C++ String reaches over several NUL Bytes - c++

I hate to ask this because I think this must be very trivial. But as someone who is used to high-level-languages this is a real problem.
I got a C++ program which uses PDFium to generate an Image to a PDF. And i have a C# program which communicates with the C++ program via Named Pipes. The PDF file (Which is saved as a byte-array) gets transmitted by the pipe. And here is my Problem.
On the 374th Position of the stream is a NUL byte (00) and im too stupid to somehow reach the data after it.
Here is my Code:
LPTSTR lpszPipename2 = TEXT("\\\\.\\pipe\\myNamedPipe2");
if(ReadFile( hPipe2, chBuf, dwBytesToRead, &cbRead, NULL))
PDFData = chBuf;
dwBytes to read is the size of the file and cbRead shows the correct number. But PDFData only contains the first 373 bytes. I checked that the data beyond the 373th position is there with the Immediate Window i just don't know how to process it.
I gotta put the Data into a char-array.
As I already said, i think this is very trivial. But although i know where the problem comes from, i have simply no idea how to fix it.
Many Thanks and Regards
Edit: The C#-Code. Its everything but perfect. But i'm very sure this Problem is on the C++ side.
public void SendRawData(byte[] data)
while (clientse == null || clientse.stream == null)
{ }
if (clientse.stream.CanWrite)
clientse.stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
private void ListenForClients()
while (true)
clientHandle = CreateNamedPipe(this.pipeName, DUPLEX | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0, 255, BUFFER_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
//could not create named pipe
if (clientHandle.IsInvalid)
int success = ConnectNamedPipe(clientHandle, IntPtr.Zero);
//could not connect client
if (success == 0)
clientse = new Client();
clientse.handle = clientHandle;
clientse.stream = new FileStream(clientse.handle, FileAccess.ReadWrite, BUFFER_SIZE, true);
if (ClientType == 0)
Thread readThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Read));
Actually this never was a real problem. I just got my wires crossed. While chBuf seemed after copying it into PDFData or when i read its value is VS to only have those 373 bytes. All ~20 kilobytes were copied to that position.
I knew that, but i didn't understand how the PDFium sources should know that if the string terminates after 373 chars.
Well... the PDFium-sources know it cause i have to pass the length. Which was determined by
size_t len = PDFData.length();
and was therefore of course only 373 bytes.

The null character '\0' is used by C/C++ to terminate char* strings. So any library function (i.e. strlen(), strncpy(), etc) will use the null character as an implicit end-of-string indicator. Your code is obviously doing this somewhere. Instead, use something more like memcpy() or a std::vector<char> with an explicit data length.

Have a look at string:assign (http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/assign/)
String assignment operator from char * uses the C-style end-of-string convention. You need the "buffer" assign call:
string& assign (const char* s, size_t n);
This will include any NULs.
That being said, vector of bytes may indeed be a better choice.

Actually this never was a real problem. I just got my wires crossed. While chBuf seemed after copying it into PDFData or when i read its value is VS to only have those 373 bytes. All ~20 kilobytes were copied to that position. I knew that, but i didn't understand how the PDFium sources should know that if the string terminates after 373 chars.
Well... the PDFium-sources know it cause i have to pass the length. Which was determined by
size_t len = PDFData.length();
and was therefore of course only 373 bytes.
I'm sorry that i bothered you with that stuff


