Why ec2 instances get metadata over REST? - amazon-web-services

EC2 documentation says that it is possible to get instance specific metadata, such as instance-id, ami-id, etc over a REST call to . My question is: since this information is available to the instance at launch time, why doesn't AWS just write it to a file in the /etc dir?

There are a few reasons:
Some of the information is dynamic, that being that it changes over time. Using a REST interface allows the software that wants the information to get the current values when they need them.
Amazon adds new metadata and new metadata versions from time-to-time. Using a REST interface lets you query the data and version you want without needing to bake the new data schema and version into the OS AMI.
The information needs to come from somewhere. Even if it's placed on a file in the OS, it has to get there somehow. A REST interface is simply that conduit.

That data does actually exist in the file system, though its location could vary from one AMI type to another. Using the RESTful interface gives you a more reliable way at getting at the data.


How to retrieve heapdump in PCF using SMB

I need to -XXHeapdumoOutofmemory and -XXHeapdumoFilepath option in PCF manifest yml to create heapdump on OutOfMemory .
I understand I can use SMB or NFS in vm args but how to retrieve the heapdump file when app goes OutOfMemory and not accessible.
Kindly help.
I need to -XXHeapdumoOutofmemory and -XXHeapdumoFilepath option in PCF manifest yml to create heapdump on OutOfMemory
You don't need to set these options. The Java buildpack will take care of this for you. By default, it installs a jvmkill agent which will automatically do this.
In addition, the jvmkill agent is smart enough that if you bind a SMB or NFS volume service to your application, it will automatically save the heap dumps to that location. From the doc link above...
If a Volume Service with the string heap-dump in its name or tag is bound to the application, terminal heap dumps will be written with the pattern <CONTAINER_DIR>/<SPACE_NAME>-<SPACE_ID[0,8]>/<APPLICATION_NAME>-<APPLICATION_ID[0,8]>/<INSTANCE_INDEX>--<INSTANCE_ID[0,8]>.hprof
The key is that you name the bound volume service appropriately, i.e. the name must contain the string heap-dump.
You may also do the same thing with non-terminal heap dumps using the Java Memory Agent that the Java buildpack can install for you upon request.
I understand I can use SMB or NFS in vm args but how to retrieve the heapdump file when app goes OutOfMemory and not accessible.
To retrieve the heap dumps you need to somehow access the file server. I say "somehow" because it entirely depends on what you are allowed to do in your environment.
You may be permitted to mount the SMB/NFS volume directly to your PC. You could then access the files directly.
You may be able to retrieve the files through some other protocol like HTTP or FTP or SFTP.
You may be able to mount the SMB or NFS volume to another application, perhaps using the static file buildpack, to serve up the files for you.
You may need to request the files from an administrator with access.
Your best best is to talk with the admin for your SMB or NFS server. He or she can inform you about the options that are available to you in your environment.

How to use Google Compute Python API to create custom machine type or instance with GPU?

I am just looking into using GCP for cloud computing stuff. So far I have been using AWS and the boto3 library and was trying to use the google python client API for launching instances.
So an example I came across was from their docs here. The instance machine type is specified as:
machine_type = "zones/%s/machineTypes/n1-standard-1" % zone
and then it passed to the configuration as:
config = {
'name': name,
'machineType': machine_type,
I wonder how does one go about specifying machines with GPU and custom RAM and processors etc. from the python API?
The Python API is basically a wrapper around the REST API, so in the example code you are using, the config object is being built using the same schema as would be passed in the insert request.
Reading that document shows that the guestAccelerators structure is the relevant one for GPUs.
Custom RAM and CPUs are more interesting. There is a format for specifying a custom machine type name (you can see it in the gcloud documentation for creating a machine type). The format is:
Generation refers to the "n1" or "n2" in the predefined names. For n1, this block is empty, for n2, the prefix is "n2-". That said, experimenting with gcloud seems to indicate that "n1-" as a prefix also works as you would expect.
So, for a 1 CPU n1 machine with 5GB of ram, it would be a custom-1-5120. This is what you would replace the n1-standard-1 in your example with.
You are, of course, subject to the limits of how to specify a custom machine such as the fact that RAM must be a multiple of 256MB.
Finally, there's a neat little feature at the bottom of the console "create instance" page:
Clicking on the relevant link will show you the exact REST object you need to create the machine you have defined in the console at that very moment, so it can be very useful to see how a particular parameter is used.
You can create a Compute Engine instance using the Compute Engine API. Specifically, we can use the insert API request. This accepts a JSON payload in a REST request that describes the desired VM instance that you desire. A full specification of the request is found in the docs. It includes:
machineType - specs of different (common) machines including CPUs and memory
disks - specs of disks to be added including size and type
guestAccelerators - specs for GPUs to add
many more options ...
One can also create a template description of the machine structure you want and simplify the creation of an instance by naming the template to use and thereby abstracting the configuration details out of code and into configuration.
Beyond using REST requests (which can be passed from a python), you also have the capability to create Compute Engines from:
GCP Console - web interface
gcloud - command line (which I suspect can also be driven from within Python)
Deployment Manager - configuration driven deployment which includes Python as a template language
Terraform - popular environment for creating Infrastructure as Code environments

