My square tetrimino keeps rotating oddly, but my other tetrimonos rotate fine? - c++

So in my tetris game, I'm working on rotation. I've found an algorithim that works for every piece but the square piece (ironically, the only one that doesn't even need to rotate). I know I could just check to see if the piece isn't a square then rotate it if it isn't, but that's just cheap. So here's the code:
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
sf::RectangleShape rect;
if(i < 2)
rect.setPosition(pieceShape.getPosition().x, i * 10);
rect.setPosition(pieceShape.getPosition().x + 10, (i - 2) * 10);
rect.setSize(sf::Vector2f(10, 10));
originCount = 10;
Here, I'm creating all four blocks that make up a square piece. 10 is the width of each box (4 boxes per square) in pixels. For all other pieces, I set originCount to 5 so the origin falls in the middle of the first box created. The originCount comes into play in the RotateRight/Left functions:
void GamePiece::RotateRight(){
int newx, newy;
sf::Vector2f origin(pieceRectangles_[0].getPosition().x + originCount, pieceRectangles_[0].getPosition().y + originCount);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
newx = (pieceRectangles_[i].getPosition().y + origin.x - origin.y);
newy = (origin.x + origin.y - pieceRectangles_[i].getPosition().x - 10);
pieceRectangles_[i].setPosition(newx, newy);
In theory, the origin has now been set to the middle of the square's sprite, and the boxes should rotate about that point (i.e. appear to not even move). But the boxes shoot to the left 10 pixels on the first click, go up maybe 2 pixels on click two, etc. I'm clearly missing something, but what?

You calculate origin incorrectly. After the first rotation the coordinates of pieceRectangles_[0] will be (0, 10), so next time origin will be calculated as (10, 20), which is not what you want.


Calculating ball deflection angle when colliding with paddle in brick slayer game

Here is my code:
void Draw()
int x = 59;
int y = 500;
int temp = x;
int colour;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
if (i % 2 == 0)
colour = 2;
colour = 3;
DrawRectangle(x, y, 65, 25, colors[colour]);
x += 67;
x = temp;
y -= 39;
DrawRectangle(tempx, 0, 85, 12, colors[5]);
DrawCircle(templx, temply, 10, colors[7]);
// This function will be called automatically by this frequency: 1000.0 / FPS
void Animate()
templx +=5;
temply +=5;
glutPostRedisplay(); // Once again call the Draw member function
// This function is called whenever the arrow keys on the keyboard are pressed...
I am using OpenGL for this project. The function Draw() is used to print the bricks, slider, and the ball. The Animate() function is called automatically by the frequency given in the code. As it can be seen, I have incremented the values of templx and temply, but the ball goes out of screen as it crosses its limit. I have to deflect the ball if it collides with the paddle or the wall. What can I do to achieve this? All the conditions that I have used by now do not work properly.
So basically you would like to have a ball that is bouncing from the edges of your window. (For this answer I will ignore the slider, finding collision with the slider is very similar to finding collision with the walls).
templx and temply pair is position of your ball. I don't know what is the 3rd argument of DrawCircle function so I will assume that it is the radius. Let wwidth and wheight be width and height of a game window. Note that this magic constant 5 is, in fact, a velocity of the ball. Now ball is moving from upper left corner to lower right corner of your window. If you change 5 to -5 it will move from lower right corner to upper left corner.
Let's introduce two more variables vx and vy - velocity on x axis and velocity on y axis. The initial values will be 5 and 5. Now notice that when ball hits the right edge of the window it doesn't change its vertical velocity, it is still moving up/down but it changes its horizontal velocity from left->right to right->left. So if the vx was 5, after hitting the right edge of the window we should change it to -5.
The next problem is how to find out if we hit the edge of the window or not.
Note that the right-most point on the ball has the position templx + radius and the left-most point on the ball has the position templx - radius etc. Now to find out if we hit the wall or not we should just compare this values with window dimensions.
// check if we hit right or left edge
if (templx + radius >= wwidth || templx - radius <= 0) {
vx = -vx;
// check if we hit top or bottom edge
if (temply + radius >= wheight || temply - radius <= 0) {
vy = -vy;
// update position according to velocity
templx += vx;
temply += vy;

Sprite rotation offset doesn't stay where it belongs. (SDL)

