CSS files not compiled into app.css as expected in Ember CLI? - ember.js

Ember CLI docs says about /app/styles folder following:
Contains your stylesheets, whether SASS, LESS, Stylus, Compass, or plain CSS (though only one type is allowed, see Asset Compilation). These are all compiled into app.css.
I have the following files in /app/styles: app.css, one.css, two.css.
I would expect when starting server that in folder /dist/assets there will be file called appName.css and the content would be concatenation of all three files. Instead there is only content of app.css file. So I resolved this with #import in app.css:
#import url("one.css");
#import url("two.css");
That worked with 0.0.46, although not optimal because of more request were made to server. Now I updated to 0.1.1 and files one.css and two.css are no longer copied to /dist/assets folder.
But main question is: How can I achieve the concatenation of all css files in /app/styles folder? Am I missing something basic or are there some commands needed to be included into Brocfile.js?
Here is the snippet of Brocfile.js showing how we concatenate our CSS files:
var concat = require('broccoli-concat');
var cleanCSS = require('broccoli-clean-css');
var concatenatedCss = concat('app/styles', {
inputFiles: [
outputFile: '/assets/appName.css',
wrapInFunction: false
if (app.env === 'production') {
concatenatedCss = cleanCSS(concatenatedCss, {restructuring: false});
module.exports = app.toTree([concatenatedCss]);
We manually add files to inputFiles array.

It's known issue with 0.1.1 version: Static css compiler broken (0.1.x regression)
You probably should wait for update.
As for main question, try broccoli-concat.

Now there is this ember-cli-concat add-on available: https://github.com/sir-dunxalot/ember-cli-concat.
Looks super easy to use: https://github.com/sir-dunxalot/ember-cli-concat/wiki/Installation


Issues loading assets for SlickGrid in Rails 4

I'm trying to use SlickGrid in a Rails 4 application and having a problem with getting some of the SlickGrid assets to load up properly.
Initially, I tried to use the SlickGrid-Rails gem, which loads the SlickGrid stuff into the Assets pipeline for you. However, it turns out that the gem isn't compatible with Rails 4 at this time.
So I went and downloaded the SlickGrid source and began manually placing the files in my app. Below is the setup I've performed.
My File Setup
Placed all of the JavaScript files into vendor/assets/javascripts
Placed all of the CSS files into vendor/assets/stylesheets
Placed all of the image files (.gif, .png, etc) in assets/images.
Assets Setup
In my application.js file, I added the line ::
//= require_tree ../../../vendor/assets/javascripts
In my application.css file, I added the line ::
*= require_tree ../../../vendor/assets/stylesheets
In my application.rb file, I added the line ::
config.assets.precompile += %w(*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.gif)
Building the SlickGrid
In my view file I have a single element ::
My JavaScript file
var rows = [
field_1: "value1",
field_2: "value2"
}, {
field_1: "value3",
field_2: "value4"
var columns = [
name: "Address",
field: "address",
id: "address",
sortable: true
name: "Rating, in %",
field: "rating",
id: "rating_percent",
resizable: false
var options = [];
var slickgrid = new Slick.Grid($("#my-slick-grid"), rows, columns, options);
The Results
When the view loads, I get "most" of the table, but it's not complete.
The Errors
Also, when I view the Chrome Console, I see the 2 following errors ::
GET http://localhost:3000/assets/images/header-columns-bg.gif 404 (Not Found)
GET http://localhost:3000/assets/images/ui-bg_glass_75_e6e6e6_1x400.png 404 (Not Found)
So, obviously Rails is having a problem either loading or knowing where to get the image files from. Does anyone see what I'm doing wrong? I suspect that perhaps I'm not placing the SlickGrid files in the appropriate locations. Perhaps someone can see what I'm doing wrong and correct me?
Thanks for your time!
So I figured it out.
I had to place all the SlickGrid image files into the public dir of my app.
Then I had to add the .scss extension onto each of the SlickGrid .css files.
Then, inside all of the SlickGrid .css.scss files, I had to replace all the
Now when I run the application, the table is fully drawn and there are no more 404 errors.

