Regex repetition - regex

I'm trying to perform a regex replacement. Therefor I defined the following expression:
This Expression should match to
but not to
In fact, the expression above does not work until I either use {1,20} as quantifier or remove it completely. But as I want to check the length of the whole string without knowing the length of [0]* nor the length of the variable, there's something wrong with my expression.
Many thanks for your help in advance.

There are multiple things wrong with your initial regex.
The {} part is applied to en entire part between brackets. So your current regex requires that this part:
Is repeated 20 times in its entirety, which is not what you want.
Then this part:
Makes little sense, do you want to capture the number after 9903 without the leading zeros? Then require that the capture starts with a non-zero number. [0] is a character class with just one character, equivalent to just 0.
Concluding, I would do it like so:
Edit: I realized later that if it's required to match 99030000000000000000 (get 0 in your capture group) then you need this:

You can do that by checking previously the length of the string with a lookahead:
The lookahead (?=...) is a zero-width assertion that checks what follows in the string. Here it is checking there are exactly 20 digits before the end of the string.


Regex not select word with character at the end

I have a simple question.
I need a regular expression to match a hexdecimal number without colon at the end.
For example:
0x85af6b9d: 0x00256f8a ;some more interesting code
// dont match 0x85af6b9d: at all, but match 0x00256f8a
My expression for hexdecimal number is 0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]{1,8}
Version with (?!:) is not possible, because it will just match 0x85af6b9 (because of the {1,8} token)
Using a $ also isn't possible - there can be more numbers than one
Here is one way to do so:
See the online demo.
We use a negative lookahead to match all hexadecimal numbers without : at the end. Because of {1,8}, it is also necessary to ensure that the entire hexadecimal number is correctly matched. We therefore reuse the character set ([0-9A-Fa-f]) to ensure that the number does not continue.

Regular Expression should not match other prefixes

if for instance I have these words
and the task is to find all occurences of john=14.
I came up with the following regular expression: .*=[^14].*\n which matches every string without a leading 1 after the equal sign.
However, I want to exactly match only john=14 in this example (and also for permutations of this example). It doesn't matter if there are one or more john=14. I thought about negation of the regular expression, such that I want to find every string that isn't equal to the one I want to find but I had a problem with the regular expression ([^\bjohn\b=14]\n).
Any help would be appreciated :)!
You need to use negative lookahead.
Negative lookahead at the start asserts that the string going to be matched won't contain the exact john=14 string. If yes then match all the chars.

Regular expression to match non-integer values in a string

I want to match the following rules:
One dash is allowed at the start of a number.
Only values between 0 and 9 should be allowed.
I currently have the following regex pattern, I'm matching the inverse so that I can thrown an exception upon finding a match that doesn't follow the rules:
The downside to this pattern is that it works for all cases except a hyphen in the middle of the String will still pass. For example:
"-2304923" is allowed correctly but "9234-342" is also allowed and shouldn't be.
Please let me know what I can do to specify the first character as [^-0-9] and the rest as [^0-9]. Thanks!
This regex will work for you:
Explanation: start the string ^, then - but optional (?), the digit \d repeated few times (+), and string must finish here $.
You can do this:
^^^^^ non capturing group for start of line or space
^^^^^ capture number
^^^^^^^^^ non capturing group for end of line, space or quote
See it work
This will capture all strings of numbers in a line with an optional hyphen in front.
-2304923" "9234-342" 1234 -1234
++++++++ captured
^^^^^^^^ NOT captured
++++ captured
+++++ captured
I don't understand how your pattern - [^-0-9] is matching those strings you are talking about. That pattern is just the opposite of what you want. You have simply negated the character class by using caret(^) at the beginning. So, this pattern would match anything except the hyphen and the digits.
Anyways, for your requirement, first you need to match one hyphen at the beginning. So, just keep it outside the character class. And then to match any number of digits later on, you can use [0-9]+ or \d+.
So, your pattern to match the required format should be:
-[0-9]+ // or -\d+
The above regex is used to find the pattern in some large string. If you want the entire string to match this pattern, then you can add anchors at the ends of the regex: -
For a regular expression like this, it's sometimes helpful to think of it in terms of two cases.
Is the first character messed up somehow?
If not, are any of the other characters messed up somehow?
Combine these with |

Why do I get successful but empty regex matches?