Serving HTML as C array from Arduino code - String size limit problem

I've been working on a HTML / websocket server on a Wiznet W5100S-EVB-Pico, programmed in the Arduino IDE. It all worked fine up until now but I'm running into, I think, a string size limit. I guess it is in the way the code handles the const char but I don't know how to do it properly.
I hope someone is willing to help :)
Let me explain:
I convert the index.html to a index_html.h file containing a const char array:
const char c_index_html[] = {
0x3c,0x21,0x44,0x4f,0x43,..., ..., 0x6d,0x6c,0x3e};
In my code I include the index_html.h file:
#include "index_html.h"
Now the code that actually serves the "HTML"
if (web_client){
Serial.println("New client");
// an http request ends with a blank line
bool currentLineIsBlank = true;
while (web_client.connected()){
if (web_client.available()){
char c = web_client.read();
if (c == '\n' && currentLineIsBlank) // if you've gotten to the end of the line (received a newline
{ // character) and the line is blank, the http request has ended,
Serial.println(F("Sending response")); // so you can send a reply
String strData;
strData = c_index_html;
if (c == '\n')
// you're starting a new line
currentLineIsBlank = true;
else if (c != '\r')
// you've gotten a character on the current line
currentLineIsBlank = false;
This is not the prettiest code, it's smashed together from examples and now the main culprit seems to be:
String strData;
strData = c_index_html;
When I add extra code to the HTML and view the page source, the code is incomplete. I tested reducing the HTML to a minimum and that solves the problem.
So my main question is:
How do I serve the 'const char c_index_html' without use of 'String'?
But also:
How could I prettify the whole 'if (web_client)' serving function?
Thank you very much for making it all the way through this post and if you have a suggestion I would very much appreciate it ;)
Edit: There is a bug in the ethernet library shown in this post.
I don't know if it affects you; you should look at your library implementation.
I'm assuming that web_client is an instance of EthernetClient from the Arduino libraries.
EthernetClient::println is inherited from Print via Stream and is defined in terms of write, which is:
size_t EthernetClient::write(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size)
if (_sockindex >= MAX_SOCK_NUM) return 0;
// This library code is not correct:
if (Ethernet.socketSend(_sockindex, buf, size)) return size;
return 0;
So we see that it asks the socket to send the buffer up to some size. The socket can respond with a size or 0 (see edit); if it responds with 0 then there's an error condition to check.
Edit: This is how it's supposed to work. Since write is always returning the requested size and not telling you how much was written, you can't fix your problem using the print/write facilities and need to directly use socketSend.
You're not checking the result of this write (which is supposed to come through println) so you don't know whether the socket sent size bytes, 0 bytes, or some number in between.
In EthernetClient::connect we see that it's opening a TCP stream:
_sockindex = Ethernet.socketBegin(SnMR::TCP, 0);
When you call socketSend you're actually just copying your buffer into a buffer in the network stack. The TCP driver writes out that buffer when it can. If you're writing into that buffer faster than it's being flushed to the network then you'll fill it up and your socketSend calls will start returning < size bytes. See Does send() always send whole buffer?.
So you're probably right that your string is too long. What you need to do is spread your writes out. There are countless tutorials covering this on the web; it's roughly like this in your example:
size_t bytesRemaining = 0;
while (web_client.connected()){
if (bytesRemaining > 0) {
// Still responding to the last request
char const* const cursor = c_index_html
+ sizeof(c_index_html)
- bytesRemaining;
size_t const bytesWritten = web_client.write(cursor, bytesRemaining);
if (!bytesWritten) {
// check for error
bytesRemaining -= bytesWritten;
if (bytesRemaining == 0) {
// End the message. This might not write!
// We should add the '\n' to the source array so
// it's included in our write-until-finished routine.
// Stop listening
} else if (web_client.available()){
// Time for a new request
char c = web_client.read();
if (c == '\n' && currentLineIsBlank)
Serial.println(F("Sending response"));
// Start responding to this request
bytesRemaining = sizeof(c_index_html);
This is what I think is going on. I'm not an expert so I might be wrong, but it seems to make sense.
This is not an answer as in "solution" but I found out there is a 2k buffer size limit using the W5100S-EVB-Pico. And indeed, if I keep the HTML below 2k it works. Turns out that I actually got Matt Murphy's suggestion to work but the 2k limit was the problem. It looks like a hardware/library limitation, not completely sure on that.
For now I'll shrink my HTML and Javascript to a minimum and compact it even more with for example textfixer.com. I think I might write some python code to do that
Maybe there is a path to a solution in the link below but at this moment I'll try to live with the limitations

Why does the stdout of a PNG image get flushed halfway the image sometimes in printf?

