Many boolean based code paths - c++

I have an issue with one of my classes. It has many bools in it, and the functions in said class have to handle many different paths based on these values. All of these paths make the code very bloated and hard to read. I was wondering if there was a design pattern or some principle rule I could follow to made the code run the same but easier to understand and read.
To be more specific, the class is called Actor. It is for a video game that I'm helping with. The Actor class manages the hands of a humanoid in the game. The hands work together in some actions and operate independently in others. So there are a massive amount of Boolean variables to check what each of them are doing. This is all in the update loop (somewhere) and I think this functionality should be moved or simplified somehow. I think there are about 20 different bool values, with more on the way.
Also, I know my post is game dev related, but I feel the question is a general one.
So are there any ways to fix / help this?
I'll explain more. Say you have 4 bools: isAttacking, isDefending, isCasting, isDrugged.
So you have to check each hand if it is busy and handle the the paths like:
Player tries to attack with a two handed weapon ->
if not isDefending and not isCasting then isAttacking = true, if isDrugged then attack with value 1 else 5.
It just gets complicated quickly and when you factor in more bools it gets very complex.
So what I'm saying is: I'm lazy is there a better way to do this?

With your example with 4 bool, you have 16 (2**4) possible behaviors:
so you may build an array of behaviors and then dispatch it, something like:
void UpdateTick()
const std::uint32_t behaviorIndex =
(isAttacking << 0)
| (isDefending << 1)
| (isCasting << 2)
| (isDrugged << 3);
const std::function<void(void)> behaviors[16] = {


How to create optimized variations of the same algorithm without too much copy/paste code? (C++)

When I write C++ code for realtime optimised purposes, such as audio or graphics processing, I run into the following problem quite often:
I need several variations of piece of code but with only some tiny change in their innerloops. Most often this required variation is how the algorithm outputs the results. I.e. should it replace the previous data in the output buffer, should it add it with the previous data in the buffer, or should it multiply it, etc.
Copy-pasting the whole method and changing just couple of characters from one line in the inner loop feels like an awful way to do things.
One way to cure this fairly efficiently would be to always use some simple blending formula which you give parameters, such as:
*p_buffer++ = A*(*p_buffer) + B*new_value + C;
Then you could simply give A, B and C to that algorithm and be done with it. But that feels like a waste of CPU cycles. Also if the buffer hasn't been initialized with valid float values and there's a NAN, then the results might also be NAN, even if you intend to multiply the previous value in the buffer with 0.
So is there another efficient way of creating these kinds of variations for a method without sacrificing speed? I'm hoping to have separate methods for each of the variations I use. For example:
Based on the answers, I went by defining the method as:
template<int TYPE> void Render(...)
if constexpr (TYPE == 0)
*p_output_buffer++ = data;
if constexpr (TYPE == 1)
*p_output_buffer++ += data;
if constexpr (TYPE == 2)
*p_output_buffer++ *= data;
This approach works great.
Thank you for everyone for helping!

What to consider when looking at multiple methods to achieve the same result while coding?

