VS 2010 Cannot open source file "string" - c++

All of the sudden, the Intellisense in my VS 2010 project started going nuts.
Everything builds correctly, but it can no longer find basic C++ header files like string, map, etc. It no longer recognizes the std:: namespace, and it generally is just going haywire.
The code still compiles, but no matter what I do I can't get the Intellisense to work properly again.
The closest existing question I found was here:
VS 2010 error - cannot open file "iostream"
but that solution didn't work for me.
I have both 2012 and 2010 installed, so I'm wondering if one messed up the other. I'm using 2010 for this though.

Ok, I figured it out. It was related to this: VS 2010 error - cannot open file "iostream"; I just had to change it a bit.
1) Open the properties dialog. It wasn't clear to me what this actually meant in that answer. I was just right clicking on my project and selecting properties.
The correct thing to do is to select the individual sub-project underneath your solution.
With that selected, take your mouse to the top left of the solutions explorer. When you hover over that icon, you should see "Properties". Open that.
2) Open the directory properties. Select the VC++ Directories option under Configuration Properties.
3) Somehow for me, all these values had been cleared. To fix it, again closely related to the answer here: VS 2010 error - cannot open file "iostream", I did the following:
2a) For each of the directory values (e.g. Executable directories), select the drop down and click Edit...
2b) Deselect the Inherit from parent
2c) Click ok. You should see no change in the resulting Edit box.
2d) Click Edit... again.
2e) Click ok without changing anything.
2f) Now you should see e.g. $(ExecutablePath) for Executable Directories.
g) Repeat for each of the directory entries so at the end, Executable Directories will be set to $(ExecutablePath), Include Directories will be set to $(IncludePath), etc.
h) Finally click Apply and then Ok in the master dialog.
After doing this my Intellisense finally worked again.


Change vscode C++ library path

Currently, I want to practice my C++ so I open a new folder to write some C++ codes. But weird thing happened. The editor shows me that one library bits/stdc++.h can not be resolved. Initially, I tried to delete and download MingW again at the D panel and reset the system path. But after that nothing changed.
I tracked the path of iostream (this one could be resolved) but found somehow my vscode point the library path at C->MicroSoft Visual Studio->2019....->iostream instead of D:/MingW/bin. I don't know how to solve this. So I tried running a cpp file at cmd that outputs "Hello World" to check my g++ setting, and it ran smoothly. I guess this is because my Vscode sets its library-finding path to the Microsoft VS 2019 but I can't find out where to change this.
Below will attach some screenshots as a detailed description, hope they can help you fix this question.
Note that I do not have the c_cpp_properties.json file, I also don't know why I don't have.
Now I want to set my editor library-finding path to D:/MingW/bin. Or if my assumption is wrong, please point out the correct way.
Change the header file to something wrong like "issotream". When it highlights it as an error, hover over it and select quick fix and click IncludePath. This will open a settings page, there you can add your bin path.
Open settings (UI if you're not comfortable with json), you can do it pressing
ctrl + shift + P
then select Preferences: Open Settings (UI) and search for include path. From the left drop down menu select Extensions -> C/C++ and navigate to Include Path. Here you can add new default paths.
Mind you that this will not tell the compiler anything about the libraries.

I Don't Know How To Use/Run These Files That Are In A Github C++ Library I'm Trying To Add To My Project?

https://github.com/gladosconn/ecdsa_cxxI have been trying to get this library into my project (C++ using Visual Studio 2022, in Windows) because I need to use the ecdsa signature algorithm, I have copied all the files in src folder to a folder called "ecdsa" in the src folder inside my project, and I didn't do anything with the test folders (I think that I don't need them since they're just tests), but then there are these files (.ytml) ,(.txt) ,(.py), I have no idea what am I supposed to do with them or where to put them, but I sure I need them because the program isn't working, it's giving me this error Cannot open include file: 'secp256k1.h': No such file or directory Libraries.Also I have done everything in the requirements section, my compiler supports C++11, and I have installed openssl, and I have CMake installed.This is my first time using anything from Github so I'm sure what to do.
In Visual Studio, right-click on your project in the Solution Explorer pane. From the menu that pops up, choose the 'Properties' item. It is usually at the very bottom. A dialog box will appear.
In the left pane of the dialog box, expand the options Configuration Properties > C++ > General. Now, in the right pane of the dialog box, probably at or near the top will be an item labeled 'Additional Include Directories`. Add the full path to the folder where you copied the source files from GitHub.
You may need to explicitly add ALL the files you downloaded from GitHub into your Visual Studio project.
Try compiling again.