Why does in an AWS instance have so many versions apart from latest?

Inside an AWS instance, I go to the browser and hit If am getting some many files and folder kind of thing including dates like of thing and the latest one is also there in that. I want to know is there any specific meaning of that?
From Instance Metadata and User Data - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud:
The earlier versions are available to you in case you have scripts that rely on the structure and information present in a previous version.

choosing the right EC2 Instance

I am currently working on a file sharing android project for my college, in which I want to use aws EC2 instance as my application server backend. But which EC2 instance should I have to use? I am very much confused about this.
My server contains few PHP scripts for Login, signup,and operations on database(adding rows of a shared file link, deleting..etc) I am using aws S3 to store the files before sharing the link of the file. Sharing the link is done over TCP/IP sockets. So I even want to use the same server for the socket server. There are many instance types here https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/ . But don't know which one to use for my particular project.
I prefer to choose from http://www.ec2instances.info/ but honestly the decision remains up to you.
The only thumb of rule is : "start with small instances and get big when needed" - define some alerts about your CPU/RAM usage of your instance and then go to a bigger one when needed

Can I run 1000 AWS micro instances simultaneously?

I have a simple pure C program, that takes an integer as input, runs for a while (let's say an hour) and then returns me a text file. I want to run this program 1000 times with input integers from 1 to 1000.
Currently I'm running this program in parallel (4 processors), what takes 250 hours. The program is such that it fits in a AWS micro instance (I've tested it). Would it be possible to use 1000 micro instances in AWS to do the whole job in one hour? (at a cost of ~20$ - $0.02/instance)?
If it is possible, does anybody have some guidlines on how to do that?
If it is not, does anybody have an also low-budget alternative to that?
Thanks a lot!
In order to achieve this, you will need to:
Create a S3 bucket to store your bootstrapping scripts, application, input data and output data
Custom Lightweight AMI: you might want to create a custom lightweight AMI which knows about downloading the bootstrapping script
Bootstrapping Script: will download your software from your S3 bucket, parse a custom instance tag which will contain the integer [1..1000] and download any additional data.
Your application: does the processing stuff.
End of processing script is which uploads the result to a another result S3 bucket and terminates the instance, you might also want to send a SNS notification to communicate the end of processing status.
If you need result consolidation you might want to create another instance and use it as a coordinator, waiting for all "end of processing" notifications in order to finish the processing. In this case you might consider using in the future the Amazon's Hadoop map reduce engine, since it will do almost all this heavy lifting for free.
You didn't specify what language you'd like to do this in and since the app you use to deploy your program doesn't have to be in the same language I would recommend C#. There are a number of examples around the web on how to programmatically spawn new Amazon Instances using the SDK. For example:
How to start an Amazon EC2 instance programmatically in .NET
You can create your own AMIs with the program already present but that might end up being a pain if you want to make adjustments to it since it will require you to recreate the entire AMI. I'd recommend creating an extra instance or simply hosting the program in a location which is accessible from a public URL. Then I would create some kind of service which would be installed on the AMI ahead of time to allow me to specify the URL to download the app from along with whatever command line parameters I wanted for that particular instance.
Hope this helps.
Be carefull by default you can only spawn 20 instance by zone. You need to ask amazon in order to use more instances.
If you want low cost but don't care about delay you should use spot instances.