TaxonomyField.Open is always false - sharepoint-2013

When checking the TaxonomyField for the .Open flag, the field is always set to false.
This is however only for our Codebehind code, and not inside SharePoint itself, in SharePoint the Open flag is shown in the Manage Meta Data Store application.
In general, we cast the SPField to TaxonomyField, and check the Open flag, when it's open, we show an extra input box to add more items to the taxonomystore.

I will post the solution to my question here, as no one did so far :)
So, if you want to check if the TaxonomyField.Open is set, it depends on 2 configurations:
Is the Termset open for new submissions
Is the field inside your list set to "Allow input values"
Site Contents -> List settings -> Field -> Allow input values
Then you can iterate the fields and take action on the open flag, eg:
foreach (SPField field in item.Fields) {
if (field is TaxonomyField) {
var taxField = field as TaxonomyField;
if (taxField.Open) {
// field is open for this termset in this list (for this user)


How to add form alter hook in drupal 8

I am very much new to drupal 8, I am trying to alter a form under custom content type "Question". The form has an id "node-question-form".
I have setup a module and trying to add hook_FORM_ID_alter() but its never getting called. Even the simplest hook is not working. eg:
function constellator_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id){
echo "alter the form"; exit;
where 'constellator' is the module name.
I have been stuck with since morning and nothing is working for me, Any help will be greatly appriciated.
hook_form_alter() and hook_FORM_ID_alter() are called while a form is being created and before displaying it on the screen.
These functions are written in the .module file.
Always clear the cache after writing any hook function. This makes Drupal understand that such a function has been declared.
Use drush cr if using drush version 8 else click on Manage->Drupal 8 logo->Flush all Caches to clear the caches.
Now you can check if the function is being called or not.
The best way to check that is to install the Devel module, enable it. Along with Devel, Kint is installed. Enable Kint too from the Admin UI.
After doing that,you can check whether the hook is being called or not in the following way:
function constellator_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id){
This will print all the form variables for all forms in the page.
If you want to target a particular form in the page, for eg. you form, node-question-form, type:
function node_question_form_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id){
Using echo, the way you did, you can confirm whether the function is being called or not, without any hassle, by viewing the Source Code for the page and then searching for the text that you have echoed, using some search option of browser, like, Ctrl+f in case of Google Chrome.
If you want to change sorting options and/or direction (ASC / DESC), you can use this example (tested with Drupal 9).
Here I force the sorting direction according to the "sort by option" set by the user in an exposed filter. (if the user want to sort by relevance, we set the order to ASC, if the user want to sort by date, we set the order to DESC to have the latest content first).
* Force sorting direction for search by date
function MYTHEME_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id)
if (!$form_id == 'views_exposed_form"' || !$form['#id'] == 'views-exposed-form-search-custom-page-1') {
$user_input = $form_state->getUserInput();
if (empty($user_input['sort_by'])) {
if ($user_input['sort_by'] == 'relevance') {
$user_input['sort_order'] = 'ASC';
} elseif ($user_input['sort_by'] == 'created') {
$user_input['sort_order'] = 'DESC';
Note that "views-exposed-form-search-custom-page-1" is the id of my form,
"relevance" and "created" are the sort field identifier set in drupal admin.
function hook_form_alter(&$form, \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface &$form_state, $form_id) {
echo 'inside form alter';

