Embedding project folders(lua) into exe - c++

I searching for a long time how to embed project files like folders (with lua scripts and images) into exe.
Basically i have some folders which are needed to run my game and i want to hide them somehow. Because now they are opened and can be easy edited by everyone.
I saw method in which folders have been changed to .dll file to protect them.
Using visual studio 2013.
I'll be very thankful for an answer.

You can use PhysicsFS, which allows to map a hierarchical filesystem to an archive. From the project page: "It is intended for use in video games, and the design was somewhat inspired by Quake 3's file subsystem." It's used by some open-source Lua frameworks (for example, Love2d), so you may check how they implemented the integration and access.
This doesn't guarantee full protection (nothing does), but it will at least make it more difficult for the users to make changes to those resources you want to protect.


Packaging a modified Qt class

Heads up, this is going to be confusing:
I customized 9 files from Qt5.2: qquicktextdocument.cpp qquicktextdocument.h qquicktextedit.cpp qquicktextedit_p.h qquicktextedit_p_p.h qquicktextnode.cpp qquicktextnodeengine.cpp qquicktextnodeengine_p.h qquicktextnode_p.h
Each file is simply prefixed with a letter and still inside /qtdeclarative/src/quick/items/. I am 100% happy with the modifications I made being put under GPL etc. I somewhat want my end application (discussed below) to be Apache or MIT, but, I'm flexible.
My modifications work fine. When I modify a few additional files I am able to compile them along with the rest of Qt (at the same time, using the same make command). But these modifications are going into another Qt application that I am making which I want other people to be able to use, and requiring general consumers to have a custom compiled version of Qt would be obviously absurd.
I want to package/compile/do something, that will enable me to include the modifications in my final project as a shared library, or something.
As a web developer writing C++ and Qt, I am very confused about linking shared libraries, header files, etc.
To recap, I modified Qt 5.2 and made a custom compilation of it for an application I am building, and I want people to be able to run that application without having to have a custom compilation of Qt. I need a way to decouple my Qt modifications from Qt.
I realize this might be a big topic, I'm not expecting a step by step guide, just some general guidance. So far I have tried compiling my modified files as a library, then including that library in my actual project, but I am getting undefined references and missing files all over the place. (I don't know if I did anything right)
I am also currently looking at subclassing the classes I want but I'm unsure about this. It might require copy pasting some code, which could have licensing issues?
end goal: be able to have a wavy underline (in qml) for incorrectly spelt words.
Thank You.
My 5 cents.
If your changes can be useful (in general) to other people you can try to push them to upstream via codereview.
If you want your application to run only in windows everything become obvious: in windows it is normal to provide your application with shared libraries (to avoid DLL HELL). Btw, have you heard about static linking?
Qt has some plugin mechanism. You can compile your code into shared object (dynamic library) and install it with your application. For example, QML FolderListModel do this. You can look at code in $qt5_src/qtdeclarative/src/imports/folderlistmodel.

Is it possible to export a project directly from visual Studio into it's own folder?

I am currently trying to build .net bindings for a very large project that is written in C an C++. The project was recently ported over to Windows, and I might add that is is a big giant mess.
The solution has about 12 projects, which is fine but the directory itself has alot more files than needed,since it includes OS specific source files, demo projects etc.
Also the other thing is the headers and source files are scattered all over the place. I am working on a parser to help me create the bindings for this project, but I am having a heck of a time. Especially when the internal include references are completely off.
The developer did a great job porting this large project to Windows, but isn't very organized and it is driving me bonkers with the issue my parser is having. So the easiest thing to do would be to re structure and put each project in it's own areas.
So as I asked in the title, is there somewhere that I can export each project and it's files from VS 2010(or another tool) so I can begin restructuring the folders? When I have ever needed to do this before in .net it was easy enough to just move the files. In smaller c++ projects I just open up the project file in notepad++ and move each file in the include/source list into different directories and changed the paths in the project file after. The issue with that is it will take way too long, and I have already spent days messing with this project, finding the best way to wrap it, and creating my helper tools.
Can anyone give me some assistance in this aspect?
EDIT:Just to clarify, I would like to export each project into it's own root folder with one folder for headers and one for source files so I can keep things simple.
I'm not sure about a tool for this, but the .vcxproj project files are in XML format, so you can easily extract a list of files from each project. Then you could relocate those files and write their new location back into the project.
Whenever I encounter a serious project mess, I usually end up dragging all the project files into Notepad++ and start doing global search and replace.
I haven't done it on the scale that you seem to be aiming at, where it involves relocating all the sources. You could be in for a rough ride. Fixing up include paths etc could be quite a pain.
I suggest you obtain the file lists (relative paths or whatever) in a simple text format, and then decide whether you want to take the red pill or the blue pill =)

What is the SVN best practice for storing source when developing and testing with IDEs?

