MFC CdockablePane Change Look - c++

I'm upgrading an old MFC project to use the MFC Feature Pack and Ribbon. I changed a pane derived from CControlBar to be derived from CDockablePane and it works great, however it still looks old and does not blend with the ribbon look and theme. The Pane also has buttons that still look old.
How do I change the look, feel or theme of a CDockablePane derived object and buttons derived from CButton?
I'm using the following code to draw the button, is the best way to simply change the background?
void CFolderButton::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
if( lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED )
//CDC dc;
CDC* dc = CDC::FromHandle(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC);
if( !IsWindowEnabled() )
CString csText;
if (m_iDisplayType != 2 || !m_hIcon)
memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT));
lf.lfHeight = m_iFontSize;
strcpy(lf.lfFaceName, "Tahoma Bold");
CFont* def_font = dc->SelectObject(&font);
RECT buttonRect = lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem;
buttonRect.left += 10;
buttonRect.right += 10;
if (m_iDisplayType != 1 || !m_hIcon) //text & Icon
buttonRect.left += 30;
buttonRect.right += 30;
if (m_hIcon && m_iDisplayType != 1)
CSize czText = dc->GetTextExtent(csText);
The following image shows the contrast between the buttons and the ribbon:

The new MFC uses a CMFCVisualManager. And drawing using the current styles isn't easy.
This class is virtual and used for all drawings in the specific style of the application.
Just look into the source of CMFCToolBarButton::OnDraw and see how all kinds of Buttons and text are drawn.
PS: May be it is easier to create a new CMFCToolBar if there are just Buttons and controls in it.
PPS: Or embed a new CMFCToolBar in the CDockingPane.