Search custom property in SharePoint User Profile

I created a custom property in the user profile.
I want to search through all the user profiles and output those profiles in which the custom property contains a certain string
For example:
User1- Custom Property value is 1,2,3
User2- Custom Property value in 2,4,5
User3- Custom Property value is 4,6,8
I want to output all the profiles in which Custom Property contains 2
(using c# code)
So the output should have User1 and User2
Can someone suggest the best way to implement this?
I did find some links in the internet for searching user profiles use KeyWord search but and not sure if those methods could be used to search through Custom Properties.
I am using SharePoint 2013
We ended up promoting the Custom Property that we added to the User profile to a Managed property.
Also it seems like we can do wildcard searches on managed properties so we do People searches like "CustomProperty:*,2,*" so that it would return all the user profiles which have the number 2 in the custom property of their user profile
Interestingly the wildcard works only on the end for OOTB properties like FirstName so we cant do things like FirstName:oh and expect it would return John Doe's profile
But we can certainly do this - FirstName:joh* and that would return all the people whose first name starts with Joh (which would include John Doe)
But it seems like the wildcard works both at the beginning and the end for the custom managed properties (which helped a great deal for us)
On how to return the results of the search using c# we used this-
private DataTable GetPeople(SPSite spSite, string queryText)
var keywordQuery = new KeywordQuery(spSite)
QueryText = queryText,
KeywordInclusion = KeywordInclusion.AllKeywords,
SourceId = System.Guid.Parse("b09a7990-05ea-4af9-81ef-edfab16c4e31")
keywordQuery.RowLimit = this.MaxProfilesToDisplay;
SearchExecutor e = new SearchExecutor();
ResultTableCollection rt = e.ExecuteQuery(keywordQuery);
var tab = rt.Filter("TableType", KnownTableTypes.RelevantResults);
var result = tab.FirstOrDefault();
DataTable DT = result.Table;
return DT;
and we would invoke this like
DataTable dt = GetPeople(SPContext.Current.Site, "CustomProperty:*,2,*" );

Sitecore|WFFM| Custom Error Message with details| on Same Page with Form

I have a Web Form for Marketer set up done for one of my Pages.
I have Custom Submit Action written for it as shown below in the code snippet -
public class **CustomFormSubmit : ISaveAction**
public void Execute(ID formid, AdaptedResultList fields, params object[] data)
**//var returnValue= Custom Logic to save form data // returns true or false**
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Log(ex.Message + ":" + builder, ExceptionCategory.Error);
In my above Web form - Success Mode is - SuccessMode/Redirect and I have a success Page configured for it.
My requirement in above scenario is to keep user on the same Page(with Form) if returnValue is false . (as shown in above code snippet)
Can anyone Please guide me in the above scenario as - how to keep user on the same Page with values filled in the form so that user can submit it again.
Product Details - 7.2 rev. 141226 , Web Forms for Marketers 2.4 rev.140117
To add further details -
I am not sure how can I go back to my page instead of the redirection in case if return is false in the above code snippet.
As soon the submit button is clicked the above function- Execute- gets called.
How do I go back to the Page - Do I need to override any function or customize something.
If any exception comes while saving data- then the control goes back to the same Page with all values filled by user retained -with the Save Action Failed Message which is configured in Sitecore .
So my requirement will be to go to to the form as happening in case of Exception when false comes as return value while saving data and to put customised Error Messages which might change each time, so not statically configured ,rather a dynamic one.
One option will be to redirect to the original page with the Form on.
Enable your form to populate the fields via Query String using the ReadQueryString property, via Presentation Details of the Form Renderer:
So on false of your Save Action you create a collection of query strings with the name of each Field, as it appears in the Form, followed by the User's value.
The code below will loop through all your fields and arrange them into a QueryString with its FieldName and Value;
string urlOfForm = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath;
var queryString = new StringBuilder("?");
foreach (AdaptedControlResult field in fields)
queryString.Append(string.Format("{0}={1}&", field.FieldName, field.Value));
urlOfForm = urlOfForm + queryString;
Sitecore will then automatically populate the appropriate fields with the values, achieving your requirement.
I have found that most Exceptions thrown will take the user back to the Form with their values populated. You can then pass in the cause of the failure to write to your CRM. See below for Example
if (submitFailed)
throw new Exception("The email address entered already exists in our System");
The complexity then comes in dynamically swapping out the Save Action Failed Message to show this Exception Message. All posts I find about custom Save Action Message state the only real approach is to redirect via your Custom Save Action to a different page showing a different message. Which is not suitable to your requirements.
I have found the pipeline Args you are going to need to patch FormSubmitFailedArgs and SubmitFailedArgs. The Former will need the following change
public FormSubmitFailedArgs(ID formID, AdaptedResultList fields, ID actionFailed, Exception ex)
: base(formID, actionFailed, ex)
this.Fields = fields;
this.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
and the Latter will need
public SubmitFailedArgs(ID formID, ID actionFailed, string errorMessage, Exception innerException)
this.FormID = formID;
this.ActionFailed = actionFailed;
this.ErrorMessage = innerException.Message;
this.InnerException = innerException;
Location and Styling of Submit Message:
You need to find the FormRender sublayout file, this is defaulted to website\sitecore modules\Web\Web Forms for Marketers\Control\SitecoreSimpleFormAscx.ascx inside there you will find a compont called SubmitSummary this renders out the submit message so move it to where you require.
Also note it references the CssClass scfSubmitSummary this is what you will need to target to change the styling of the Message. This Answer is already REALLY long so I won't give a blow by blow how to change the styling of that class, see here for example -
Pipeline Patching
I've dug in deeper, in order to use the custom Args we created for using the exception error message you will need to control the Pipeline which ultimately uses those Args, this is the processor Sitecore.Form.Core.Pipelines.FormSubmit.FormatMessage, Sitecore.Forms.Core in the <errorSubmit> Pipeline.
From my investigation it shouldn't take much effort then its a matter of patching it, you can modify if the Sitecore.Forms.config directly or use patch:instead from a config file within the App_Config/Includes folder - see here for more info.
One option would be to create a Custom Form Verification Action. You could save the data here, although it would be better to verify the data against your API here and then save the data in custom save action, simply since this seems more logical as to how WFFM was meant to function.
using Sitecore.Data;
using Sitecore.Form.Core.Controls.Data;
using Sitecore.Form.Core.Submit;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Custom.WFFM
public class CustomVerificationStep : BaseCheckAction
public string FailedMessage { get; set; }
public override void Execute(ID formid, IEnumerable<ControlResult> fields)
// Call your API
// You have access to the fields, so you can pass them through as parameters to your if needed
bool flag = ServiceAPI.ValidateUserData(param1, param2, etc);
if (!flag)
throw new Exception(string.Format(this.FailedMessage ?? "There was an error while verifying the data against the service call"));
public override ActionState QueryState(ActionContext context)
return ActionState.DisabledSingleCall;
Create the corresponding Verification Action under /sitecore/system/Modules/Web Forms for Marketers/Settings/Actions/Form Verification:
You can change the error message by setting it in the Parameters field as <FailedMessage>Custom Failed Error Message</FailedMessage>.
And then add your verification step to your form:
If you need a different error message per form then you can set the error message to display from the Error Messages tab.
The user will then be returned to the same without any of the save actions being called and the form fields still filled in.

