How to convert from one's complement to two's complement - twos-complement

I am confused on how to do conversion from one's complement to two's complement.
Suppose we have 10101101 in one's complement. How to convert it to two's complement?

Just look at the definitions:
One's complement means that the bits in the negation of the value are complement (inversion) of all the bits in the original.
Two's complement of an N-bit number is defined as the result of subtracting the original N-bit number from 2^N. The effect of this operation has the same result on the original number as taking the one's complement and adding 1.
In this case then, if 10101101 is the one's complement, just add one to get the two's complement, which would be 10101110. Or, doing it the long way:
One's complement = 10101101
Original number = 01010010 (invert the bits per definition of one's complement)
Two's complement = 2^8 - 01010010 = 100000000 - 01010010 = 10101110


Assign and compare against uint(-1) [duplicate]

I was curious to know what would happen if I assign a negative value to an unsigned variable.
The code will look somewhat like this.
unsigned int nVal = 0;
nVal = -5;
It didn't give me any compiler error. When I ran the program the nVal was assigned a strange value! Could it be that some 2's complement value gets assigned to nVal?
For the official answer - Section 4.7 conv.integral
"If the destination type is unsigned, the resulting value is the least unsigned integer congruent to the source integer (modulo 2n where n is the number of bits used to represent the unsigned type). [ Note: In a two’s complement representation, this conversion is conceptual and there is no change in the bit pattern (if there is no truncation). —end note ]
This essentially means that if the underlying architecture stores in a method that is not Two's Complement (like Signed Magnitude, or One's Complement), that the conversion to unsigned must behave as if it was Two's Complement.
It will assign the bit pattern representing -5 (in 2's complement) to the unsigned int. Which will be a large unsigned value. For 32 bit ints this will be 2^32 - 5 or 4294967291
You're right, the signed integer is stored in 2's complement form, and the unsigned integer is stored in the unsigned binary representation. C (and C++) doesn't distinguish between the two, so the value you end up with is simply the unsigned binary value of the 2's complement binary representation.
It will show as a positive integer of value of max unsigned integer - 4 (value depends on computer architecture and compiler).
You can check this by writing a simple C++ "hello world" type program and see for yourself
Yes, you're correct. The actual value assigned is something like all bits set except the third. -1 is all bits set (hex: 0xFFFFFFFF), -2 is all bits except the first and so on. What you would see is probably the hex value 0xFFFFFFFB which in decimal corresponds to 4294967291.
When you assign a negative value to an unsigned variable then it uses the 2's complement method to process it and in this method it flips all 0s to 1s and all 1s to 0s and then adds 1 to it. In your case, you are dealing with int which is of 4 byte(32 bits) so it tries to use 2's complement method on 32 bit number which causes the higher bit to flip. For example:
└──╼ $pcalc 0y00000000000000000000000000000101 # 5 in binary
5 0x5 0y101
└──╼ $pcalc 0y11111111111111111111111111111010 # flip all bits
4294967290 0xfffffffa 0y11111111111111111111111111111010
└──╼ $pcalc 0y11111111111111111111111111111010 + 1 # add 1 to that flipped binarry
4294967291 0xfffffffb 0y11111111111111111111111111111011
In Windows and Ubuntu Linux that I have checked assigning any negative number (not just -1) to an unsigned integer in C and C++ results in the assignment of the value UINT_MAX to that unsigned integer.
Compiled example link.

Changed c++ unsigned int from 0 to -2, but prints 4294967294 [duplicate]

I was curious to know what would happen if I assign a negative value to an unsigned variable.
The code will look somewhat like this.
unsigned int nVal = 0;
nVal = -5;
It didn't give me any compiler error. When I ran the program the nVal was assigned a strange value! Could it be that some 2's complement value gets assigned to nVal?
For the official answer - Section 4.7 conv.integral
"If the destination type is unsigned, the resulting value is the least unsigned integer congruent to the source integer (modulo 2n where n is the number of bits used to represent the unsigned type). [ Note: In a two’s complement representation, this conversion is conceptual and there is no change in the bit pattern (if there is no truncation). —end note ]
This essentially means that if the underlying architecture stores in a method that is not Two's Complement (like Signed Magnitude, or One's Complement), that the conversion to unsigned must behave as if it was Two's Complement.
It will assign the bit pattern representing -5 (in 2's complement) to the unsigned int. Which will be a large unsigned value. For 32 bit ints this will be 2^32 - 5 or 4294967291
You're right, the signed integer is stored in 2's complement form, and the unsigned integer is stored in the unsigned binary representation. C (and C++) doesn't distinguish between the two, so the value you end up with is simply the unsigned binary value of the 2's complement binary representation.
It will show as a positive integer of value of max unsigned integer - 4 (value depends on computer architecture and compiler).
You can check this by writing a simple C++ "hello world" type program and see for yourself
Yes, you're correct. The actual value assigned is something like all bits set except the third. -1 is all bits set (hex: 0xFFFFFFFF), -2 is all bits except the first and so on. What you would see is probably the hex value 0xFFFFFFFB which in decimal corresponds to 4294967291.
When you assign a negative value to an unsigned variable then it uses the 2's complement method to process it and in this method it flips all 0s to 1s and all 1s to 0s and then adds 1 to it. In your case, you are dealing with int which is of 4 byte(32 bits) so it tries to use 2's complement method on 32 bit number which causes the higher bit to flip. For example:
└──╼ $pcalc 0y00000000000000000000000000000101 # 5 in binary
5 0x5 0y101
└──╼ $pcalc 0y11111111111111111111111111111010 # flip all bits
4294967290 0xfffffffa 0y11111111111111111111111111111010
└──╼ $pcalc 0y11111111111111111111111111111010 + 1 # add 1 to that flipped binarry
4294967291 0xfffffffb 0y11111111111111111111111111111011
In Windows and Ubuntu Linux that I have checked assigning any negative number (not just -1) to an unsigned integer in C and C++ results in the assignment of the value UINT_MAX to that unsigned integer.
Compiled example link.