I'm searching the pattern (.*)\\1 on the text blabl with regexec(). I get successful but empty matches in regmatch_t structures. What exactly has been matched?
The regex .* can match successfully a string of zero characters, or the nothing that occurs between adjacent characters.
So your pattern is matching zero characters in the parens, and then matching zero characters immediately following that.
So if your regex was /f(.*)\1/ it would match the string "foo" between the 'f' and the first 'o'.
You might try using .+ instead of .*, as that matches one or more instead of zero or more. (Using .+ you should match the 'oo' in 'foo')
\1 is the backreference typically used for replacement later or when trying to further refine your regex by getting a match within a match. You should just use (.*), this will give you the results you want and will automatically be given the backreference number 1. I'm no regex expert but these are my thoughts based on my limited knowledge.
As an aside, I always revert back to RegexBuddy when trying to see what's really happening.
\1 is the "re-match" instruction. The question is, do you want to re-match immediately (e.g., BLABLA)
or later (e.g., BLAahemBLA)

Need a simple RegEx to find a number in a single word

I've got the following url route and i'm wanting to make sure that a segment of the route will only accept numbers. as such, i can provide some regex which checks the word.
so.. can someone give me a regex which matches when the word is a number (any int) greater than 0 (ie. 1 <-> int.max).
Problems with other answers:
/([1-9][0-9]*)/ // Will match -1 and foo1bar
#[1-9]+# // Will not match 10, same problems as the first
[1-9] // Will only match one digit, same problems as first
If you want it greater than 0, use this regex:
This'll work as long as the number doesn't have leading zeros (like '03').
However, I recommend just using a simple [0-9]+ regex, and validating the number in your actual site code.
This one would address your specific problem. This expression
/\/page\/(0*[1-9][0-9]*)/ or "Perl-compatible" /\/page\/(0*[1-9]\d*)/
should capture any non-zero number, even 0-filled. And because it doesn't even look for a sign, - after the slash will not fit the pattern.
The problem that I have with eyelidlessness' expression is that, likely you do not already have the number isolated so that ^ and $ would work. You're going to have to do some work to isolate it. But a general solution would not be to assume that the number is all that a string contains, as below.
And the two tail-end groups, you could replace with word boundary marks (\b), if the RE language had those. Failing that you would put them into non-capturing groups, if the language had them, or even lookarounds if it had those--but it would more likely have word boundaries before lookarounds.
Full Perl-compatible version:
I chose a negative lookbehind instead of a word boundary, because '-' is not a word-character, and so -1 will have a "word boundary" between the '-' and the '1'. And a negative lookbehind will match the beginning of the string--there just can't be a digit character or '-' in front.
You could say that the zero-width assumption ^ is just one of the cases that satisfies the zero-width assumption (?<![\d-]).
string testString = #"/page/100";
string pageNumber = Regex.Match(testString, "/page/([1-9][0-9]*)").Groups[1].Value;
If not matched pageNumber will be ""
While Jeremy's regex isn't perfect (should be tested in context, against leading characters and such), his advice is good: go for a generic, simple regex (eg. if you must use it in Apache's mod_rewrite) but by any means, handle the final redirect in server's code (if you can) and do a real check of parameter's validity there.
Otherwise, I would improve Jeremy's expression with bounds: /\b([1-9][0-9]*)$/
Of course, a regex cannot provide a check against any max int, at best you can control the number of digits: /\b([1-9][0-9]{0,2})$/ for example.
This will match any string such that, if it contains /page/, it must be followed by a number, not consisting of only zeros.
(?! ) is a negative look-ahead. It will match an empty string, only if it's contained pattern does not match from the current position.