MFC OnMeasureItem & OnDrawItem in menu of MDI multidoc application

(Update, see original question below)
After doing a bit of digging, I'm basically trying to understand the following; In the context of an MDI application, if a menu (which is associated with a specific CChildWnd) has an MF_OWNERDRAW, why are the ON_WM_MEASUREITEM and ON_WM_DRAWITEM events send to the CMainWnd instead of the CChildWnd?
In my InitInstance, the document template is registered and the associated menu is modified to add the MF_OWNERDRAW:
BOOL CMyApp::InitInstance()
// ...
CMultiDocTemplate* pDocTemplate;
pDocTemplate = new CMultiDocTemplate(
if (pDocTemplate->m_hMenuShared != NULL) {
CMenu* pMenu = CMenu::FromHandle(pDocTemplate->m_hMenuShared);
// Add MF_ONWERDRAW to the items that need it.
pMenu->ModifyMenu([item_id], MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_OWNERDRAW, [item_id]);
// ...
So, once the document template is registered, the menu associated with the document/frame is modified to add the MF_ONWERDRAW flag to each of the required items (the color selection items in my case).
However, why are the OnMeasureItem and OnDrawItem events send to the CMainWnd and not the CFooWnd? And how can I direct the events to the CFooWnd instead?
The reason I'am asking, if I have 5 different types of documents in my MDI application, each needing custom menus, then the CMainWnd basically becomes a mess of message handling. The logical place for the custom menu logic is in the CChildWnd, not the CMainWnd.
Original question:
I'm doing some work on a very old application (MFC 4.2) and I'm running into a problem with drawing in a menu item.
The original application has a menu to select a color and it actually draws the colors in the menu when opened so it easier for the user to select the color.
The behavior for this implemented in CMainWnd using the OnMeasureItem and the OnDrawItem.
class CMainWnd : public CMDIFrameWnd
afx_msg void OnMeasureItem(int, LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT);
afx_msg void OnDrawItem(int, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT);
Then, in the implementation (omitted bits and pieces for brevity):
void CMainWnd::OnMeasureItem(int nIDCtl, LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpmis)
lpmis->itemWidth = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU) * 4;
lpmis->itemHeight = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU) * 1;
void CMainWnd::OnDrawItem(int nIDCtl, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis)
CDC dc;
CBrush* pBrush;
// draw the hover/selection rectangle
pBrush = new CBrush(::GetSysColor((lpdis->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) ? COLOR_HIGHLIGHT :
dc.FrameRect(&(lpdis->rcItem), pBrush);
delete pBrush;
// load a checkbox icon into a bitmap
CBitmap bitmap;
bitmap.GetObject(sizeof(bm), &bm);
// if color/item selected then draw the checkbox
if (lpdis->itemState & ODS_CHECKED) {
CDC dcMem;
CBitmap* pOldBitmap = dcMem.SelectObject(&bitmap);
lpdis->rcItem.left + 4,
lpdis-> + (((lpdis->rcItem.bottom - lpdis-> - bm.bmHeight) / bm.bmWidth,
// draw the actual color bar
pBrush = new CBrush(CPaintDoc::m_crColors[lpdis->itemID - ID_COLOR_BLACK]);
CRect rect = lpdis->rcItem;
rect.DeflateRect(6, 4);
rect.left += bm.bmWidth;
dc.FillRect(rect, pBrush);
delete pBrush;
What the OnDrawItem does is; it draws a horizontal color bar with a color, prefixed by a check icon if that color is selected and the menu item being hovered over is highlighted by a box being drawn around it.
However, since I'm turning this application into a Multidoc application and I don't really feel that this logic should be in the CMainWnd (since none of the other documents will have this type of menu), but that it should be part of the CChildWnd (which inherits from CMDIChildWnd).
But when I move this logic to that class, when I run the application, I get following message in the console logger:
Warning: unknown WM_MEASUREITEM for menu item 0x0082.
And none of the custom menu behavior seems to work.
so, the question is; How can move the custom behavior of a menu into the frame class of an MDI document rather than having it located in the application main frame?
I figured out a work around. Not ideal but I can understand that this is a quirk in the framework, i.e. the menu seems to be part of the MainWnd so from a technical point of view, that is where the ON_WM_MEASUREITEM and ON_WM_DRAWITEM would be handled.
Anyhow, my work around. Basically capture the events in the MainWnd and then delegate the behaviour to the ChildWnd. The trick here (I guess) is to figure out what ChildWnd to delegate to since in an MDI application there can be any number of different ChildWnd's (each with their own Document and View types).
The work around:
void CMainWnd::OnMeasureItem(int nIDCtl, LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpmis)
CMDIChildWnd* pActiveWnd = MDIGetActive();
if(pActiveWnd && pActiveWnd->IsWindowVisible())
if(pActiveWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyChildWnd))) {
CMyChildWnd* pMyChildWnd = (CMyChildWnd*)pActiveWnd;
CMyChildWnd->DoMeasureItem(nIDCtl, lpmis);
void CMainWnd::OnDrawItem(int nIDCtl, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis)
CMDIChildWnd* pActiveWnd = MDIGetActive();
if(pActiveWnd && pActiveWnd->IsWindowVisible())
if(pActiveWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyChildWnd))) {
CMyChildWnd* pMyChildWnd = (CMyChildWnd*)pActiveWnd;
CMyChildWnd->DoDrawItem(nIDCtl, lpdis);
Pretty straight forward, in the context of the MainWnd, get a pointer to the active MDI ChildWnd, check if it is active, then check the type by using IsKindOf and RUNTIME_CLASS and if so, voila, delegate the behavior to the ChildWnd. To DoMeasureItem and the DoDrawItem are just public methods implemented on the ChildWnd (see question for details).

