Correct architecture for a reliant Windows EC2 background worker on AWS - amazon-web-services

Basically we save cached data on Redis and we want to dump it into MongoDB every X seconds.
We have a sorted set stored on Redis, saving each user's last activity as score, and we want to periodically dump user's final state after being inactive for a certain period of time, and we wish to make sure that:
We don't strain our API servers (That's why it has to run on a worker instance.
The data dump operation is very critical - We require these worker instances to be scalable and highly resilient to failure (and should handle failure gracefully).
We must ensure that if we have X machines, that the data would be spread across instances, and that every item we pull from Redis will be handled exactly once.
I was wondering what would be the best architectural approach to deploy EC2 Windows instances that periodically handle data.
I was thinking of using Elastic Beanstalk as it's easy to deploy, scale & monitor, but I was wondering if there was a better approach to this.
Thanks in advance!

Other than the application, for which Amazon Elastic Beanstalk is a fine choice, i'd recommend you take a look at Amazon Kinesis:
That is because you mentioned "scalable", "resilient", "handle failure gracefully" and "exactly once". Those attributes are quite hard to get right in a distributed system, and Kinesis Streams and Client Library can greatly help with that.


Recommended way to run a web server on demand, with auto-shutdown (on AWS)

I am trying to find the best way to architect a low cost solution to provide an on-demand web server for a certain amount of time.
The context is as follows: I have some large amount of data sitting on S3. From time to time, users will want to consult that data. I've written a Flask app that can display the data in a nice way for them. Beign poorly written, it really only accepts a single user session at the time. Currently therefore they have to download the Flask app and run it on their own machine.
I would like to find a way for users to request a cloud-based web server that would run the Flask app (through a docker container for example) on-demand, and give them access to it quickly, without having to do much if anything on their own machine.
Every user wanting to view the data would have their own web server created on demand (to avoid multiple users sharing the same web server, which wouldn't work with my Flask app)
Critically, and in order to avoid cost, the web server would terminate itself automatically after some (configurable) idle time (possibly with the Flask app informing the user that it's about to shut down, so that they can "renew" the lease).
Initially I thought that maybe AWS Fargate would be good: it can run docker instances, is quite configurable in terms of CPU/disk it can get (my Flask app is resource-hungry), and at least on paper could be used in a way that there is zero cost when users are not consulting the data (bar S3 costs naturally). But it's when it comes to the detail that I'm not sure...
How to ensure that every new user gets their own Fargate instance?
How to shut-down the instance automatically after idle time?
Is Fargate quick enough in terms of boot time?
The closest I can think is AWS App Runner. It's built on top of Fargate and it provides an intelligent scale out mechanism (probably you are not interested in this) as well as a scale to (almost) 0 capability. The way it works is that when the endpoint is solicited and it's doing work you pay for the entire fargate task (cpu/memory) you have selected in the configuration. If the endpoint is doing nothing you only pay for the memory (note the memory cost is roughly 20% of the entire cost so it's not scale to 0 but "quasi"). Checkout the pricing examples at the bottom of this page.
Please note you can further optimize costs by pausing/starting the endpoint (when it's paused you pay nothing) but in that case you need to create the logic that pauses/restarts it.
Another option you may want to explore is using Lambda this way (which would allow you to use the same container image and benefit from the intrinsic scale to 0 of Lambda). But given your comment "Lambda doesn’t have enough power, and the timeout is not flexible" may be a show stopper.

How to preserve "counter" variable across multiple server instances?

We're setting up the back-end architecture for our mobile application to connect to, but we need some help. Our application is built to mimic "take a number" tickets you would see at a deli or pharmacy. Users will use our mobile application to send a request to our node controller and our node controller will respond with a spot number.
We currently have our node controller set up on Amazon Elastic Beanstalk and have enabled load balancing to handle any surges in requests. Our question is: how do we persist our spotNumber across multiple instances of our node controller? We have it built now as a local variable that starts at 1 and increments with each request, but will this persist if AWS spins up a new instance of our node controller to handle increased traffic? If not, what would be the best practice for preserving our spotNumber across all potential instances of our server?
Thank you in advance!
Use a database.
Clearly you can't store the value within the node application, not only due to scaling but to prevent data loss if the application shuts down unexpectedly.
It sounds like you don't already have a database, so DynamoDB might be a good choice, as long as your only use case is to share a counter between applications. You can find an example here.
You could also use Redis on Elasticache, but I think that it's overkill for a single counter.
Keeping accurate counters at different scales may require different implementations. At small scale, a simple session variable and locking logic in the application would be enough. However, at a larger scale session synchronization and locking is better managed with a database. In particular for your case, DynamoDB conditional writes or Redis counters seems useful. However, keep your requirements simple and clear, managing counters at scale may require algorithms and data structures with funny names, like the HyperLogLog.

