Recursive C++ Function To Move Specific Characters To End Of String - c++

I am attempting to write a recursive function that, given a string, recursively computes a new string where all the lowercase 'x' chars have been moved to the end of the string.
For example,
moveXs("xxre") --> "rexx"
moveXs("xxhixx") --> "hixxxx"
moveXs("xhixhix") --> "hihixxx"
I am relatively new to C++ and especially to recursion (unfortunately the function must employ this method to solve the problem), so I am having trouble with this problem. Below is the code I have written thus far, but it seems to be returning only empty strings and I can't for the life of me figure out why.
string moveXs(const string& str)
string strCopy = str;
if (strCopy.length() <= 1)
return str;
else if (strCopy[0] == 'x')
strCopy = strCopy.substr(1, strCopy.length() - 1) + str[0];
return moveXs(strCopy.substr(0, (strCopy.length() - 2)));
return strCopy.substr(0, 1) + moveXs(strCopy.substr(1, strCopy.length() - 1));
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Looks like you just had some indexing issues. I modified your code here, and note the new returns. Also I got rid of the extraneous second string.
string moveXs(const string& str)
if (str.length() <= 1)
return str;
else if (str[0] == 'x')
return moveXs(str.substr(1, (str.length() - 1))) + str[0];
return str[0] + moveXs(str.substr(1, str.length()));
You can see it in action here:

One simple approach could be just traverse the string from beginning to end counting and removing 'x'. Then append 'x' count number of times in previous string.


boolean function returning false even though condition is satisfied to return true in c++. Why?

My function is a simple palindrome algorithm that is supposed to take an input integer (test), turn it into a string (test_s), then reverse that string in a new variable (test_s_reverse) then return true if test_s is equal to test_s_reverse.
bool is_palindrome(int test){
test_s = to_string(test);
test_length = test_s.length();
for (int i=(test_length + 1); i>=0; i--){
test_s_reverse += test_s[i];
if (test_s_reverse == test_s){
return true;
else {
return false;
I created a main function to test results and using input 12321 the program returns false, even though cout for test_s_reverse is = 12321 and test_s = 12321.
What am I doing wrong?
You should use test_length - 1 instead of test_lenght + 1, because in the new reversed string you have some extra characters which you can't see if you print them.
The .length() function returns you exactly the number of characters in the string. So you either go with test_length, but you do i>0, or if you go in the loop with i>=0 you go with test_length - 1, so you will be sure that there are no blank characters at the end of new string.
But, if you start with test_length, you will need to edit, since there is no character at test_length position:
test_s_reverse += test_s[i-1];
If you use pure C++ code, it should look like this:
bool is_palindrome(int test){
string test_s = to_string(test);
int test_length = test_s.length();
string test_s_reverse;
for (int i=(test_length); i>0; i--){
test_s_reverse += test_s[i-1];
if (test_s_reverse == test_s){
return true;
else {
return false;
If it were up to me, I'd do the job rather differently.
std::string has a constructor to build a string for a pair of iterators. It also supports reverse iterators. As such, you can construct a reversed string a bit more easily like this:
std::string test_s_reversed(test_s.rbegin(), test_s.rend());
...but given how much that simplifies the task, you can boil most of it down to something like this:
bool is_palindrome(std::string const &s) {
return s == std::string(s.rbegin(), s.rend());
Implementation for an integer would then be something like this:
bool is_palindrome(int val) {
return is_palindrome(std::to_string(val));

Generate string lexicographically larger than input

Given an input string A, is there a concise way to generate a string B that is lexicographically larger than A, i.e. A < B == true?
My raw solution would be to say:
B = A;
but in general this won't work because:
A might be empty
The last character of A may be close to wraparound, in which case the resulting character will have a smaller value i.e. B < A.
Adding an extra character every time is wasteful and will quickly in unreasonably large strings.
So I was wondering whether there's a standard library function that can help me here, or if there's a strategy that scales nicely when I want to start from an arbitrary string.
You can duplicate A into B then look at the final character. If the final character isn't the final character in your range, then you can simply increment it by one.
Otherwise you can look at last-1, last-2, last-3. If you get to the front of the list of chars, then append to the length.
Here is my dummy solution:
std::string make_greater_string(std::string const &input)
std::string ret{std::numeric_limits<
if (!input.empty())
if (std::numeric_limits<std::string::value_type>::max()
== input.back())
ret = input + ret;
ret = input;
return ret;
Ideally I'd hope to avoid the explicit handling of all special cases, and use some facility that can more naturally handle them. Already looking at the answer by #JosephLarson I see that I could increment more that the last character which would improve the range achievable without adding more characters.
And here's the refinement after the suggestions in this post:
std::string make_greater_string(std::string const &input)
constexpr char minC = ' ', maxC = '~';
// Working with limits was a pain,
// using ASCII typical limit values instead.
std::string ret{minC};
auto rit = input.rbegin();
while (rit != input.rend())
if (maxC == *rit)
if (rit == input.rend())
ret = input + ret;
ret = input;
++(*(ret.rbegin() + std::distance(input.rbegin(), rit)));
return ret;
You can copy the string and append some letters - this will produce a lexicographically larger result.
B = A + "a"