I am trying to send a PNG file from C++ over stdout to Nodejs. However, when I send it, it seems to get cut halfway sometimes when I read it in NodeJS, while I only flush after I sent the whole PNG in C++. What causes this behaviour?
My code to send the image:
void SendImage(Mat image)
{ //from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41637438/opencv-imencode-buffer-exception
std::vector<uchar> buffer;
#define MB image_size.width*image_size.height
buffer.resize(200 * MB);
cv::imencode(".png", image, buffer);
printf("image ");
for(int i = 0; i < buffer.size(); i++)
printf("%c", buffer[i]);
Then, I receive it in Nodejs and just test what I receive:
this.puckTracker.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
var str = data.toString();
//first check if its an image being sent. C++ prints "image 'imageData'". So try to see if the first characters are 'image'.
const possibleImage = str.slice(0, 5);
console.log("POSSIBLEIMAGE: " + possibleImage);
I have tried the following commands in C++ to try and remove automatic flushes:
//disable sync between libraries. This makes the stdout much faster, but you must either use cout or printf, no mixes. Since printf is faster, use printf everywhere.
//make sure C++ ONLY flushes when I say so, so no data gets broken in half.
std::setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ);
When I run the C++ program with a visible terminal, it seems to be alright.
What I expect the NodeJS console to print is:
image ëPNG
IHDR ... etc, all the image data.
and this for every image I send.
Instead I get:
image �PNG
IHDT ...
image �PNG
It seems to cut each image once as far as I can tell.
Here is a pastebin in case someone needs the full log. (Printing some additional stuff, but that shouldn't matter.) https://pastebin.com/VJEbm6V5
for(int i = 0; i < buffer.size(); i++)
printf("%c", buffer[i]);
There are no guarantees whatsoever that only the final fflush will send all the data, in one chunk.
You never had any, nor will have any, guarantee whatsoever that stdout will get flushed only when you explicitly want it to. Typical implementations of stdout, or its C++ equivalent use a fixed size buffer that gets automatically flushed when its full, whether you want it or not. As each character goes out the door, it gets added to this fixed size buffer. When it's full the buffer gets flushed to the output. The only thing fflush does is make it explicitly, flushing out the partially-filled buffer.
Then, that's not the whole story.
When you are reading from a network connection, you also have no guarantees whatsoever that you will read everything that was written, in one chunk, even if it was flushed in one chunk. Sockets and pipes don't work this way. Anywhere in between the data can get broken up in intermediate chunks, and delivered to your reading process one chunk at a time.
//make sure C++ ONLY flushes when I say so, so no data gets broken in half.
std::setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ);
This does not turn off buffering, effectively making the buffering infinite. From the Linux documentation of what happens with a null buffer pointer:
If the argument buf is NULL, only the mode is affected; a new buffer
will be allocated on the next read or write operation.
All this does is give you a default buffer, with the default size. Which stdout already has anyway.
Now, you could certainly create a custom buffer that's as big as your image, so that everything gets buffered up front. But, as I explained, that won't accomplish anything useful, whatsoever. The data will still likely be broken up in transit, and you will read it in nodejs one chunk a time.
This entire approach is completely wrong. You need to send the # of bytes separately, up front, read it first, then you know how many bytes to expect, then read the given number of bytes.
printf("image ");
Put the number of bytes to follow, here, read it in nodejs, parse it, and then you know how many bytes to keep reading, until you get everything.
Of course, keep in mind that, for the reasons I explained above, the very first thing your nodejs code could read (unlikely, but it can happen, and a good programmer will write proper code that will correctly handle all possibilities):
image 123
with the "40" part read in the next chunk, indicating that 12340 bytes follow. Or, it could equally well read just:
with the rest following.
Conclusion: you have no guarantees that whatever you read, in whatever way, will always match, exactly, the byte counts of whatever was written, no matter how it was buffered on the write end, or when it was flushed. Sockets and pipes never gave you this guarantee (there are some slight read/write semantics that are documented, for pipes, but that's irrelevant). You will need to code everything on the reading side accordingly: no matter how small or big is read, your code will need to logically parse "image ### ", one character at a time, determining when to stop when parsing the space after a digit. Parsing this gives you the byte count, then your code will need to logically read the exact number of bytes to follow. It's possible that this, and the first chunk of data, will be the first thing you read. It's possible that the first think you will read will be just the "i". You never know what's to expect. It's like playing the lottery. You don't have any guarantees, but that's how things work. No, this is not easy, to do correctly.
I have fixed it and it works now. I'm placing my code here, in case someone in the feature needs it.
Sending side C++
To be able to concatenate my buffer and parse it correctly, I have added "stArt" and "eNd" around the message I send. Example: stArtimage‰PNG..IHDR..binary data..eNd.
You can probably also do this by just using the default start and stop of the PNG itself or even only the start and take everything before the next start. However, I need to send custom data as well. The C++ code is now:
void SendImage(Mat image)
std::vector<uchar> buffer;
cv::imencode(".png", image, buffer);
//StArt (that caps) is the word to split the data chunks on in nodejs.
cout << "stArtimage";
fwrite(buffer.data(), 1, buffer.size(), stdout);
cout << "eNd";
Very important: add this at the start of your program, otherwise the image becomes unreadable:
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
//sets the stdout to binary. If this is not done, it replaces \n by \r\n, which gives issues when sending PNG images.
_setmode(_fileno(stdout), O_BINARY);
Receiving side NodeJS
When new data comes in, I concatenate with the previous unused data. If I can find both a stArt and an eNd, the data is complete and I use the piece in between. I then store all the bytes after eNd, so I can use them for the next time I get data. In my code this is placed in a class, so if it doesn't compile, do that :). I also use SocketIO to send data from NodeJS to the browser, so that is the eventdispatcher.emit you are seeing.
this.puckTracker.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
try {
var buff = Buffer.concat(this.bufferArray);
//data is sent in like: concat ["stArt"][5 letters of dataType][data itself]["eNd"]
// dataTypes: "PData" = puck data, "image" = png image, "Track" = tracking is running
// example image: stArtimage*binaryPNGdata*eNd
// example: stArtPData[]eNdStArtPData[{"ID": "0", "pos": [881.023071, 448.251221]}]eNd
var startBuf = buff.indexOf("stArt");
var endBuf = buff.indexOf("eNd");
if (startBuf != -1 && endBuf != -1) {
var dataType = buff.subarray(startBuf + 5, startBuf + 10).toString(); //extract the five letters datatype directly behind stArt.
var realData = buff.subarray(startBuf + 10, endBuf); //extract the data behind the datatype, before the end of data.
switch (dataType) {
//sending custom JSON data
//sending the PNG image.
case "image":
this.eventDispatcher.emit('PNG', realData);
this.refreshBuffer(endBuf, buff);
case "customData": //do something with your custom realData
this.refreshBuffer(endBuf, buff);
else {
this.bufferArray.length = 0; //empty the array
this.bufferArray.push(buff); //buff contains the full concatenated buffer of the previous bufferArray, it therefore saves all previous unused data in index 0.
} catch (error) {
refreshBuffer(endBuf, buff) {
//do this in all cases (but not if there is no match of dataType)
var tail = buff.subarray(endBuf + 3); //save the unused data of the previous buffer
this.bufferArray.length = 0; //empty the array
this.bufferArray.push(tail); //fill the first spot of the array with the tail of the previous buffer.
Client side Javascript
To just make the answer complete, to render the PNG in the browser, use the following code, and make sure you have a canvas ready in your HTML.
socket.on('PNG', (PNG) => {
var blob = new Blob([PNG], { type: "image/png" });
var img = new Image();
var c = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
img.onload = function (e) {
console.log("PNG Loaded");
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
img = null;
img.onerror = img.onabort = function (error) {
console.error("ERROR!", error);
img = null;
img.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
Make sure you dont use SendImage too often, or you will overflow the stdout and connection with data and it will print it out faster than the browser or server can handle it.

