Instantiation of class by classname - c++

I have multiple classes that share a common base class, like this:
class Base {};
class DerivedA : public Base {};
class DerivedB : public Base {};
class DerivedC : public Base {};
Now, I need to know which of these derived classes to instantiate during runtime (based on input). For example, if input is "DerivedA", I need to create a DerivedA object. The input is not necessarily a string, it could be an integer as well - the point is that there is a key of some sort and I need a value to match the key.
The problem is, though, how do I instantiate the class? C++ does not have built-in reflection like C# or Java. A commonly suggested solution I've found is to use a factory method like this:
Base* create(const std::string& name) {
if(name == "DerivedA") return new DerivedA();
if(name == "DerivedB") return new DerivedB();
if(name == "DerivedC") return new DerivedC();
This would be sufficient if there's only a couple of classes, but becomes cumbersome and probably slow if there's tens or hundreds of derived classes. I could quite easily automate the map creation process to produce a std::map<std::string, ***>, but I have no idea what to store as the value. AFAIK, pointers to constructors are not allowed. Again, if I do a factory using this map, I'd still need to write a factory method for each type, making it even more cumbersome than the example above.
What would be an efficient way to handle this problem, especially when there's lots of derived classes?

You can always store std::function<Base*()> as you always return pointers to Base from your create function:
class Base {};
class DerivedA : public Base {};
class DerivedB : public Base {};
class DerivedC : public Base {};
Base* create(const std::string& type)
static std::map<std::string, std::function<Base*()>> type_creator_map =
{"DerivedA", [](){return new DerivedA();}},
{"DerivedB", [](){return new DerivedB();}},
{"DerivedC", [](){return new DerivedC();}}
auto it = type_creator_map.find(type);
if(it != type_creator_map.end())
return it->second();
return nullptr;
As Angew suggested, you should return std::unique_ptr instead of raw pointers. If the user of create function wants a raw pointer or a std::shared_ptr he/she can just "grab" the raw pointer and use it.
Next method provides a convenient semi-automatic way of registering new types without changing old code.
I don't recommend using it because it depends on the linker (the moment of creating global variables might be delayed), they way you compile the code(executable, static library, dynamic library), it allocates memory before main() starts and it creates weird named global variables.
Use it only if you really know what you are doing and know on what platforms you are using the code!
class Base {};
std::map<std::string, std::function<Base*()>>& get_type_creator_map()
static std::map<std::string, std::function<Base*()>> type_creator_map;
return type_creator_map;
template<typename T>
struct RegisterTypeHelper
RegisterTypeHelper(const std::string& id)
get_type_creator_map()[id] = [](){return new T();};
Base* create(const std::string& type)
auto& type_creator_map = get_type_creator_map();
auto it = type_creator_map.find(type);
if(it != type_creator_map.end())
return it->second();
return nullptr;
#define RegisterType(Type) static RegisterTypeHelper<Type> register_type_global_##Type(#Type)
class DerivedA : public Base {};
class DerivedB : public Base {};
class DerivedC : public Base {};

One way to solve this is to use the design pattern Prototype.
Basically, you wouldn't create the derived class objects by direct initialisation, but by cloning a prototype instead. Your create() function is actually a realisation of the Factory method design pattern. You can use Prototype inside the implementation, like this:
class Base
virtual ~Base() {}
virtual Base* clone() = 0;
class DerivedA : public Base
virtual DerivedA* clone() override { return new DerivedA; }
Base* create(const std::string &name)
static std::map<std::string, Base*> prototypes {
{ "DerivedA", new DerivedA },
{ "DerivedB", new DerivedB },
{ "DerivedC", new DerivedC }
return prototypes[name]->clone();
Error checking left out of the example for brevity.
In a real project, you should of course use a smart pointer (such as std::unique_ptr) instead of raw pointers to manage the objects' lifetimes.

I could quite easily automate the map creation process to produce a std::map, but I have no idea what to store as the value.
You need to store a factory method as the value, e.g. a static method which creates an instance of your class:
class Base {};
class DerivedA : public Base {
static Base* create();
Base* DerivedA::create() {
return new DerivedA();
You can then implement the name/lookup through a map like
typedef Base* (*FACTORY_FUNCTION)();
std::map<std::string, FACTORY_FUNCTION> factories;
factories["ClassA"] = ClassA::create;
if I do a factory using this map, I'd still need to write a factory method for each type
Since these factory methods are very simple, you can automate their creation by a simple code generation tool (e.g. with a simple shell script). You can either maintain a list of classes, or retrieve this list from your header files (e.g. by grepping for the class keyword and retrieve the succeeding class name, or even better by using some analysis tool which properly parses the header files).
With that information, you can automatically create the necessary code to automatically add the factory methods to each class. With the same approach, you could also generate the registration function which needs to be called once, so that your objects are getting registered.


