Eclipse C++: Setting Compiler Options For Specific Files - c++

I have a CUDA C++ project I am writing and compiling using Eclipse Nsight. My goal is to end up with an executable from the file that contains the main function, then to produce an individual shared library for each class in the project without needing to compile outside of the IDE. I can do this by creating a project for each class, then including all of them in the main project, but I would like a way to write all the files in a single Eclipse project and still end up with the desired artifacts. The project structure is as follows:
I am looking to compile the project and end up with the following artifacts:
Ideally, I would like to know if there is a way to group specific files and set the compiler options for just that group of files. i.e.
nvcc -shared -fPIC -o
nvcc -shared -fPIC -o
g++ main.cpp -o main.exe
I know this is an unusual request, but this is part of a larger project architecture I am trying to bring from the land of emacs and compile shell scripts into the world of IDEs.

Option A: Write and maintain a custom make file.
Option B: Create 3 projects - exe and two shared libraries.


How do you save links with g++/C++?

I am writing some OpenGL code, and my links to libraries in /usr/lib is getting quite unwieldly:
g++ Application.cpp -lglfw -lGL -lGLEW
I don't want to hunt around/can't remember the exact names of the libraries EVERY TIME i want to complile something, so in my project folder I have a file called linkingsNeeded.txt. That file contains that command and nothing else. Is there a way to save the list of linkings so I can just type
g++ Application.cpp
And not have to deal with manually linking? Say, in the #include section of the CPP file?
Learn to use some build automation tool such as GNU make or ninja.
You'll then edit your Makefile (with make); this could be inspirational and just build your program by typing make. Most source code editors (like GNU emacs) or IDEs can be easily configured to run make with a single keypress.
Of course you want to invoke GCC as g++ -Wall -Wextra -g since you want all warnings and debug info (for the GDB debugger).
Read also How to debug small programs and more about C++, perhaps even the n3337 quasi C++11 standard.

qmake: compile single cpp file into an executable

I got a project in QT and I'd like to use qmake for compiling one additional cpp file that (into standalone executable) is not connected in any way to my application or even QT (it's very simple plain C++ program). Is there any way to do this without rebulding whole project structure? Do I need separate .pro file for every executable or is there any other way for simple compiling just one, plain C++ file?
As you may know qmake -project will make one .pro file with the name of the folder containing your whole source and header files, if you qmake this pro file then make your project you will get compiled .o file from your new cpp file even if it's not connect to your Qt project directly.
but if this file got main() function of course you will have multiple main() definitions error by compiler.
you will need to rebuild that file of course
as you know for simple compiling of only one standard plain c++ file you just
g++ source.cpp -o excutable_name.exe
for more strict compiling with two steps:
g++ -Wall -pedantic -ansi source.cpp -c compiled_file_name.o
g++ compiled_file_name -o excutable_name.exe
but if you are going to use for example a code related to Qt, you have to include Qt headers and link necessary libraries :
g++ -Wall source.cpp -c compiled_file_name.o -L qt/library/path -lQtGui -lQtCore -lQtother_necessary_libraries -I Qt/include/path -I Qtother_necessary_include_paths
To make an additional executable you can use use system() in .pro like so:
system(g++ otherapp.cpp)
Which will be built every time you call qmake. However if you want to build the additional app automatically when its source is changed, use QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS instead.

How to force Eclipse to use g++ instead of gcc?

I already asked how to call a C++ constructor from a C file in How to call a C++ constructor from a C-File. Now when I successfully apply these methods suggested there, I receive an error
fatal error: string: No such file or directory compilation terminated
this error message points to the line: #include <string> in a header of a .cpp file.
I already found out that <string> is used by c++/g++ and <string.h> by c/gcc. Well the problem got clearer, when I checked the console output and there I can see, the (.cpp) file with the error was called by the gcc, which actually expects the <string.h> but that's not my intention - I need to compile it with the g++.
Now my question is: Can I force Eclipse to use a specific compiler? Here, for example just g++ (I heared it is capable of C-code too.) - Or even better, is there a way to chose the compiler for each directory in the workspace ?
Thanks for your advises
Answer respecting the wish of being able to specify the compiler for every subfolder:
What you are searching is probably a makefile project. That allows you to specify the toolchain, being for example the preprocessor, compiler and linker. g++ is an example for such a toolchain, as much as clang++ would be.
You can generate such a project in eclipse, writing the makefiles by hand, or use some build environment, such as CMake, which I would recommend for better portable code.
Both solutions would allow you to specify the compiler, as well as the compile flags, for every single directory of your project, if you wished so.
Writing a makefile for your existing C/C++ project can be achieved by completing the following steps:
in the folder where your source file is, right click and create a new file. New > File
name it makefile and click Finish
The new makefile should pop up in the editor and can be filled like follows:
all: executable_name
-rm main.o executable_name[.exe on windows] executable_name
executable_name: main.o
g++ -g -o executable_name main.o
main.o: main.cpp
g++ -c -g main.cpp
Change Project's Setting can force eclipse to compile using g++:

error with makefile

I want to compile my C++ files with mingw-g++ in command prompt. My C++ files have OGRE3D libraries also. How can I add these OGRE3D libaries in makefile.
For example after I compile my files in command prompt I get an error like this ; OgreEntity.h :No such file or directory
To your g++, you should give options. Some useful options are:
-I/path/to/library/include This tells the compiler to look for library
headers in this folder also
-L/path/to/library/lib This tells the compiler to look for library's lib file.
For example, let's say it's called libBerzos.a
-lLibname This tells the compiler to which library it should link. In the
example above, you would write -lBarzos
For example, let's say I have written a library myself named shSGL. I have the files in C:\shSGL
Then if I want to compile a file using it, I would compile it like this:
g++ -c -o file.o file.cpp -IC:/shSGL/include
and build the executable with
g++ -o exec file.o -LC:/shSGL/lib -lshSGL
See this Makefile for a real example.
If you want to learn more about g++ options, just search for man g++ in google and the first site would be this.

Building shared library with Eclipse CDT directly

I would like to move the building of my C++ project completely to Eclipse CDT, however I am facing some configuration problems. Here is my old g++ compiler call:
g++ -I/home/lib/tinyxml
-L/usr/local/lib -L/home/konrad/tinyxml
agent.cpp AgentSocket.cpp ThreadInfo.cpp
When creating the project I choose Shared Library > Emtpy Project
Here are my problems:
The Eclipse CDT generates the makefile in a way, it first compiles every .cpp file and then recompile it to the shared library. This let's me face one or more issues. I would like to jump this step and run it in the same way I did in the console.
I cannot configure -L and -l options into the C++ building configuration, as Eclipse CDT offers these option only for the C++ linking part, but not for the C++ compiler part, but I need them already there, as the project doesn't compile without errors.
That's not a problem, but actually how makefiles usually are constructed. This way, if you change one source file, you don't have to recompile all other source files, but only the one that has changed. It minimizes recompilation time.
That shouldn't be a problem, because they are options that are only used during linking. Compilation of source files into object files shouldn't depend on external libraries.