InternetReadFile filling buffer, but returning zero bytes read

I'm having a very strange problem whilst trying to download a file from the internet inside a C++ application written for Windows Compact 2013.
BOOL WWW::Read(char* buffer, DWORD buffer_size)
memset(buffer, 0, buffer_size);
m_dwBytesRead = 0;
BOOL bResult = InternetReadFile(m_handle, buffer, buffer_size, &m_dwBytesRead);
if (!bResult)
DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
TCHAR *err;
NULL, dwLastError,
(LPTSTR)&err, 0, NULL))
LOGMSG(1, (TEXT("InternetReadFile failed at - (%u) %s\r\n"), dwLastError, err));
if (m_dwBytesRead == 0)
DWORD dwZeros = countZeros(buffer, buffer_size);
if (dwZeros < buffer_size)
m_dwBytesRead = buffer_size;
return bResult;
I repeatedly call the above function from another member function as follows
DWORD dwWritten;
while (!(Read(buffer, DOWNLOAD_BUFFER_SIZE) && m_dwBytesRead == 0))
WriteFile(m_hDownload, buffer, m_dwBytesRead, &dwWritten, NULL);
m_dwActualSize += dwWritten;
if (m_dwBytesRead > 0)
m_dwInactivity = 0;
else if (++m_dwInactivity > INACTIVITY_LIMIT)
Without the FUDGE, this function fails the first time through, and works correctly on subsequent calls. The error that I get on the first pass through this function call is
InternetReadFile failed at - (112) There is not enough space on the disk.
I don't understand why I should be getting a "not enough space on disk" error during a READ operation. I have checked that that the buffer is allocated, and available, and matches the expected size. In fact when I inspect the contents of the buffer, I find that it HAS been filled with the expected number of bytes, however the contents of the m_dwBytesRead variable is still set to 0.
As you can see, I have tried to code around this specific case by inspecting the contents of the buffer to see if it has been filled, and then fudging the m_dwBytesRead variable, but this is only a temporary work around to get me past this error, I really need to understand why this problem is occurring.
The consequences of this error (without my fudge), is that the data is thrown away, and I end up with a file that is missing the first block but otherwise fully correct. Consequently MD5 checks fail, and I am missing the first part of the file.
I just happen to know that the file will always be larger than the block size that I am using, so my fudge will work, but I don't like having these horrible workarounds in the code when they shouldn't be needed.
If anyone can shed any light upon what is causing the problem, it would be greatly appreciated.
I'm using Visual Studio 2013 C++ (native Windows app, not MFC), the target is 32-bit and Unicode, running on Windows Compact 2013.
Many thanks,
Is the machine actually running out of disk space? InternetReadFile will write to disk behind your back by default:
To ensure all data is retrieved, an application must continue to call the InternetReadFile function until the function returns TRUE and the lpdwNumberOfBytesRead parameter equals zero. This is especially important if the requested data is written to the cache, because otherwise the cache will not be properly updated and the file downloaded will not be committed to the cache. Note that caching happens automatically unless the original request to open the data stream set the INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE flag.

