See if a point lies on a line(vector) - c++

I have currently the following line in my program. I have two other whole number variables, x and y.
I wish to see if this new point(x, y) is on this line. I have been looking at the following thread:
Given a start and end point, and a distance, calculate a point along a line
I've come up with the following:
if(x >= x1 && x <= x2 && (y >= y1 && y <= y2 || y <= y1 && y >= y2))
float vx = x2 - x1;
float vy = y2 - y1;
float mag = sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy);
// need to get the unit vector (direction)
float dvx = vx/mag; // this would be the unit vector (direction) x for the line
float dvy = vy/mag; // this would be the unit vector (direction) y for the line
float vcx = x - x1;
float vcy = y - y1;
float magc = sqrt(vcx*vcx + vcy*vcy);
// need to get the unit vector (direction)
float dvcx = vcx/magc; // this would be the unit vector (direction) x for the point
float dvcy = vcy/magc; // this would be the unit vector (direction) y for the point
// I was thinking of comparing the direction of the two vectors, if they are the same then the point must lie on the line?
if(dvcx == dvx && dvcy == dvy)
// the point is on the line!
It doesn't seem to be working, or is this idea whack?

Floating point numbers have a limited precision, so you'll get rounding errors from the calculations, with the result that values that should mathematically be equal will end up slightly different.
You'll need to compare with a small tolerance for error:
if (std::abs(dvcx-dvx) < tolerance && std::abs(dvcy-dvy) < tolerance)
// the point is (more or less) on the line!
The hard part is choosing that tolerance. If you can't accept any errors, then you'll need to use something other than fixed-precision floating point values - perhaps integers, with the calculations rearranged to avoid division and other inexact operations.
In any case, you can do this more simply, without anything like a square root. You want to find out if the two vectors are parallel; they are if the vector product is zero or, equivalently, if they have equal tangents. So you just need
if (vx * vcy == vy * vcx) // might still need a tolerance for floating-point
// the point is on the line!
If your inputs are integers, small enough that the multiplication won't overflow, then there's no need for floating-point arithmetic at all.

An efficient way to solve this problem is to use the signed area of a triangle. When the signed area of the triangle created by points {x1,y1}, {x2,y2}, and {x,y} is near-zero, you can consider {x,y} to be on the line. As others have mentioned, picking a good tolerance value is an important part of this if you are using floating point values.
bool isPointOnLine (xy p1, xy p2, xy p3) // returns true if p3 is on line p1, p2
xy va = p1 - p2;
xy vb = p3 - p2;
area = va.x * vb.y - va.y * vb.x;
if (abs (area) < tolerance)
return true;
return false;
This will let you know if {x,y} lies on the line, but it will not determine if {x,y} is contained by the line segment. To do that, you would also need to check {x,y} against the bounds of the line segment.

First you need to calculate the equation of your line. Then see if this equation holds true for the values of x and y that you have. To calculate the equation of your line, you need to work out where it croses the y-axis and what its gradient is. The equation will be of the form y=mx+c where m is the gradient and c is the 'intercept' (where the line crosses the y-axis).

For float values, don't use == but instead test for small difference:
if (fabs(dvcx-dvx) < delta && fabs(dvcy-dvy) < delta)
Also, you don't really need the unit vector, just the tangent:
float originalTangent = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
float newTangent = (y - y1) / (x - x1);
if (fabs(newTangent - originalTangent) < delta) { ... }
(delta should be some small number that depends on the accuracy you are expecting.)

