I've been tasked with helping some accountants solve a common problem they have - given a list of transactions and a total deposit, which transactions are part of the deposit? For example, say I have this list of numbers:
And I know that my total deposit is 10.50, I can easily see that it's made up of the 8.00 and 2.50 transaction. However, given a hundred transactions and a deposit in the millions, it quickly becomes much more difficult.
In testing a brute force solution (which takes way too long to be practical), I had two questions:
With a list of about 60 numbers, it seems to find a dozen or more combinations for any total that's reasonable. I was expecting a single combination to satisfy my total, or maybe a few possibilities, but there always seem to be a ton of combinations. Is there a math principle that describes why this is? It seems that given a collection of random numbers of even a medium size, you can find a multiple combination that adds up to just about any total you want.
I built a brute force solution for the problem, but it's clearly O(n!), and quickly grows out of control. Aside from the obvious shortcuts (exclude numbers larger than the total themselves), is there a way to shorten the time to calculate this?
Details on my current (super-slow) solution:
The list of detail amounts is sorted largest to smallest, and then the following process runs recursively:
Take the next item in the list and see if adding it to your running total makes your total match the target. If it does, set aside the current chain as a match. If it falls short of your target, add it to your running total, remove it from the list of detail amounts, and then call this process again
This way it excludes the larger numbers quickly, cutting the list down to only the numbers it needs to consider. However, it's still n! and larger lists never seem to finish, so I'm interested in any shortcuts I might be able to take to speed this up - I suspect that even cutting 1 number out of the list would cut the calculation time in half.
Thanks for your help!
This special case of the Knapsack problem is called Subset Sum.
C# version
setup test:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
// subtotal list
List<double> totals = new List<double>(new double[] { 1, -1, 18, 23, 3.50, 8, 70, 99.50, 87, 22, 4, 4, 100.50, 120, 27, 101.50, 100.50 });
// get matches
List<double[]> results = Knapsack.MatchTotal(100.50, totals);
// print results
foreach (var result in results)
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", result));
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class Knapsack
internal static List<double[]> MatchTotal(double theTotal, List<double> subTotals)
List<double[]> results = new List<double[]>();
while (subTotals.Contains(theTotal))
results.Add(new double[1] { theTotal });
// if no subtotals were passed
// or all matched the Total
// return
if (subTotals.Count == 0)
return results;
double mostNegativeNumber = subTotals[0];
if (mostNegativeNumber > 0)
mostNegativeNumber = 0;
// if there aren't any negative values
// we can remove any values bigger than the total
if (mostNegativeNumber == 0)
subTotals.RemoveAll(d => d > theTotal);
// if there aren't any negative values
// and sum is less than the total no need to look further
if (mostNegativeNumber == 0 && subTotals.Sum() < theTotal)
return results;
// get the combinations for the remaining subTotals
// skip 1 since we already removed subTotals that match
for (int choose = 2; choose <= subTotals.Count; choose++)
// get combinations for each length
IEnumerable<IEnumerable<double>> combos = Combination.Combinations(subTotals.AsEnumerable(), choose);
// add combinations where the sum mathces the total to the result list
results.AddRange(from combo in combos
where combo.Sum() == theTotal
select combo.ToArray());
return results;
public static class Combination
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Combinations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, int choose)
return choose == 0 ? // if choose = 0
new[] { new T[0] } : // return empty Type array
elements.SelectMany((element, i) => // else recursively iterate over array to create combinations
elements.Skip(i + 1).Combinations(choose - 1).Select(combo => (new[] { element }).Concat(combo)));
If subTotals are repeated, there will appear to be duplicate results (the desired effect). In reality, you will probably want to use the subTotal Tupled with some ID, so you can relate it back to your data.
If I understand your problem correctly, you have a set of transactions, and you merely wish to know which of them could have been included in a given total. So if there are 4 possible transactions, then there are 2^4 = 16 possible sets to inspect. This problem is, for 100 possible transactions, the search space has 2^100 = 1267650600228229401496703205376 possible combinations to search over. For 1000 potential transactions in the mix, it grows to a total of
sets that you must test. Brute force will hardly be a viable solution on these problems.