Gulp-Inject Not Working

I have a simple Gulp build process setup for testing. I've read the documentation many times but I can't seem to get Gulp-inject to inject the scripts I want into an index.html file.
My Gulp file looks like this:
gulp.task('inject1', function() {
return gulp.src('app/index.html')
.pipe(inject(gulp.src('./app/scripts/app.js', {read : false}))) // Not necessary to read the files (will speed up things), we're only after their paths
gulp.task('inject2', function() {
return gulp.src('app/scripts/**/*.js', {read : false}) // Not necessary to read the files (will speed up things), we're only after their paths
This is part of my Index.html:
<!-- inject:js -->
<!-- endinject-->
Both of these are copied from the documentation on github.
When I run either of these tasks the console just says "Started 'inject' Finished 'Inject' '
In my ./dist folder it creates an Index.html file but no js files are injected.
I've tried typing in the src and inject properties many different way but no luck. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
First of all you have a mistake in your endinject tag:
<!-- endinject-->
should be
<!-- endinject -->
This plugin has worked great for me and others in various settings, so the problem is probably in your configuration.
Because when you are using streaming, you cannot be sure which files you pipe along, always try to use a plugin to see exactly what files you are piping. I recommend using gulp-using. Try this to debug your setup:
var debug = require('gulp-debug');
gulp.task('inject2', function() {
return gulp.src('app/scripts/**/*.js', {read : false})
Also make sure you use the same method to verify that you match your html file as well.
Other than that - it's just trial and error until you understand piping to get just the right files with the correct path.
If gulp-inject isn't injecting any files, that means you didn't pipe them correctly, or your target inject was not correct. The plugin works, and works great for me.
If you need to see an example working gulp file, check out this this gulpfile.js gist
I had the same problem with the following code:
var injectSrc = gulp.src(['./public/css/*.css', '.public/js/*.js'], {read: false});
var injectOptions = {
ignorePath: '/public'
var options = {
bowerJson: require('./bower.json'),
directory: './public/lib',
ignorePath: '../../public'
gulp.task('inject', function() {
return gulp.src('./src/views/*.html')
.pipe(inject(injectSrc, injectOptions))
My index.html had the following:
Click on this link to see what my file structure was.
The inject was creating the css files correctly but not the js files. Also the bower dependencies were working just fine.
Finally I caught the missing '/' in the array passed to gulp.src(). After fixing that to:
var injectSrc = gulp.src(['./public/css/*.css', './public/js/*.js'], {read: false});
it works correctly.

Strange Issue When Minifying CSS via django-pipeline

I'm using django-pipeline to minify my CSS. Everything minifies correctly until I use PipelineCachedStorage so I can get the versioned, cache-busting filenames. I get the following error:
ValueError: The file 'img/glyphicons-halflings.png' could not be found with <pipeline.storage.PipelineCachedStorage object at 0x19069d0>
I've grepped all the files in my project and have found that this PNG is in bootstrap.css, but I am not including that file to be minified. Here's my django-pipeline specific settings:
'ab': {
'source_filenames': (
'output_filename' : 'ab.css',
PIPELINE_YUGLIFY_BINARY = '/home/redacted/ts/redacted/node_modules/yuglify/bin/yuglify'
STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'pipeline.storage.PipelineCachedStorage'
Thanks in advance!
new settings for pipeline:
'ab': {
'source_filenames': (
'output_filename' : 'ab.css',
PIPELINE_YUGLIFY_BINARY = '/home/redacted/ts/redacted/node_modules/yuglify/bin/yuglify'
STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'pipeline.storage.PipelineCachedStorage'
The error isn't entirely related to Pipeline but rather what Django's CachedStaticFilesStorage that PipelineCachedStorage extends. The cached storage will look for file references in your css files and replace url('asset-link') and #import 'resource-link' with the appropriate link to the version with the md5 hash appended to it.
This will turn url('img/glyphicons-halflings.png') into url('img/glyphicons-halflings.<hash>.png'). So if you have asset references in your css files but don't have the underlying assets, the post_process() of CachedStaticFilesStorage is going to throw that error.
You can read more here. I'd recommend to compile the less version of bootstrap with django pipeline and remove the less components that you don't need, such as the icons if you don't want to include the bootstrap icons. Or you can include the appropriate assets.
I've found the django-pipeline-forgiving package resolves this issue with the stock Django CachedStaticFilesStorage / PipelineCachedStorage very nicely