So, here is the code for my 2D point class to rotate:
float nx = (x * cos(angle)) - (y * sin(angle));
float ny = (y * cos(angle)) + (x * sin(angle));
x = nx;
y = ny;
x and y are local variables in the point class.
And here is the code for my sprite class's rotation:
//Make clip
SDL_Rect clip;
clip.w = width;
clip.h = height;
clip.x = (width * _frameX) + (sep * (_frameX) + osX);
clip.y = (height * _frameY) + (sep * (_frameY) + osY);
//Make a rotated image
col bgColor = image->format->colorkey;
img *toEdit = newImage(clip.w, clip.h);
img *toDraw = 0;
//Copy the source into the workspace
drawRect(0, 0, toEdit->w, toEdit->h, toEdit, bgColor);
drawImage(0, 0, image, toEdit, &clip);
//Edit the image
toDraw = SPG_Transform(toEdit, bgColor, angle, xScale, yScale, SPG_NONE);
SDL_SetColorKey(toDraw, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, bgColor);
//Find new origin and offset by pivot
2DVec *pivot = new xyVec(pvX, pvY);
//Draw and remove the finished image
drawImage(_x - pivot->x - (toDraw->w / 2), _y - pivot->y - (toDraw->h / 2), toDraw, _destination);
//Delete stuff
delete pivot;
The code uses the center of the sprite as the origin. It works fine if I leave the pivot at (0,0), but if I move it somewhere else, the character's shoulder for instance, it starts making the sprite dance around as it spins like a spirograph, instead of the pivot staying on the character's shoulder.
The image rotation function is from SPriG, a library for drawing primitives and transformed images in SDL. Since the pivot is coming from the center of the image, I figure the new size of the clipped surface produced by rotating shouldn't matter.
I've messed with the code a bit. By slowing it down, I found that for some reason, the vector is rotating 60 times faster than the image, even though I'm not multiplying anything by 60. So, I tried to just divide the input by 60, only now, it's coming out all jerky and not rotating to anything between multiples of 60.
The vector rotation code I found on this very site, and people have repeatedly confirmed that it works, so why does it only rotate in increments of 60?
I haven't touched the source of SPriG in a long time, but I can give you some info.
If SPriG has problems with rotating off of center, it would probably be faster and easier for you to migrate to SDL_gpu (and I suggest SDL 2.0). That way you get a similar API but the performance is much better (it uses the graphics card).
I can guess that the vector does not rotate 60 times faster than the image, but rather more like 57 times faster! This is because you are rotating the vector with sin() and cos(), which accept values in radians. The image is being rotated by an angle in degrees. The conversion factor for radians to degrees is 180/pi, which is about 57. SPriG can use either degrees or radians, but uses degrees by default. Use SPG_EnableRadians(1) to switch that behavior. Alternatively, you can stick to degree measure in your angle variable by multiplying the argument to sin() and cos() by pi/180.

algorithm for drawing a sort of nozzle(line),whose is direction determined by the mouse?

i am using The old Turbo C++ and am a beginner.
This is the code of a ongoing project that i am planning.
the circle moves withe WSAD keys
But the problem is that i want the nozzle(a line from the center) of that circle to follow the movement of the mouse,but i cant figure out the mathematical part to restrict the length of that nozzle to, say 30 pixels. the line goes on touching the pointer's location.
I tried to use the Distance formula and the line equation to get with an expression which has both the slope and the length of the line. But the problem here is that there is an square root in the denominator, and i think that is causing the problem
Most of the code here is unnecessary for the following problem, so please ignore
here is the relevant code
while(doga==0) //main game loop
{ if(kbhit())
if(limiter>10) //limiter is used to restrict the motion of the circle for a limited // time
{ op=0;limiter=0;} // otherwise the cirlce moves in that direction unless another //key is pressed
//movement of the circle
{ originy--; limiter++;}
{originy++; limiter++;}
{ originx--; limiter++ ;}
{ originx++; limiter++; }
printf(" %d %d",x,y);
line(originx,originy,80/sqrt(1+m*m),m*80/sqrt(1+m*m)); //THIS LINE IS WHERE THE PROBLEM IS
if(op==49) //for exiting
Let (x,y) be the point you're after, (ox, oy) be your origin, and (mx, my) be the mouse location.
The vector from the origin to the mouse is (dx, dy) = (mx - ox, my - oy).
The distance between the mouse and the origin is the same as the norm of that vector:
distance = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
Normalizing (scaling) the vector to get a new vector of length 1 ("unit length") we get
nx = dx / distance;
ny = dy / distance;
And finally we can scale those coordinates by the desired length (remembering to add back the origin)
x = ox + length * nx;
y = oy + length * ny;