Instead, use a solver that can handle knapsack problems. But even then, I'm not sure that you can generate a complete enumeration of all possible solutions without some variation of brute force.
There is a cheap Excel Add-in that solves this problem: SumMatch
The Excel Solver Addin as posted over on has a great solution (if you have Excel)
Its kind of like 0-1 Knapsack problem which is NP-complete and can be solved through dynamic programming in polynomial time.
But at the end of the algorithm you also need to check that the sum is what you wanted.
Depending on your data you could first look at the cents portion of each transaction. Like in your initial example you know that 2.50 has to be part of the total because it is the only set of non-zero cent transactions which add to 50.
Not a super efficient solution but heres an implementation in coffeescript
combinations returns all possible combinations of the elements in list
combinations = (list) ->
permuations = Math.pow(2, list.length) - 1
out = []
combinations = []
while permuations
out = []
for i in [0..list.length]
y = ( 1 << i )
if( y & permuations and (y isnt permuations))
if out.length <= list.length and out.length > 0
return combinations
and then find_components makes use of it to determine which numbers add up to total
find_components = (total, list) ->
# given a list that is assumed to have only unique elements
list_combinations = combinations(list)
for combination in list_combinations
sum = 0
for number in combination
sum += number
if sum is total
return combination
return []
Heres an example
list = [7.2, 3.3, 4.5, 6.0, 2, 4.1]
total = 7.2 + 2 + 4.1
console.log(find_components(total, list))
which returns [ 7.2, 2, 4.1 ]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* Takes at least 3 numbers as arguments.
* First number is desired sum.
* Find the subset of the rest that comes closest
* to the desired sum without going over.
static long *elements;
static int nelements;
/* A linked list of some elements, not necessarily all */
/* The list represents the optimal subset for elements in the range [index..nelements-1] */
struct status {
long sum; /* sum of all the elements in the list */
struct status *next; /* points to next element in the list */
int index; /* index into elements array of this element */
/* find the subset of elements[startingat .. nelements-1] whose sum is closest to but does not exceed desiredsum */
struct status *reportoptimalsubset(long desiredsum, int startingat) {
struct status *sumcdr = NULL;
struct status *sumlist = NULL;
/* sum of zero elements or summing to zero */
if (startingat == nelements || desiredsum == 0) {
return NULL;
/* optimal sum using the current element */
/* if current elements[startingat] too big, it won't fit, don't try it */
if (elements[startingat] <= desiredsum) {
sumlist = malloc(sizeof(struct status));
sumlist->index = startingat;
sumlist->next = reportoptimalsubset(desiredsum - elements[startingat], startingat + 1);
sumlist->sum = elements[startingat] + (sumlist->next ? sumlist->next->sum : 0);
if (sumlist->sum == desiredsum)
return sumlist;
/* optimal sum not using current element */
sumcdr = reportoptimalsubset(desiredsum, startingat + 1);
if (!sumcdr) return sumlist;
if (!sumlist) return sumcdr;
return (sumcdr->sum < sumlist->sum) ? sumlist : sumcdr;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
struct status *result = NULL;
long desiredsum = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10);
nelements = argc - 2;
elements = malloc(sizeof(long) * nelements);
for (int i = 0; i < nelements; i++) {
elements[i] = strtol(argv[i + 2], NULL , 10);
result = reportoptimalsubset(desiredsum, 0);
if (result)
printf("optimal subset = %ld\n", result->sum);
while (result) {
printf("%ld + ", elements[result->index]);
result = result->next;
Best to avoid use of floats and doubles when doing arithmetic and equality comparisons btw.
So, I am trying to solve the following question:
The Mars Orbiter Mission probe lifted-off from the First Launch Pad at Satish Dhawan Space Centre (Sriharikota Range SHAR), Andhra
Pradesh, using a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) rocket C25 at
09:08 UTC (14:38 IST) on 5 November 2013.
