Change characters at specific position in a string in SAS - sas

IS there a function to change letters at a given index in SAS?
For example if my string is
string1 = 'abcd1234efgh'
I want to do somehing like:
string2 = somefunction(string1, 5, 'zzzz');
to produce

Yes, substr() = is what you're looking for. See here for details.
substr(string2, 5) = 'zzzz';
The substr(variable,position<,length>) = function can also take an third argument to define the length of the segment to be replaced.


How can I extract a file name based on number string?

I have a list of filenames in a struct array, example:
4x1 struct array with fields:
ans =
ans =
I have another list of numbers (say, 1094000). And I want to find the corresponding file name from the struct.
Please note, that 1094000 doesn't have preceding 0. Often there might be other numbers. So I want to search for '1094000' and find that name.
I know I can do it using Regex. But I have never used that before. And finding it difficult to write for numbers instead of text using strfind. Any suggestion or another method is welcome.
What I have tried:
I think the regular expression you'd want is more like
filenames = {'ts.01100600.crest.csv','ts.01094000.crest.csv'};
matches = regexp(filenames, ['ts\.0*' num2str(1094000) '\.crest\.csv']);
matches = ~cellfun('isempty', matches);
For a solution with strfind...
match = ~cellfun('isempty', strfind({}, num2str(1094000)),'UniformOutput',true)
match = contains({}, string(1094000))
However, the strfind way might have issues if the number you are looking for exists in unexpected places such as looking for 10 in ["01000" "00101"].
If your filenames match the pattern ts.NUMBER.crest.csv, then in 16b+ you could do:
str = {};
str = extractBetween(str,4,'.');
str = strip(str,'left','0');
matches = str == string(1094000);

Matching specific lengths with regexp in Matlab

String matching question in Matlab.
if i have a matrix
a = ['thehe'];
str = {'the','he'};
match = regexp(a,str);
the output is match =
[1] [1x2 double]
because it found 'he' twice and 'the' once
how can i make it so it looks from left to right of my string a and
only matches 'the' once and 'he' once?
To answer the explicit question, from the documentation for regexp you can specify the once search option:
a = 'thehe';
str = {'the','he'};
match = regexp(a,str, 'once');
Which returns:
match =
[1] [2]
Where match is a 1x2 cell array whose cell value(s) correspond to the first index of the match in a for each cell of str.
I understand from what the ambiguously described details I'v read, that you want the indexes of non-interleaved occurences of the and he, means 1, and 4.
a = ['thehe'];
str = {'the';'[^t]he'};
match = regexp(a,str)
after this print the two results.
ans =
ans =
no third occurence !
??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

C++ Substract the end of a string, not knowing length of the result

I have a string like this: 001,"John Marvin","doctor", "full time"
I want to delete everything after (001) with substr, but, the length of (001) is not always 3 so I can not put something like thie:
string chain = "001,\"John Marvin\",\"doctor\", \"full time\"";
std::string partial = chain.substr(0,3);
How can I proceed in this case?
You could find the index of the first comma and use that to determine where to cut off the string.
Something like:
string chain = "001,\"John Marvin\",\"doctor\", \"full time\"";
int cutoff = chain.find(',');
string newString = chain.substr(0, cutoff);
Tested here.