Functionality of a pure virtual function with variable return type - workaround/design?

I'm working on a very, very simple data access layer (DAL) featuring two classes: DataTransferObject (DTO) and DataAccessObject (DAO). Both classes are abstract base classes and need to be inherited and modified for a specific use case.
class DataTransferObject {
//protected constructor to prevent initialization
class DataAccessObject {
virtual bool save(DataTransferObject o) = 0;
virtual DataTransferObject* load(int id) = 0;
in case of a House class from the business logic layer, the implementation of the DAL classes would read something along these lines:
class Dto_House : public DataTransferObject {
int stories;
string address; //...which are all members of the House class...
Dto_House(House h);
class Dao_House : public DataAccessObject {
bool save(Dto_House h) { /*...implement database access, etc...*/ }
Dto_House* load(int id) {/*...implement database access, etc...*/ }
EDIT: Of course, the derived classes know about the structure of the House class and the data storage.
Simple, nice, okidoke.
Now I wanted to provide a method toObject() in the DTO class in order to quickly convert the Dto_House into a House object. I then read about the automatic return type deduction in C++14 and tried:
class DataTransferObject {
virtual auto toObject() = 0;
But I had to discover: No automatic return type deduction for virtual functions. :(
What are your ideas about implementing a "virtual function with deduced return type" for this specific case? I want a general toObject() function in my DTO "interface".
The only thing that came to my mind was something like:
template <typename T>
class DataTransferObject {
virtual T toObject() = 0;
class Dto_House : public DataTransferObject<House> {
int stories;
string address;
House toObject() {return House(stories, address);}
A possible use case would be:
House h(3, "231 This Street");
//save it
Dto_House dtoSave(h);
Dao_House dao;; //even shorter:;
//now load some other house
Dto_House dtoLoad = dao.load(id 2);
h = dtoLoad.toObject();
But the house does not know it can be saved and loaded.
Of course, the abstract DAO class may be derived to further refine it for the use with, e.g. Sqlite, XML files or whatever... I just presented the very basic concept.
How about setting an empty abstract class - practically, an interface, then have both of your types implement it and set this as the toObject returning reference type?
class Transferable
virtual ~Transferable() = 0;
And then:
class DataTransferObject {
//Return a reference of the object.
virtual Transferable& toObject() = 0;
Dto_House : public DataTransferObject, Transferable { /*...*/ }
House : public DataTransferObject, Transferable { /*...*/ }
The example above is to get my point.
Even better, you can use the DataTransferObject for this cause as your returning reference type, and no other abstract class:
class DataTransferObject {
virtual DataTransferObject& toObject() = 0;
Dto_House : public DataTransferObject { /*...*/ }
House : public DataTransferObject { /*...*/ }
Update: If you want to have the classes separated apart, separating any association between data and operations by convention, you could set the name of the base class on something that represents the data i.e.: Building, Construction etc, and then use it for the reference type in toObject.
You can also have the class manipulating those operations on the API of data manipulation.
In general, you can not have a virtual function returning different types in different subclasses, as this violates the whole concept of statically typed language: if you call DataTransferObject::toObject(), the compiler does not know what type it is going to return until runtime.
And this highlight the main problem of your design: why do you need a base class at all? How are you going to use it? Calling DataTransferObject::toObject(), even if you use some magic to get it work (or use a dynamically typed language), sounds like a bad idea since you can not be sure what the return type is. You will anyway need some casts, or some ifs, etc, to get it working — or you will be using only the functionality common for all such objects (House, Road, etc.) — but then you just need a common base class for all of them.
In fact, there is one exception to the same return type rule: if you return a pointer to a class, you can use the Covariant return type concept: a subclass may override a virtual function to return a subclass of the original return type. If all your "objects" have a common base class, you may use something along the lines of
struct DataTransferObject {
virtual BaseObject* toObject() = 0;
struct Dto_House : public DataTransferObject {
virtual House* toObject() { /*...*/ } // assumes that House subclasses BaseObject
However, this will still leave the same problem: if all you have in your code is DataTransferObject, even if you (but not the compiler) know it is a Dto_House, you will need some cast, which might be unreliable.
On the other hand, you template solution seems quite good except that you will not be able to explicitly call DataTransferObject::toObject() (unless you know the type of the object), but that's a bad idea as I have explained.
So, I suggest you think on how you are going to actually use the base classes (even write some sample code), and make your choice based on that.