The secret behind this successful launch was the launch pad that ISRO
used. An important part of the launch pad is the launch tower. It is
the long vertical structure which supports the rocket.
ISRO now wants to build a better launch pad for their next mission.
For this, ISRO has acquired a long steel bar, and the launch tower can
be made by cutting a segment from the bar. As part of saving the cost,
the bar they have acquired is not homogeneous.
The bar is made up of several blocks, where the ith block has
durability S[i], which is a number between 0 and 9. A segment is
defined as any contiguous group of one or more blocks.
If they cut out a segment of the bar from ith block to jth block
(i<=j), then the durability of the resultant segment is given by (S[i]*10(j-i) + S[i+1]*10(j-i-1) + S[i+2]*10(j-i-2) + … + S[j] * 10(0)) % M. In other words, if W(i,j) is the base-10 number formed by
concatenating the digits S[i], S[i+1], S[i+2], …, S[j], then
the durability of the segment (i,j) is W(i,j) % M.
For technical reasons that ISRO will not disclose, the durability of
the segment used for building the launch tower should be exactly L.
Given S and M, find the number of ways ISRO can cut out a segment from
the steel bar whose durability is L. Input
The first line contains a string S. The ith character of this string
represents the durability of ith segment. The next line contains a
single integer Q, denoting the number of queries. Each of the next Q
lines contain two space separated integers, denoting M and L. Output
For each query, output the number of ways of cutting the bar on a
separate line. Constraints
1 ≤ |S| ≤ 2 * 10^4
Q ≤ 5
0 < M < 500
0 ≤ L < M
7 2
9 3
15 5
For M=9, L=3, the substrings whose remainder is 3 when divided by
9 are: 3, 31287, 12 and 876.
Now, what I did was, I initially generate all possible substrings of numbers of the given length, and tried to divide it by the given number to check if it is divisible and added it to the answer. Therefore, my code for the same was,
string s;
int m,l,ans=0;
for ( i = 0; i < s.length(); i++ )
for ( j = i+1; j < s.length(); j++ )
string p = s.substr(i,j);
long long num = stoi(p);
if (num%m == l)
return 0;
But obviously since the input length is upto 10^4, this doesn't work in required time. How can I make it more optimal?
A little advice I can give you is to initialize a variable to s.length() to avoid calling the function each time for each for block.
Ok, here goes, with a working program at the bottom
Major optimization #1
Do not (ever) work with strings when it comes to integer arithmetic. You're converting string => integer over and over and over again (this is an O(n^2) problem), which is painstakingly slow. Besides, it also misses the point.
Solution: first convert your array-of-characters (string) to array-of-numbers. Integer arithmetic is fast.
Major optimization #2
Use a smart conversion from "substring" to number. After transforming the characters to actual integers, they become the factors in the the polynomial a_n * 10^n. To convert a substring of n segments into a number, it is enough to compute sum(a_i * 10^i) for 0 <= i < n.
And nicely enough, if the coefficients a_i are arranged the way they are in the problem's statement, you can use Horner's method ( to very quickly evaluate the numerical value of the substring.
In short: keep a running value of the current substring and growing it by one element is just * 10 + new element
Example: string "128472373".
First substring = "1", value = 1.
For the second substring we need to
add the digit "2" as follows: value = value * 10 + "2", thus: value = 1 * 10 + 2 = 12.
For 3rd substring need to add digit "8": value = value * 10 + "8", thus: value = 12 * 10 + 8 = 128.