Uneven Circles in Connect 4 Board

I'm in the process of creating a 2P Connect 4 game, but I can't seem to get the circular areas to place tokens spaced evenly.
Here's the code that initializes the positions of each circle:
POINT tilePos;
for (int i = 0; i < Board::Dims::MAXX; ++i)
tileXY.push_back (std::vector<POINT> (Board::Dims::MAXY)); //add column
for (int j = 0; j < Board::Dims::MAXY; ++j)
tilePos.x = boardPixelDims.left + (i + 1./2) * (boardPixelDims.width / Board::Dims::MAXX);
tilePos.y = + (j + 1./2) * (boardPixelDims.height / Board::Dims::MAXY); (i).push_back (tilePos); //add circle in column
I use a 2D vector of POINTs, tileXY, to store the positions. Recall the board is 7 circles wide by 6 circles high.
My logic is such that the first circle starts (for X) at:
left + width / #circles * 0 + width / #circles / 2
and increases by width / #circles each time, which is easy to picture for smaller numbers of circles.
Later, I draw the circles like this:
for (const std::vector<POINT> &col : _tileXY)
for (const POINT pos : col)
if (g.FillEllipse (&red, (int)(pos.x - CIRCLE_RADIUS), pos.y - CIRCLE_RADIUS, CIRCLE_RADIUS, CIRCLE_RADIUS) != Gdiplus::Status::Ok)
MessageBox (_windows.gameWindow, "FillEllipse failed.", 0, MB_SYSTEMMODAL);
Those loops iterate through each element of the vector and draws each circle in red (to stand out at the moment). The int conversion is to disambiguate the function call. The first two arguments after the brush are the top-left corner, and CIRCLE_RADIUS is 50.
The problem is that my board looks like this (sorry if it hurts your eyes a bit):
As you can see, the circles are too far up and left. They're also too small, but that's easily fixed. I tried changing some ints to doubles, but ultimately ended up with this being the closest I ever got to the real pattern. The expanded formula (expanding (i + 1./2)) for the positions looks the same as well.
Have I missed a small detail, or is my whole logic behind it off?
As requested, types:
tilePos.x: POINT (the windows API one, type used is LONG)
boardPixelDims.*: double
Board::Dims::MAXX/MAXY: enum values (integral, contain 7 and 6 respectively)
Depending on whether CIRCLE_SIZE is intended as radius or diameter, two of your parameters seem to be wrong in the FillEllipse call. If it's a diameter, then you should be setting location to pos.x - CIRCLE_SIZE/2 and pos.y - CIRCLE_SIZE/2. If it's a radius, then the height and width paramters should each be 2*CIRCLE_SIZE rather than CIRCLE_SIZE.
Update - since you changed the variable name to CIRCLE_RADIUS, the latter solution is now obviously the correct one.
The easiest way I remember what arguments the shape related functions take is to always think in rectangles. FillEllipse will just draw an ellipse to fill the rectangle you give it. x, y, width and height.
A simple experiment to practice with is if you change your calls to FillRect, get everything positioned okay, and then change them to FillEllipse.

