QT window within window? - c++

I'm setting up a small code editor using QT and following this example. However, i'm curious on how to create windows within windows or widgets within widgets. I'm trying to achieve something similar to these:
Is there an example of overlaying widgets like this?

Any alternative soloution for QMessagebox for IOS development (QWidget application only)?
I gave an example of getting another QWidget to be embedded and painted on top of another one. Let me know if you have any questions about how it was done.
The PopUp flag and Qt::Tool options are also relevant.
Be sure to check out: the ToolTip property of a QWidget and the WhatsThis property of QWidget.
There are also other ways to make borderless, focusless windows that hover and disappear quickly on command. The Window Flags and Widget Attributes in Qt are very powerful when you are looking to modify Qt Widgets.
When you parent a Widget to another widget, it will draw itself on top of the other. Then you just need to resize and position it properly.
Also subclassing existing widgets can give you more options.
Draw text on scrollbar
Also common Qt::Tools that you will find are QDockWidgets. They are awesome!
Hope that helps.

Take a look at Qt Namespace especially Qt::WA_LayoutOnEntireRect and Qt::WA_StyleSheet. Pass it as a widget attrybutes. The second option looks promising but you have to create style sheet for QWidget.


How to draw a caret/arrow bottom of a QDialog on qt5

I want to draw a caret / arrow top or bottom of a qt window. I cannot find any document regarding to this.
How can I accomplish this task with qt5? I've searched all possible words but can't find anything.
Can this be applied to QDialog or qml needed? My first choice is QDialog since I have a webengine and other qwidgets already in a QDialog.
I'm using C++.
Here is what I mean:
Most window-managers don't support non-rectangular windows directly, which means that if you want to do something like this you'll need to fake it by making the window large enough to include both its normal content and the desired caret-shape inside the window-area, and making the window transparent at the top.
To do that, call setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground) and setAttribute(Qt::WA_FramelessWindowHint) on your dialog, and override paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) to paint the dialog's background only for the parts of the dialog you want to be non-transparent.

How to activate centralWidget in QT Designer

I was looking at this article
How to make a Qt Widget grow with the window size?
but when i got to the answer I got stuck on "activating" the central widget. I notice an icon with a red circle so I guess that means its disabled. I've been searching the net to try to figure out how to "activate" it but I am not having any luck.
Can someone please help me out?
Have a look at the layout system.
That icon does not mean your QWidget is disabled, that just mean you do not apply a layout on it.
Try to press like Ctrl+1 in order to apply a basic layout. If nothing has changed, you might need to put a QWidget inside the central widget first and then apply the layout.

Qt - Make QMainWindow to non resizible in Qt Designer

Is it there a way to set a QMainWindow to be non-resizible in Qt Designer? I am seeing lots of coding examples but I want to do as much UI customization in Qt Designer as I can. So far I can only get this by setting the minimum size and maximum size to be equal, but still there is the resize arrow in the corner of the window and a "maximize" button on the top of the window.
When you select the QMainWindow, the properties of the object does contain a field for sizePolicy, both horizontal and vertical, as mentioned by the answer of #jester and you can set those to fixed.
I have found that doesn't always work and was never sure why (perhaps to due to layouts), but as you've found out, if you set the minimumSize and maximumSize fields to the same value, it does what you want.
As for the resize arrow and maximize button, I have never been able to do that from Qt Creator (designer), so I would say it's not possible. However, just one line of code is all you should need in the constructor of your class: -
setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint);
By default, the window flags include Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint. By setting the above flags, you're stating that you want to customise the window to include the specified elements. This will also remove the minimise button, so if you want that too, you should add Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint
I am not using Qt Designer; I am just writing a subclass of QMainWindow made from scratch. The solution I found for having a non-resizable window is to call setFixedSize on the QMainWindow after you have set up all your widgets and layouts. If you have set things up well, then you don't have to pick a size manually; you can just get the size from sizeHint. The line of code I used inside my subclass of QMainWindow is:
I tested this in Qt 5.5 on Windows 8.1 and everything looks fine: the maximize button gets disabled but the other buttons are still there, and the cursor does not indicate the possibility of resizing when the user moves it to the border.
use the setFixedSize property for the QMainWindow. In designer, if I remember correctly, you can set the horizontal and vertical sizePolicy to Fixed.
Sadly there is no option to do that; in VS you may find an option in the editor, to remove the mouse trigger that resize the window; but for some reason, QT5 does not have one.
I tried to use sizePolicy and set it as fixed for mainWindow; but this does nothing for both the horizontal and vertical policy.
To solve the problem, I did set my mainwindow minimum and maximum size as the same values; and when you run the application, the mouse cursor won't be enabled for resizing.
It is an ugly way to do something so simple, but this is the only way I found in QT designer, without use code.
I solved the problem of Qt5 which is displaying mouse arrow resize window even with window having fixed size, but in Python, but you can make modifications for C++.
It's an old post but I want to help if someone need it.
I found a way (not so beautiful) but it works directly from QTDesigner.
You can lock the resize by writing the values of height and width also inside "MinimumSize" and "MaximumSize" property.
Oviously also set "Fixed" on vertical and horizontal as told by other users.
This will remove the button to enlarge the window.

Qt - QScrollBar skinning issue

I'm trying to skin a QScrollBar by reimplementing the paintEvent function, but I'm having trouble. I can't find any information on the buttons on the scroll bar, and I can only find (limited) information on the actual slider (the handle you can grab and drag). I looked at the QStyle as well and it still only gives information on the scroll handle and not the buttons. Hardcoding or using magic numbers is not an option because the buttons are placed differently on different operating systems (see: Here). Is there any way to programmatically get the layout of the Scrollbar, so I could accurately render the buttons and scroll handle at their correct positions?
As the painting itself is done by underlying style, not QScrollBar itself I'd suggest following:
Use QProxyStyle to override painting of QScrollBar.
This is how does Qt paints QScrollBar. You can alternate that
As alternative I'd suggest using Qt Style Sheets to change QScrollBar look'n'feel

How do I make tab control take over entire window in Qt Creator?

I want a tab control to "dock" to the entire window panel, in Qt Creator. Now in Winforms and WPF this is super easy but in Qt its not working.
I've tried all the layouts, grid layouts, etc etc. it's just shrinking the tabs not making them grow to fill. So please test a solution before telling me what the SHOULD BE OBVIOUS answer is cause its not working.
omg QQ this is driving me NUTS
I'm unsure what you are trying to achieve here - do you want the control to fill the client area? Are you creating a QMainWindow-derived class or a QDialog-derived one? If using QMainWindow then you'd make the tab control the central widget by calling setCentralWidget. The tab control will then fill the main window's client area. I have done this many times.
Or do you want the tab 'ears' to stretch?