I had some issues with formatting the C++ code inline so I stuck it in IDEone:
The gist of the program:
In main loop, loop over all possible start points:
// For all startpoints in the segments array ...
for(int* f=segments; f<segments+n_segments; f++)
// add up the substrings that fullfill the question
n += count_segments(f, segments+n_segments, m, l);
// Output the answer for this question
cout << n << endl;
Implementation of the count_segments() function:
// Find all substrings that % m == l
// Use Horner's algorithm to quickly evaluate sum(a_n*10^n) where
// a_n are the segments' durabilities
int count_segments(int* first, int* last, int m, int l) {
int n = 0, number = 0;
while( first<last ) {
number = number * 10 + *first; // This is Horner's method
if( (number % m)==l ) {
// If you don't believe - enable this line of output and
// see the numbers matching the combinations of the
//cout << "[" << m << ", " << l << "]: " << number << endl;
return n;
I am struggling with a problem for hours. It is a constraint satisfaction problem. Let me describe it on a simple example:
Assume there is an array of integers with length 8. Every cell can take certain values. First 4 cells can take 0, 1 or 2 and the other half can take 0 or 1. These 3 arrays can be some examples.
However there are some constraints to construct the arrays as follows:
constraint1 = {1,-,-,-,-,1,-,-} // !(cell2=1 && cell6=1) cell2 and cell6 can not be in these format.
constraint2 = {0,-,-,-,-,-,-,0} // !(cell1=0 && cell8=0)
constraint3 = {-,-,-,2,1,1,-,-} // !(cell4=2 && cell5=1 && cell6=1)
constraint4 = {1,1,-,-,-,-,-,-} // !(cell1=1 && cell2=1)
For better understanding;
{0,1,1,2,0,1,0,0} // this is not valid, because it violates the constraint2
{1,1,2,2,1,1,0,1} // this is not valid, because it violates the constraint3 and constraint4
{1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0} // this is not valid, because it violates the constraint4
I need to generate an array of integers which does not violates any of the given constraints.
In my approach;
1) Create an array (called myArray) and initialize every cell to -1
2) Count the number of cells which are used in constraints. Above example, cell1 is used 3 times, cell2 is used 1 time, cell3 is not used, so on so forth.
3) Choose the cell which is used more in constraints (it is cell1, used 3 times)
4) Find the distribution of numbers in this cell. (In cell1, 1 is used 2 times and 0 is used 1 time)
5) Change this chosen cell in myArray to the number which is used less. (In cell1, since 0 is used less than 1, cell1 in myArray will be 0)
6) Delete all the constraints from the list which has 1 or 2 in their cell1.
7) Go to step 2 and do same steps until all constraints are eliminated
The idea of this algorithm is to chose the cell and its value in such a way that it will eliminate more constraints.
However, this algorithm is not working, when the number of constraints are higher.
Important Note: This is just a simple example. In normal case, length of the array is longer (averagely 100) and number of constraints is higher (more than 200). My input is length of the array, N constraints and the values each cell can take.
Is there anyone who has better idea to solve this problem?
Here is a code that I have written in C# to generate a random matrix and then to remove the constraint in the matrix.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int[] inputData = new int[4] { 3, 7, 3, 3 };
int matrixRowSize = 6;
/////////////////////////// Constraints
int []constraint1 = new int[4] { 1, -1, -1, 2}; // here is the constaint that i want to remove.
// note the constaints could be more than 1, so there could be a generic method
Random r = new Random();
int[,] Random_matrix = new int[matrixRowSize, inputData.Length];
///////////// generate random matrix
for (int i = 0; i < inputData.Length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < matrixRowSize; j++)
int k = r.Next(0, inputData[i]);
Random_matrix[j, i] = k;
int a,b,c,d=0;
for (int i=a;i<=b;i++)
if (i%c==0){d++;}
So this is the code, a..b is the number range, c is the divisor, and d counts the multiples of c. For example when a=5, b=15, c=3, d equals 4, because "6, 9, 12, 15" are the multiples between 5 and 15.
I need to find faster way to do this, can anyone help?
One way is to do it like this (no loops required):
int lower = (a + c - 1) / c; // find lowest divisor (round up)
int upper = b / c; // find higher divisor (round down)
d = upper - lower + 1; // get no of divisors
For your example case, lower will be 2, upper will be 5, giving d equal to 4.
Rather than checking every number within the range you could something like this.
Find number of divisors within the maximum number and then within minimum number. After subtraction you would get desired result. For e.g:-
Let's say range is [5,15].
