I have two variadic functions. One of them passes its arguments to the other. The problem is that the varargs are becoming a list on the second call. How do I keep them varargs?
=> (defn foo [x & ys] (println x ys))
=> (defn bar [x & ys] (foo (clojure.string/upper-case x) ys))
=> (foo "hi")
hi nil
=> (bar "hi")
HI (nil)
In the real function, foo passes its args to a variadic java function, so the varargs really need to stay varargs. How do I do this?
From http://clojuredocs.org/clojure_core/clojure.core/apply
;you can also put operands before the list of operands and they'll be
consumed in the list of operands (apply + 1 2 '(3 4)) ; equal to
(apply + '(1 2 3 4))
=> 10
(defn bar [x & ys] (apply foo (clojure.string/upper-case x) ys))
should work.
For your problem with Java varargs note noisesmith's comment.
I was just wondering if there are any advantages/disadvantages to choose one over the other, or if it is purely just a design choice for a project's scope/workflow?
Scenario 1 : Using var and eval
(defn fun1 [x] (prn (* x x)))
(defn fun2 [y] (#'fun1 y))
(eval (fun2 2))
Scenario 2 : Creating a sequential chaining of function calls
(defn fun1 [x] (prn (* x x)))
(defn fun3 [y] (fun1 y))
(fun3 2)
I really appreciate your responses, Thanks in advance!
In Scenario 1, I believe you meant to do this:
(defn fun1 [x] (prn (* x x)))
(defn fun2 [y] (#'fun1 y))
(fun2 2)
It is almost never necessary (nor desirable) to use eval
For more detail on the difference between these Scenario 1 & 2, please see this question.
I like my code to have a "top-down" structure, and that means I want to do exactly the opposite from what is natural in Clojure: functions being defined before they are used. This shouldn't be a problem, though, because I could theoretically declare all my functions first, and just go on and enjoy life. But it seems in practice declare cannot solve every single problem, and I would like to understand what is exactly the reason the following code does not work.
I have two functions, and I want to define a third by composing the two. The following three pieces of code accomplish this:
(defn f [x] (* x 3))
(defn g [x] (+ x 5))
(defn mycomp [x] (f (g x)))
(println (mycomp 10))
(defn f [x] (* x 3))
(defn g [x] (+ x 5))
(def mycomp (comp f g))
(declare f g)
(defn mycomp [x] (f (g x)))
(defn f [x] (* x 3))
(defn g [x] (+ x 5))
But what I would really like to write is
(declare f g)
(def mycomp (comp f g))
(defn f [x] (* x 3))
(defn g [x] (+ x 5))
And that gives me
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempting to call unbound fn: #'user/g,
That would mean forward declaring works for many situations, but there are still some cases I can't just declare all my functions and write the code in any way and in whatever order I like. What is the reason for this error? What does forward declaring really allows me to do, and what are the situations I must have the function already defined, such as for using comp in this case? How can I tell when the definition is strictly necessary?
You can accomplish your goal if you take advantage of Clojure's (poorly documented) var behavior:
(declare f g)
(def mycomp (comp #'f #'g))
(defn f [x] (* x 3))
(defn g [x] (+ x 5))
(mycomp 10) => 45
Note that the syntax #'f is just shorthand (technically a "reader macro") that translates into (var f). So you could write this directly:
(def mycomp (comp (var f) (var g)))
and get the same result.
Please see this answer for a more detailed answer on the (mostly hidden) interaction between a Clojure symbol, such as f, and the (anonymous) Clojure var that the symbol points to, namely either #'f or (var f). The var, in turn, then points to a value (such as your function (fn [x] (* x 3)).
When you write an expression like (f 10), there is a 2-step indirection at work. First, the symbol f is "evaluated" to find the associated var, then the var is "evaluated" to find the associated function. Most Clojure users are not really aware that this 2-step process exists, and nearly all of the time we can pretend that there is a direct connection between the symbol f and the function value (fn [x] (* x 3)).
The specific reason your original code doesn't work is that
(declare f g)
creates 2 "empty" vars. Just as (def x) creates an association between the symbol x and an empty var, that is what your declare does. Thus, when the comp function tries to extract the values from f and g, there is nothing present: the vars exist but they are empty.