C++ char-by-char comparison of a string

I'm trying to work on a string comparison check for an introductory C++ course; it's an online course and unfortunately the instructor is not very responsive. For a current lab, I need to perform a number of manipulations on string data.
Currently, I'm working on a step to check if a string has any repeated characters, and if a repetition is found, to delete the repeated characters at their present spot and move one copy of the letter to the beginning of the string. This is only to be done for the first double to be found.
I've set up a basic counter to move through the string looking for matches, checking a stored character (updated on each iteration) to the current position in the string.
I tried multiple string functions (comparing the current inputString[i] to the previous such, stored as a second string tempStore), but those always gave char conversion errors. I've tried the below instead, but this is now giving an error: "invalid conversion from 'char' to 'const char*'.
inputString is given by the user, testA and testB are defined as type char
Any ideas?
while (opComplete == false) {
if (i == 0) {
else if (i == inputString.size()) {
//Not Found
opComplete = true;
else if (i > 0) {
testA = inputString[i-1];
testB = inputString[i];
if (strcmp(testA,testB) != 0) {
else {
opComplete = true;
Your problem is in this line:
The std::string.insert() function the way you call it here has the following signature:
string& insert ( size_t pos1, const char* s );
so it expects a const char pointer. You, however, are giving it the inputString[i]. The return value of std::string.operator[] is a reference (as here), hence the error. However, by the time you reach your else, you already have the desired character in your testB variable, so you can just change the line to
inputString.insert(0, &testB);
You also can't pass normal chars into strcmp. You can use operator==, or, in your case, operator!= though.
You are using the insert method incorrectly, check its reference here for possible arguments.
while (opComplete == false)
if (i == 0)
else if (i == inputString.size())
opComplete = true;
else if (i > 0) {
char testA = inputString[i-1];
char testB = inputString[i];
else {
inputString.insert(0,&testB); //Problem Corrected here.
opComplete = true;

skipping a character in an array if previous character is the same

I'm iterating through an array of chars to do some manipulation. I want to "skip" an iteration if there are two adjacent characters that are the same.
e.g. x112abbca
I have some code but it's not elegant and was wondering if anyone can think of a better way? I have a few case's in the switch statement and would be happy if I didn't have to use an if statement inside the switch.
if(i > 0 && ent->d_name[i] == ent->d_name[i-1])
case ' ' :
...//code omited
case '-' :
By the way, an instructor once told me "avoid continues unless much code is required to replace them". Does anyone second that? (Actually he said the same about breaks)
Put the if outside the switch.
While I don't have anything against using continue and break, you can certainly bypass them this time without much code at all: simply revert the condition and put the whole switch statement within the if-block.
Answering the rectified question: what's clean depends on many factors. How long is this list of characters to consider: should you iterate over them yourself, or perhaps use a utility function from <algorithm>? In any case, if you are referring to the same character multiple times, perhaps you ought to give it an alias:
std::string interesting_chars("-_;,.abc");
// ...
for (i...) {
char cur = abc->def[i];
if (cur != prev || interesting_chars.find(cur) == std::string::npos)
switch (current) // ...
char chr = '\0';
char *cur = &ent->d_name[0];
while (*cur != '\0') {
if (chr != *cur) {
switch(...) {
chr = *cur++;
If you can clobber the content of the array you are analyzing, you can preprocess it with std::unique():
ent->erase(std::unique(ent->d_name.begin(), ent->d_name.end()), ent.end());
This should replace all sequences of identical characters by a single copy and shorten the string appropriately. If you can't clobber the string itself, you can create a copy with character sequences of just one string:
std::string tmp;
std::unique_copy(ent->d_name.begin(), ent->d_name.end(), std::back_inserter(tmp));
In case you are using C-strings: use std::string instead. If you insist in using C-strings and don't want to play with std::unique() a nicer approach than yours is to use a previous character, initialized to 0 (this can't be part of a C-string, after all):
char previous(0);
for (size_t i(0); ent->d_name[i]; ++i) {
if (ent->d_name[i] != previous) {
switch (previous = ent->d_name[i]) {
I hope I understand what you are trying to do, anyway this will find matching pairs and skip over a match.
char c_anotherValue[] = "Hello World!";
int i_len = strlen(c_anotherValue);
for(int i = 0; i < i_len-1;i++)
if(c_anotherValue[i] == c_anotherValue[i+1])
i++;//this will force the loop to skip