do writefile function twice

bool sendMessageToGraphics(char* msg)
//char ea[] = "SSS";
char* chRequest = msg; // Client -> Server
DWORD cbBytesWritten, cbRequestBytes;
// Send one message to the pipe.
cbRequestBytes = sizeof(TCHAR) * (lstrlen(chRequest) + 1);
if (*msg - '8' == 0)
char new_msg[1024] = { 0 };
string answer = "0" + '\0';
copy(answer.begin(), answer.end(), new_msg);
char *request = new_msg;
WriteFile(hPipe, request, cbRequestBytes, &cbRequestBytes, NULL);
BOOL bResult = WriteFile( // Write to the pipe.
hPipe, // Handle of the pipe
chRequest, // Message to be written
cbRequestBytes, // Number of bytes to writ
&cbBytesWritten, // Number of bytes written
NULL); // Not overlapped
if (!bResult/*Failed*/ || cbRequestBytes != cbBytesWritten/*Failed*/)
_tprintf(_T("WriteFile failed w/err 0x%08lx\n"), GetLastError());
return false;
_tprintf(_T("Sends %ld bytes; Message: \"%s\"\n"),
cbBytesWritten, chRequest);
return true;
after the first writefile in running (In case of '8') the other writefile function doesn't work right, can someone understand why ?
the function sendMessageToGraphics need to send move to chess board
There are 2 problems in your code:
First of all, there's a (minor) problem where you initialize a string in your conditional statement. You initialize it as so:
string answer = "0" + '\0';
This does not do what you think it does. It will invoke the operator+ using const char* and char as its argument types. This will perform pointer addition, adding the value of '\0' to where your constant is stored. Since '\0' will be converted to the integer value of 0, it will not add anything to the constant. But your string ends up not having a '\0' terminator. You could solve this by changing the statement to:
string answer = std::string("0") + '\0';
But the real problem lies in the way you use your size variables. You first initialize the size variable to the string length of your input variable (including the terminating '\0' character). Then in your conditional statement you create a new string which you pass to WriteFile, yet you still use the original size. This may cause a buffer overrun, which is undefined behavior. You also set your size variable to however many bytes you wrote to the file. Then later on you use this same value again in the next call. You never actually check this value, so this could cause problems.
The easiest way to change this, is to make sure your sizes are set up correctly. For example, instead of the first call, you could do this:
WriteFile(hPipe, request, answer.size(), &cbBytesWritten, NULL);
Then check the return value WriteFile and the value of cbBytesWritten before you make the next call to WriteFile, that way you know your first call succeeded too.
Also, do not forget to remove your sizeof(TCHAR) part in your size calculation. You are never using TCHAR in your code. Your input is a regular char* and so is the string you use in your conditional. I would also advice replacing WriteFile by WriteFileA to show you are using such characters.
Last of all, make sure your server is actually reading bytes from the handle you write to. If your server does not read from the handle, the WriteFile function will freeze until it can write to the handle again.