There is an exception to the above. If you have a let form or similar, there is no var involved:
(let [x 5
y (* 2 x) ]
;=> 10
In the let form, there is no var present. Instead, the compiler makes a direct connection between a symbol and its associated value; i.e. x => 5 and y => 10.
I think Alan's answer addresses your questions very well. Your third example works because you aren't passing the functions as arguments to mycomp. I'd reconsider trying to define things in "reverse" order because it works against the basic language design, requires more code, and might be harder for others to understand.
But... just for laughs and to demonstrate what's possible with Clojure macros, here's an alternative (worse) implementation of comp that works for your preferred syntax, without dealing directly in vars:
(defn- comp-fn-arity [variadic? args f & fs] ;; emits a ([x] (f (g x)) like form
(let [args-vec (if variadic?
(into (vec (butlast args)) ['& (last args)])
(apply vector args))
body (reduce #(list %2 %1)
(if variadic?
(apply list 'apply (last fs) args)
(apply list (last fs) args))
(reverse (cons f (butlast fs))))]
`(~args-vec ~body)))
(defmacro momp
([] identity)
([f] f)
([f & fs]
(let [num-arities 5
args-syms (repeatedly num-arities gensym)]
`(fn ~#(map #(apply comp-fn-arity (= % (dec num-arities)) (take % args-syms) f fs)
(range num-arities))))))
This will emit something kinda like comp's implementation:
(macroexpand '(momp f g))
([] (f (g)))
([G__1713] (f (g G__1713)))
([G__1713 G__1714] (f (g G__1713 G__1714)))
([G__1713 G__1714 G__1715] (f (g G__1713 G__1714 G__1715)))
([G__1713 G__1714 G__1715 & G__1716] (f (apply g G__1713 G__1714 G__1715 G__1716))))
This works because your (unbound) functions aren't being passed as values to another function; during compilation the macro expands "in place" as if you'd written the composing function by hand, as in your third example.
(declare f g)
(def mycomp (momp f g))
(defn f [x] (* x 3))
(defn g [x] (+ x 5))
(mycomp 10) ;; => 45
(apply (momp vec reverse list) (range 10)) ;; => [9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0]
This won't work in some other cases, e.g. ((momp - dec) 1) fails because dec gets inlined and doesn't have a 0-arg arity to match the macro's 0-arg arity. Again, this is just for the sake of example and I wouldn't recommend it.
While trying to use trampoline to optimise tail recursion in my Clojure project, I came across some strange behaviour of the trampoline function.
=> (defn f [g] (fn [k & args] #(k (apply g args))))
=> (trampoline (f list) println 1 2 3)
(#<core$println clojure.core$println#54e517f6> 1 2 3)
=> (((f list) println 1 2 3))
(1 2 3)
I thought that (trampoline (f list) ...) and ((f list) ...) gave the same result, but as you can see above, they don't. Would anyone explain what goes on here?
Good catch!
You should report this bug to Clojure Dev Group or to Clojure Issue Tracker.
Also note, that this bug can only be reproduced by calling (apply list args) inside of trampoline and only when args is bound to the tail of initial function's arguments list.
The actual problem here is that Clojure rebinds args to the whole list of initial function's arguments.
Here is a shorter example to reproduce your problem:
(defn foo [h & ts] (apply list ts))
(trampoline foo 1 2 3) ; => (1 2 3)
(foo 1 2 3) ; => (2 3)
Changing (apply list ts) to either (list ts) or (apply vector ts) will make this bug disappear.
i need to write code like this in clojure.
-- haskell
fns = map (,) [1..3]
head fns $ 1
-- => (1,1)
fns <*> [1..3]
-- => [(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(3,1),(3,2),(3,3)]
doesn't work
(def fns (map (partial list) (range 1 3)))
((first fns) 1)
;; => ClassCastException java.lang.Long cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
works, but i think this isn't idiomatic way
(def fns (map (fn [x] `(partial list ~x)) (range 1 3)))
((eval (first fns)) 1)
;; => (1 1)
The function (partial list) is equivalent to just the function list. It's not like haskell where everything is curried - I think you intended partial to see that it's been given only one argument, list, and curry itself up to wait for a second argument. But really that should be (partial partial list): you are attempting to partially apply the function partial itself.
