How to package a sharepoint project (Sharepoint server 2013) - sharepoint-2013

I work on a Sharepoint Server 2013 project, I want to know if there is a method to make this project (package) that I can work on any machine (at home)

you must have the sharepoint 2013 foundation or enterprise version installed on your machine. Then you can simple publish the project and in that way you can take your project to your local sharepoint environment.
If you want to take the list and any other columns or anything like that to your local environment then you can back up and restore the Content database in local environment.
Please let me know if this helps or you will require any other details regarding this


Publish EXE desktop app for Microsoft store

I have an app created by C++ and Visual Studio 2015. It packed by Inno Setup and has "exe" format.
I want to publish this app on Microsoft Store. Is it possible?
I have developer account but can not upload exe file - too many errors.
Can I use VS 2015 or need upgrade to 2019?
It is possible now. Just select right product type.
In my case product was added many years ago and has "MSIX or PWA app" type.

Sharepoint 2013 app development guidelines

I worked in .net . I start working in sharepoint 2013 today and I'm confused where is .cs file of .aspx file . I need book or any site to learn sharepoint app development . Please don't suggest msdn .
I'd recommend Wrox Sharepoint 2013 development. It is confusing (sharepoint development, at first), and for the most part, you won't be doing .cs code for Sharepoint applications. You'll want to do everything client side and call web APIs from the application that you eventually deploy into Sharepoint. Then, your APIs can live wherever and you write .NET code just as you always have. If you follow that formula, you should set yourself up for easy migration paths once SP gets updated.
Download this book .I got this book in google. I think this one will help you.

Nuget custom server returns 404

I am trying to setup nuget custom server, and cannot get it list my packages.
Here is list which I verified:
Server updated to .net 4.5
OS is Windows Web Server 2008 R2
Application pool is set to integrated, dotnet set to 4.0
modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" is present
mime map is present in web.config, and visible by IIS
I am able to download file with direct link
i am able to push package to my server
So, when I go to i see nice:
You are running NuGet.Server v2.7.40911.225
Click here to view your packages.
but returns 404. Probably there is issue with original nuget routing.
It sounds to me like the ODATA routes are just not being picked up. Did you check that nothing is overriding this at the machine.config level? You may also want to check that your package path is configured, and the web app has permission to access it.
One thing that might be easier to do is to install a third-party NuGet server such as ProGet; it's free and installs pretty easily, and also will be a bit more robust in terms of features.
(disclaimer: I work for Inedo)

Sharepoint server 2010 Central Administrationa and other settings

I want to read following setting configured on Sharepoint server 2010:
file types blocked" for web
Anti-virus setting
configured to scan documents on
Is error report collection
enabled (Central Administration >
Operations > Logging and Reporting >
Error Reports > ) etc.
My question is, where are these setting stored on sharepoint server machine? Are they in any config file or in database?
I know programmatic way to read these settings (Got Sharepoint 2010 SDK sample code in C#), but my application is in C++ (VS 2003 .Net) and all the API/interfaces are available in .Net (managed code). Please let me know if the API/interfaces to access these setting are available in unmanaged code also?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You cannot directly call sharepoint API in unmanaged code.
The settings are stored in sharepoint configuration database and must be called as you say in the SDK. You will need to create a .NET class library assembly which you will need to call from your managed code as a COM DLL.

Sharepoint 2010 RTM alerts templates

I'm trying to modify and set alert templates on a SP (working on a copy of alerttemplates.xml), but I'd like to deploy them just on some specific sites, not the whole farm. Is this possible? I'm using SharePoint 2010 RTM.
Changes take effect at the site collection level (aka top level site) and include all subsites in them
stsadm -o updatealerttempaltes
If you want more granular control you would have to look into IAlertNotifier, workflow or various 3rd party apps.
SO - Customise SharePoint Alerts