write trie parsing recursive function with node step over

The purpose: This function parses through a string trie following the path that matches an input string of characters. When all the char in the string are parsed, true is returned. I want to step over a char and return if there is still a valid path.
The application: the strings are a location hierarchy for a highway project. So, project 5 has an alignment C, that has an offset of N and a workzone 3; 5CN3. But, sometimes I want to define a string for all child locations for a project task that covers all the locations. So, '0' is all locations; for a half day operation like grade dirt has no workzones - all the so to represent this task is all workzones in the north alignment C; 5CN0. same for if an operation covers the whole project; 5000.
Approaches: I could have used a wildcard '?' function but I want to keep this specific step over for the purpose of abstracting the locations. Maybe '?' is the right approach, but seems to loose some control. Also, this could be written without the for loop and use a position index parameter; maybe that is where this goes wrong - maybe on backtracking.
Code: nodeT is the trie nodes, word is the input string, this function is a bool and returns 1/0 if the string path exists.
bool Lexicon::containsWordHelper(nodeT *w, string word)) //check if prefix can be combined
if(word == "") { //base case: all char found
return true;
} else {
for(int i = 0; i < w->alpha.size(); i++) { //Loop through all of the children of the current node
if (w->alpha[i].letter == word[0])
return containsWordHelper(w->alpha[i].next, word.substr(1));
else if (word[0] == '0') //if '0' then step over and continue searching for valid path
containsWordHelper(w->alpha[i].next, word.substr(1)); //removed return here to allow looping through all the possible paths
} //I think it is continuing through after the loop and triggering return false
return false; //if char is missing - meaning the exact code is not there
The problem is that this returns false when a '0' wildcard is used. What is going wrong here? My knowledge is limited.
I hacked on this problem for awhile and used the 'howboutthis howboutthat' approach, and found that placing the return at the end of the step over statement works.
bool Lexicon::containsWordHelper(nodeT *w, string word, int &time, int &wag, string compare) //check if prefix can be combined
if(word == "") { //base case: all letters found
if ((w->begin-wag) <= time && time <= (w->end+wag))
return w->isWord; // case 2: timecard check for high/low date range
else if (time == ConvertDateToEpoch(9999, 01, 01)) return w->isWord; //this is for single code lookup w/o date
} else {
for(int i = 0; i < w->alpha.size(); i++) { //Loop through all of the children of the current node
if (w->alpha[i].letter == word[0])
return containsWordHelper(w->alpha[i].next, word.substr(1), time, wag, compare);
else if (word[0] == 'ž')
if (containsWordHelper(w->alpha[i].next, word.substr(1), time, wag, compare)) return true;
return false; //if char is missing - meaning the exact code is not there
It seems logical that if I only one the path that ends in true to return then I should place the return after the recursion is done and then conditionally pass back only if true. It works and seems logical in retrospect, but my confidence in this is sketchy at best.
I still have the same question. What is/was going wrong?
You could test the result of the latter containsWordHelper call and return true if the result is true, else continue iterating.
Solved: place a return after an if statement containing the recursive call
bool Lexicon::containsWordHelper(nodeT *w, string word)
if(word == "") return w->isWord;
else {
for(int i = 0; i < w->alpha.size(); i++) {
if (w->alpha[i].letter == word[0])
return containsWordHelper(w->alpha[i].next, word.substr(1));
else if (word[0] == 'ž')
if (containsWordHelper(w->alpha[i].next, word.substr(1))) return true;
return false;