Note also that partially-applied functions are not as common in clojure as they are in haskell, partly because they just don't read so well. Instead of (map (partial partial list) (range 1 3)), if I wanted to build a list of functions like this, I would probably write (for [i (range 1 3)] (fn [j] (list i j))).
Sometimes I want to pass argument-value pairs to a higher-order function, where the value I should pass is determined by the argument I pass. I want to be able to pass the argument without explicitly specifying the accompanying value. In particular, I'm interested in the case where the argument is itself a function.
Generic Example:
Here's a very generic example, where my-foo and my-bar are functions that I'm passing to higher-foo:
(higher-foo my-foo :option4 args) ;good
(higher-foo my-bar :option13 args) ;good
(higher-foo my-foo :option13 args) ;how stupid are you?! my-foo requires :option4!
Question: Is there a "standard" method for making :option4 or :option13 to be inferable by higher-foo so that I can just write (higher-foo my-foo) and (higher-foo my-bar)?
More Specific Example:
Bear in mind that there are better alternatives to the following code, but I'm just trying to put forward a concrete example of what I'm talking about:
(defn seq-has? [f n someseq]
(every? (partial apply f)
(partition n 1 someseq)))
(defn monotonicity [a b]
(<= a b))
(defn generalized-fib [a b c]
(= c (+ a b)))
(seq-has? monotonicity 2 someseq) should return true if the sequence is monotonic, false otherwise. (seq-has? generalized-fib 3 someseq) should return true if the sequence follows the generalized Fibonacci form, false otherwise.
But the "2" and "3" bother me. I could have an arbitrary number of properties to test for, and I don't want to have to remember the appropriate "magic numbers" for such calls.
Note: I know of two ways to do this, and for my own personal use, I suppose they both work. But I'm interested in what is idiomatic or considered best practice in the community. I'll post my answers, but I'm hoping there are more solutions.
Just make the predicate function itself take variadic arguments, and have it do the partitioning / recurring. Your monotonic? for instance already exists in core, and is called <=
(<= 1 2 4 5)
=> true
(<= 1 2 1 5)
=> false
Here's the source for the 1, 2 and variadic arg versions:
(source <=)
(defn <=
"Returns non-nil if nums are in monotonically non-decreasing order,
otherwise false."
{:inline (fn [x y] `(. clojure.lang.Numbers (lte ~x ~y)))
:inline-arities #{2}
:added "1.0"}
([x] true)
([x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (lte x y)))
([x y & more]
(if (<= x y)
(if (next more)
(recur y (first more) (next more))
(<= y (first more)))
You can make a fib? work the same way, have it take variadic arguments and recur over triples:
(defn fib?
[a b & [c & r]]
(if (= c (+ a b))
(if r
(recur b c r)
(fib? 0 1 1)
=> true
(fib? 2 3 5 8 13)
=> true
Since you are asking for a standard way how a function determines a not passed argument from one argument:
(defn f
([arg0] (case a :foo (f a :bar)
:baz (f a :quux)))
([arg0 arg1] ...))
Depending on your use case a different dispatch construct than case may be a better fit.
For your generic example this implies that higher-foo should determine the correct :option in the desired overload like demonstrated above.
In your specific example, you can't determine the n from the passed function. You need a more specific datastructure:
(defn seq-has? [{:keys [f n]} s]
(every? (partial apply f)
(partition n 1 s)))
(def monotonicity
{:f <=
:n 2})
(def generalized-fib
{:f #(= (+ %1 %2) %3)
:n 3})
(seq-has? monotonicity [1 2 3])
;; => true
This solution seems like a hack to me. Is it considered common/idiomatic? Use meta-data on the functions that define the property you are looking for:
(defn higher-foo [foo & args]
(apply foo (:option (meta foo))
(def my-foo
(fn [a b] (println "I'm doing something cool"))
{:option :option4}))
;using it:
user=> (higher-foo my-foo arg)