Scout Eclipse check for dirty fields

When you try to close Swing application and you change same value in field, application ask you if you want to save changes.
My first question is why RAP application doesn't ask same question ?
Second and more important question is how to force validation of fields change and how to manipulate this.
for example :
I have table with rows and some fields below table. If I click on row some value is entered in fields. I can change this value and click button save.
I would like to force change validation on row click. So if changes ware applied and if I click on row, application should warn me that some changes are not saved.
But I should be able to manipulate what is change and what is not. For example if table on row click fill some data if fields this is not change, but if I entered value is same fields this is change.
I discovered method
But it does nothing. (if I change values or not)
I see that every field has mathod
public final void checkSaveNeeded() {
if (isInitialized()) {
try {
propertySupport.setPropertyBool(PROP_SAVE_NEEDED, m_touched || execIsSaveNeeded());
catch (ProcessingException e) {
so I should manipulate changes throw m_touched ?
How is this handled in Scout ?
I am looking for function that check for dirty fields and pops up message dialog, same as when closing form, and way to set fields dirty or not.
I look here and here, but all it describes is how values is stored for popup messages and dot how to fire this messages (validation).
My first question is why RAP application doesn't ask same question ?
I am not sure to know which message box you mean but it should be the case.
There are several questions about unsaved changes and form lifecycle in the Eclipse Scout Forum. I think you can find them with Google.
I have also taken the time to start to document it in the Eclipse Wiki:
Scout Field > Contribution to unsaved changes
Form lifecycle
I think you should implement execIsSaveNeeded() in the corresponding field. The default implementation in AbstractTableField uses the state of the rows, but you can imagine the logic you want.
public class MyTableField extends AbstractTableField<MyTableField.Table> {
protected boolean execIsSaveNeeded() throws ProcessingException {
boolean result;
//some logic that computes if the table field contains modification (result = true) or not (result = false)
return result;
I hope this helps.
I am looking for function that check for dirty fields and pops up message dialog, same as when closing form.
Are you speaking from this message box that appears when the user clicks on Cancel in the form?
There is no specific function that you can call for that. But you can check the beginning of the AbstractForm.doCancel() function. It is exactly what you are looking for.
I have rewritten it like this:
// ensure all fields have the right save-needed-state
// find any fields that needs save
AbstractCollectingFieldVisitor<IFormField> collector = new AbstractCollectingFieldVisitor<IFormField>() {
public boolean visitField(IFormField field, int level, int fieldIndex) {
if (field instanceof IValueField && field.isSaveNeeded()) {
return true;
MessageBox.showOkMessage("DEBUG", "You have " + collector.getCollectionCount() + " fields containing a change in your form", null);
I have changed the Visitor to collect all value fields with unchanged changes. But you can stick to the original visitField(..) implementation. You cannot use P_AbstractCollectingFieldVisitor because it is private, but you can have a similar field visitor somewhere else.
I am looking for a way to set fields dirty or not.
As I told you: execIsSaveNeeded() in each field for some custom logic. You can also call touch() / markSaved() on a field to indicate that it contains modifications or not. But unless you cannot do otherwise, I do not think that this is the correct approach for you.