Factory pattern with private constructors in C++

I am trying to implement a factory pattern that consists of
a factory class
an abstract class with protected constructor
inherited classes with private constructors and virtual public
I want to make sure that
No other one than the factory can not create any instance
If a new inherited class is defined it will not require any modification on interface class and already defined inherited classes. Juts new class implementation and adding into factory classes create method.
I also do not want to write same-like code(like static factory method per inited) for every inherited class and leave the future developers much work for factory connections.
i.e with pseduo code
class Factory;
class Interface
Interface(){/*Do something*/};
virtual ~Interface(){/*Do something*/}
/*I wish I could do below and it is valid for all inherited
classes but friendship is not inherited in C++*/
//friend Interface* Factory::create(Type)
class InheritedA:public Interface
InheritedA(){/*Do something*/};
virtual ~InheritedA(){/*Do something*/}
/*I dont want to do below two lines for every inherited class*/
//friend Interface Factory::create(Type)
//public: Interface* factoryInheritedA(){return new InheritedA();}
class InheritedB:public Interface
InheritedB(){/*Do something*/};
virtual ~InheritedA(){/*Do something*/}
class Factory
static Interface* create(Interface type)
case A:
return new InheritedA();
case B:
return new InheritedB();
//exceptions etc
int main()
Interface* I = Factory::create(A/*or B*/);
return 0;
Above code is the cloest I put out. Any suggestions (a speciality of C++, a different design,...) is welcome.
I don't think this a good idea, but here is a way to do this. You create a Tag type which can only be created by the Factory and make all the constructors take a parameter of that type.
class Factory;
class Tag
Tag() {}
friend Factory;
class Interface
Interface(Tag t) {}
virtual ~Interface() {}
struct Impl1: public Interface
Impl1(Tag t): Interface(t) {}
class Factory
Interface* makeInstance()
return new Impl1( Tag{} );
void foo()
Impl1 i( Tag{} );
You will get a compiler error in foo() because Tag::Tag is private.
You could have a templated function:
template<typename Type>
std::unique_ptr<Interface> make_interface() {
// exceptions etc..
std::unique_ptr<Interface> make_interface<InheritedA>() {
return std::make_unique<InheritedA>();
std::unique_ptr<Interface> make_interface<InheritedB>() {
return std::make_unique<InheritedB>();
but I really don't see the point in all of this Javaesque boilerplate. Not to mention that you are transforming a compile time information (the type) into a runtime one (via exceptions) for no reason really.
I would just go with:
std::unique_ptr<Interface> ptr_a = std::make_unique<InheritedA>();
std::unique_ptr<Interface> ptr_b = std::make_unique<InheritedB>();
when needed.
It is rarely a good practice to use Factory. I count it as an anti-pattern together with the Singleton. In good design, classess do not concern themselves on how they are created. In your case, when used in Factory, how do you create your class using custom allocator? On stack? In shared memory? In memory-mapped file? From the buffer? In place? This is all really hard to cover in Factory, but do not despair - the simple and elegant solution is ditch the factory!

