Exporting/publishing a C++ program? - c++

I have made a simple game in VS 2012 using C++, and I am just wondering if it is possible to "export" or "publish" the project so that is possible to use using a single .exe anywhere on a computer, rather than the whole debug folder that includes all the pictures I have used.
Many thanks!


Redeveloping MFC application

I've got a program written in c++ and have to make some modifications to it. Howerver, I haven't got any solution file or a like, just a bunch of .h, .cpp, .obj, .dpb, .dll, .mdi, .dfm, .res, .tds, .bpl files and an .exe file.
So I can start an application, see what it's doing and what the controls are, but when it comes to adding changes trying do to map behaviour of UI to source code files seems just to tedious.
Is it possible to recreate some kind of solution file or just to simply the process? (I am using VS 2012 and an app was written in 2002).
These file extensions indicate the source is from a Borland IDE. That .mdi file I think signifies Borland's multiple-document-interface... I'll venture to guess this project would be quite difficult to "recompile" using Visual Studio. I don't even see a .rc (resource file) in your list. Rewriting may be the easiest path, depending on the complexity of the application...

C++ parsing a text file that is located online

Information about what I want to do:
-read in a few integer variables from a text file that will be located on a dropbox public folder.
-the variables will be used to trigger some if statements thus controlling my application remotely if I need to have it do something ( I would just save the variable I need to that text file and my program with would read from it every 5 seconds would see it and perform the required actions).
-this is a console application which is being built and compiled in visual studio 2010 on windows 7. The software will also be running on a win7 computer.
I need help with:
I already have read on using a library called libcurl. The problem is that I do not know how to link this library with my project in vs2010. Detailed instructions on how to do this on vs 2010 would be very helpful.
if you can think of a better and easier way to accomplish what I need done, offer some advice and direction
It sounds like you're a novice, is that correct? If not then apologies for stating the obvious.
To use your compiled DLL in your application you need to 'add a reference' to it. You can do this by adding what is called a binary reference, where you simply tell visual studio where to find the dll. Or you can add a project reference if the project which is producing the dll is within the same solution. The best approach is to use something called nuget. It's a visual studio extension which automates the adding of binary references available from a public repository.
I have just done a search for libcurl on nuget.org and drew a blank. As I am unfamiliar with this library you may have better luck finding a nuget package as you will be a le to search using better terms that I did (curl and libcurl)
Whatever approach you take, just right-click on the project in which you want to use libcurl within the solution explorer and you should find an add reference option in the menu.

Best way to save source functions

Newbie question: I've been trying to complete a couple of problems from the Project Euler site, using Visual studios 2010 as my IDE.
What is the best way for me to save and store the source so that I don't have to have 500 projects created?
Create a function for each problem, then just change which function you call from main.
The best way to "save" source code is in a version control system. My preference is Git.
I haven't used Visual Studio 2010 in anger, but I'm sure you can have multiple source files in a single project. You don't need to create one project per problem (although it may be a neat

what is a project in eclipse?

I've just started working with Eclipse for C++ and I just want to clarify something that I haven't been able to figure out by searching so far. Is a project folder in eclipse only intended to have one program in it? i.e., a what is meant by project is basically a C++ program? And so you're not supposed to store many different programs in one project directory? Am I understanding this correctly?
That is correct, though they are trying to change that:
Eclipse requires that the contents of each project be stored in a
single directory on disk. Every file and folder in that directory tree
on disk must belong to the project in the workspace
Project is a project. You could divine you aplication to .dll, .exe, or other stuffs. When you are developing something that could go apart in another solution the you can put apart that piece (.dll for example). When you are developing in Visual Studio you can see that projects are in final a single file that has some own functionality, and the whole program is called solution. Didn't fired up Eclipse for a while, but it goes in the same direction. I can remember that projects in Eclipse were very poor, and meaning of the project was considered with actual language that you use (Java, C/C++, PHP, PYTHON, etc.).
Good definition is that project hold some part of application (if not all of it).

Using Tortoise SVN with C++ in Visual Studio 2008

I have an online repository with some .h and .cpp files that make up part of a project. I'm trying to check these out and use them in a new project, but am getting errors (C4627 and C1010). All the files have been added to the project (with Add>Existing Item...), and the subdirectories that contain these files have been added to the "Additional include directories" of the project.
Would I be better off having the entire project tree in the repository? My reason for not doing so is that my colleague and I are working on different parts of the code and so want to use different main methods to test things as we go, and I didn't see any need to be passing around any compiled code etc. since I assumed that given the .h and .cpp files (with the correct settings), visual studio would be able to compile the project.
What's the best way to make Visual Studio 2008 and TortoiseSVN work well together (without spending any money)?
Would I be better off having the entire project tree in the repository?
Most certainly yes. You should be able to check out and build without much effort. Creating a new project every time you want to build the source and having to configure it is way too much work.
My reason for not doing so is that my colleague and I are working on different parts of the code and so want to use different main methods to test things as we go, and I didn't see any need to be passing around any compiled code etc.
Ok, just put more than one project in the solution. There's no reason you can't have separate executable projects for separate tests.
I assumed that given the .h and .cpp files (with the correct settings), visual studio would be able to compile the project.
If all of the settings are the same, then, yes, it should compile fine, but why bother with the hassle when you don't have to?
Also AnkhSVN which isn't too bad and it's free. Also, lots of the windows it displays look like TFS (if you're familiar with it)
What's the best way to make Visual Studio 2008 and TortoiseSVN work well together (without spending any money)?
There are a bunch of programs that integrate SVN into Visual Studio. VisualSVN is one of them.
Apologies for the VisualSVN recommendation. We used to use it in an old project and I'm positive it was free then. Maybe they changed their license?