Given that (x, y) is actually a point, the job seems a bit simpler than you're making it.
You probably want to start by checking for a perfectly horizontal or vertical line. In those cases, you just check whether x falls between x1 and x2 (or y between y1 and y2 for vertical).
Otherwise you can use linear interpolation on x and see if it gives you the correct value for y (within some possible tolerance for rounding). For this, you'd do something like:
slope = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1);
if (abs(slope * (x - x1) - y) < tolerance)
// (x,y) is on the line
// (x,y) isn't on the line


Determine Next Point on a Line Between Point A and B From A

I have a 2D Coordinate system where The Origin Starts at the top Left
(Y Is higher as I move downward)
I am Given Two Points in Space, Lets Say Point A, and Point B.
How can I determine that next Point on the line From Point A to Point B?
For example, I have Point A(10, 10) and Point B (1,1)
I know the point I'm looking for is (9,9).
But how do I do this mathematically?
For say a more complicated Set of points
A(731, 911) and B(200, 1298)
I'm trying to move my mouse, one pixel at a time from its current location to a new one.
This doesn't work, but honestly I'm stumped where to begin.
int rise = x2 - 460; //(460 is Point A x)
int run = y2 - 360;//(360 is Point A Y)
float slope = rise / run;
int newx = x1 + ((slope / slope) * 1); //x1 Is my current mouse POS x
int newy = y1 + (slope * -1);//y1 is my current mouse Pos y
It almost works but seems inverted, and wrong.
You already have the slope, so to get the next point on the line (there are infinitely many), you have to choose a step value or just arbitrarily pick one of the points.
Given A(y1, x1), your goal in finding a new point, B(y2, x2) is that it must satisfy the equation: (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) = slope.
To simplify, (x2 - x1) * slope = y2 - y1
You already have x1, slope, y1, and you can choose any arbitrary x2, so when you plug all those into the equation, you can simplify it further to:
y2 = (x2 - x1) * slope + y1
To illustrate this with your other points (A(731, 911) and C(200, 1298)) and say you want to find a new point B, we can proceed as follows:
Find the slope first:
float slope = (1298 - 911) / (200 - 731); // -0.728813559322
Choose x and solve for y:
x1 = 731, slope = -0.728813559322, y1 = 911
Choose x2 = 500 and solving for y2, we get:
float y2 = (500 - 731) * -0.728813559322 + 911; // 1079.355932203382
So your new point is:
B(500, 1079.355932203382)
You can verify this new point still has the same slope to point C
With A = (x1,y1) and B = (x2,y2) the line is (expressed in two same equations):
(1) y = (x-x1)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) + y1
(2) x = (y-y1)*(x2-x1)/(y2-y1) + x1
To find next point, put x1+1 (or x1-1 you know) in equation (1) and find y and also put y1+1 or y1-1 in equation (2) and find x.
You can decide which one is better choice. Take care of vertical or horizontal lines, where one of the equations won't work.
NOTE: do not cast floating point result to int. Do round instead.

Polygon clipping - a little elaboration?