15/3 = 5; //within max number.
5/3 = 1; //within min number.
result = 5-1 = 4;
NOTE:- You have to take care of boundaries in the range to get correct result.
An untested off-the-top-of-my-head algorithm to find all the proper divisors of a positive integer...
Let the number you want to find the divisors for be N.
Let i = 2
If N % i == 0, then you have two divisors: i and N/i. Add these to the list (or count) of divisors
If i > sqrt(N), finish, else set i = i + 1 and go to (2)
For example, if N = 24, then this would give you
i = 2 => 2, 12
i = 3 => 3, 8
i = 4 => 4, 6
sqrt(24) = 4.90, so finish
(I know this algorithm doesn't strictly match what you asked, but it should be easy enough to adapt.)
I was recently faced with a prompt for a programming algorithm that I had no idea what to do for. I've never really written an algorithm before, so I'm kind of a newb at this.
The problem said to write a program to determine all of the possible coin combinations for a cashier to give back as change based on coin values and number of coins. For example, there could be a currency with 4 coins: a 2 cent, 6 cent, 10 cent and 15 cent coins. How many combinations of this that equal 50 cents are there?
The language I'm using is C++, although that doesn't really matter too much.
edit: This is a more specific programming question, but how would I analyze a string in C++ to get the coin values? They were given in a text document like
4 2 6 10 15 50
(where the numbers in this case correspond to the example I gave)
This problem is well known as coin change problem. Please check this and this for details. Also if you Google "coin change" or "dynamic programming coin change" then you will get many other useful resources.
Here's a recursive solution in Java:
// Usage: int[] denoms = new int[] { 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 };
// System.out.println(ways(denoms, denoms.length, 200));
public static int ways(int denoms[], int index, int capacity) {
if (capacity == 0) return 1;
if (capacity < 0 || index <= 0 ) return 0;
int withoutItem = ways(denoms, index - 1, capacity);
int withItem = ways(denoms, index, capacity - denoms[index - 1]);
return withoutItem + withItem;
This seems somewhat like a Partition, except that you don't use all integers in 1:50. It also seems similar to bin packing problem with slight differences:
Wikipedia: Partition (Number Theory)
Wikipedia: Bin packing problem
Wolfram Mathworld: Partiton
Actually, after thinking about it, it's an ILP, and thus NP-hard.
I'd suggest some dynamic programming appyroach. Basically, you'd define a value "remainder" and set it to whatever your goal was (say, 50). Then, at every step, you'd do the following:
Figure out what the largest coin that can fit within the remainder
Consider what would happen if you (A) included that coin or (B) did not include that coin.
For each scenario, recurse.
So if remainder was 50 and the largest coins were worth 25 and 10, you'd branch into two scenarios:
1. Remainder = 25, Coinset = 1x25
2. Remainder = 50, Coinset = 0x25
The next step (for each branch) might look like:
1-1. Remainder = 0, Coinset = 2x25 <-- Note: Remainder=0 => Logged
1-2. Remainder = 25, Coinset = 1x25
2-1. Remainder = 40, Coinset = 0x25, 1x10
2-2. Remainder = 50, Coinset = 0x25, 0x10
Each branch would split into two branches unless:
the remainder was 0 (in which case you would log it)
the remainder was less than the smallest coin (in which case you would discard it)
there were no more coins left (in which case you would discard it since remainder != 0)
If you have 15, 10, 6 and 2 cents coins and you need to find how many distinct ways are there to arrive to 50 you can
count how many distinct ways you have to reach 50 using only 10, 6 and 2
count how many distinct ways you have to reach 50-15 using only 10, 6 and 2
count how many distinct ways you have to reach 50-15*2 using only 10, 6 and 2
count how many distinct ways you have to reach 50-15*3 using only 10, 6 and 2
Sum up all these results that are of course distinct (in the first I used no 15c coins, in the second I used one, in the third two and in the fourth three).
So you basically can split the problem in smaller problems (possibly smaller amount and fewer coins). When you have just one coin type the answer is of course trivial (either you cannot reach the prescribed amount exactly or you can in the only possible way).
