Famo.us : Is there a way to clear an "emit" emitted by a view? - famo.us

Currently trying to add multiple functions to a single surface. hoping there is something similar to "pipe" which is "unpipe" is there an "unemit"?

You can removeListener to get rid of the .on or .addListener so that even though the event is emitted it would no longer be acted on. You can also delete what is sending the emit and recreate it without although I don't see that you need to. Even if it never fires again who cares it doesn't take a lot of memory, why would you want it gone?


Wrapper for MessageQ C++ with QT

I have a small issue regarding one existing MQ interpretation.
The thing is in each part of the program we have to interrogate the message that is being sent/received to which type it belongs, resulting in a massive switch scenario for each component.
Each type of the message has to be processed accordingly (update GUI progress bar, update a specific file, connect specific signals from where the interrogation happens and so on).
What would be the best approach to move it into a single component?
For now it uses Factory method to create each of the needed objects and like I said before the drawback is that you have to ask what type of object was created to implement the needed logic => big switches.
Instead of a message id, that you process is a switch statement, you can easily send a code chunk to be executed, say, a lambda object. Then, you can merely execute the code chunk in the "slot", without checking and reacting on the message id.

How to invoke CefV8Context::Eval() method in browser process?

I want to invoke CefV8Context::Eval function and get the returned value in browser process's UI thread. But the CEF3 C++ API Docs states that V8 handles can only be accessed from the thread on which they are created. Valid threads for creating a V8 handle include the render process main thread (TID_RENDERER) and WebWorker threads. Is that means I should use the inter-process communication (CefProcessMessage) to invoke that method and get the return value? If so, how to do this in synchronous mode?
Short answer: CefFrame::ExecuteJavaScript for simple requests will work. For more complex ones, you have to give up one level of synchronousness or use a custom message loop.
What I understand you want to do is to execute some Javascript code as part of your native App's UI Thread. There are two possibilities:
It's generic JS code, doesn't really access any variables or functions in your JS, and as such has not context. This means Cef can just spin up a new V8 context and execute your code - see CefFrame::ExecuteJavaScript(). To quote the examples on CEF's JS Integration link:
CefRefPtr browser = ...;
CefRefPtr frame = browser->GetMainFrame();
frame->ExecuteJavaScript("alert('ExecuteJavaScript works!');",
frame->GetURL(), 0);
It's JS code with a context. In this case, read on.
Yes - CEF is designed such that only the RenderProcess has access to the V8 engine, you'll have to use a CefProcessMessage to head over to the Browser and do the evaluation there. You sound like you already know how to do that. I'll link an answer of mine for others who don't and may stumble upon this later: Background process on the native function at Chromium Embedded Framework
The CEFProcessMessage from Browser to Render processes is one place where the request has to be synchronized.
So after your send your logic over to the render process, you'll need to do the actual execution of the javascript code. That, thankfully, is quite easy - the same JS integration link goes on to say:
Native code can execute JS functions by using the ExecuteFunction()
and ExecuteFunctionWithContext() methods
The best part - the execution seems to be synchronous (I say seems to, since I can't find concrete docs on this). The usage in the examples illustrates this:
if (callback_func_->ExecuteFunctionWithContext(callback_context_, NULL, args, retval, exception, false)) {
if (exception.get()) {
// Execution threw an exception.
} else {
// Execution succeeded.
You'll notice that the second line assumes that the first has finished execution and that the results of said execution are available to it. So, The CefV8Value::ExecuteFunction() call is by nature synchronous.
So the question boils down to - How do I post a CefProcessMessage from Browser to Renderer process synchronously?. Unfortunately, the class itself is not set up to do that. What's more, the IPC Wiki Page explicitly disallows it:
Some messages should be synchronous from the renderer's perspective.
This happens mostly when there is a WebKit call to us that is supposed
to return something, but that we must do in the browser. Examples of
this type of messages are spell-checking and getting the cookies for
JavaScript. Synchronous browser-to-renderer IPC is disallowed to
prevent blocking the user-interface on a potentially flaky renderer.
Is this such a big deal? Well, I don't really know since I've not come across this need - to me, it's ok since the Browser's message loop will keep spinning away waiting for something to do, and receive nothing till your renderer sends a process message with the results of JS. The only way the browser gets something else to do is when some interaction happens, which can't since the renderer is blocking.
If you really definitely need synchronousness, I'd recommend that you use your custom MessageLoop which calls CefDoMessageLoopWork() on every iteration. That way, you can set a flag to suspend loop work until your message is received from renderer. Note that CefDoMessageLoopWork() and CefRunMessageLoop() are mutually exclusive and cannot work with each other - you either manage the loop yourself, or let CEF do it for you.
That was long, and covers most of what you might want to do - hope it helps!