CTabCtrl ItemAction & ItemState

I’ve created my own CXTabCtrl that extends CTabCtrl and override the DrawItem Function.
During the phase of rewriting the DrawItem Function, I wasn’t able to differentiate between this two states of CTabCtrl Item:
CTabCtrl item is selected and have focus.
CTabctrl item is selected but doesn’t have focus.
By focus I mean the Focus rectangle is not drawing. Here are two images that will help identify the two states:
Here’s the DrawItem current code, in which I can detect the selected states, but still Unable to detect the focus states.
Here’s a part of the DrawItem current code, in which I can detect the selected states, but still Unable to detect the focus states.
void CXtabCtrl::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC);
BOOL bFontSuccess = FALSE;
CFont* def_font = NULL;
CFont font_italic;
TC_ITEM tci;
CRect rect(lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem);
wchar_t szTabText[256];
RECT rectComplet;
CBrush brtmp(ColorCategoryBackgroundTop);
int nbItem = GetItemCount();
tci.mask = TCIF_TEXT;
tci.pszText = szTabText;
tci.cchTextMax = sizeof(szTabText) -1;
GetItem(lpDrawItemStruct->itemID, &tci);
BOOL bSelect = (lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) &&
(lpDrawItemStruct->itemAction & (ODA_SELECT | ODA_DRAWENTIRE));
BOOL bfocus = (lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_FOCUS) &&
(lpDrawItemStruct->itemAction & (ODA_FOCUS | ODA_DRAWENTIRE));
if (bSelect)//Draw In a Specific Way
if (bFocus) //Draw In a Specific Way
So, I would be grateful if someone can describe the proper way to detect the two states of a CTabCtrl Item “Selected & Focused”, “Selected & But not focused”
For a standard tab control, the UI will not always draw the focus rectangle. To see the focus rectangle, the tab control must have WS_TABSTOP flag.
The focus rectangle will then be visible when user clicks the Tab key to go through the dialog's controls, or when Alt key is pressed and tab control has focus.
The focus rectangle should be drawn automatically for owner draw tab control when applicable. Make sure WS_TABSTOP is set for tab control (in dialog editor, go to tab control's properties and set "Tabstop = true")
BOOL focused = selected && (GetFocus() == this); will always be TRUE when user clicks on the tab control. ODS_NOFOCUSRECT will indicate if focus rectangle is not requested by the UI. See the example below.
Side note, sizeof(szTabText) returns the wrong value for wchar_t. Use _countof(szTabText) or sizeof(szTabText)/sizeof(*szTabText)
void CXtabCtrl::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT di)
CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle(di->hDC);
TC_ITEM tci;
wchar_t text[256] = { 0 };
tci.mask = TCIF_TEXT;
tci.pszText = text;
tci.cchTextMax = _countof(text);
GetItem(di->itemID, &tci);
BOOL selected = di->itemState & ODS_SELECTED;
BOOL focused = selected && (GetFocus() == this);
//The UI may not be drawing focus rectangle, even if we click on the tab
if(di->itemState & ODS_NOFOCUSRECT)
focused = FALSE;
CString str;
if(selected) str += L"SEL ";//indicate selected
if(focused) str += L"FOC ";//indicate focused
CRect rect(di->rcItem);
pDC->TextOut(rect.left,, str);

How to change CTabCtrl tab colors?

Hello and happy new year, (it is acceptable to say it until Thursday)
I am trying to change the color of the tabs in the CTabCtrl class. I am trying to create my own ReskinCTablCtrl so that I can just call it in separate classes and easily use it throughout my program.
Currently I am able to change the background color of the CTabCtrl but I cannot modify the tab's themselves.
I used ON_WM_ERASEBKGND() for painting the background and it worked without a problem:
BOOL ReskinCTabCtrl::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC)
CRect rect;
CBrush myBrush(RGB(51, 51, 51)); // dialog background color
BOOL bRes = pDC->PatBlt(0, 0, rect.Width(), rect.Height(), PATCOPY);
pDC->SetBkColor(RGB(51, 51, 51));
pDC->FillRect(&rect, &myBrush);
return bRes;
However, I have been unsuccesfull at changing the tab colors themselves. They are still the default MFC colors. I have tried to implement ON_WM_PAINT() and ON_WM_DRAWITEM() without any success. I think I can get to the specific tab rect with using both OnDraw and DrawItem similar to the second link example that I have posted in the end of this question.
void ReskinCTabCtrl::OnPaint() {
// paint the tabs first and then the borders
int nTab = GetItemCount();
int nSel = GetCurSel();
if (!nTab) // no pages added
while (nTab--)
if (nTab != nSel)
dis.itemID = nTab;
dis.itemState = 0;
VERIFY(GetItemRect(nTab, &dis.rcItem));
dis.rcItem.bottom -= 2;
I would really appreciate at least some direction to go about this problem, perhaps some more examples or what methods I should focus on using. I don't need the tabs to be different colors, maybe there is an easy way of doing this?
I've been trying to follow some examples like the following links but I still couldn't figure out the right way to do it.
Enable OwnerDraw for tab control, either in resource editor, or set TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED in OnInitDialog
CTabCtrl has message reflection for WM_DRAWITEM therefore we don't want to override WM_DRAWITEM/OnDrawItem from parent class. Instead override in CTabCtrl::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT).
Unfortunately the result is rather ugly. It's sort of like overriding DrawItem in a button.
If Visual Style is available and enabled, then you can override CTabCtrl::OnPaint and draw everything manually. Example:
void CMyTabCtrl::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this);
CPen pen, pen_active;
COLORREF color_off = RGB(240, 240, 240);
COLORREF color_active = RGB(200, 240, 240);
CBrush brush_off, brush_active;
pen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(200, 200, 200));
pen_active.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, color_active);
CRect rcitem;
GetItemRect(0, &rcitem);
CRect rc;
rc.bottom = rcitem.bottom;
dc.FillSolidRect(&rc, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
GetClientRect(&rc); = rcitem.bottom - 1;
for(int i = 0; i < GetItemCount(); i++)
if(i == GetCurSel())
GetItemRect(i, &rcitem);
if(i == GetCurSel())
dc.MoveTo(rcitem.left+1, rcitem.bottom - 1);
dc.LineTo(rcitem.right, rcitem.bottom - 1);
TCITEM item = { 0 };
wchar_t buf[32];
item.pszText = buf;
item.cchTextMax = 32;
item.mask = TCIF_TEXT;
GetItem(i, &item);
dc.DrawText(buf, &rcitem, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE);
BOOL CMyTabCtrl::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC*)
return TRUE;