C++ gsoap mime/dime for binary files in windows

I'm pretty close to losing my head here ;)
I'm developing a service that uses gsoap. I would like to return a mime response.
I have everything working, but when reading binary files, all kind of files like jpeg, pdf, etc... contains the \0 char several times over the data (if opened with notepad can see a lot of NUL).
So any code for reading a raw file fails miserably once it finds the end-of-file char. I have tried to replace the \0 but the file becomes incorrect to display.
I have also tried several methods including the example that comes with gsoap.
So resuming,
fstream generic code doesn't work.
for (i = 0; i < MAX_FILE_SIZE; i++)
{ if ((c = fgetc(fd)) == EOF)
image.__ptr[i] = c;
doesn't work also
QFile::ReadAll works but when converting QString to char* the array is trimmed in the first NUL.
So, which is the best aproach to read an entire binary file? Its crazy how sometimes C++ at the basic.
Thanks in advance.
I have tried this as retnick suggested below
UrlToPdf urlToPdf;
urlToPdf.getUrl(&input, &result);
QByteArray raw = urlToPdf.getPdf(QString(result.data.c_str()));
int size = raw.toBase64().size();
char* arraydata = new char[size];
strcpy(arraydata, raw.toBase64().data());
soap_set_mime(this, "MIME_boundary", NULL);
if(soap_set_mime_attachment(this, arraydata, size, SOAP_MIME_BASE64, "application/pdf", NULL, NULL, NULL))
soapMessage = this->error;
but no luck... the mime response is bigger than the actual file...
David G Ortega
to read binary files use fread()
Once you read it treat it as an array of bytes not as a string. No string functions allowed.
EDIT: The gSOAP documentation section 14.1 explains how to send MIME attachments. I only refer to the relevant function (please read it all).
int soap_set_mime_attachment(struct soap *soap, char *buf_ptr, size_t buf_size,
enum soap_mime_encoding encoding,
const char *type, const char *id,
const char *location, const char *description);
char *buf_ptr is your buffer.
size_t buf_size is the length of your buffer.
So just do your QFile::ReadAll.
this gives you back a QByteArray. The QByteArray has the method
QByteArray QByteArray::toBase64 () const
this will return a
QByteArray base64image = QByteArray::toBase64(rawImage);
so now just do
soap_set_mime(soap, "MIME_boundary", "<boundary.xml#just-testing.com>");
/* add a base64 encoded image (base64image points to base64 data) */
base64image.data(), base64image.size(),
SOAP_MIME_BASE64, "image/jpeg",
"<boundary.jpeg#just-testing.com>", NULL, NULL);
I have not tested this but should be close to finished.
QFile::ReadAll works but when converting QString to char* the array is trimmed in the first NUL.
Are you sure it's actually trimmed or you just can't print/view the array in the debugger [since C-style strings are 0 terminated]?
If the QString itself is not enough for your needs you may want to convert it to a std::vector or similar using the range constructor or range assign, you'll have lots less grief towards the how much data the container holds.
Here's some sample code for fstream reading from a binary file:
std::ifstream image( <image_file_name>, std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary );
std::istream_iterator< char > image_begin( image ), image_end;
std::vector< char > vctImage( image_begin, image_end );
The std::ios_base::binary is the most important part of the thing (similar to fopen/fread ["rb"] & probably QFile has something similar)
Also posting some sample code usually helps in getting the right answer.
I have the solution for this... As renick suggested I tried his idea but it failed without undestanding it so much... From a logical point of view recnick was right... bat the truth is that any king of string manipulation using QT QByteArray, std or mem is going to stop when findind the first \0 char, Qt QString can do it without problems but when converting it to c string (char*) the data will be again trimmed with the first \0
I found that using QDataStream::readRawData reads the file into a char* given the size to read. So thats how I accomplished the deal...
QFile file("test.pdf");
int size = file.size();
char* buffer = new char[size];
QDataStream stream(&file);
stream.readRawData(buffer, size);
soap_set_mime(this, "MIME_boundary", NULL);
if(soap_set_mime_attachment(this, buffer, size, SOAP_MIME_BINARY, "application/pdf", NULL, NULL, NULL))
soapMessage = this->error;
Note that in the line
if(soap_set_mime_attachment(this, buffer, size, SOAP_MIME_BINARY, "application/pdf", NULL, NULL, NULL))
I'm still using the size var instead of doing sizeof(buffer) or any other aproach since this one is going to trimm again the data qhen finding the first \0...
Hope this helps...
David G Ortega