I am currently coding in C++, creating an all rounded calculator that, when finished, will be capable of handling all major and common mathematical procedures.
The current wall I am hitting is from the fact I am still learning about to profession we call being a programmer.
I have several ways of achieving a single result. I am curious as to whether I should pick the method that has a clear breakdown of how it got to that point in the code; or the method that is much shorter - while not sacrificing any of the redability.
Below I have posted snippets from my class showing what I mean.
This function uses if statements to determine whether or not a common denominator is even needed, but is several lines long.
Fraction Fraction::addFraction(Fraction &AddInput)
Fraction output;
if (m_denominator != AddInput.m_denominator)
output.setWhole(m_whole + AddInput.m_whole);
output.setNumerator((m_numerator * firstchange) + (AddInput.m_numerator * secondchange));
output.setWhole(m_whole + AddInput.m_whole);
output.setNumerator(m_numerator + AddInput.m_numerator);
return output;
This function below, gets a common denominator; repeats the steps on the numerators; then simplifies to the lowest terms.
Fraction Fraction::addFraction(Fraction &AddInput)
Fraction output(m_whole + AddInput.m_whole, (m_numerator * firstchange) + (AddInput.m_numerator * secondchange), commondenominator);
return output;
Both functions have been tested and always return the accurate result. When it comes to coding standards... do we pick longer and asy to follow? or shorter and easy to understand?
Your first priority with your code should be that it's correct.
Your second priority with code should be "If someone who's never seen this before is going to make a tiny change, which one is he less likely to break?
There's actually a lot that goes into this. How difficult is it to understand at a high level? How abstracted out are arcane details? Are there any surprises? What quirks do you have to know about? Are there edge cases that have to be handled?
The reasons that this second priority is important are:
it's key to preventing you from writing bugs in the first place
it's easier to find bugs later
it's easier to fix bugs later
despite whatever you think, you won't remember the details in 6 months.
Both implementations appear about equally difficult in complexity per branch, but the first one has branches, so I'd lean toward the second for understandability. Details seem abstracted out in both, and if there's surprises or quirks, I don't immediately see them (but that's sort of the point, that they can be easily overlooked). I don't see any special handling for edge cases, so if edge cases exist in either, comments would be good.
Unrelated to picking, but while on the topic of reviewing code, It's unclear how either handles fractions that have no fractional part, but that might be part of the full class documentation, which would be fine. Both codepaths take AddArgument by mutable reference, which is bad, and require this to be mutable as well, which is also bad. Both have methods named get*() that appear to modify (getCommonDenominator), which is bad. The code appears to be using variables that are external (firstchange? secondchange?) which is a major strike against preventing bugs.

