Haystack Django Elasticsearch spelling - django

I have two problems setting up haystack/django/elasticsearch
I never get results from index fields, e.g. indexes.CharField(model_attr='title') doesn't get me results. Only if I put {{ object.title }} in my txt template I get results for matching titles
If my title is 'foo' I never get results for 'fo', while I do have the INCLUDE_SPELLING setting set to True in my backend setting.
The documentation doesn't state anything special about these cases, my setup is per the haystack documentation, what am I missing?
My index:
class FooIndex(indexes.SearchIndex, indexes.Indexable):
text = indexes.CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
title = indexes.CharField(model_attr='title') # never gets me results unless I add it to the template
def get_model(self):
return Foo
My settings:
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'haystack.backends.elasticsearch_backend.ElasticsearchSearchEngine',
'URL': '',
'INDEX_NAME': 'haystack',

1) If you have use_template=True only index what you put in the template file so put all the fields you want indexed in there.
2) Did you refresh the index after adding INCLUDE_SPELLING ?

Make sure you enabled spellcheck component.
The first thing to do is create a special field on your SearchIndex class that mirrors the text field, but uses FacetCharField. This disables the post-processing that Solr does, which can mess up your suggestions. Something like the following is suggested:
class MySearchIndex(indexes.SearchIndex, indexes.Indexable):
text = indexes.CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
# ... normal fields then...
suggestions = indexes.FacetCharField()
def prepare(self, obj):
prepared_data = super(MySearchIndex, self).prepare(obj)
prepared_data['suggestions'] = prepared_data['text']
return prepared_data
Once this is done, spelling_suggestions method should return the appropriate values.


django datepicker format change

Im trying to change the datepicker format from mm/dd/yyyy to dd-mm-yyyy. So far I've added DATE_INPUT_FORMATS in settings.py to ['%d-%m-%Y'], but this didnt change anything. I also changing it via jquery based on proposed solution in this site but it didnt help also.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$('#datepicker').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy' });
Its quite a trivial problem but I cant seem to find a way how to solve it.
class Calendar(forms.DateInput):
input_type = 'date'
class AdForm(forms.ModelForm):
time_limit = forms.DateInput(format=['%d-%m-%Y'])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['time_limit'].widget.attrs.update({'class': 'form-control mb-3 datepicker'})
class Meta:
model = Ad
fields = ('time_limit')
widgets = {
'time_limit': Calendar(),
The result is still as such:
You can customize the DATE_INPUT_FORMATS creating a formats folder under your main project dir and then adding a custon format file for each language you need as describer in the official Django doc.
You can see how to customize the FORMAT_MODULE_PATH and what is the full list of the (editable) available formats here.
Sample folder structure to edit the english format:
And then the formats.py
In the settings.py file
USE_L10N = True

Unable to search part of a term with Django Haystack and Elasticsearch

I have a project based on
A very simple search view:
def search_view(request):
query = request.GET.get('q', '')
sqs = SearchQuerySet().filter(content=query)
params = {
'results': sqs,
'query': query,
return render_to_response('results.html', params,
My search index is as simple as:
class CategoryIndex(indexes.SearchIndex, indexes.Indexable):
text = indexes.CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
name = indexes.CharField(model_attr='name')
def get_model(self):
return Category
def index_queryset(self, using=None):
return self.get_model().objects.filter(published=True)
The category_text.txt file is just:
{{ object.name }}
In my database I have a few items:
When I search with my view, I have strange behaviours.
Searching with query "ac" I receive no results! I was expecting to have all my items. I have tryed to change the query using .filter(content__contains=query) (I know it is the default!) but nothing changed.
Searching with query "acqua" I receive 1 result (correct) with the result object, but when I try to print it, the result.object field is None (the other fields contain the correct information).
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.
I have found a solution to my problem number 2. Latest Haystack version from PyPi is not Django 1.9.x compatible.
I have just added -e git+https://github.com/django-haystack/django-haystack.git#egg=django-haystack to my requirements.txt file and the issue is fixed. More info about that on GitHub: https://github.com/django-haystack/django-haystack/issues/1291
The other issues is still opened and I cannot find any solution to it.
It sounds like you may be running into a minimum number of characters issue for #1. Take a look at the Haystack documents for autocomplete which shows an approach using EdgeNgramField instead of the typical CharField.