I have been reading a lot about the sutherland hodgman polygon clipping algorithm and understand the general idea. However, when I see the actual implementation of it (like the one below), I get confused about the coordinate comparisons such as those in the intersection and inside methods. Therefore, I was wondering if someone could elaborate on what and why? I see a ton of videos and articles explaining the general concepts but I really have trouble finding some explanation of the actual details regarding the implementation.
bool inside(b2Vec2 cp1, b2Vec2 cp2, b2Vec2 p) {
return (cp2.x-cp1.x)*(p.y-cp1.y) > (cp2.y-cp1.y)*(p.x-cp1.x);
b2Vec2 intersection(b2Vec2 cp1, b2Vec2 cp2, b2Vec2 s, b2Vec2 e) {
b2Vec2 dc( cp1.x - cp2.x, cp1.y - cp2.y );
b2Vec2 dp( s.x - e.x, s.y - e.y );
float n1 = cp1.x * cp2.y - cp1.y * cp2.x;
float n2 = s.x * e.y - s.y * e.x;
float n3 = 1.0 / (dc.x * dp.y - dc.y * dp.x);
return b2Vec2( (n1*dp.x - n2*dc.x) * n3, (n1*dp.y - n2*dc.y) * n3);
//Note that this only works when fB is a convex polygon, but we know all
//fixtures in Box2D are convex, so that will not be a problem
bool findIntersectionOfFixtures(b2Fixture* fA, b2Fixture* fB, vector<b2Vec2>& outputVertices)
//currently this only handles polygon vs polygon
if ( fA->GetShape()->GetType() != b2Shape::e_polygon ||
fB->GetShape()->GetType() != b2Shape::e_polygon )
return false;
b2PolygonShape* polyA = (b2PolygonShape*)fA->GetShape();
b2PolygonShape* polyB = (b2PolygonShape*)fB->GetShape();
//fill subject polygon from fixtureA polygon
for (int i = 0; i < polyA->GetVertexCount(); i++)
outputVertices.push_back( fA->GetBody()->GetWorldPoint( polyA->GetVertex(i) ) );
//fill clip polygon from fixtureB polygon
vector<b2Vec2> clipPolygon;
for (int i = 0; i < polyB->GetVertexCount(); i++)
clipPolygon.push_back( fB->GetBody()->GetWorldPoint( polyB->GetVertex(i) ) );
b2Vec2 cp1 = clipPolygon[clipPolygon.size()-1];
for (int j = 0; j < clipPolygon.size(); j++) {
b2Vec2 cp2 = clipPolygon[j];
if ( outputVertices.empty() )
return false;
vector<b2Vec2> inputList = outputVertices;
b2Vec2 s = inputList[inputList.size() - 1]; //last on the input list
for (int i = 0; i < inputList.size(); i++) {
b2Vec2 e = inputList[i];
if (inside(cp1, cp2, e)) {
if (!inside(cp1, cp2, s)) {
outputVertices.push_back( intersection(cp1, cp2, s, e) );
else if (inside(cp1, cp2, s)) {
outputVertices.push_back( intersection(cp1, cp2, s, e) );
s = e;
cp1 = cp2;
return !outputVertices.empty();
(code stolen from iforce2d :) )
You say you understand the general idea, presumably from reading something like Sutherland Hodgman Algorithm. That explains at a high level exactly what inside and intersection do.
As to the details of how they achieve their objectives, that is all just straight up text book linear algebra.
inside is testing the sign of (cp2 - cp2) cross (p - cp1) and returning true iff the sign is strictly greater than zero. You could rewrite the return statement as:
return (cp2.x-cp1.x)*(p.y-cp1.y) - (cp2.y-cp1.y)*(p.x-cp1.x) > 0;
by moving the second term to the left of the > which gives you exactly the cross product on the left.
Note that a cross product is typically a vec3 cross vec3 operation and requires computation of all three terms. However, we're doing this in 2d meaning the vec3s have the form (x, y, 0). Therefore we only need to compute the z output term, since the cross must be perpendicular to the xy plane, and therefore be of the form (0, 0, value).
intersection finds the point at which two vectors intersect using exactly the algorithm listed here: Line Intersection from Two Points. In particular, we care about the formula immediately following the text "The determinants can be written out as:"
In the context of that formula n1 is (x1 y2 - y1 x2), n2 is (x3 y4 - y3 x4) and n3 is 1 / ((x1 - x2) (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) (x3 - x4))
-- EDIT --
To cover the issue raised in the comments, here is as full an explanation as I can give for why the return value from inside() is a test of the sign of the cross product.
