Running EMR with Cascading SDK failed - amazon-web-services

I was following this tutorial for installing Cascading to EMR:
But it failed because of bootstrap action installing the cascading-sdk. The corresponding logs is here: As seen from the logs, it's failed because of apt-get not found. Seriously?
I also checked the sdk installation script, and found option to disable installing screen with --no-screen. It is still failed, with different error
And now it is because of permission denied. What?
It's official guide, but I can't seem to run it. Any idea?

Rather than changing the script first, try a different EMR AMI version.
AMI versions up until 2.4.8 use Debian OS, where apt-get will work, but this runs Hadoop 1.x. AMI versions 3.0.x run Hadoop 2.2 and use Amazon Linux, which uses Yum.
See Below:
Also, try to add the "--tmpdir" option to get around the "Permission Denied" error.


Actions on Google - CLI (gactions) comment not found

This questions maybe already asked but that is not solve my issue.
I'm trying to deploy my gactions script in google cloud function. So for that I have installed the gactions CLI in Ubuntu 20.04 machine, but I'm having some problems.
The mentioned gactions CLI comments not working in terminal, it's shows [ERROR] unknown command "test" for "gactions" error message.
Eg: gactions test --action_package action.json --project PROJECT_ID
Am using gactions version 3.2.0. Please suggest me how to use those comments in terminal.
I have tried with sudo gactions test --action_package action.json --project PROJECT_ID that also not working.
As the error [ERROR] unknown command "test" for "gactions" describes that the test command is not validating by the gactions CLI.
Might be due to below reasons, can you you have a check on this :
As per this official doc , you are trying to execute the text command
but make sure the action package name given by you is correct.
Can you try any other arguments mentioned in the gactions supported
arguments doc and have a try whether those are validating or not.
Enable the Actions API in the Google Cloud console by following the
instructions in Enable and disable APIs. This allows gactions to
interact with your project.
Make sure you have installed the gactions CLI correctly by running
the command 'gactions version' to check the version number. If the
version number matches the version you installed, then the CLI is
probably installed correctly. If not reinstall the CLI using this
gactions overview

Google cloud compute engine - disable automatic updates (centos)

I wonder if there is a way to disable automatic updates of our Linux machines on Google Cloud (yum update)
As far as I know during maintenance window our servers get new packages of software installed. (I checked yum.log). Since our installed software must be specific version (not latest) we don't want Google to run updates for us because it usually breaks all kind of dependencies...
I have searched on Google but didn't find any info about that.
The centOS 7 image used in Compute Engine includes the yum-cron installed and enabled by default. You can verify it by either using one of the following commands:
sudo yum list installed yum-cron
sudo systemctl status yum-cron.service
The yum-cron will periodically check for updates and apply them if there are updates available.
If you have yum-cron running on your instance, you can disable auto-updates by accessing the configuration file /etc/yum/yum-cron.conf. Then change the following variables to ‘no’:
update_messages = no
download_updates = no
apply_updates = no
This will prevent the system from updating automatically.
As an alternative, you can opt for uninstalling the package on your system using the following command.
sudo yum remove yum-cron
This part is missing in the official documentation so It will be added soon.

How do I update my h2o version on AWS working with flow?

I installed h2o using the AMI on the marketplace. It installed 3.14, and I am trying to update the version to the latest stable one of so my co-workers can use flow. How can I best do this?
I have tried uninstalling using
pip install
And directly by SSH-ing into my instance via terminal. However, even if it says "successfully uninstalled", it seems to keep reverting to the version 3.14.
I suspect there is a script at startup that is reinstalling and loading 3.14, but I can't figure it out. Any help is appreciated.

Installing Jenkins on AWS EC2

I am running into an issue with the install wizard with Jenkins when following a Set Up a Jenkins Build Server tutorial from Amazon.
My EC2 instance is a t2.small. It was a t2.micro until I saw this SO post so I switched it to a t2.small. It doesn't appear to be a memory issue. I am getting an error when creating my initial user or trying to Continue as admin.
When inspecting the element, trying to Save and Finish when creating an initial user, POST http://<domain>:8080/setupWizard/createAdminUser errors out with a ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error. (I don't see anything in /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log about this failure either)
I am running java 1.8 and I've tried with Jenkins 2.71-1.1 and Jenkins 2.61-1.1
openjdk version "1.8.0_131"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_131-b11)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.131-b11, mixed mode)
I grepped the error log and only found one log pertaining to errors (but I'm not sure this is related):
Jul 24, 2017 11:09:50 PM hudson.ExtensionFinder$GuiceFinder$FaultTolerantScope$1 error
INFO: Failed to instantiate optional component hudson.plugins.build_timeout.operations.AbortAndRestartOperation$DescriptorImpl; skipping
I created a CDK to provision a Jenkins service in AWS. have a try
Install the certificates-
sudo apt install ca-certificates
then, Try Updating & Upgrading the packages-
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt update
Then follow the link to install the Jenkins :)

Is there any well documented Redmine installation process

is there any well documented step by step procedure to install redmine?. I tried to install it on my Ubuntu machine.But i am unable to access it from another machine. please tell me how to it. is there any document which show how to host as centralized
See this guide: Its a general installation guide. I used it to install Redmine on Debian Jessie.