Unit testing cyclomatically complicated but otherwise trivial calculations

Let's say I have a calculator class who primary function is to do the following (this code is simplified to make the discussion easier, please don't comment on the style of it)
double pilingCarpetArea = (hardstandingsRequireRemediation = true) ? hardStandingPerTurbineDimensionA * hardStandingPerTurbineDimensionB * numberOfHardstandings * proportionOfHardstandingsRequiringGroundRemediationWorks : 0;
double trackCostMultipler;
if (trackConstructionType = TrackConstructionType.Easy) trackCostMultipler = 0.8
else if (trackConstructionType = TrackConstructionType.Normal) trackCostMultipler = 1
else if (trackConstructionType = TrackConstructionType.Hard) trackCostMultipler = 1.3
else throw new OutOfRangeException("Unknown TrackConstructionType: " + trackConstructionType.ToString());
double PilingCostPerArea = TrackCostPerMeter / referenceTrackWidth * trackCostMultipler;
There are at least 7 routes through this class I should probably test, the combination of trackCostMultiplier and hardstandingsRequireRemediation (6 combinations) and the exception condition. I might also want to add some for divide by zero and overflow and suchlike if I was feeling keen.
So far so good, I can test this number of combinations easily and stylishly. And actually I might trust that multiplication and addition are unlikely to go wrong, and so just have 3 tests for trackCostMultipler and 2 for hardstandingsRequireRemediation, instead of testing all possible combinations.
However, this is a simple case, and the logic in our apps is unfortunately cyclomatically much more complicated than this, so the number of tests could grow huge.
There are some ways to tackle this complexity
Extract the trackCostMultipler calculation to a method in the same class
This is a good thing to do, but it doesn't help me test it unless I make this method public, which is a form of "Test Logic In Production". I often do this in the name of pragmatism, but I would like to avoid if I can.
Defer the trackCostMultipler calculation to a different class
This seems like a good thing to do if the calculation is sufficiently complex, and I can test this new class easily. However I have just made the testing of the original class more complicated, as I will now want to pass in a ITrackCostMultipler "Test Double" of some sort, check that it gets called with the right parameters, and check that its return value is used correctly. When a class has, say, ten sub calculators, its unit / integration test becomes very large and difficult to understand.
I use both (1) and (2), and they give me confidence and they make debugging a lot quicker. However there are definitely downsides, such as Test Logic in Production and Obscure Tests.
I am wondering what others experiences of testing cyclomatically complicated code are? Is there a way of doing this without the downsides? I realise that Test Specific Subclasses can work around (1), but this seems like a legacy technique to me. It is also possible to manipulate the inputs so that various parts of the calculation return 0 (for addition or subtraction) or 1 (for multiplication or division) to make testing easier, but this only gets me so far.
Continuing the discussion from the comments to the OP, if you have referentially transparent functions, you can first test each small part by itself, and then combine them and test that the combination is correct.
Since constituent functions are referentially transparent, they are logically interchangeable with their return values. Now the only remaining step would be to prove that the overall function correctly composes the individual functions.
The is a great fit for property-based testing.
As an example, assume that you have two parts of a complex calculation:
module MyCalculations =
let complexPart1 x y = x + y // Imagine it's more complex
let complexPart2 x y = x - y // Imagine it's more complex
Both of these functions are deterministic, so assuming that you really want to test a facade function that composes these two functions, you can define this property:
open FsCheck.Xunit
open Swensen.Unquote
open MyCalculations
let facadeReturnsCorrectResult (x : int) (y : int) =
let actual = facade x y
let expected = (x, y) ||> complexPart1 |> complexPart2 x
expected =! actual
Like other property-based testing frameworks, FsCheck will throw lots of randomly generated values at facadeReturnsCorrectResult (100 times, by default).
Given that both complexPart1 and complexPart2 are deterministic, but you don't know what x and y are, the only way to pass the test is to implement the function correctly:
let facade x y =
let intermediateResult = complexPart1 x y
complexPart2 x intermediateResult
You need another abstraction level to make your methods simpler, so it will be easier to test them:
doStuff(trackConstructionType, referenceTrackWidth){
trackCostMultipler = countTrackCostMultipler(trackConstructionType)
countPilingCostPerArea = countPilingCostPerArea(referenceTrackWidth, trackCostMultipler)
double trackCostMultipler;
if (trackConstructionType = TrackConstructionType.Easy) trackCostMultipler = 0.8
else if (trackConstructionType = TrackConstructionType.Normal) trackCostMultipler = 1
else if (trackConstructionType = TrackConstructionType.Hard) trackCostMultipler = 1.3
else throw new OutOfRangeException("Unknown TrackConstructionType: " + trackConstructionType.ToString());
return trackCostMultipler;
countPilingCostPerArea(referenceTrackWidth, trackCostMultipler){
return TrackCostPerMeter / referenceTrackWidth * trackCostMultipler;
Sorry for the code, I don't know the language, does not really matter...
If you don't want to make these methods public, then you have to move them to a separate class, and make them public there. The class name could be TrackCostMultiplerAlgorithm or ..Logic or ..Counter, or something like that. So you will be able to inject the algorithm into the higher abstraction level code if you'll have more different algorithms. Everything depends on the actual code.
Ohh and don't worry about the method and class lengths, if you really need a new method or class, because the code is too complex, then create one! Does not matter that it will be short. It will be always ease understanding as well, because you can write into the method name what it does. The code block inside the method only tells us how it does...

all solutions to change making with dynamic programming

I was reviewing my handouts for our algorithm class and I started to think about this question:
Given different types of coins with different values, find all coin configurations to add up to a certain sum without duplication.
During class, we solved the problem to find the number of all possible ways for a sum and the least number of coins for a sum. However, we never tried to actually find the solutions.
I was thinking about solving this problem with dynamic programming.
I came with the recursion version(for simplicity I only print the solutions):
void solve(vector<string>& result, string& currSoln, int index, int target, vector<int>& coins)
if(target < 0)
if(target == 0)
for(int i = index; i < coins.size(); ++i)
stringstream ss;
ss << coins[i];
string newCurrSoln = currSoln + ss.str() + " ";
solve(result, newCurrSoln, i, target - coins[i], coins);
However, I got stuck when trying to use DP to solve the problem.
I have 2 major obstacles:
I don't know what data structure I should use to store previous answers
I don't know what my bottom-up procedure(using loops to replace recursions) should look like.
Any help is welcomed and some codes would be appreciated!
Thank you for your time.
In a dp solution you generate a set of intermediate states, and how many ways there are to get there. Then your answer is the number that wound up in a success state.
So, for change counting, the states are that you got to a specific amount of change. The counts are the number of ways of making change. And the success state is that you made the correct amount of change.
To go from counting solutions to enumerating them you need to keep those intermediate states, and also keep a record in each state of all of the states that transitioned to that one - and information about how. (In the case of change counting, the how would be which coin you added.)
Now with that information you can start from the success state and recursively go backwards through the dp data structures to actually find the solutions rather than the count. The good news is that all of your recursive work is efficient - you're always only looking at paths that succeed so waste no time on things that won't work. But if there are a billion solutions, then there is no royal shortcut that makes printing out a billion solutions fast.
If you wish to be a little clever, though, you can turn this into a usable enumeration. You can, for instance, say "I know there are 4323431 solutions, what is the 432134'th one?" And finding that solution will be quick.
It is immediately obvious that you can take a dynamic programming approach. What isn't obvious that in most cases (depending on the denominations of the coins) you can use the greedy algorithm, which is likely to be more efficient. See Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein: Introduction to Algorithms 2nd ed, problems 16.1.