Font asset without digest in Ruby on Rails 4

I've got a problem with my font assets being served without digest in production.
As soon as I do rake assets:precompile I get:
I was trying to link it with font-face in scss with asset-url, asset-path, font-url and font-path but all of them end up outputting path:
For now I'm copying assets from /app/assets/fonts straight to /public/assets/ but it doesn't feel like that's the way to do it.
I've been looking at a similar issue and am currently using the non-stupid-digest-assets gem: https://github.com/alexspeller/non-stupid-digest-assets
For more info on how you can use it, see here.
Correct use of non-stupid-digest-assets gem
Now that being said, the link provided by Chris (specifically, https://stackoverflow.com/a/17367264/291640) seems like it may accomplish the same as the gem without the gem itself. I know I need to look into it further.
Make sure you have the exact filename WITH extention name of the font in your font-url declaration like:
font-family: 'Sawasdee';
src: font-url('Sawasdee.ttf') format('truetype');
font-family: 'Sewasdee';
src: font-url('Sewasdee') format('truetype');
My font folder:
|_ Sewasdee.ttf
|_ Otherfont.ttf
Here is our solution, that is based partially on what Sprocets does. It is working with Rails4. It automatically generates a nondigest version for all assets, that were listed in config.assets.precompile, after precompilation was done.
# lib/tasks/assets_nondigest.rake
require 'fileutils'
namespace "assets:precompile" do
desc "Create nondigest versions of defined assets"
task :nondigest => :environment do
sprocket_task = Sprockets::Rails::Task.new ::Rails.application
assets = ::Rails.application.config.assets.precompile
paths = sprocket_task.index.each_logical_path(assets).to_a +
assets.select { |asset| Pathname.new(asset).absolute? if asset.is_a?(String)}
paths.each do |path|
if asset = sprocket_task.index.find_asset(path)
copy_target = File.join(sprocket_task.output, asset.digest_path)
target = File.join(sprocket_task.output, asset.logical_path)
sprocket_task.logger.info "Writing #{target}"
asset.write_to target
asset.write_to "#{target}.gz" if asset.is_a?(Sprockets::BundledAsset)
Rake::Task['assets:precompile'].enhance do

Testing service in Angular returns module is not defined

I am trying to run the default service unit test in my project (Taken from the Angular Seed project on GitHub), but I keep getting the error "module is not defined".
I have read that it could be something to do with the order of the referenced JavaScript files, but I can't seem to get it to work, so hopefully one of you might be able to help.
My configuration for the test looks like this:
basePath = '../';
files = [
'test/unit/*.js' ];
autoWatch = true;
browsers = ['Chrome'];
junitReporter = { outputFile: 'test_out/unit.xml', suite: 'unit'
The service looks like the following:
angular.module('myApp.services', []).
value('version', '0.1');
The test looks like this:
'use strict';
describe('service', function() {
describe('version', function() {
it('should return current version', inject(function(version) {
And the error when running the test through testacular is this:
ReferenceError: module is not defined
You are missing the angular-mocks.js file.
I had the same problem, and I understood why it wasn't working:
The jasmine.js javascript must be referenced BEFORE the angular-mocks.js file.
Indeed, the angular-mocks.js checks if Jasmine is loaded, and only if it is it will add the module function to the window.
Here is an extract of Angular Mocks code:
(Edit after the few comments about 'hacking' I had below: this is just an extract of the code, this is not something you need to write yourself, it's already there!)
window.jasmine && (function(window) {
window.module = angular.mock.module = function() {
var moduleFns = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
return isSpecRunning() ? workFn() : workFn;
In a nutshell:
Just reference your jasmine.js before angular-mocks.js and off you go.
The window.module function comes in angular-mocks.js and is a shorthand for angular.mock.module. As mentioned in the docs, the module function only works with Jasmine.
Using Testacular, the following example configuration file will load angular-mocks.js.
/** example testacular.conf.js */
basePath = '../';
files = [
'path/to/angular-mocks.js', // for angular.mock.module and inject.
'src/js/**/*.js', // application sources
'test/unit/**/*.spec.js' // specs
autoWatch = true;
browsers = ['Chrome'];
And, as suggested elsewhere, you can run Testacular with debug logging to see what scripts are loaded (you can also see the same in the inspector):
testacular --log-level debug start config/testacular.conf.js
The angular.mock.inject docs include a pretty complete example.
We use 'module' without 'angular' in our unit tests and it works fine.
describe 'DiscussionServicesSpec', ->
beforeEach module 'DiscussionServices'
beforeEach inject ... etc.
which compiles to
describe('DiscussionServices', function() {
beforeEach(inject(function ... etc.
The only time I see something like the error you described is if in the testacular.conf.js file the angular-mocks.js file is not listed in the files section before the specs trying to use 'module'. If I put it after my tests in the 'files' list I get
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: module
(Our tests are being run through PhantomJS)
I had included angular-mocks.js in my karma config, but was still getting the error. It turns out the order is important in the files array. (duh) Just like in the head of an html doc, if a script calls angular before it's defined, and error occurs. So I just had to include my app.js after angular.js and angular-mocks.js.
If you're using Yeoman and its angular-generator, you probably get this error. Especially when you do the Tutorial ( ._.)
I fixed it, by copying the angular-mocks.js file, from the bower_components/angular-mocks dir to the test/mock dir. Of course you have to be sure, that your karma.conf.js file is configured correctly.
I had this same issue when I was doing something like var module = angular.module('my',[]). I needed to make sure it was surrounded by IIFE