "this" keyword, then the program works, but then I cant reference the x variable.
So how can I achieve this?
void DoSomething( void (*func)() )
void DoSomething( std::function<void()> func )
Your current parameter type void (*func)() is a function pointer, which is a type of callable (something that can be called like a function) that doesn't hold state. That is why your variable this can't be passed into the function.
Only lambdas that capture nothing can be converted to a stateless function pointer.
std::function however can represent (almost) anything callable. It could be a raw function, or an instance of a class that implements operator(), or it could be your lambda holding state.
An alternative is to simply use templates to avoid the potential overhead associated with large lambdas that need to be packaged by std::function.
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
template<typename Callable>
void DoSomething(Callable c) { c(); } // calls the lambda with no args
int main()
DoSomething([]{ printf("Hello\n"); });
DoSomething([msg = "World"] { printf("%s\n", msg); });
Live Code: http://goo.gl/LMvm3a
The following code
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
std::string const& at(std::vector<std::string> const& n, int i)
return n[i];
std::vector<std::string> mkvec()
std::vector<std::string> n;
return n;
int main()
std::string const& s = at(mkvec(), 0);
std::cout << s << std::endl; // D'oh!
return 0;
may lead to crash because the original vector is already destructed there. In C++ 2011 (c++0x) after rvalue-reference is introduced in, a deleted function declaration can be used to completely forbid calls to at if the vector argument is an rvalue
std::string const& at(std::vector<std::string>&&, int) = delete;
That looks good, but the following code still cause crash
int main()
std::string const& s = mkvec()[0];
std::cout << s << std::endl; // D'oh!
return 0;
because calls to member function operator [] (size_type) const of an rvalue object is still allowed. Is there any way can I forbid this kind of calls?
The examples above is not what I did in real projects. I just wonder if C++ 2011 support any member function qualifying like
class A {
void func() rvalue; // Then a call on an rvalue object goes to this overload
void func() const;
It's great, but I think C++ standard goes too far at this feature. Anyway, I have following code compiled on clang++ 2.9
#include <cstdio>
struct A {
A() {}
void func() &
void func() &&
void func() const &
int main()
A a;
A const b;
return 0;
Thanks a lot!
No, and you shouldn't. How am I to do std::cout << at(mkvec(), 0) << std::endl;, a perfectly reasonable thing, if you've banned me from using at() on temporaries?
Storing references to temporaries is just a problem C++ programmers have to deal with, unfortunately.
To answer your new question, yes, you can do this:
class A {
void func() &; // lvalues go to this one
void func() &&; // rvalues go to this one
A a;
a.func(); // first overload
A().func(); // second overload
Just an idea:
To disable copying constructor on the vector somehow.
vector ( const vector<T,Allocator>& x );
Implicit copying of arrays is not that good thing anyway. (wondering why STL authors decided to define such ctor at all)
It will fix problems like you've mentioned and as a bonus will force you to use more effective version of your function:
void mkvec(std::vector<std::string>& n)