Gentle introduction to JIT and dynamic compilation / code generation

The deceptively simple foundation of dynamic code generation within a C/C++ framework has already been covered in another question. Are there any gentle introductions into topic with code examples?
My eyes are starting to bleed staring at highly intricate open source JIT compilers when my needs are much more modest.
Are there good texts on the subject that don't assume a doctorate in computer science? I'm looking for well worn patterns, things to watch out for, performance considerations, etc. Electronic or tree-based resources can be equally valuable. You can assume a working knowledge of (not just x86) assembly language.
Well a pattern I've used in emulators goes something like this:
typedef void (*code_ptr)();
unsigned long instruction_pointer = entry_point;
std::map<unsigned long, code_ptr> code_map;
void execute_block() {
code_ptr f;
std::map<unsigned long, void *>::iterator it = code_map.find(instruction_pointer);
if(it != code_map.end()) {
f = it->second
} else {
f = generate_code_block();
code_map[instruction_pointer] = f;
instruction_pointer = update_instruction_pointer();
void execute() {
while(true) {
This is a simplification, but the idea is there. Basically, every time the engine is asked to execute a "basic block" (usually a everything up to next flow control op or whole function in possible), it will look it up to see if it has already been created. If so, execute it, else create it, add it and then execute.
rinse repeat :)
As for the code generation, that gets a little complicated, but the idea is to emit a proper "function" which does the work of your basic block in the context of your VM.
EDIT: note that I haven't demonstrated any optimizations either, but you asked for a "gentle introduction"
EDIT 2: I forgot to mention one of the most immediately productive speed ups you can implement with this pattern. Basically, if you never remove a block from your tree (you can work around it if you do but it is way simpler if you never do), then you can "chain" blocks together to avoid lookups. Here's the concept. Whenever you return from f() and are about to do the "update_instruction_pointer", if the block you just executed ended in either a call, unconditional jump, or didn't end in flow control at all, then you can "fixup" its ret instruction with a direct jmp to the next block it'll execute (cause it'll always be the same one) if you have already emited it. This makes it so you are executing more and more often in the VM and less and less in the "execute_block" function.
I'm not aware of any sources specifically related to JITs, but I imagine that it's pretty much like a normal compiler, only simpler if you aren't worried about performance.
The easiest way is to start with a VM interpreter. Then, for each VM instruction, generate the assembly code that the interpreter would have executed.
To go beyond that, I imagine that you would parse the VM byte codes and convert them into some sort of suitable intermediate form (three address code? SSA?) and then optimize and generate code as in any other compiler.
For a stack based VM, it may help to to keep track of the "current" stack depth as you translate the byte codes into intermediate form, and treat each stack location as a variable. For example, if you think that the current stack depth is 4, and you see a "push" instruction, you might generate an assignment to "stack_variable_5" and increment a compile time stack counter, or something like that. An "add" when the stack depth is 5 might generate the code "stack_variable_4 = stack_variable_4+stack_variable_5" and decrement the compile time stack counter.
It is also possible to translate stack based code into syntax trees. Maintain a compile-time stack. Every "push" instruction causes a representation of the thing being pushed to be stored on the stack. Operators create syntax tree nodes that include their operands. For example, "X Y +" might cause the stack to contain "var(X)", then "var(X) var(Y)" and then the plus pops both var references off and pushes "plus(var(X), var(Y))".
Get yourself a copy of Joel Pobar's book on Rotor (when it's out), and delve through the source to the SSCLI. Beware, insanity lies within :)