C++ Reference to vector of derived types

I have numerous objects implementing an interface called ExposesCommands.
class ExposesCommands
virtual bool get_command_results(std::string command, std::vector<std::string> &results) = 0;
typedef std::unique_ptr<ExposesCommands> ExposesCommands_ptr;
Commands are exposed via a template class:
template <typename T>
class ExposedCommands : public ExposesCommands
static std::map<const char*, std::string T::*, cmp_str> exposed_cmds;
virtual bool get_command_results(std::string command, std::vector<std::string> &results);
Now, I am trying to add sub-commands. Sub-commands will link to sub-objects that implement the commands. The way I would like to add them is like so:
template <typename T>
class ExposedCommands : public ExposesCommands
static std::map<const char*, std::string T::*, cmp_str> exposed_cmds;
static std::map<const char*, std::vector<ExposesCommands_ptr> T::*, cmp_str> exposed_sub_cmds;
virtual bool get_command_results(std::string command, std::vector<std::string> &results) {
auto &it = exposed_cmds.find(command.c_str());
if (it != exposed_cmds.cend()) {
auto x = std::bind(it->second, std::placeholders::_1);
std::string data = x(*((T*)this));
if (data != "") {
return true;
// else check if in exposed_sub_cmds.
// if so, iterate through vector, call get_command_results
// on remainder of command name for each sub object, adding
// its result to the vector of results.
// return true
return false;
I have objects like this implementing the interface (building of the maps is not shown here):
class ObjectA : public ExposesCommands<ObjectA>
std::string cmd_x; // command X
std::string cmd_y; // command Y
typedef std::unique_ptr<ObjectA> ObjectA_ptr;
class ObjectB
std::string cmd_z; // command Z
std::vector<ObjectA_ptr> my_as; // 'ObjectA' sub commands
Unfortunately, this doesn't work because I can't assign a &std::vector<ObjectA_ptr> to a std::vector<ExposesCommands_ptr> T::*.
Is there any way to get around this? Or a better approach to this problem?
To summarize your problem: You have a base class and some derived classes
class Base {
virtual ~Base();
class Derived1 : public Base;
class Derived2 : public Base;
You need to store a collection of pointers (for ownership management you chose to use std::unique_ptr, which seems wise) to Derived1 objects in a way that it can be used by code that doesn't know Derived1 exists, and only wants to use properties of Base, but also do not want to lose the property that this specific collection of Base objects actually contains Derived1 objects only. This is a kind of type erasure, as the runtime behaciour of the collection should not depend on whether it stores Base, Derived1 or Derived2 objects (or even a mixture of it, so that property gets erased), yet at compile time, you don't want to write all those ugly downcasts (and you want the compiler to verify you only downcast objects from a container you statically know that it does only contain Derived1 objects). Be aware that if you are going to store pointers to Derived1 in std::unique_ptr<Base>, it is absolutely necessary that Base has a virtual destructor.
I don't know any ready-made solution for this off-hand (it couldn't find something skimming over the Boost libraries tagged Container, too), but I can show you how reach that goal yourself. You need a template, to get different compile-time types (just as std::vector is a template), which internally stores the data in a fixed type. So something like this:
typedef std::unique_ptr<Base> Base_ptr;
template <typename T>
class BaseVector {
const std::vector<Base_ptr> &
as_baseclass_vector() const
return backing_;
std::vector<Base_ptr> backing_;
Note that as_baseclass_vector does return a const reference to the raw vector, because the result must not be used to insert objects of the wrong type (e.g. pointers to Derived2 objects) into a CommandVector instantiated for Derived1. This is only half the way to go, the other half is sadly reimplementing the standard library container concept on this vector-wrapper, along this:
template<typename T>
void CommandVector::push_back(std::unique_ptr<T> obj)
or, more importantly and interestingly:
template<typename T>
const T* BaseVector::operator[](size_t index) const
return static_cast<T*>(backing_[index]);
Note that this operator[] does not return a reference-to-unique_ptr, as it could only return a reference to a unique_ptr<Base>, because that is what is stored in the backing vector. If it created a tempory unique_ptr to T, it would have to remove the ownership from the vector - you definitely would not want that! The result has been declared const, because it returns a copy instead of the usual reference, and modifying the return value (which is now forbidden) does not modify the object in the vector, opposed to what users expect. You would have to reimplement all the other methods (iterators would get quite interesting, but probably can be based on boost::transform_iterator) yourself if you chose to go this route.

