Is there any webapp for hbase data visualization - web-services

I want to view my data of hbase through browser. Is there any tool for this purpose so that I can view, manipulate data and get some result. Hbase shell interface is not easy to understand as I am new to hbase

If you can choose what distribution to use, I'll recommend you Cloudera. There is a good hbase data browser inside Hue. It supports filtering by families/columns and search in hbase table.
Also, it is possible to add data in cells
And edit it


Append CSV Data to Apache Superset Dataset

Using CSV upload in Apache Superset works as expected. I can use it to add data from CSV to a databse, e.g. Postgres. Now I want to apped data from a different CSV to this table/dataset. But how?
The CSVs all have the same format. But there is a new one for every day. In the end I want to have a dashboard which updates every day, taking the new data into account.
Generally, I agree with Ana that if you want to repeatedly upload new CSV data then you're better off operationalizing this into some type of process, pipeline, etc that runs on a schedule.
But if you need to stick with the uploading CSV route through the Superset UI, then you can set the Table Exists field to Append instead of Replace.
You can find a helpful GIF in the Preset docs:
Probably you'll be better served by creating a simple process to load the CSV to a table in the database and then querying that table in Superset.
Superset is a tool to visualize data, it allows uploading CSV for quick and dirty "only once" kind of charts, but if this is going to be a recurrent and structured periodical load of data, it's better to use whatever integrating tool you want to load the data, there are zillions of ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) tools out there (or scripting programs to do it), ask if your company is already using one, or choose the one that is simpler for you.

What does "interactive query" or "interactive analytics" mean in Presto SQL?

The Presto website (and other docs) talk about "interactive queries" on Presto. What is an "interactive query"? From the Presto Website: "Facebook uses Presto for interactive queries against several internal data stores, including their 300PB data warehouse."
An interactive query system is basically a user interface that translates the input from the user into SQL queries. These are then sent to Presto, which processes the queries and gets the data and sends it back to the user interface.
The UI then renders the output, which is typically NOT just a simple table of numbers and text, but rather a complex chart, a diagram or some other powerful visualization.
The users expects to be able to e.g. update one criteria and get the updated chart or visualization in near real time, just like you expect on any application typically. Even if the creation of this analysis involves LOTS of data to be processed.
Presto can do that since it can query massive distributed object storage systems like HDFS and many other cloud storage systems, as well as RDBMSs and so on. And it can be set up to have a huge cluster of workers that query the source in parallel and therefore process massive amounts of data for analysis, and still be fast enough for the user expectations.
A typical application to use for the visualization is Apache Superset. You just hook up Presto to it via the JDBC driver. Presto has to be configured to point at the underlying data sources and you are ready to go.

Is there any way in dss to read data from multiple sheet of single excel and insert those data into multiple tables of database using wso2 6.4.0?

I am new to wso2 6.4.0 dss, i have to do retrieve the data from multiple sheets of single excel file and insert those data into multiple tables. Please help me to do this. just guide me.
It looks like you need sophisticated logic to implement. Excel files may be a source of data. First of all how wsodss does know about a moment when it must start read excel? It sounds like wsoesb job, which supports a virtual file-system, and can truck directory and generate an event if there are any changes.
Why don't you use wsoesb to read sheet by sheet and insert data?
It provides the necessary tools (mediators) to execute.
Anyway, it does look like a ETL job.

Pulling Instagram data into Google Big Query

I am new to development, so I am sorry if this is a really basic question. I am trying to access some of the data available from instagram's API as documented here.
I would like some kind of data repository to pull the data into, so I am looking at Google Big Query to see if I can pull in the data. (The ultimate place will be PowerBi so I can publish online)
Looking at the Facebook request code - is it possible to put this into Google Big query to return the data?
I am replacing the 'instagram-business-user-id' with an ID I have generated already - but it feels like perhaps it needs more markup to let Big Query know what language it is in.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Looking at the Facebook request code - is it possible to put this into Google Big query to return the data?
Yes it's absolutely possible using bigQuery API or bigQuery CLI
You can use this Psuedo workflow as an example (using BigQuery API):
Create a table in bigQuery with the desired schema for this you also have 2 options:
Save the result in 1 column with the full JSON, This means to the select you need you use JSON_EXTRACT to fetch specific data
Process the JSON in your code and save it in specific columns to simplify the select statement
Call instagram's API
Call bigQuery API or bigQuery CLI to insert the data, This link provides one option how to do this
Call bigQuery API or bigQuery CLI to fetch the data, This link provides one option how to do this

How can i see metadata, lineage of data stored in AWS redshift?

I am using solutions like cloudera navigator, atlas and Wherehows
to get Hadoop, HDFS, HIVE, SQOOP, MAPREDUCE metadata and lineage.
Now we have a data warehouse in AWS redshift as well. Is there a way to extract metadata or lineage or both information out of redshift.
So far i have not found anything on this.
Is there a way to integrate the same to wherehows as a crawled solution?
I found only one post which gives some information about how to get some information from redshift assuming it will be similar to postgresql. I am sure someone would have written some open source solution to this problem.
Or is it just matter of writing a simple single script to extract this information?
I am looking for a enterprise level solution. I hope someone will point me in right direction.
AWS Glue Data catalog is a fully managed metadata management service.It has AWS Glue crawler which automatically crawls through your source(for you its redshift) and creates a centralized metadata repository which can be accessed by other AWS services.
You can access metadata by querying the system tables in Redshift:
The system tables are on the leader node in each cluster (see this guide on the Redshift Architecture that I wrote)
Redshift deletes the content of the system tables on a rolling basis, so you need to store that data in your cluster, or another separate cluster, to get a history. With the data in the system tables, you have a baseline of information about your queries and what tables they are touching.
You can put a dashboard like Kibana or Periscope Data on top of that data to visualize it. Plaid has done a write-up of how they've built an in-house monitoring solution that has some information about data lineage:
But go get true data lineage, you need to understand how queries relate to your workflows, i.e. for an Airflow DAG. To get that information, you need to "tag" your queries so you can trace them in the context of transformations / workflows, vs. looking at the individual query.
This is something we've built into our product - heads up that it's a commercial solution:
Unlike the raw logs from the system tables, we give you the context of what apps / workflows are triggering queries, which users are running them, and what tables they are touching.