Go lang closure pipeline deadlock

I'm working on a data import job using the Go language, I want to write each step as a closure, and use channels for communication, that is, each step is concurrent. The problem can be defined by the following structure.
Get Widgets from data source
Add translations from source 1 to Widgets.
Add translations from source 2 to Widgets.
Add pricing from source 1 to Widgets.
Add WidgetRevisions to Widgets.
Add translations from source 1 to WidgetRevisions
Add translations from source 2 to WidgetRevisions
For the purposes of this question, I'm only dealing with the first three steps which must be taken on a new Widget. I assume on that basis that step four could be implemented as a pipeline step, which in itself is implemented in terms of a sub-three-step pipeline to control the *WidgetRevision*s
To that end I've been writing a small bit of code to give me the following API:
// A Pipeline is just a list of closures, and a smart
// function to set them all off, keeping channels of
// communication between them.
p, e, d := NewPipeline()
// Add the three steps of the process
// Start putting things on the channel, kick off
// the pipeline, and drain the output channel
// (probably to disk, or a database somewhere)
go emit(e)
I've implemented it already ( code at Gist or at the Go Playground) but it's deadlocking with a 100% success failure rate
The deadlock comes when calling p.Execute(), because presumably one of the channels is ending up with nothing to do, nothing being sent on any of them, and no work to do...
Adding a couple of lines of debug output to emit() and drain(), I see the following output, I believe the pipelining between the closure calls is correct, and I'm seeing some Widgets being omitted.
Emitting A Widget
Input Will Be Emitted On 0x420fdc80
Emitting A Widget
Emitting A Widget
Emitting A Widget
Output Will Drain From 0x420fdcd0
Pipeline reading from 0x420fdc80 writing to 0x420fdd20
Pipeline reading from 0x420fdd20 writing to 0x420fddc0
Pipeline reading from 0x420fddc0 writing to 0x42157000
Here's a few things I know about this approach:
I believe it's not uncommon for this design to "starve" one coroutine or another, I believe that's why this is deadlocking
I would prefer if the pipeline had things fed into it in the first place (API would implement Pipeline.Process(*Widget)
If I could make that work, the drain could be a "step" which just didn't pass anything on to the next function, that might be a cleaner API
I know I haven't implemented any kind of rung buffers, so it's entirely possible that I'll just overload the available memory of the machine
I don't really believe this is good Go style... but it seems to make use of a lot of Go features, but that isn't really a benefit
Because of the WidgetRevisions also needing a pipeline, I'd like to make my Pipeline more generic, maybe an interface{} type is the solution, I don't know Go well enough to determine if that'd be sensible or not yet.
I've been advised to consider implementing a mutex to guard against race conditions, but I believe I'm save as the closures will each operate on one particular unit of the Widget struct, however I'd be happy to be educated on that topic.
In Summary: How can I fix this code, should I fix this code, and if you were a more experienced go programmer than I, how would you solve this "sequential units of work" problem?
I just don't think I would've built the abstractions that far away from the channels. Pipe explicitly.
You can pretty easily make a single function for all of the actual pipe manipulation, looking something like this:
type StageMangler func(*Widget)
func stage(f StageMangler, chi <-chan *Widget, cho chan<- *Widget) {
for widget := range chi {
cho <- widget
Then you can pass in func(w *Widget) { w.Whiz = true} or similar to the stage builder.
Your add at that point could have a collection of these and their worker counts so a particular stage could have n workers a lot more easily.
I'm just not sure this is easier than piecing channels together directly unless you're building these pipelines at runtime.