Create derived class in base class based on parameter

My question is more or less identical to the one at Need a design pattern to remove enums and switch statement in object creation However I don't see that the abstract factory pattern suits well here.
I'm currently planning the refactoring/reimplementation of some existing DAL/ORM mixture library. Somewhere in the existing code there is code that looks like this:
class Base
static Base * create(struct Databasevalues dbValues)
case typeA:
return new DerivedA(dbValues);
case typeB:
return new DerivedB(dbValues);
class DerivedA : public Base
// ...
class DerivedB : public Base
// ...
So the library responsible for database communication populates a struct with all information about the database entity and then the above create() method is called to actually create the corresponding object in the ORM.
But I don't like the idea of a base class knowing of all its derived classes and I don't like the switch statement either. I also would like to avoid creating another class just for the purpose of creating those Objects. What do you think about the current approach? How would you implement this functionality?
This has been discussed here milliions of times. If you don't want to create a separate factory class, you can do this.
class Base
template <class T>
static void Register (TObjectType type)
_creators[type] = &creator<T>;
static Base* Create (TObjectType type)
std::map <TObjectType, Creator>::iterator C = _creators.find (type);
if (C != _creators.end())
return C->second ();
return 0;
template <class T>
static Base* creator ()
return new T;
typedef Base* (::*Creator) ();
static std::map <TObjectType, Creator> _creators;
int main ()
Base::Register <Derived1> (typeA);
Base::Register <Derived2> (typeB);
Base* a = Base::Create (typeA);
Base* b = Base::Create (typeB);
Let's say you replace the switch with a mapping, like map<ObjectType, function<Base* (DatabaseValues&)>>.
Now, the factory (which may or may not live in the base class), doesn't need to know about all the subclasses.
However, the map has to be populated somehow. This means either something populates it (so your knowing about all subclasses problem has just been pushed from one place to another), or you need subclasses to use static initialization to register their factory functions in the map.
No matter what you do, you'll need either switch-case or some other construct that will just hide similar logic.
What you can and should do, however, is remove the create method from your Base - you're totally correct it shouldn't be aware of it's derived ones. This logic belongs to another entity, such as factory or controller.
Just don't use enums. They are not OO construction, that was why JAVA did not have them at the beginning (unfortunately the pressure was too big to add them).
Consider instead of such enum:
enum Types {
this construction, which do not need switch (another non OO construction in my opinion) and maps:
class Base;
class BaseFactory {
virtual Base* create() = 0;
class Types {
// possible values
static Types typeA;
static Types typeB;
// just for comparison - if you do not need - do not write...
friend bool operator == (const Types & l, const Types & r)
{ return l.unique_id == r.unique_id; }
// and make any other properties in this enum equivalent - don't add them somewhere else
Base* create() { return baseFactory->create(); }
Types(BaseFactory* baseFactory, unsigned unique_id);
BaseFactory* baseFactory;
unsigned unique_id; // don't ever write public getter for this member variable!!!
#include "Types.h"
#include "Base.h"
#include "TypeA.h"
#include "TypeB.h"
namespace {
TypeAFactory typeAFactory;
TypeBFactory typeAFactory;
unsigned unique_id = 0;
Types Types::typeA(&typeAFactory, unique_id++);
Types Types::typeA(&typeBFactory, unique_id++);
So your example (if you really would need this function then):
class Base
static Base * create(struct Databasevalues dbValues)
return dbValues.ObjectType.create();
Missing parts should be easy to implement.