I'm going to go off on a slight tangent, show my age, and note that the cross product formula has a very simple memory aid. You just need to remember the first magic word from Woods and Crowther's text adventure game Colossal Cave. xyzzy.
If you have two vectors in three dimensions: (x1, y1, z1) and (x2, y2, z2), their cross product (xc, yc, zc) is evaluated thus:
xc = y1 * z2 - z1 * y2;
yc = z1 * x2 - x1 * z2;
zc = x1 * y2 - y1 * x2;
Now, look at the first line, remove the c, 1 and 2 suffixes from the terms, all the spaces and operators and just look at the remaining letters. It's the magic word. Then you just go vertically down, replacing x with y, y with z and z with x as you go from line to line.
Getting back to business, both the terms on the right of the expansions of xc and yc contain either z1 or z2. But we know that both of these are zero since our input vectors are in the xy plane, and therefore have a zero z component. That's why we can completely elide computing those two terms, because we know they'll be zero.
This is 100% consistent with the definition of what the cross product does, the resulting vector is always perpendicular to both input vectors. Hence if both input vectors are in the xy plane, we know the output vector must be perpendicular to the xy plane, and therefore have the form (0, 0, z)
So, what do we have for the z term?
zc = x1 * y2 - y1 * x2;
in this case vector 1 is cp2-cp1 and vector 2 is p-cp1. So plugging that into the above we get:
zc = (cp2.x-cp1.x)*(p.y-cp1.y) - (cp2.y-cp1.y)*(p.x-cp1.x);
But as noted, we don't care about its value, only it's sign. We want to know if that is greater than zero. Hence:
return (cp2.x-cp1.x)*(p.y-cp1.y) - (cp2.y-cp1.y)*(p.x-cp1.x) > 0;
which is then rewritten as:
return (cp2.x-cp1.x)*(p.y-cp1.y) > (cp2.y-cp1.y)*(p.x-cp1.x);
Finally, what does the sign of that term have to do with whether the point p is inside or outside the clipping polygon? You are quite correct that all the clipping takes place in the 2d xy plane, so why are we involving 3d operations at all?
The important thing to realize is that the cross product formula in 3d is not commutative. The order of the two vector operands is significant, in terms of the angle between them. The first image on the Wikipedia page for Cross Product shows it perfectly. In that diagram, if you look down from above, when evaluating a cross b, the shortest angular direction from a to b is counter-clockwise. In that instance, that leads to a cross product with a positive z value, assuming positive z goes up the page. However if you evaluate b cross a, the shotest angular distance from b to a is clockwise, and the cross product has a negative z value.
Thinking back to the Wikipedia page for the algorithm itself, you've got the blue "clipping" line that works its way counter-clockwise around the clipping polygon. If you think of that vector as always having positive magnitude in the counter-clockwise direction it'll always be cp2 - cp1 for any pair of adjacent vertices in the clipping polygon.
Keeping this in mind, imagine what you'd see if you stood at cp1, with your nose pointed straight at cp2. The interior of the clipping polygon will be on your left, and the exterior on the right. Now consider two points p1 and p2. We'll say p1 is inside the clipping poly, and p2 is outside. That means that the quickest way to point yourt nose at p1 is to rotate counter-clockwise, and the quickest way to point at p2 is to rotate clockwise.
So by studying the sign of the cross product, we're really asking 'Do we rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise from the current edge to look at the point' which equates to asking if the point is inside the clipping polygon or outside.
I'll add one final suggestion. If you're at all interested in this sort of thing, or 3d rendering, or any programming that involves modelling the mathematical representation of the real world, taking a good solid course in linear algebra that covers the likes of cross products, dot products, vectors, matrices and the interactions between them all will be one of the best things you can ever do. It will provide a very strong foundation for a fair amount of what is done with computers.