Replicated caching solutions compatible with AWS

My use case is as follow:
We have about 500 servers running in an autoscaling EC2 cluster that need to access the same configuration data (layed out in a key/value fashion) several million times per second.
The configuration data isn't very large (1 or 2 GBs) and doesn't change much (a few dozen updates/deletes/inserts per minute during peak time).
Latency is critical for us, so the data needs to be replicated and kept in memory on every single instance running our application.
Eventual consistency is fine. However we need to make sure that every update will be propagated at some point. (knowing that the servers can be shutdown at any time)
The update propagation across the servers should be reliable and easy to setup (we can't have static IPs for our servers, or we don't wanna go the route of "faking" multicast on AWS etc...)
Here are the solutions we've explored in the past:
Using regular java maps and use our custom built system to propagate updates across the cluster. (obviously, it doesn't scale that well)
Using EhCache and its replication feature. But setting it up on EC2 is very painful and somehow unreliable.
Here are the solutions we're thinking of trying out:
Apache Ignite ( with a REPLICATED strategy.
Hazelcast's Replicated Map feature. (
Apache Geode on every application node. (
I would like to know if each of those solutions would work for our use case. And eventually, what issues I'm likely to face with each of them.
Here is what I found so far:
Hazelcast's Replicated Map is somehow recent and still a bit unreliable (async updates can be lost in case of scaling down)
It seems like Geode became "stable" fairly recently (even though it's supposedly in development since the early 2000s)
Ignite looks like it could be a good fit, but I'm not too sure how their S3 discovery based system will work out if we keep adding / removing node regularly.
Geode should work for your use case. You should be able to use a Geode Replicated region on each node. You can choose to do synchronous OR asynchronous replication. In case of failures, the replicated region gets an initial copy of the data from an existing member in the system, while making sure that no in-flight operations are lost.
In terms of configuration, you will have to start a couple/few member discovery processes (Geode locators) and point each member to these locators. (We recommend that you start one locator/AZ and use 3 AZs to protect against network partitioning).
Geode/GemFire has been stable for a while; powering low latency high scalability requirements for reservation systems at Indian and Chinese railways among other users for a very long time.
Disclosure: I am a committer on Geode.
Ignite provides native AWS integration for discovery over S3 storage: It solves main issue - you don't need to change configuration when instances are restarted. In a nutshell, any nodes that successfully joins topology writes its coordinates to a bucket (and removes them when fails or leaves). When you start a new node, it reads this bucket and connects to one the listed addresses.
Hazelcast's Replicated Map will not work for your use-case. Note that it is a map that is replicated across all it's nodes not on the client nodes/servers. Also, as you said, it is not fully reliable yet.
Here is the Hazelcast solution:
Create a Hazelcast cluster with a set of nodes depending upon the size of data.
Create a Distributed map(IMap) and tweak the count & eviction configurations based on size/number of key/value pairs. The data gets partitioned across all the nodes.
Setup Backup count based on how critical the data is and how much time it takes to pull the data from the actual source(DB/Files). Distributed maps have 1 backup by default.
In the client side, setup a NearCache and attach it to the Distributed map. This NearCache will hold the Key/Value pair in the local/client side itself. So the get operations would end up in milliseconds.
Things to consider with NearCache solution:
The first get operation would be slower as it has to go through network to get the data from cluster.
Cache invalidation is not fully reliable as there will be a delay in synchronization with the cluster and may end reading stale data. Again, this is same case across all the cache solutions.
It is client's responsibility to setup timeout and invalidation of Nearcache entries. So that the future pulls would get fresh data from cluster. This depends on how often the data gets refreshed or value is replaced for a key.

AWS celery and database

I am writing a webapp thats runs on AWS. My app requires users to upload their pdf files. I will convert them into Images using the "convert" utility in linux.
Here is my setup on Ubuntu 12.04:
Django Celery
I am using apache as my webserver.
The work flow is as follows:
Three are three asynchronous tasks and two queues for handling all the processing and S3 for storing input and Output files.
A user uploads a pdf then:
accept_file_task is called: This task takes the user uploaded pdf and stores it in my S3 storage and then inserts a message into the input_queue(SQS)
check_queue_and_launch_instance_task: A periodic task that keeps monitoring the number of messages in the input_queue and launches instances whenever the queue has more messages than the no of Ec2 instances
The instances have a bootstrap script which is a while True: loop. Any of the instances can pick the message from the input_queue and do a Subprocess.Popen("convert "+input+ouput) and write the processed stated to output_queue and also upload the image generated into S3 output bucket and make it available as a download link
output_process_task: another periodic task that keeps polling the output_queue and whenever a message is available it will update the status in the table mentioned below.
I am using a model called Document to store all the status information. I also have users registering and hence a table to store all user information. Also Celery created a lot of tables to store all its task information. Right now I am using a single instance and the sqlite3 database (that comes with python) on that instance.
I am unsure about the following things
How do I scale up the database? Should I go for a RDS or a simpleDB or AmazonDB. If not celery, I could have easily used simpleDB. I am really stuck on this one
How do I get rid of the two periodic tasks check_queue_and_launch_instance_task and output_process_task. My idea is that Autoscaling must be used in some way so that if need at a later stage an Elastic Load Balancer can be used.
If any of you have designed something similar please help me on how to go about it
How do I scale up the database? Should I go for a RDS or a simpleDB or AmazonDB. If not celery, I could have easily used simpleDB. I am really stuck on this one
Keep in mind that premature optimization is the root of all evil. The question of RDS (which is really just MySQL, Oracle, or MS SQL) vs. SimpleDB is more of an application design decision than one based on scalability. SimpleDB is just a simple key-value store. RDS, on the other hand, will give you full ACID functionality. If your data is relational, then you should be using a relational database. If you just need a place to store simple strings or integers, then something like SimpleDB would make more sense.
Right now I am using a single instance and the sqlite3 database (that comes with python) on that instance.
Make sure that you understand the consequences of a) creating a single point-of-failure in your design and b) SQLite's limitations compared to using a standalone RDBMS in this application. (You can use it, but it's really intended for single-user applications).
How do I get rid of the two periodic tasks check_queue_and_launch_instance_task and output_process_task. My idea is that Autoscaling must be used in some way so that if need at a later stage an Elastic Load Balancer can be used.
If you're willing to replace Celery with SQS, you can tie together SQS + SNS + Cloudwatch to simplify this portion of your app. Though what you're doing doesn't sound like a bad choice, especially if it's working well already. Your time is probably better spent working on the problems in front of you rather than those that might occur down the road.