fixed point subtraction for two's complement data

I have some real data. For example +2 and -3. These data are represented in two's complement fixed point with 4 bit binary value where MSB represents the sign bit and number of fractional bit is zero.
So +2 = 0010
-3 = 1101
addition of this two numbers is (+2) + (-3)=-1
But in case of subtraction (+2)-(-3) what should i do?
Is it needed to take the two's complement of 1101 (-3) again and add with 0010?
You can evaluate -(-3) in binary and than simply sums it with the other values.
With two's complement, evaluate the opposite of a number is pretty simple: just apply the NOT binary operation to every digits except for the less significant bit. The equation below uses the tilde to rapresent the NOT operation of a single bit and assumed to deal with integer rapresented by n bits (n = 4 in your example):
In your example (with an informal notation): -(-3) = -(1101) = 0011

Bit manipulation- for negative numbers

Let the size of integer i=-5 be 2 bytes. The signed bit value at the leftmost bit is '1'(which signifies that it is a negative number).
When i am trying to do a right shift operation, should i not expect the '1' at the 15th bit position to shift to 14th position? and give me a high but positive value?
What i tried:
int i=5;
i>>1 // giving me 2 (i understand this)
int i=-5
i>>1 // giving me -3 (mind=blown)
Right shifts of negative values are implementation-defined, [expr.shift]/3
The value of E1 >> E2 is E1 right-shifted E2 bit positions.
[..]. If E1 has a signed type and a negative value, the resulting
value is implementation-defined.
Most implementations use the so-called arithmetic shift though, which preserves and extends the sign-bit:
Shifting right by n bits on a two's complement signed binary number
has the effect of dividing it by 2n, but it always rounds down
(towards negative infinity). This is different from the way rounding
is usually done in signed integer division (which rounds towards 0).
This discrepancy has led to bugs in more than one compiler.
So what happens is, when shortened down to 8 bit, the following. In two's complement -5 would be
1111 1011
After the arithmetic right shift:
1111 1101
Now flip and add one to get the positive value for comparison:
0000 0011
Looks like a three to me.

What happens if I assign a negative value to an unsigned variable?

I was curious to know what would happen if I assign a negative value to an unsigned variable.
The code will look somewhat like this.
unsigned int nVal = 0;
nVal = -5;
It didn't give me any compiler error. When I ran the program the nVal was assigned a strange value! Could it be that some 2's complement value gets assigned to nVal?
For the official answer - Section 4.7 conv.integral
"If the destination type is unsigned, the resulting value is the least unsigned integer congruent to the source integer (modulo 2n where n is the number of bits used to represent the unsigned type). [ Note: In a two’s complement representation, this conversion is conceptual and there is no change in the bit pattern (if there is no truncation). —end note ]
This essentially means that if the underlying architecture stores in a method that is not Two's Complement (like Signed Magnitude, or One's Complement), that the conversion to unsigned must behave as if it was Two's Complement.
It will assign the bit pattern representing -5 (in 2's complement) to the unsigned int. Which will be a large unsigned value. For 32 bit ints this will be 2^32 - 5 or 4294967291
You're right, the signed integer is stored in 2's complement form, and the unsigned integer is stored in the unsigned binary representation. C (and C++) doesn't distinguish between the two, so the value you end up with is simply the unsigned binary value of the 2's complement binary representation.
It will show as a positive integer of value of max unsigned integer - 4 (value depends on computer architecture and compiler).
You can check this by writing a simple C++ "hello world" type program and see for yourself
Yes, you're correct. The actual value assigned is something like all bits set except the third. -1 is all bits set (hex: 0xFFFFFFFF), -2 is all bits except the first and so on. What you would see is probably the hex value 0xFFFFFFFB which in decimal corresponds to 4294967291.
When you assign a negative value to an unsigned variable then it uses the 2's complement method to process it and in this method it flips all 0s to 1s and all 1s to 0s and then adds 1 to it. In your case, you are dealing with int which is of 4 byte(32 bits) so it tries to use 2's complement method on 32 bit number which causes the higher bit to flip. For example:
└──╼ $pcalc 0y00000000000000000000000000000101 # 5 in binary
5 0x5 0y101
└──╼ $pcalc 0y11111111111111111111111111111010 # flip all bits
4294967290 0xfffffffa 0y11111111111111111111111111111010
└──╼ $pcalc 0y11111111111111111111111111111010 + 1 # add 1 to that flipped binarry
4294967291 0xfffffffb 0y11111111111111111111111111111011
In Windows and Ubuntu Linux that I have checked assigning any negative number (not just -1) to an unsigned integer in C and C++ results in the assignment of the value UINT_MAX to that unsigned integer.
Compiled example link.