Getting all intersection points between a line segment and a 2^n grid, in integers

I have a line going from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1) through a grid made of square tiles 2^n wide. I not only need to find the tiles the line intersects, but also the corresponding entry and exit points. All the SO questions on this I can find deal with "1x1" tiles without caring where the intersections occur within the tile.
The points won't always be precisely on an integer, and in some cases I'll use the natural floor and others I'll want to round up. But letting it naturally floor in all cases for this is fine for now.
I found an example that eventually gets to a very simple case of raytracing with integers, but it doesn't keep track of the intersection points and also isn't adapted for anything but lines going through the center (assumed 0.5, 0.5 offset) of 1x1 tiles.
void raytrace(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
int dx = abs(x1 - x0);
int dy = abs(y1 - y0);
int x = x0;
int y = y0;
int n = 1 + dx + dy;
int x_inc = (x1 > x0) ? 1 : -1;
int y_inc = (y1 > y0) ? 1 : -1;
int error = dx - dy;
dx *= 2;
dy *= 2;
for (; n > 0; --n)
visit(x, y);
if (error > 0)
x += x_inc;
error -= dy;
y += y_inc;
error += dx;
How can it be adapted to find the intersected 2^n x 2^n grid tiles while also grabbing the 2 relevant intersection points? It seems the ability to start "anywhere" in a tile really mucks up this algorithm, and my solutions end up using division and probably setting things up to accumulate error over each iteration. And that's no good...
Also I think for the first and last tile, the endpoint can be assumed to be the "other" intersection point.
There is useful article "Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm..." by Woo, Amanatides.
Look at the practical implementation (grid traversal section) too.
I've used this method with good results.
You can reduce your 2^n X 2^n tile size to 1 X 1 by dividing the entire coordinate system by 2^n.
Precisely, in our case that would mean that you divide the coordinates of the start point and end point of the line by 2^n. From now on, you can treat the problem as a 1X1 sized tile problem. At the end of the problem, we'll multiply 2^n back into our solution so get the answer for 2^n X 2^n solution.
Now the part of finding the entry and exit points in each tile.
Suppose the line starts at (2.4, 4.6 ) and ends at (7.9, 6.3)
Since the x-coordinates of the start and end point of the line are 2.4 and 7.9, hence, all integer values between them will be intersected by our line, i.e. tiles with x-coordinates of 3,4,5,6,7 will be intersected. We can calculate the corresponding y-coordinates of these x-coordinates using the equation of the input line.
Similarly, all integers between the y-coordinates of the start and end point of the line, will lead to another set of intersection points between the line and the tiles.
Sort all these points on the basis of their x - coordinates. Now pick them in pairs, the first will be the entry point, the second will be the exit.
Multiply these points back with 2^n to get solution for the original problem.
Algorithm Complexity : O(nlog n ) where n is the range of integers between the start and end coordinates of the line. Through minor modifications, this can further be reduced to O(n).
Plug in each integer value of x in the range x0..x1, and solve for each y.
That will give you the locations of the intersections on the sides of the tiles.
Plug in each integer value of y in the range y0..y1, and solve for x.
That will give you the locations of the intersections on the top/bottom of the tiles.
The code gets a little uglier when dealing with different tile sizes and starting inside of a tile, but the idea is the same. Here is a solution in C# (runs as-is in LINQPad):
List<Tuple<double,double>> intersections = new List<Tuple<double,double>>();
int tile_width = 4;
int x0 = 3;
int x1 = 15;
int y0 = 1;
int y1 = 17;
int round_up_x0_to_nearest_tile = tile_width*((x0 + tile_width -1)/tile_width);
int round_down_x1_to_nearest_tile = tile_width*x1/tile_width;
int round_up_y0_to_nearest_tile = tile_width*((y0 + tile_width -1)/tile_width);
int round_down_y1_to_nearest_tile = tile_width*y1/tile_width;
double slope = (y1-y0)*1.0/(x1-x0);
double inverse_slope = 1/slope;
for (int x = round_up_x0_to_nearest_tile; x <= round_down_x1_to_nearest_tile; x += tile_width)
intersections.Add(new Tuple<double,double>(x, slope*(x-x0)+y0));
for (int y = round_up_y0_to_nearest_tile; y <= round_down_y1_to_nearest_tile; y += tile_width)
intersections.Add(new Tuple<double,double>(inverse_slope*(y-y0)+x0, y));
The downside to this method is that, when the line intersects a tile exactly on a corner (i.e. the x and y coordinates of the intersection are both integers), then the same intersection point will be added to the list from each of the 2 for loops. In that case, you would want to remove the duplicate intersection points from your list.

