I'm trying to write a driver in C++ to calculate the eigenvalues for an asymmetric, real-valued sparse matrix using the fortran functions offered by ARPACK, but I am having a bit of trouble with the reverse communication approach.
Generally, I am trying to solve the normal eigenvalue equation:
A*v = lambda*v
and any interaction with the matrix A is done in ARPACK via a function 'av':
av(n, workd[ipntr[0]], workd[ipntr[1]])
which multiplies the vector held in the array 'workd' beginning at location 'ipntr[0]' and inserts the result into the array 'workd' beginning at location 'ipntr[1]'. Examples of this approach are given in the manual at http://www.caam.rice.edu/software/ARPACK/ and also in the ARPACK/EXAMPLES/SIMPLE/dnsimp.f code.
What I would like to know is how do I actually involve the matrix A? If it is not passed to the routine then how is it possible to find its action on the vector provided?
In the example code dnsimp.f their matrix A is calculated within the function 'av', and is 'derived from the standard central difference discretisation of the 2 dimensional convection-diffusion operator'. However, I believe this is problem specific? It also doesn't seem too useful to have to code the derivation of the matrix A into the function. I can't find much information on this from the manual either.
It doesn't seem to be too much of a problem, since as it is a user defined function I am able to just change the definition of 'av' to include the matrix A as a parameter. However I would like to know how it is done properly in case of any potential compatibility issues.
Thank you!
You don't have to supply the matrix to ARPACK.
All you have to do, is to multiply the matrix with the returned vectors (thus, reverse communication) till the desired convergence is reached.
For information on the algorithms, you should take a look at the users guide and especially on the chapter about the underlying algorithms.
Response to comment: The underlying algorithm is a form of Arnoldi Iteration. The basic algorithm is shown in wikipedia and shows, that the matrix A won't be accessed. Neither directly, nor indirectly.
In particular, the algorithms starts with an arbitrary normalized vector q_1. This vector is returned to the user. The user multiplies this vector with the matrix A using their favourite routine (usually some efficient sparse matrix-vector-multiplication) and returns the result to the Arnoldi Iteration to calculate a part of the Hessenberg matrix H (whose eigenvalues typically converge to the extreme eigenvalues of A) and the next vector q_2. This has to be iterated, till your results are converged.
I'm using the Eigen::LevenbergMarquardt solver for a model fitting application. The functor I'm providing to it includes functions to compute the error vector and Jacobian. These functions contain a lot of similar code and some costly calculations are repeated duplicated.
The prototype of the () operator used to compute the error vector includes what appears to be an optional pointer to a Jacobian matrix. If the Eigen::LevenbergMarquardt solver can be setup to compute the error vector and Jacobian at the same time in relevant cases it would really speed up my algorithm.
int operator()(const Eigen::VectorXf& z, Eigen::VectorXf& fvec, Eigen::MatrixXf* _j = 0)
I have not found any documentation describing this _j parameter or how it can be used. Checking its value during my code shows it is always a NULL pointer.
Does anyone know what this parameter is used for and if it's possible to compute the error vector and Jacobian simultaneously when both are needed?
Not sure about this particular solver but these kind of parameters are commonly only used whenever the solver needs it. Maybe it is just an extension point for the future. Looking at the source code, the LM solver never calls the functor with that parameter.
I think a better approach in your case would be to cache redundant parts of the computation within your functor. Maybe just keep a copy of the input vector and do a quick memcmp before doing the computation. Not ideal but since the interface has no way of telling you when the inputs change, that's probably the most robust option you have.
So in my nonlinear finite element solver i use Eigen3 sparse matrices and the LDLT factorization.
The thing is, this factorization needs to be performed many times during a dynamic simulation, and a lot of time is spent inserting the coefficients in the iteration matrix based on triplets (storage is reserved).
Is there any good strategies on how to utilize the fact that the sparsity is unchanged and the order of insertions are the same? When forming this matrix, looping over the elements, coupligs etc. in the model, the order of insertion are the same at every time step during the simulation.
Using coeffref increased simulation time with about 10x.
I've been thinking of making a single pass of the model and forming pointers directly to the respective location in the coefficient matrix, but this seems a bit dangerous, especially since the LDLT factorisation is run in between.
If the sparsity pattern of your matrix is not changing each time step, then you can directly change the values of the raw data array with valuePtr(). This is extremely simple and can be done in parallel if needed. If you can figure out how to do this in a linear fashion, i.e.
SparseMatrix<double> A;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
A.valuePtr()[i] = ...
then it will stupid fast (something to do with avoiding cache misses and other black magic). As for the previous comment that the LDLT factorization will not change, that is true from a theoretical standpoint. However, according to the Eigen documentation:
"In factorize(), the factors of the coefficient matrix are computed. This step should be called each time the values of the matrix change. However, the structural pattern of the matrix should not change between multiple calls."