Circular collision rebound not working properly

I'm writing a little physics simulation in C++ that basically moves circles across the screen and when two circles collide, they should ricochet in the same manner as billiard balls would. When the circles do collide with each other, most of the time they will practically slow down infinitely/they appear to stick to each other and become static. Sometimes only one ball will rebound in the collision and the other will retain it's trajectory. This is just a simple 2D simulation.
So here's what I have for the detection/ricochet logic:
bool Ball::BallCollision(Ball &b2)
if (sqrt(pow(b2.x - x, 2) + pow(b2.y - y, 2)) <= b2.radius + radius) // Test for collision
normal[0] = (x - (x + b2.x) / 2) / radius; // Finds normal vector from point of collision to radius
normal[1] = (y - (y + b2.y) / 2) / radius;
xvel = xvel - 2 * (xvel * normal[0]) * normal[0]; // Sets the velocity vector to the reflection vector
yvel = yvel - 2 * (yvel * normal[1]) * normal[1];
////x = xprev; // These just move the circle back a 'frame' so the collision
////y = yprev; // detection doesn't detect collision more than once.
// Not sure if working?
I can't figure out what is wrong with my function. Thanks for any help in advance!
Every variable is declared as a float
The functions:
void Ball::Move()
xprev = x;
yprev = y;
x += xvel;
y += yvel;
void Ball::DrawCircle()
glColor3ub(100, 230, 150);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
angle = i * (2*3.1415/10);
newx = x + r*cos(angle);
newy = y + r*sin(angle);
glVertex2f(newx, newy);
The loop:
run_prev.clear(); // A vector, cleared every loop, that holds the Ball objects that collided
for (int i = 0; i < num_balls; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < num_balls; i++)
b[i].WallCollision(); // Just wall collision detecting, that is working just fine
//The loop that checks for collisions... Am I executing this properly?
for (int i = 0; i < num_balls; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < num_balls; j++)
if (i == j) continue;
if (b[i].BallCollision(b[j]) == true)
for (int i = 0; i < num_balls; i++)
//xprev and yprev are the x and y values of the frame before for each circle
for (int i = 0; i < run_prev.size(); i++)
run_prev[i].x = run_prev[i].xprev;
run_prev[i].y = run_prev[i].yprev;
Makes balls collide (reflect movement vector) only if they're moving towards each other. Do not process collision if they're moving away from each other. Break this rule, and they'll be glued together.
When processing collision, update both balls at once. Do not update one ball at a time.
Your move vector adjustment is incorrect. Balls don't reflect against each other, because they can be moving at different speeds.
Correct movement adjustment (assuming balls have equal mass) should look something like that:
pos1 and pos2 = positions;
v1 and v2 are movement vector (speed);
n is collision normal == normalize(pos1 - pos2);
collisionSpeed = dot((v2-v1), n);
collisionSpeed *= elasticy; (0.0..1.0);
v1 = v1 - dot(v1, n);
v2 = v2 - dot(v2, n);
v1 -= scale(n, collisionSpeed * 0.5);
v2 += scale(n, collisionSpeed * 0.5);
To understand the formula, check newtons law (impulses in particular). Or check Chris Hecker's papers on game physics.
It's not clear how you're calling this function, but I think I see the problem.
Say you have Ball ballA and Ball ballB, which are colliding in the current frame, and then you run ballA.BallCollision(ballB).
This will update the member variables of ballA, and move it back a frame. But it doesn't update the position or trajectory of ballB.
Even if you call the converse as well (ballB.BallCollision(ballA)), it won't detect the collision because when you called ballA.BallCollision(ballB), it moved ballA back a frame.
I haven't looked at your code in detail, but it doesn't take into consideration that this type of collision can only work in center of momentum frames. Now, I assume your balls are of equal masses. What you do is take the average of the two momentums (or velocities since they have the same masses) and subtract that average from the velocities. Perform your calculations, and add the average back. Here is the question I asked that may relate to this.
I know this question is quite old, but it's still relevant, especially to students. Something that wasn't mentioned in the answers made me want to contribute.
One thing that I ran into when solving a similar problem was overlap. That is, if the moving balls overlap by any amount at all, the collision detection will trigger continuously, giving the sticking behavior the OP referred to.
There was an attempt here to prevent this by moving the balls to the previous frame, but that can occasionally fail if the movement was enough that the balls enmeshed more than a single frame can account for, or if the movement velocity is just right so that the frame before doesn't trigger collision but the frame after is too far overlapped.
Since the original check was for center distance less than or equal to the sum of the radii, the detection triggers on both collision AND overlap.
One way to fix this is to separate the test into checking for collision (equals only) or overlap (less than only). For the collision, proceed as normal. But for the overlap condition, you can physically move one ball or the other (or both by half) the amount of overlap. This positions them at correct "collision" position, which allows for the correct behavior of the bounce function.
An overlap function that only moves one ball at a time might look something like this(not real code):
if (distanceBetweenBallCenters < sumOfRadii){
currentPosition = oldPosition - (distanceBetweenBallCenters - sumOfRadii) * (unitVectorFromSecondBallToFirstBall);
One could easily move both balls by half, but I found that moving one at a time gave satisfactory results for my uses, and allowed me to keep the parameter as a const.
I hope this helps future students! (I am also a student, and new to this, so take my advice with the proverbial grain of salt)
Your way of calculating the normal is wrong. (x + b2.x)/2 doesn't have to be the point of collision, if the radii of the balls aren't equal.