The Maths for 2D Collision Detection between an OBB and a Circle

I'm creating a 2D game and want to test for collision between an OBB (Oriented Bounding Box) and a Circle. I'm unsure of the maths and code to do this. I'm creating the game in c++ and opengl.
Since both your shapes are convex, you can use the Separating Axis Theorem. Here's a tutorial on how to implement an algorithm to do this.
Essentially, you try to find if it's possible to put a line somewhere that's between the two shapes and if you can't find one, then you know they're colliding.
References and general answer taken from this question.
Here's what I would do, in pseudocode:
function does_line_go_through_circle (original_line, circle_centerpoint, radius):
original_slope = get_slope_of_line (original_line)
perpendicular_slope = 1/original_slope
perpendicular_line = create_line_with_slope_through_point (perpendicular_slope, circle_centerpoint)
intersect_point = intersection_of_infinite_lines (perpendicular_line, original_line)
if point_is_on_line (intersect_point, original_line):
finite_line_along_radius = create_finite_line_between_points (circle_centerpoint, intersect_point)
if length_of_line (finite_line_along_radius) < length_of_line (radius):
return true
return false
function does_box_intersect_with_circle (bounding_box, circle):
for each side in bounding_box:
if does_line_go_through_circle (side,, circle.radius):
return true
return false
Keep in mind, I'm a little rusty on this stuff, I might be wrong.
Anyway, it should be trivial to implement this in C++.
We will divide the rectangle into 4 finite lines.
We can construct the line equation ax + by + c = 0 connecting the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) as follows:
mx - y + c = 0
where m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
Shortest (perpendicular) distance from a line ax + by + c = 0 to a point (xc, yc) is given by the expression:
d = (a*xc + b*yc + c) / sqrt(a*a + b*b)
or d = (m*xc - yc + c) / sqrt(m*m + 1) according the the above equation
For infinite lines, you can check if 'd' is less than the radius of the circle.
But for finite lines, you'd also have to make sure whether the point of contact is within the line.
Now m = tan(angle). You can have
cos = 1 / sqrt(m*m + 1); sin = m / sqrt(m*m + 1)
Then you can calculate the point of contact as
xp = xc + d*cos; yp = yc + d*sin
And to check whether (xp, yp) lies in between the points connecting line, you can do a simple check as
if(x1 < xp < x2 && y1 < yp < y2)
return true
depending upon which is greater among x1 x2 and y1 y2.
You can repeat the same algorithm for all the four lines of a rectangle by passing the points.
Please correct me if I'm wrong somewhere.

Most accurate line intersection ordinate computation with floats?