Netbeans: cannot find include file <iostream>, also, unable to resolve identifier std, cout

I'm receiving the above errors on all my C++ projects on Netbeans. I also receive cannot find errors for anything else I try to include. Here's what it says when I hold control and hover over it: http://imgur.com/bBF2xuB. One of the projects actually builds and runs just fine, but all the rest fail either with "build failed, exit value 2" or the run fails with "run failed, exit value 127". I have absolutely no idea how to fix this and everything I've looked up to try to solve this hasn't helped. This wasn't a problem a few months ago when I was using Netbeans, and I'm not sure why the problem spontaneously popped up.
I just freshly installed Netbeans 8.0 and the latest cygwin version to try to fix this, but to no avail. I'm running Windows 7.
Please help, it would be greatly appreciated.
The highlighted red errors in the attached photo are files/folders that do not actually exist. Could this be the problem, and if so, how can I go about fixing it?
I deleted or changed some of the non-existent file/folder paths in the code assistance tab under the C/C++ tab under the options, this seems to have made some of the errors in the editor go away, but I still cannot build the project (and the errors haven't disappeared on this specific project), and the projects that I created in the past that used to work just fine are building, but I'm still receiving "RUN FAILED exit value 127".
I just had the same experience with Netbeans (8.0.2) not being able to find includes ("Cannot find include file") on Linux.
I had to do the following:
In the "Build Tools" tab under "C/C++" settings, click "Restore Defaults" to let it rescan for the tools, after which it picked up the paths to all the executables. Select the newly configured toolset as default and/or delete the old one to reduce confusion.
Under "Code Assistance", make sure the correct tool collection is selected, then click "Reset Settings" and "Apply". This populated all the necessary paths.
In my project settings, made sure I was using the right (newly discovered) tool collection.
After this, all the includes were picked up correctly and errors disappeared from the source checking.
I also had this problem (Cannot find include file iostream) in NetBeans IDE 8.1. I solved as follows:
Project properties -> Build -> C++ Compiler -> Basic Options -> C++ Standard -> C++98 or C++11 or C++14

Edit Macros for Include Directories Visual Studio 2010

I've downloaded an open source project I'd like to play around with. In it's include directories it uses a macro called $(UserLibraries). I've already placed the proper libraries in a folder, now how can I edit that macro to point at the folder on my harddrive, instead of the original owners? Double clicking it, right clicking, etc, does nothing.
Here is specifically what it looks like
open the vcxproj file directly in any text editor and change it there. i find this to be much easier than using the gui.