Making an Qt HTTP request and receiving the response in a single function call

I'm attempting to create a library whose API will be used in the following way:
WebService *service = new WebService( username, password );
User *user = service->getAuthenticatedUser();
UserAssets *assets = user->assets();
// And so on
Neither the authenticated user, nor their assets, will be downloaded when the WebServer instance is created, rather they will only be retrieved if explicitly requested.
Whenever I've had to retrieve data from the network before using Qt, I've followed the standard pattern of connection the finished() signal of the QNetworkReply to the appropriate slot and using that slot to handle the returned data.
My problem here is that pattern does not seem to accommodate my desired use-case. I would like the users of my library (other developers) to be able to use a single line to request and receive the data they desire, but the 'Qt way' seems, at least from my point of view, to require them to initiate the request on one line, and then connect some signal to some other slot to get the data back, which is not the experience I would like them to have.
I'm new to network programming, both in general and with Qt, but I've used libraries written in Python, communicating with the exact same service, that are able to achieve this, so it does seem to be possible.
Is it possible to perform the full lifecycle of a HTTP request with Qt with a single function call?
Your best bet is probably to use a QEventLoop. This would allow you to 1) initiate the HTTP connection and, from your caller's perspective, 2) effectively block until you get a response.
For example:
QNetworkReply wait for finished
As already other have mentioned you could use QEventLoop to wait for finished() or error() signals, and the quitting event loop. This solution while working, have some serious disadvantages.
If it takes longer to download given address, then you might be stuck in your event loop for quite a while. The event loop is processing events nicely, so your app doesn't frezze, but there are some quirks connected to it anyway. Imagine that user is waiting for load, and then presses another button, to load something else. Then you will have multiple loop-in-loop, and first file will have to wait for the second to finish downloading.
Doing things in single call suggest to many programmers, that this will happen at one instant. But your function is processing events internally, so this might not hold. Imagine a code like
// some pointer accessible to many functions/methods (eg. member, global)
MyData* myData=0;
Then a code calling your function:
if (myData){
QNetworkReply* reply = getMyWobsite(whatever);
Seems fine, but what if some other slot happens to call
If this slot will be executed while waiting for request, application will crash. If you decide to use QEventLoop in your function, be sure to mention it in function documentation, so programmers using it will be able to avoid such problems.
If you are not using qt for anything else, you might even consider some alternative libraries (eg. libcurl) that might have what you need already implemented.

How to send arbitrary download request to proper handler

I'm building a Qt application and using the QNetworkAccessManager to manager my http requests. Due to the asyncronous nature of QNetworkAccessManager you have to bind a slot to recieve the QNetworkReply when it's done.
I'm new to multithreaded design so I'm not sure how to handle this. I will have 3 seperate types of network replies which need to be parsed in the bound slot and then passed to the correct handler. One will extract a link, the 2nd will extract a picture, and the third will parse a post request's reply to verify that it was successful. All of this takes place within a QWidget subclass.
So, I'm wondering how this is normally handled. As I see it, based purely on intuition as I've done little reading on this specific subject, I would think there are two ways to handle this. One would be to rebind the network manager's finished() signal depending on the call and the other would be to use some sort of state flags and check those to see what the reply is expected to be. What is the preferred method, not necessarily between these two, that's just all I could think of myself, someone more experienced may well have a better solution.
Now, I'm also fairly new to c++, so if the later is the better way what's the best way to handle flags in this case? Would I use a bitset, an enum/flag setting function, or something else? Thanks guys!
If you know the type of reply you're going to get as a result of doing specific request you can connect void QNetworkReply::finished () signal to suitable handler.