Moreover you can also avoid repeating the same computation by using memoization, for example the number of ways of reach 20 using only [6, 2] doesn't depend if the already paid 30 have been reached using 15+15 or 10+10+10, so the result of the smaller problem (20, [6, 2]) can
be stored and reused.
In Python the implementation of this idea is the following
cache = {}
def howmany(amount, coins):
prob = tuple([amount] + coins) # Problem signature
if prob in cache:
return cache[prob] # We computed this before
if amount == 0:
return 1 # It's always possible to give an exact change of 0 cents
if len(coins) == 1:
if amount % coins[0] == 0:
return 1 # We can match prescribed amount with this coin
return 0 # It's impossible
total = 0
n = 0
while n * coins[0] <= amount:
total += howmany(amount - n * coins[0], coins[1:])
n += 1
cache[prob] = total # Store in cache to avoid repeating this computation
return total
print howmany(50, [15, 10, 6, 2])
As for the second part of your question, suppose you have that string in the file coins.txt:
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
int main() {
std::ifstream coins_file("coins.txt");
std::vector<int> coins;
Now the vector coins will contain the possible coin values.
For such a small number of coins you can write a simple brute force solution.
Something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
vector<int> v;
int solve(int total, int * coins, int lastI)
if (total == 50)
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
cout << << ' ';
cout << "\n";
return 1;
if (total > 50) return 0;
int sum = 0;
for (int i = lastI; i < 6; i++)
sum += solve(total + coins[i], coins, i);
return sum;
int main()
int coins[6] = {2, 4, 6, 10, 15, 50};
cout << solve(0, coins, 0) << endl;
A very dirty brute force solution that prints all possible combinations.
This is a very famous problem, so try reading about better solutions others have provided.
One rather dumb approach is the following. You build a mapping "coin with value X is used Y times" and then enumerate all possible combinations and only select those which total the desired sum. Obviously for each value X you have to check Y ranging from 0 up to the desired sum. This will be rather slow, but will solve your task.
It's very similar to the knapsack problem
You basically have to solve the following equation: 50 = a*4 + b*6 + c*10 + d*15, where the unknowns are a,b,c,d. You can compute for instance d = (50 - a*4 - b*6 - c*10)/15 and so on for each variable. Then, you start giving d all the possible values (you should start with the one that has the least possible values, here d): 0,1,2,3,4 and than start giving c all the possible values depending on the current value of d and so on.
Sort the List backwards: [15 10 6 4 2]
Now a solution for 50 ct can contain 15 ct or not.
So the number of solutions is the number of solutions for 50 ct using [10 6 4 2] (no longer considering 15 ct coins) plus the number of solutions for 35 ct (=50ct - 15ct) using [15 10 6 4 2]. Repeat the process for both sub-problems.
An algorithm is a procedure for solving a problem, it doesn't have to be in any particular language.
First work out the inputs:
typedef int CoinValue;
set<CoinValue> coinTypes;
int value;
and the outputs:
set< map<CoinValue, int> > results;
Solve for the simplest case you can think of first:
coinTypes = { 1 }; // only one type of coin worth 1 cent
value = 51;
the result should be:
results = { [1 : 51] }; // only one solution, 51 - 1 cent coins
How would you solve the above?
How about this:
coinTypes = { 2 };
value = 51;
results = { }; // there is no solution
what about this?
coinTypes = { 1, 2 };
value = { 4 };
results = { [2: 2], [2: 1, 1: 2], [1: 4] }; // the order I put the solutions in is a hint to how to do the algorithm.
Recursive solution based on resource in Scala:
def countChange(money: Int, coins: List[Int]): Int = {
if (money < 0 || coins.isEmpty) 0
else if (money == 0) 1
else countChange(money, coins.tail) + countChange(money - coins.head, coins)
Another Python version:
def change(coins, money):
return (
change(coins[:-1], money) +
change(coins, money - coins[-1])
if money > 0 and coins
else money == 0