Visual Studio can't 'see' my included header files

I created an empty 'Demo' project in Visual Studio 2008 and added some existing projects to my solution. Included "MyHeader.h" (other project's header) in main.cpp file which is in 'Demo'. Also added header files' path in "Tools/Option/VC++ Directories/Include files" section. But intellisense says: "File MyHeader.h not found in current source file's directory or in build system paths..."
How the problem can be fixed?
Delete the .sdf file that is in your solution directory. It's just the Intellisense database, and Visual Studio will recreate it the next time you open that solution. This db can get corrupted and cause the IDE to not be able to find things, and since the compiler generates this information for itself on the fly, it wouldn't be affected.
If you choose Project and then All Files in the menu, all files should be displayed in the Solution Explorer that are physically in your project map, but not (yet) included in your project. If you right click on the file you want to add in the Solution Explorer, you can include it.
This happened to me just now, after shutting down and restarting the computer. Eventually I realised that the architecture had somehow been changed to ARM from x64.
In Visual Studio 2019 in my case I copied a header file into the project directory, just near the other files. Intellisense could see it, but the build failed. Fair enough, it wasn't actually added to the project. I added it as existing item but this is the point that Visual Studio still didn't account for it.
Close the project.
Delete the .vs directory.
Reopen the project.
Now Visual Studio recreates the directory with everything in it and it can now see the included file.
If it is the case that only the IDE indicates that it cannot find included files, but compiling is successful, the issue is simply that IntelliSense is not fully up to date with recent changes. This can happen specifically when including existing projects, in my own experience.
Deleting the .sdf file (= IntelliSense database) that is generated in your solution directory forces Visual Studio to regenerate it, so that it is up to date again. Just doing a "clean" will probably do the same thing, but takes more time since everything will be generated again then.
I know this is an older question, but none of the above answers worked for me. In my case, the issue turned out to be that I had absolute include paths but without drive letters. Compilation was fine, but Visual Studio couldn't find an include file when I right-clicked and tried to open it. Adding the drive letters to my include paths corrected the problem.
I would never recommend hard-coding drive letters in any aspect of your project files; either use relative paths, macros, environment variables, or some mix of the tree for any permanent situation. However, in this case, I'm working in some temporary projects where absolute paths were necessary in the short term. Not being able to right-click to open the files was extremely frustrating, and hopefully this will help others.
Had the same problem. Double check if you added the include files to Debug or Release Version of your project. If you only added it for one of them and compile for the other VS will just play dumb and not find them.
Try adding the header file to your project's files. (right click on project -> add existing file).
In my experience, with VS2010, when include files can't be found at compile time, doing a clean, then build usually fixes the problem. It's not that rare for the editor to be able to open an include file and then the compiler to announce that it can't find that very file, even when it is open on the screen!
If the visual studio says that you miss some file in the current source file folder, there is one solution that i used. Just right click the file you want to add and choose Open Document, if it really doesn't exist, then you should see something like cannot find file in the source file path = "somewhere in your computer", then what you could do is the add your source file into that path first and see if it works.
I had this issue after upgrading to Visual Studio 2019 from 2015. It would compile the project fine but Intellisense and the IDE couldn't find any header files.
The project only had valid configuration for Win32/Debug. Include paths were not setup correctly for other environments. Even though Visual Studio displayed the current environment as Win32/Debug, Intellisense must have been using something else.
Changing the current environment to x64/Release, and then back to Win32/Debug fixed it.
In Visual Studio, click on Project > Rescan Solution as shown below to rebuild the project database.
Here's how I solved this problem.
Go to Project --> Show All Files.
Right click all the files in Solutions Explorer and Click on Include in Project in all the files you want to include.
Done :)
I encountered this issue, but the solutions provided didn't directly help me, so I'm sharing how I got myself into a similar situation and temporarily resolved it.
I created a new project within an existing solution and copy & pasted the Header and CPP file from another project within that solution that I needed to include in my new project through the IDE. Intellisense displayed an error suggesting it could not resolve the reference to the header file and compiling the code failed with the same error too.
After reading the posts here, I checked the project folder with Windows File Explorer and only the main.cpp file was found. For some reason, my copy and paste of the header file and CPP file were just a reference? (I assume) and did not physically copy the file into the new project file.
I deleted the files from the Project view within Visual Studio and I used File Explorer to copy the files that I needed to the project folder/directory. I then referenced the other solutions posted here to "include files in project" by showing all files and this resolved the problem.
It boiled down to the files not being physically in the Project folder/directory even though they were shown correctly within the IDE.
Please Note I understand duplicating code is not best practice and my situation is purely a learning/hobby project. It's probably in my best interest and anyone else who ended up in a similar situation to use the IDE/project/Solution setup correctly when reusing code from other projects - I'm still learning and I'll figure this out one day!
If some soul has scrolled down to this bottom, what worked for me was disabling the Disable Database option i.e. set it to False under Tools|Options|Text Editor|C/C++|Advanced. For some reason, it was set to True for me.
As per docs, if it's set to True
All use of the code browsing database (SDF), all other
Browsing/Navigation options, and all IntelliSense features except for
#include Auto Complete are disabled.
None of the solutions worked for me. Here is what was the issue for me:
(Note discrepancy in build configuration and VC++ Directories (x86 vs x64)
To fix, just changed the build configuration to 'x86':