I'm computing the ordinate y of a point on a line at a given abscissa x. The line is defined by its two end points coordinates (x0,y0)(x1,y1). End points coordinates are floats and the computation must be done in float precision for use in GPU.
The maths, and thus the naive implementation, are trivial.
Let t = (x - x0)/(x1 - x0), then y = (1 - t) * y0 + t * y1 = y0 + t * (y1 - y0).
The problem is when x1 - x0 is small. The result will introduce cancellation error. When combined with the one of x - x0, in the division I expect a significant error in t.
The question is if there exist another way to determine y with a better accuracy ?
i.e. should I compute (x - x0)*(y1 - y0) first, and divide by (x1 - x0) after ?
The difference y1 - y0 will always be big.
To a large degree, your underlying problem is fundamental. When (x1-x0) is small, it means there are only a few bits in the mantissa of x1 and x0 which differ. And by extension, there are only a limted number of floats between x0 and x1. E.g. if only the lower 4 bits of the mantissa differ, there are at most 14 values between them.
In your best algorithm, the t term represents these lower bits. And to continue or example, if x0 and x1 differ by 4 bits, then t can take on only 16 values either. The calculation of these possible values is fairly robust. Whether you're calculating 3E0/14E0 or 3E-12/14E-12, the result is going to be close to the mathematical value of 3/14.
Your formula has the additional advantage of having y0 <= y <= y1, since 0 <= t <= 1
(I'm assuming that you know enough about float representations, and therefore "(x1-x0) is small" really means "small, relative to the values of x1 and x0 themselves". A difference of 1E-1 is small when x0=1E3 but large if x0=1E-6 )
You may have a look at Qt's "QLine" (if I remember it right) sources; they have implemented an intersection determination algorithm taken from one the "Graphics Gems" books (the reference must be in the code comments, the book was on EDonkey a couple of years ago), which, in turn, has some guarantees on applicability for a given screen resolution when calculations are performed with given bit-width (they use fixed-point arithmetics if I'm not wrong).
If you have the possibility to do it, you can introduce two cases in your computation, depending on abs(x1-x0) < abs(y1-y0). In the vertical case abs(x1-x0) < abs(y1-y0), compute x from y instead of y from x.
EDIT. Another possibility would be to obtain the result bit by bit using a variant of dichotomic search. This will be slower, but may improve the result in extreme cases.
// Input is X
xmin = min(x0,x1);
xmax = max(x0,x1);
ymin = min(y0,y1);
ymax = max(y0,y1);
for (int i=0;i<20;i++) // get 20 bits in result
xmid = (xmin+xmax)*0.5;
ymid = (ymin+ymax)*0.5;
if ( x < xmid ) { xmax = xmid; ymax = ymid; } // first half
else { xmin = xmid; ymin = ymid; } // second half
// Output is some value in [ymin,ymax]
Y = ymin;
I have implemented a benchmark program to compare the effect of the different expression.
I computed y using double precision and then compute y using single precision with different expressions.
Here are the expression tested:
inline double getYDbl( double x, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1 )
double const t = (x - x0)/(x1 - x0);
return y0 + t*(y1 - y0);
inline float getYFlt1( float x, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1 )
double const t = (x - x0)/(x1 - x0);
return y0 + t*(y1 - y0);
inline float getYFlt2( float x, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1 )
double const t = (x - x0)*(y1 - y0);
return y0 + t/(x1 - x0);
inline float getYFlt3( float x, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1 )
double const t = (y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0);
return y0 + t*(x - x0);
inline float getYFlt4( float x, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1 )
double const t = (x1 - x0)/(y1 - y0);
return y0 + (x - x0)/t;
I computed the average and stdDev of the difference between the double precision result and single precision result.
The result is that there is none on the average over 1000 and 10K random value sets. I used icc compiler with and without optimization as well as g++.
Note that I had to use the isnan() function to filter out bogus values. I suspect these result from underflow in the difference or division.
I don't know if the compilers rearrange the expression.
Anyway, the conclusion from this test is that the above rearrangements of the expression have no effect on the computation precision. The error remains the same (on average).
Check if the distance between x0 and x1 is small, i.e. fabs(x1 - x0) < eps. Then the line is parallell to the y axis of the coordinate system, i.e. you can't calculuate the y values of that line depending on x. You have infinite many y values and therefore you have to treat this case differently.
If your source data is already a float then you already have fundamental inaccuracy.
To explain further, imagine if you were doing this graphically. You have a 2D sheet of graph paper, and 2 point marked.
Case 1: Those points are very accurate, and have been marked with a very sharp pencil. Its easy to draw the line joining them, and easy to then get y given x (or vice versa).
Case 2: These point have been marked with a big fat felt tip pen, like a bingo marker. Clearly the line you draw will be less accurate. Do you go through the centre of the spots? The top edge? The bottom edge? Top of one, bottom of the other? Clearly there are many different options. If the two dots are close to each other then the variation will be even greater.
Floats have a certain level of inaccuracy inherent in them, due to the way they represent numbers, ergo they correspond more to case 2 than case 1 (which one could suggest is the equivalent of using an arbitrary precision librray). No algorithm in the world can compensate for that. Imprecise data in, Imprecise data out
How about computing something like:
t = sign * power2 ( sqrt (abs(x - x0))/ sqrt (abs(x1 - x0)))
The idea is to use a mathematical equivalent formula in which low (x1-x0) has less effect.
(not sure if the one I wrote matches this criteria)
As MSalters said, the problem is already in the original data.
Interpolation / extrapolation requires the slope, which already has low accuracy in the given conditions (worst for very short line segments far away from the origin).
Choice of algorithm canot regain this accuracy loss. My gut feeling is that the different evaluation order will not change things, as the error is introduced by the subtractions, not the devision.
If you have more accurate data when the lines are generated, you can change the representation from ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) to (x0,y0, angle, length). You could store angle or slope, slope has a pole, but angle requires trig functions... ugly.
Of course that won't work if you need the end point frequently, and you have so many lines that you can't store additional data, I have no idea. But maybe there is another representation that works well for your needs.
doubles have enough resolution in most situations, but that would double the working set too.