Django haystack with elasticsearch SearchQuerySet returns None

I have default django user model which i want to index using elasticsearch
I'm using django-haystack.
in settings.py
HAYSTACK_SIGNAL_PROCESSOR = 'haystack.signals.RealtimeSignalProcessor'
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'haystack.backends.elasticsearch_backend.ElasticsearchSearchEngine',
'URL': '',
'INDEX_NAME': 'haystack',
in search_indexes.py
import datetime
from haystack import indexes
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class UserIndex(indexes.SearchIndex, indexes.Indexable):
text = indexes.CharField(document=True)
first_name = indexes.CharField(model_attr='first_name', null=True)
last_name = indexes.CharField(model_attr='last_name', null=True)
def get_model(self):
return User
def index_queryset(self, using=None):
"""Used when the entire index for model is updated."""
return self.get_model().objects.all()
and build the index using python manage.py rebuild_index
now in shell
from haystack.query import SearchQuerySet
it returns all the indexed objects (I can confirm the count is same as number of entries in db)
when I do
SearchQuerySet().filter(first_name='Wendy') It returns two results object which is again as expected.
but when I try SearchQuerySet().filter(content='Wendy') it returns None.
basically I want to create an API, in which we can pass a query param and return all the user objects that contains this query string in any field.
This is my first time I'm using Elasticsearch or (anysearch engine with haystack) so I'm not able to understand what is going on.
After little bit search I found few threads on stack overflow which suggests to use Ngram or EdgeNgram but again those also couldn't work.(I rebuilded the whole index). I even tried content_auto in filter but no success.
Any help or lead will be appreciated.
I was following this official docs.
PS: I wrote here only two fields (firstname, lastname) but there are couple more fields in my actual code. its just to write here.
PPS: I'm using Django 1.9. could that be an issue?
This is how my view looks like
def search_api(request):
query = request.GET.get('q')
sqs = SearchQuerySet().filter(content=query)
data = map(lambda x: x.get_stored_fields(), sqs)
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data))

I don't understand the results that's returning from elasticsearch/haystack

The results that are being returned from haystack, using an elasticsearch backend seem erroneous to me. My search index is as follows:
from haystack import indexes
from .models import IosVideo
class VideoIndex(indexes.SearchIndex, indexes.Indexable):
text = indexes.CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
title = indexes.CharField(model_attr='title')
absolute_url = indexes.CharField(model_attr='get_absolute_url')
# content_auto = indexes.EdgeNgramField(model_attr='title')
description = indexes.CharField(model_attr='description')
# thumbnail = indexes.CharField(model_attr='thumbnail_url', null=True)
def get_model(self):
return IosVideo
def index_queryset(self, using=None):
return self.get_model().objects.filter(private=False)
My text document looks like:
{{ object.title }}
{{ object.text }}
{{ object.description }}
My query is
The result that's returning that makes me think this is not working is a video object with the following characteristics
title: u'Cindy Daniels'
description: u'',
text: u'Cindy Daniels\n\n\n',
absolute_url: u'/videos/testimonial/cindy-daniels/'
Why in the world would the query return such a result? I'm very confused.
My current theory is that it's tokenizing every subset of the char in the query and using that as partial match. Is there a way to decrease this tolerance to be a closer match.
My pip info is
And the elasticsearch version number is 1.3.1
Additionally when I hit the local server with
It returns 10 results.
Returns 4k results.
Does any one know what would cause this type of behavior?
There is a problem with the filter() method on Charfield indexes for django-haystack 2.1.0. You can change them to NgramField instead, for example text = indexes.NgramField(document=True, template_name=True).
The problem is that when you use this combination you get just the first character. So it returns you all the matches that has a 'd' in their text index field.

Django-haystack without attribute '_fields'

I'm making my blog on Django and I want to add site search based on django-haystack. I made a basic configuration of haystack, using official manuals, but when I want to test my search, I'm getting an error: 'Options' object has no attribute '_fields'
Here are some of my configs:
class PostIndex(indexes.SearchIndex, indexes.Indexable):
text = indexes.CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
title = indexes.CharField(model_attr='title')
pub_date = indexes.DateTimeField(model_attr='date')
def get_model(self):
return Post
def index_queryset(self, using=None):
"""Used when the entire index for model is updated."""
return self.get_model().objects.all()
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'haystack.backends.simple_backend.SimpleEngine',
HAYSTACK_SIGNAL_PROCESSOR = 'haystack.signals.RealtimeSignalProcessor'
So this is my problem. Does anyone worked with smth similar? Thanks in advance!
You are hitting a bug in the simple backend which is fixed in git. There doesn't seem to be a release which contains this fix, though, so you can either upgrade to the development version:
pip install -e git+https://github.com/toastdriven/django-haystack.git#master#egg=django-haystack
Or use a different backend (elasticsearch, solr, ...)