C++ CButton showing only bitmap icon

I'm using C++ on Visual Studio 2012 update 4, and I have a Dialog where I want to display a button showing a bitmap (.bmp file), without borders
I have extended CButton to add my tooltip, and so on.
Using the Resource View to open the Dialog .rc file, I set the button Property Bitmap to true. Then, from the Dialog OnInitDialog function, I used this code to set the bitmap, identified as IDB_HELP
But it displays this and I don't want that half-border.
I tried making it Flat and Transparent in the Resource View, but it only gets uglier.
Then I tried to only draw the image by setting Owner Draw to true and then redefining DrawItem in my button class, but I can't quite figure that out either.
Any easy way to make an icon-only button?
You have to use owner draw button or custom draw. Below is a simple example, it uses icon instead of bitmap (it's easier to assign transparent background for it)
class CMyButton:public CButton
void OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this);
CRect rc = dc.m_ps.rcPaint;
dc.FillSolidRect(&rc, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
BOOL offset = (BST_PUSHED & GetState()) ? 1 : 0;
int w = 24;
int h = 24;
HICON hicon = (HICON)LoadImage(AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_ICON),
DrawIconEx(dc, offset, offset, hicon, w, h, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL);
BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()
BOOL res = CDialogEx::OnInitDialog();
static CMyButton bn;
bn.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON1, this);
return res;
You do NOT need to do your own icon painting algorithm if you use a CMFCButton and you are a comfortable using an ICO file instead of a BMP. Although you can directly say in your resources file a button is of this type, I do not recommend it, because it adds an unmaintainable hexadecimal piece of text on the rc file. And if you use several rc files, one for each language, it's really devilish!
So lets go. In your form class, declare a member
CMFCButton m_button1;
The DoDataExchange should look like:
void MyDialog::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON1, m_button1);
// ...
Then the OnInitDialog should be something like:
BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()
return FALSE;
m_button1.m_nFlatStyle= CMFCButton::BUTTONSTYLE_NOBORDERS;
return TRUE;
Use CMFCbutton and set the border style to BUTTONSTYLE_NOBORDERS;
Use a .ico instead of png for pictures.
Also points to note:
Load the library or exe which has the icon.
Pass the dll/exe loaded handle to loadicon.
Use MFC button handle to set the icon with property set as Noborder.
Example code:
m_HResdll = LoadLibrary("C:\\Repos\\iFIX\\SCADABin\\en\\UAAClientConfigurationRes.dll");
//m_hTrustIcon = LoadIcon(m_HResdll, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON1));
m_hTrustIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(m_HResdll, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON2),1,18,22, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR);
unsigned int err = GetLastError();

Get button focus - MFC

I have a VC++ MFC dialog application and in my OnTimer function I am just trying to determine which button in my dialog currently has focus.
Here is some pseudocode of what I am trying to accomplish....
CButton *btn = GetButtonOnFocus();
int btnID = btn->GetDlgCtrlID();
I haven't tried it, but this should work:
CWnd * pFocus = GetFocus();
int btnID = 0;
if (pFocus != NULL && pDialog->IsChild(pFocus))
btnID = pFocus->GetDlgCtrlID();
This won't restrict the result to buttons only - to do that, you need to use GetClassName and compare to "button".