How to generate media item link with id instead of path in Sitecore

Anyone knows how to generate links in sitecore with ID instead of item path?
If you use GetMediaUrl method from the API, I can get this URL:
/~/media/Images/Archive/content/News and Events/News_and_Events_Level2/20070419162739/iwhiz3.jpg
The problem with this approach is that if someone changes the media item name, removes it somewhere or deletes it, the above link will break.
I notice if I insert a media link from rich text editor, I get the link as below:
The second link is better because it's using the item id, so if the actual media item is renamed, removed, or deleted, all related links will be updated too. On top of that, when Sitecore renders the page, it will actually convert the above link and display the item path so it's readable.
I'm using Sitecore 6.5 and currently doing content migration so I need to make sure all internal links are updated properly.
May I know if there is a method to generate the second link by using sitecore API?
The GetMediaItemUrl extension method seems to give you what you want.
public static class ItemExtensions
public static string GetMediaItemUrl(this Item item)
var mediaUrlOptions = new MediaUrlOptions() { UseItemPath = false, AbsolutePath = true };
return Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaManager.GetMediaUrl(item, mediaUrlOptions);
public class when_using_items_extensions
public void a_url_based_on_media_item_id_can_be_generated()
// Arrange
Database db = global::Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
Item item = db.GetItem("/sitecore/media library/Images/MyImage");
// Act
var mediaUrl = item.GetMediaItemUrl();
// Assert
Assert.That(mediaUrl, Is.EqualTo("/~/media/17A1341ABEEC46788F2159843DCEAB03.ashx"));
These are called dynamic links and you can normally generate them using the LinkManager e.g:
.. but I'm not sure of the method to do this with Media links (there probably is one but I cant seem to find it and its not on MediaManager) but the basic syntax is:
"/~/media/" + item.ID.ToShortID() + ".ashx"
If you always want to use ID's instead of paths, you can change this setting in webconfig to false (like this):
<setting name="Media.UseItemPaths" value="false"/>`
Here is what the webconfig describes about it:
This setting controls if item paths are used for constructing media URLs.
If false, short ids will be used.
Default value: true
Then you can use the default implementation (without additional parameters):
This is what I use:
var imgField = ((Sitecore.Data.Fields.ImageField)currentItem.Fields["Icon"]);
MediaUrlOptions opt = new MediaUrlOptions();
opt.AlwaysIncludeServerUrl = true;
// Absolute Path works as well. So either use AbsolutePath or AlwaysIncludeServerUrl
opt.AbsolutePath = true;
string mediaUrl = MediaManager.GetMediaUrl(imgField.MediaItem, opt);