setting up Undelivr and Spool folder for CFmail - coldfusion

I am working on an application, and I am trying to get emails undercontrol. All the projects I have worked on since starting ColdFusion hav had the email set up with the Undelivr folder and everything; However, this one does not.
I am unsure how to go about setting up the Undelivr and Spool folders for the cfmail of an application. If someone could point me in the direction of a tutorial on how to set this up or something I would appreciate it.
I have been looking for a solution for this for a couple of hours now and will of course continue to look. The only thing I am getting at the moment however is people having problems and not understanding the spooling, but I understand that part but have never had to set it all up before.
Thanks in advance

There should be nothing to "set up". Have you defined your mail server? Have you set it to spool mail messages to disk?
ColdFusion will create those folders for you. They should be under {ColdFusion}/Mail/Spool and {ColdFusion}/Mail/Undelivr.


PowerApp Onboarding Tasks Template

I'm trying to edit the tasks that each user would see, do to do this i need to edit the tasks that are being sent to the outlook task, however no mater where i look on this app, i cant seem to find where this code is. has anyone else had this issue or managed to find it?
ive looked under the app code iself and it just seem to create the subfolders on outlook, ive also checked the code behind each screen and i cant seem to find where the code to take the list from excel and place it in the outlook tasks folders.

Can't change Max Send and receive size in Microsoft 365?

I am running a number of hosted exchange to M365 migrations at the moment. As a part of this process, I need to update the max send and receive size in Microsoft 365s Exchange Center.
Normally this is simple, you can access the settings and change it without issue. However, I have a tenant where the options to do this are greyed out and can't be changed. I have tried with powershell using the exchange online management shell also but get the error:
Set-Mailbox : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'MaxSendSize'.
The command runs fine on other tenancies without issue.
Note I am also a global admin for all the tenancies too. I figure there has to be a setting or config item somewhere stopping me from doing this but I can't for the life of me figure it out. Has anyone run into this kind of thing before? Any ideas on resolving it?

How to get Apache Superset to run on a specified path

I am running Apache Superset at the following address:
That gets redirected to:
Ideally, users would get redirected to:
How can that be accomplished? As well I would like for it to run under port 80 so the port doesn't need to be specified but I haven't been able to do that either.
This issue covers what you're talking about:
which led to this closed PR:
You can try to reopen the PR and finish it, or you can try configuring nginx like this guy suggests.
I found it very frustrating to setup a base url for superset. If you want to save some time, I condensed a couple of comments into a working example here:
Below is the way I eventually made it to run on an endpoint other than '/'. But my use case is to make it work on AWS Lambda in Serverless environment.
Eventually what i did was the below to make it work:
In i have added another configuration variable and used this variable in locations where redirect or appbuilder.add_link has been used.
In templates folder there are places where directly '/superset/' has been used. So, even if i did first step right, the templates are not rendering in right way. So, i have to go and change the template as well (As of now I have hard-coded this. I need to make it configurable)
In front-end i have added a file called config.ts and I have used this config in locations wherever redirect was done in front-end. This has fixed up all my front-end links.
Only thing remaining for me was fixing "Upload CSV to Database" Link. When we click this link and enter the data, since Lambda doesn't allow any writes i tried to write to /tmp - but since we don't know whether the next request is going to be served by same lambda or not... so this is an issue as of now. The way I am planning to fix this is to write the files to s3 instead of local folder. I am still figuring out a way to do this.
-- No more nginx or other links. We don't even need gunicorn in this setup.

Malware/Adware on site deployed on AWS Elasticbeanstalk

I guess the title says it all.
I noticed some ads were popping up on a client's site we are currently developing. It only shows on this particular site. Not any other site. It is very annoying to put it mildly.
I thought removing it would be as easy as setting up a new environment on ElasticBeanstalk for it. I was wrong!
I have started a fresh instance for the application, scanned the project folder for malware before deploying, emptied the content of s3 bucket for static files. All these made no difference. The adware/malware is still there.
It has been driving me nuts for the past few days. Does anyone know how to resolve this kind of problem?
Mark B pointed me in the right direction.
I used inspect element to check the network processes of pages showing the Malware/Adware. It was after this i noticed a few asynchronous posts going to Of course, i'm not making any post calls to this link. So i decided to inspect my JavaScript files as seen in View Page Source. Fortunately, it was in the last few lines of the second file i inspected. Immediately i deleted this file, normalcy returned to my web application.
It has been a very frustrating several hours. Thanks once again, Mark B for your suggestion.

Coldfusion 8 scheduled task not running?

I started a job as a web developer at a company a few months ago managing a bunch of Coldfusion applications among other things. Apparently a scheduled task was set up many years ago, and worked fine until it stopped working under one of the previous web developers, a couple of years ago. No one knows why it stopped working, but it is now my job to fix it. This is my first job as a web developer, I didn't know CF when I started my job (barely knew it existed), and I only started learning about scheduled tasks this morning, so just know that I am a total newbie.
The file is a basic one- it just updates a table in the database. If you run the URL in the browser (which is what they have been doing for the past couple of years), it runs fine, and everything is updated. The scheduled task, which was set to run every night, has not been updating the file. I've tried turning on the log in CF Admin, setting it to run at various times this morning, and also just telling it to run manually, and according to the log, it is executing (with no errors), but the file is not being updated. I tried commenting out most of the file and just telling it to send a basic e-mail, with no variables or anything, but I am getting the same result.
Any ideas? I have no idea what to try from here. I tried looking for a solution online, but the only post I found similar to my situation is this, where people seem to be suggesting that the issue may be variables that are not available to the scheduler:
coldfusion scheduled task not sending emails
There are no variables on my page right now though. I tried running the task via CFSCHEDULE, per the suggestion on that page, but I got the same result as before. Some of the other suggestions (server monitor/FusionReactor/cflog) I just plain don't know how to do, so I have not tried those.
Edit: Right now, this is the only code in the page which is not commented out:
to="[e-mail address]"
from="[e-mail address]"
Subject="is it running at all?">
Is it running?
Edit 2: Okay, now I've got something like this before and after the code for the e-mail:
text = "before e-mail"
application = "yes"
log = "Scheduler"
type = "information">
I see the log messages if I actually go to the URL for the file (and the e-mail is sent as well), but not if I tell it to run the scheduled task from CF admin. Because the e-mail sends when I open the file in the browser, I don't think it is a problem with the mail server.
Edit 3: Yes, the e-mail addresses are plain, hard-coded strings.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "covered" by an Application.cfm file though. There is an Application.cfm file in the top-level of the site, but not within this particular sub-directory. There are a number of Application scope variables, but none that are used in the file as it is now.
Edit 4: Thank you for the explanation. As I said, total n00b when it comes to CF, so I appreciate the help. The Application.cfm page for this application checks to see if you are logged in, and if you are not, redirects you to the log in page. Could that be the issue?
Edit 5: YAY! It seems like that was the issue. Thank you thank you thank you! Leigh, please submit that as an answer so that I can choose it. You are my hero!
(From the comments )
A long shot but is your scheduled task inside a directory covered by an Application.cfm/Application.cfc file? The reason for asking is that the code inside the parent Application.cfm file executes first before your .cfm script. Is there any code inside the Application.cfm file that aborts a request or redirects (such as permissions check)?