I do a fair amount of personal development on my computer and have used TortoiseSVN (I'm on windows) for web projects, but haven't used any version control for other languages. Anyways, soon I will be starting a decent sized C++ project and was going to try using SVN for it.
For web development, I normally just used notepad++ and it was really easy to manage it with SVN (just commit the whole source folder). However, for this project I will be using an IDE (most likely Eclipse CDT or Visual Studio) and was wondering what the best practice is to manage all of the IDE, project, and binary files. My guess was to make the IDE project outside of the version control, and just point to all of the source files into the SVN so all of the build and project files aren't committed. This way the only files in the SVN would be the .cpp and .h files.
However, if I wanted to switch to a new branch, then I would need to update the location of all of the source and headers to the new folder which seems like it would be a huge hassle.
Whats the best way to handle this?
Ok, it seem I misgot the aim of the question in the first round. Now I'm assuming what is asked really to what to put under source control and what not.
Well, naturally everything but temporary/transient files.
If you install GitExtensions, it right away has a feature to populate the .gitignore file. Certainly depending on language you adjust it. Sure, solution, project, make files belong under control. .USER files storing some IDE preferences do not. As both IDEs and source control is ubiquitously used the content is fairly separated for many years, and should be pretty obvious as you do it.
External dependencies normally also shall be in a repo, though choice shall be made in which one. Some store everything together, others keep one dependency repo, others separate repos per component -- all depends on actual components and workflow. And you can replace physical storage of deps by an info file with stable links to the used version. It may also be covered later on the first change in dependencies.
For Visual Studio, there is a plugin that manages your files for you. As long as the files are part of the project, then they will be put into source control by the plugin. See ankhsvn for plugin info. Note that the express versions of Visual Studio are not supported.
I am sure eclipse has a plugin for SVN as well.

Structure for large scale c++ projects with plugins, dlls and 3rd Party tools

i want to restructure a large scale c++ project which has several parts. I will list some of this parts and some attributes which hopefully should be considered:
BaseClasses, this is restricted to a small separate group of developer. This are about 15 DLLs
MainProject, this is open source for all developer, this are about 10 DLLs.
several Pluginprojects, which are open for every plugin-membergroup (every plugin is one special group of developer), currently about 20 Plugin-DLLs.
3rd Party stuff like PDF Lib, Boost, (in future maybe also wxWidgets), some geometry stuff, etc. Most of the with source, some not.
Currently this is developed with VisualStudio on Windows OS (only 32Bit by now) with little MFC and ATL stuff. Versioned with SVN and GIT (last for some 3rd party libs).
To look further, we want (maybe have) to create a multi platform application.
In the long run, this should work on different platforms and use cross platform tools etc.
A single build run for all parts would be very good. Maybe CMake can help here.
I have read a lot of questions in SO about structures etc. but canĀ“t find the right answers. Also books like API Design or John Lakos "Large Scale .." are on my bookshelf. I also looked into several open-source projects.
Is there a recommendation/ experience / tips / books about how to make the folder- and project-structures and dependencies for such an application ?
Thanks in advance,
Well, I recommend you do a separation by software modules. Also create a directory structure based on the same.
Would look something like:
/ - Contains the CMakeLists (or your Makefile), LICENSE and more...
/deps - All project dependencies (like CMake Modules, Embbed Librarys)
/docs - Doxygen Documentation
/include - Contains the "base.h" header for example
/include/ModuleNAME - Headers of some module
/source - The general source files
/source/ModuleNAME - Specific module source file
/plugins - Plugins in DLLs or something
Well, I think it's a good structure. I recommend that you review the source code of Qt, Boost, MongoDB and other large projects.
Or you can look my project in GitHub: Sundry Framework

what is a project in eclipse?

I've just started working with Eclipse for C++ and I just want to clarify something that I haven't been able to figure out by searching so far. Is a project folder in eclipse only intended to have one program in it? i.e., a what is meant by project is basically a C++ program? And so you're not supposed to store many different programs in one project directory? Am I understanding this correctly?
That is correct, though they are trying to change that:
Eclipse requires that the contents of each project be stored in a
single directory on disk. Every file and folder in that directory tree
on disk must belong to the project in the workspace
Project is a project. You could divine you aplication to .dll, .exe, or other stuffs. When you are developing something that could go apart in another solution the you can put apart that piece (.dll for example). When you are developing in Visual Studio you can see that projects are in final a single file that has some own functionality, and the whole program is called solution. Didn't fired up Eclipse for a while, but it goes in the same direction. I can remember that projects in Eclipse were very poor, and meaning of the project was considered with actual language that you use (Java, C/C++, PHP, PYTHON, etc.).
Good definition is that project hold some part of application (if not all of it).