How to convert a WAMP stacked app running on a VPS to a scalable AWS app?

I have a web app running on php, mysql, apache on a virtual windows server. I want to redesign it so it is scalable (for fun so I can learn new things) on AWS.
I can see how to setup an EC2 and dump it all in there but I want to make it scalable and take advantage of all the cool features on AWS.
I've tried googling but just can't find a simple guide (note - I have no command line experience of Linux)
Can anyone direct me to detailed resources that can lead me through the steps and teach me? Or alternatively, summarise the steps in an answer so I can research based on what you say.
AWS is growing and changing all the time, so there aren't a lot of books to help. Amazon offers training that's excellent. I took their three day class on Architecting with AWS that seems to be just what you're looking for.
Of course, not everyone can afford to spend the travel time and money to attend a class. The AWS re:Invent conference in November 2012 had a lot of sessions related to what you want, and most (maybe all) of the sessions have videos available online for free. Building Web Scale Applications With AWS is probably relevant (slides and video available), as is Dissecting an Internet-Scale Application (slides and video available).
A great way to understand these options better is by fiddling with your existing application on AWS. It will be easy to just move it to an EC2 instance in AWS, then start taking more advantage of what's available. The first thing I'd do is get rid of the MySql server on your own machine and use one offered with RDS. Once that's stable, create one or more read replicas in RDS, and change your application to read from them for most operations, reading from the main (writable) database only when you need completely current results.
Does your application keep any data on the web server, other than in the database? If so, get rid of all local storage by moving that data off the EC2 instance. Some of it might go to the database, some (like big files) might be suitable for S3. DynamoDB is a good place for things like session data.
All of the above reduces the load on the web server to just your application code, which helps with scalability. And now that you keep no state on the web server, you can use ELB and Auto-scaling to automatically run multiple web servers (and even automatically launch more as needed) to handle greater load.
Does the application have any long running, intensive operations that you now perform on demand from a web request? Consider not performing the operation when asked, but instead queueing the request using SQS, and just telling the user you'll get to it. Now have long running processes (or cron jobs or scheduled tasks) check the queue regularly, run the requested operation, and email the result (using SES) back to the user. To really scale up, you can move those jobs off your web server to dedicated machines, and again use auto-scaling if needed.
Do you need bigger machines, or perhaps can live with smaller ones? CloudWatch metrics can show you how much IO, memory, and CPU are used over time. You can use provisioned IOPS with EC2 or RDS instances to improve performance (at a cost) as needed, and use difference size instances for more memory or CPU.
All this AWS setup and configuration can be done with the AWS web console, or command-line tools, or SDKs available in many languages (Python's boto library is great). After learning the basics, look into CloudFormation to automate it better (I've written a couple of posts about that so far).
That's a bit of the 10,000 foot high view of one approach. You'll need to discover the details of each AWS service when you try to use them. AWS has good documentation about all of them.
Depending on how you look at it, this is more of a comment than it is an answer, but it was too long to write as a comment.
What you're asking for really can't be answered on SO--it's a huge, complex question. You're basically asking is "How to I design a highly-scalable, durable application that can be deployed on a cloud-based platform?" The answer depends largely on:
The specifics of your application--what does it do and how does it work?
Your tolerance for downtime balanced against your budget
Your present development and deployment workflow
The resources/skill sets you have on-staff to support the application
What your launch time frame looks like.
I run a software consulting company that specializes in consulting on Amazon Web Services architecture. About 80% of our business is investigating and answering these questions for our clients. It's a multi-week long project each time.
However, to get you pointed in the right direction, I'd recommend that you look at Elastic Beanstalk. It's a PaaS-like service that abstracts away the underlying AWS resources, making AWS easier to use for developers who don't have a lot of sysadmin experience. Think of it as "training wheels" for designing an autoscaling application on AWS.