Registering derived classes in C++

EDIT: minor fixes (virtual Print; return mpInstance) following remarks in the answers.
I am trying to create a system in which I can derive a Child class from any Base class, and its implementation should replace the implementation of the base class.
All the objects that create and use the base class objects shouldn't change the way they create or call an object, i.e. should continue calling BaseClass.Create() even when they actually create a Child class.
The Base classes know that they can be overridden, but they do not know the concrete classes that override them.
And I want the registration of all the the Child classes to be done just in one place.
Here is my implementation:
class CAbstractFactory
virtual ~CAbstractFactory()=0;
template<typename Class>
class CRegisteredClassFactory: public CAbstractFactory
Class* CreateAndGet()
pClass = new Class;
return pClass;
Class* pClass;
// holds info about all the classes that were registered to be overridden
class CRegisteredClasses
bool find(const string & sClassName);
CAbstractFactory* GetFactory(const string & sClassName)
return mRegisteredClasses[sClassName];
void RegisterClass(const string & sClassName, CAbstractFactory* pConcreteFactory);
map<string, CAbstractFactory* > mRegisteredClasses;
// Here I hold the data about all the registered classes. I hold statically one object of this class.
// in this example I register a class CChildClass, which will override the implementation of CBaseClass,
// and a class CFooChildClass which will override CFooBaseClass
class RegistrationData
void RegisterAll()
mRegisteredClasses.RegisterClass("CBaseClass", & mChildClassFactory);
mRegisteredClasses.RegisterClass("CFooBaseClass", & mFooChildClassFactory);
CRegisteredClasses* GetRegisteredClasses(){return &mRegisteredClasses;};
CRegisteredClasses mRegisteredClasses;
CRegisteredClassFactory<CChildClass> mChildClassFactory;
CRegisteredClassFactory<CFooChildClass> mFooChildClassFactory;
static RegistrationData StaticRegistrationData;
// and here are the base class and the child class
// in the implementation of CBaseClass::Create I check, whether it should be overridden by another class.
class CBaseClass
static CBaseClass* Create()
CRegisteredClasses* pRegisteredClasses = StaticRegistrationData.GetRegisteredClasses();
if (pRegisteredClasses->find("CBaseClass"))
CRegisteredClassFactory<CBaseClass>* pFac =
dynamic_cast<CRegisteredClassFactory<CBaseClass>* >(pRegisteredClasses->GetFactory("CBaseClass"));
mpInstance = pFac->CreateAndGet();
mpInstance = new CBaseClass;
return mpInstance;
virtual void Print(){cout << "Base" << endl;};
static CBaseClass* mpInstance;
class CChildClass : public CBaseClass
void Print(){cout << "Child" << endl;};
Using this implementation, when I am doing this from some other class:
CBaseClass* b = CBaseClass::Create();
I expect to get "Child" in the output.
What do you think of this design? Did I complicate things too much and it can be done easier? And is it OK that I create a template that inherits from an abstract class?
I had to use dynamic_pointer (didn't compile otherwise) - is it a hint that something is wrong?
Thank you.
This sort of pattern is fairly common. I'm not a C++ expert but in Java you see this everywhere. The dynamic cast appears to be necessary because the compiler can't tell what kind of factory you've stored in the map. To my knowledge there isn't much you can do about that with the current design. It would help to know how these objects are meant to be used. Let me give you an example of how a similar task is accomplished in Java's database library (JDBC):
The system has a DriverManager which knows about JDBC drivers. The drivers have to be registered somehow (the details aren't important); once registered whenever you ask for a database connection you get a Connection object. Normally this object will be an OracleConnection or an MSSQLConnection or something similar, but the client code only sees "Connection". To get a Statement object you say connection.prepareStatement, which returns an object of type PreparedStatement; except that it's really an OraclePreparedStatement or MSSQLPreparedStatement. This is transparent to the client because the factory for Statements is in the Connection, and the factory for Connections is in the DriverManager.
If your classes are similarly related you may want to have a function that returns a specific type of class, much like DriverManager's getConnection method returns a Connection. No casting required.
The other approach you may want to consider is using a factory that has a factory-method for each specific class you need. Then you only need one factory-factory to get an instance of the Factory. Sample (sorry if this isn't proper C++):
class CClassFactory
virtual CBaseClass* CreateBase() { return new CBaseClass(); }
virtual CFooBaseClass* CreateFoo() { return new CFooBaseClass();}
class CAImplClassFactory : public CClassFactory
virtual CBaseClass* CreateBase() { return new CAImplBaseClass(); }
virtual CFooBaseClass* CreateFoo() { return new CAImplFooBaseClass();}
class CBImplClassFactory : public CClassFactory // only overrides one method
virtual CBaseClass* CreateBase() { return new CBImplBaseClass(); }
As for the other comments criticizing the use of inheritance: in my opinion there is no difference between an interface and public inheritance; so go ahead and use classes instead of interfaces wherever it makes sense. Pure Interfaces may be more flexible in the long run but maybe not. Without more details about your class hierarchy it's impossible to say.
Usually, base class/ derived class pattern is used when you have an interface in base class, and that interface is implemented in derived class (IS-A relationship). In your case, the base class does not seem to have any connection with derived class - it may as well be void*.
If there is no connection between base class and derived class, why do you use inheritance? What is the benefit of having a factory if factory's output cannot be used in a general way? You have
class CAbstractFactory
virtual ~CAbstractFactory()=0;
This is perfectly wrong. A factory has to manufacture something that can be used immediately:
class CAbstractFactory
virtual ~CAbstractFactory(){};
CBaseClass* CreateAndGet()
pClass = new Class;
return pClass;
CBaseClass* pClass;
CBaseClass *create() = 0;
In general, you're mixing inheritance, virtual functions and templates the way they should not be mixed.
Without having read all of the code or gone into the details, it seems like you should've done the following:
make b of type CChildClass,
make CBaseClass::Print a virtual function.
Maybe I'm wrong but I didn't find any return statement in your CBaseClass::Create() method!
Personally, I think this design overuses inheritance.
"I am trying to create a system in which I can derive a Child class from any Base class, and its implementation should replace the implementation of the base class." - I don't know that IS-A relationships should be that flexible.
I wonder if you'd be better off using interfaces (pure virtual classes in C++) and mixin behavior. If I were writing it in Java I'd do this:
public interface Foo
void doSomething();
public class MixinDemo implements Foo
private Foo mixin;
public MixinDemo(Foo f)
this.mixin = f;
public void doSomething() { this.mixin.doSomething(); }
Now I can change the behavior as needed by changing the Foo implementation that I pass to the MixinDemo.