I think this is because the factors are stored within the solver object, though I could be wrong. A test should be pretty easy to confirm one way or another. That said, I think you have to call factorize() after you change the values. Still though, you can save considerable time by only calling the analyzePattern() routine once.
I have been trying to develop a program to solve a system Ax=b for a square matrix A using LU-Decomposition. However, I realized that this decomposition does not always exist (one way to tell is if a row exchange operation is not required, then exists). However, I see from many sources that this is an excellent method in computing the solutions to Ax=b.
My question is: how often is it that one comes across a matrix that does not have an LU-decomposition? If one does encounter such a matrix, how should he handle it? Should he create a separate method such as Gaussian Elimination just in case?
Please provide me with some insight on this. Thanks in advance.
Note: I am trying to use this information to solve A^TAx=A^Tb, i.e. finding a mathematical model using least squares.
Taken from wikipedia in its most concise form
Any square matrix $A$ admits an LUP factorization. If $A$ is invertible, then it admits an LU (or LDU) factorization if and only if all its leading principal minors are non-zero. If $A$ is a singular matrix of rank $k$, then it admits an LU factorization if the first $k$ leading principal minors are non-zero, although the converse is not true.
I don't have the implementation fully written, but this looks involved. I would think depending on your matrix, there exists simpler numerical schemes that reduces your solution down.
As for often how does one come across such? Well no one has any idea what you do, so that is impossible to answer. If you encounter such, switch to another scheme.
One that I have used often in practice is Gauss-Seidel. Actually wikipedia has a completely written scheme.
The LU decompositions exists if and only if all leading principal minors of the matrix are non-zero.
From your actual question, you are solving:
A^TA is a square symmetric matrix. We can diagonalize the matrix as: A = R^-1 D R and you can always rearrange it to find x. You need non-zero eigen values for this to work.
A (square) matrix is invertible if and only if it does not have a zero eigenvalue.
I think inverting it via Gaussian elimination might be the best solution.
I want to use the Sparse Blas in Fortran95 just for the creation of the matrices and I am using the point entry construction. After creation of the matrix using the command
call duscr_begin(n,n,a,istat)
here a is the handle to the matrix n by n. After inserting value in it, how can I see the final matrix using its handles a ? As I want to use the matrix for some other operation, so I want to see the matrix in three vectors (sparse) form (row_index, Col_index, Value).
detail about this Sparse Blas is given in Chapter 3 and can be seen here
actually what i have asked is before 16 days and it is not just writing of a variable to thee screen. I was using some library known as Sparse Blas for creation of the Sparse matrices. Later on by digging in to the library i found the solution to my problem that using the handles how can we get the three vectors row, col and Val. The commands are something like
call accessdata_dsp(mat,a_handle,ierr)
call get_infoa(mat%INFOA,'n',nnz,ierr)
K0_row=mat%IA1; K0_col=mat%IA2; K0_A=mat%A
so here nnz are the non zeros entries in the sparse matrix while K0_row, K0_col and K0_A are our required three vectors, which can be used in further calculation.
I am trying to store the stiffness matrix in FORTRAN in sparse format to save memory, i.e. I am using three vectors of non-zero elements (irows, icols, A). After finding out the size of these arrays the next step is to insert the values in them. So I am using gauss points, i.e. for each gauss point I am going to find out the local stiffness matrix and then insert this local stiffness matrix in the Global (irows, icols, A) one.
The main problem with this insertion is that every time we have to check that either the new value is exists in the global array or not, so if the value exists add the new to the old but if not append to the end. i.e. we have to search the whole array to find that either the value exists or not. If the size of these arrays (irows, icols, A) are large so this search is computationally very expensive.
Can any one suggest a better way of insertion of the local stiffness matrix for each gauss point the global stiffness matrix.
I am fairly sure that this is a well known problem in FEM analysis - I found reference to it in this scipy documentation, but of course the principals are language independent. Basically what you should do is create your matrix in the format you have, but instead of searching the matrix to see whether an entry already exists, just assume that it doesn't. This means that you will end up with duplicate entries which need to be added together to get the correct value.
Once you have constructed your matrix, you will usually convert it to some more efficient form for solving it (e.g. CSR etc.) - the exact format may be determined by the sparse solver you are using. During this conversion process duplicate entries should get added together - and some sparse matrix libraries will do this for you. I know that scipy does this, and many of its internal routines are written in fortran, so you might be able to use one of them (they are all open source). Or you could check if anything suitable is on netlib.
If you use a data structure that is pre-sorted it would be very efficient to search it. Either as your primary data structure or as an auxiliary data structure. You want one that you can insert another entry into the middle. For example, a binary search tree (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_tree).