Dynamic regexprep in MATLAB

I have the following strings in a long string:
I want to first search for above mentioned pattern (X=Y=...=Z) and then output like the following for each of the above mentioned strings:
In general, I want all the variables to have an equal sign with the last variable on the extreme right of the string. Is there a way I can do it using regexprep in MATLAB. I am able to do it for a fixed length string, but for variable length, I have no idea how to achieve this. Any help is appreciated.
My attempt for the case of two equal signs is as follows:
funstr = regexprep(funstr, '([^;])+\s*=\s*+(\w+)+\s*=\s*([^;])+;', '$1 = $3; \n $2 = $3;\n');
Not a regexp but if you stick to Matlab you can make use of the cellfun function to avoid loop:
str = 'a=b=c=d=e=f;' ; %// input string
list = strsplit(str,'=') ;
strout = cellfun( #(a) [a,'=',list{end}] , list(1:end-1), 'uni', 0).' %'// Horchler simplification of the previous solution below
%// this does the same than above but more convoluted
%// strout = cellfun( #(a,b) cat(2,a,'=',b) , list(1:end-1) , repmat(list(end),1,length(list)-1) , 'uni',0 ).'
Will give you:
strout =
Note: As Horchler rightly pointed out in comment, although the cellfun instruction allows to compact your code, it is just a disguised loop. Moreover, since it runs on cell, it is notoriously slow. You won't see the difference on such simple inputs, but keep this use when super performances are not a major concern.
Now if you like regex you must like black magic code. If all your strings are in a cell array from the start, there is a way to (over)abuse of the cellfun capabilities to obscure your code do it all in one line.
strlist = {
Then you can have all your substring with:
strout = cellfun( #(s)cellfun(#(a,b)cat(2,a,'=',b),s(1:end-1),repmat(s(end),1,length(s)-1),'uni',0).' , cellfun(#(s) strsplit(s,'=') , strlist , 'uni',0 ) ,'uni',0)
>> strout{:}
ans =
ans =
ans =
This gives you a 3x1 cell array. One cell for each group of substring. If you want to concatenate them all then simply: strall = cat(2,strout{:});
I haven't had much experience w/ Matlab; but your problem can be solved by a simple string split function.
[parts, m] = strsplit( funstr, {' ', '='}, 'CollapseDelimiters', true )
Now, store the last part of parts; and iterate over parts until that:
len = length( parts )
for i = 1:len-1
print( strcat(parts(i), ' = ', parts(len)) )
I do not know what exactly is the print function in matlab. You can update that accordingly.
There isn't a single Regex that you can write that will cover all the cases. As posted on this answer:
However, you have a few alternatives to achieve your final result:
You can get all the values in the line with regexp, pick the last value, then use a for loop iterating throughout the other values to generate the output. The regex to get the values would be this:
matchStr = regexp(str,'([^=;\s]*)','match')
If you want to use regexprep at any means, you should write a pattern generator and a replace expression generator, based on number of '=' in the input string, and pass these as parameters of your regexprep func.
You can forget about Regex and Split the input to generate the output looping throughout the values (similarly to alternative #1) .

Verify and cut a string using regexp in matlab

I have the following string:
I would like to verify the format of the string that the word 'variable' is the second word and i would like to retrive the string after the last '/' in the 3rd string (In this example 'D_foo').
how could i verify this and retrive the sting i search?
I tried the following:
without success
The string to analysis is not splited after the komma, it is only due to length of the string.
my string is:
and not a cell, which could be understood. I added the sybol ' at the start and end of the string to symbolizied that it is a string.
I realise that you mention using regexp in the question, but I'm not sure if this is a requirement? If other solutions are acceptable you could try this:
parts1=textscan( str, '%s','delimiter',{',','{','}'},'MultipleDelimsAsOne',1);
parts2=textscan( parts1{1}{3}, '%s','delimiter',{'/',''''},'MultipleDelimsAsOne',1);
To answer the first part of your question, you can write this:
str = {'output',{'variable','VGRG_Pos_Var1/Parameters/D_foo'},'date',734704.60904050921};
temp = str(2); %this holds the cell containing the two strings
if cmpstr(temp{1}(1), 'variable')
%do stuff
For the second part you can do this:
str = {'output',{'variable','VGRG_Pos_Var1/Parameters/D_foo'},'date',734704.60904050921};
temp = str(2); %like before, this contains the cell
temp = temp{1}(2); %this picks out the second string in the cell
temp = char(temp); %turns the item from a cell to a string
res = strsplit(temp, '/'); %splits the string where '/' are found, res is an array of strings
string = res(3); %assuming there will always be just 2 '/'s.