I have implemented cubemap shadow mapping successfully with just one point light.
To render this scene I use in the first render pass geometry shaders to dispatch the 6 frustrums. In the second render pass I use samplerCubeShadow in the fragment shader to computer the shadow factor.
I have OpenGL/GLSL version 4.40 with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M.
Here's a screenshot:
But now I want to implement multiple cubemap shadow mapping to render shadows using several point lights.
Here's some peace of code from my fragment shader:
** Shadow Cube sampler array.
uniform samplerCubeShadow ShadowCubeSampler[5]; //Max point light by scene = 5
float ConvertDistToClipSpace(vec3 lightDir_ws)
vec3 AbsVec = abs(lightDir_ws);
float LocalZcomp = max(AbsVec.x, max(AbsVec.y, AbsVec.z));
float NormZComp = (NearFar.y + NearFar.x)/(NearFar.y - NearFar.x)
- (2.0f * NearFar.y * NearFar.x)/(LocalZcomp * NearFar.y - NearFar.x);
return ((NormZComp + 1) * 0.5f);
float GetCubeShadowFactor(vec3 vertexPosition_ws, float shadowFactor, int idx)
vec3 lightToVertexDir_ws = vertexPosition_ws - LightPos_ws.xyz;
float LightToVertexClipDist = ConvertDistToClipSpace(lightToVertexDir_ws);
float LightToOccluderClipDist = texture(
ShadowCubeSampler[idx], vec4(lightToVertexDir_ws, LightToVertexClipDist));
if (LightToOccluderClipDist < LightToVertexClipDist)
shadowFactor = 0.0f;
return (shadowFactor);
void main(void)
for (int idx = 0; idx < 1; idx++) //Test first with 1 point light
float ShadowFactor = GetCubeShadowFactor(Position_ws.xyz, ShadowFactor, idx);
The problem is I have the error 1282 (INVALID_OPERATION). To resume the situation here, I want to display exactly the same scene like in the picture above with a SINGLE point light but this time using an array of samplerCubeShadow. What is amazing is if I replace the first parameter of the function 'texture' 'ShadowCubeSampler[idx]' by 'ShadowCubeSampler[0]' is works! However the value of 'idx' is always '0'. I tried the following code without success:
int toto = 0;
float LightToOccluderClipDist = texture(ShadowCubeSampler[toto], vec4(lightToVertexDir_ws, LightToVertexClipDist));
I already have the error 1282! The type of the index is the same (int)!
I have already use arrays of 'sampler2DShadow' or 'sampler2D' without problem.
So, Why it does not work correctly using 'samplerCubeShadow' and the solution 'ShadowCubeSampler[0]' works and not the others ?
PS: If I define an array of 2 and if I use 2 cubemaps so 2 point lights, it works. So, if I load a number of cubemaps inferior to the number specified in the fragment shader it fails!
I have no compilation error and no linkage error. Here's the code I use to check shader programs state:
void video::IEffectBase::Log(void) const
GLint errorLink = 0;
glGetProgramiv(this->m_Handle, GL_LINK_STATUS, &errorLink);
if (errorLink != GL_TRUE)
GLint sizeError = 0;
glGetProgramiv(this->m_Handle, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &sizeError);
char *erreur = new char[sizeError + 1];
glGetShaderInfoLog(this->m_Handle, sizeError, &sizeError, erreur);
erreur[sizeError] = '\0';
std::cerr << erreur << std::endl;
delete[] erreur;
And about the texture unit limits:
std::cout << GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS << std::endl;
std::cout << GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS << std::endl;
$> 35660
$> 34930
If I use 'ShadowCubeSampler[0]', '0' written directly in the code I have the same display like the picture a the beginning of the my post without error. If I use 'ShadowCubeSampler[idx]' with idx = 0 I have the following display:
As you can see, all the geometry sharing this shader has not been rendered. However I don't have any linkage error. How can you explain that ? Is it possible the system unlink the shader program?
Let's suppose my array of samplerCubeShadow can contain 2 maximum samplers (uniform samplerCubeShadow tex_shadow2).
I noticed if I load just one point light, so one cubemap:
uniform samplerCubeShadow tex_shadow[1]; //MAX POINT LIGHT = 1
for (int i=0; i < 1; i++) {tex_shadow[i];} //OK
for (int i=0; i < 1; i++) {texture(tex_shadow[i], ...);} //OK
for (int i=0; i < 1; i++) {texture(tex_shadow[0], ...);} //OK
uniform samplerCubeShadow tex_shadow[2]; //MAX POINT LIGHT = 2
for (int i=0; i < 1; i++) {tex_shadow[i];} //NOT OK - 1282
for (int i=0; i < 1; i++) {texture(tex_shadow[i], ...);} //NOT OK - 1282
for (int i=0; i < 1; i++) {texture(tex_shadow[0], ...);} //OK
uniform samplerCubeShadow tex_shadow[2]; //MAX POINT LIGHT = 2
for (int i=0; i < 2; i++) {tex_shadow[i];} //OK
for (int i=0; i < 2; i++) {texture(tex_shadow[i], ...);} //OK
for (int i=0; i < 2; i++) {texture(tex_shadow[0], ...);} //OK
Conclusion: if the max number of sampler is equal to the number of sampler loaded, I can loop over the samplers contained in my array. If the number is inferior, it does not work! I can use a maximum of 32 texture units for each use of shader program. I have the same problem using the samplerCube keyword.
It's very strange because I don't have any problem using sampler2D or sampler2DShadow for spot light shadow computation.
I check with NSight where I put a break point in the fragment shader file and of course the break point is neaver reached. It's like the shader program is not linked but it's not the case.
Do you think it could be a problem concerning cubeMap samplers in general or the problem comes from the cubemap initialization ?
Does anyone can help me?
i have never use an array inside of glsl and infortuntly i dont have the equipments now to do so,
but have you tried using an unsigned int uint in glsl.
float GetCubeShadowFactor(vec3 vertexPosition_ws, float shadowFactor, uint idx) {
also note that you cannot use infinite samplers in you shaders.
OpenGL has, depending on the targeted version, special restrictions on arrays of opaque types (textures are one of them). Before OpenGL 4 looping over such arrays is not possible. You can check the details here: OpenGL Wiki - Data Types
I want to iterate through an array of sampler2DShadow for a shadow map computation (multiple lights), and it looks like the sampler can be accessed only for a constant index. I only show the relevant code for clarity:
smooth in vec4 fShadowTexCoord[5];
uniform sampler2DShadow shadowMapTexSampler[5];
void main() {
for (uint i = 0u; i < 5u; i++) { // light 'i'
float shadowCoeff = 0.0f;
// this line does not work properly
vec2 scale = 2.0f / textureSize(shadowMapTexSampler[i], 0);
float bias = 0.006f;
for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++)
shadowCoeff += texture(shadowMapTexSampler[i], vec3(fShadowTexCoord[i].xy + vec2(j, k) * scale, fShadowTexCoord[i].z - bias));
shadowCoeff /= 9.0f;
// ...........
The function 'texture' works as expected, but 'textureSize' function behaves like no texture is bound.
If I replace 'i' with a constant, it works fine, but I didn't found how to cast an 'uint' to a 'const uint' in GLSL.
sorry for the necro post, but this seems to be a limitation of GLSL prior to 4.60 or so?
I do something ugly like this:
#define PCF_LOOP(idx) \
else if (faceIdx == idx) \
{ \
for (int i=0; i<PCF_SAMPLES; i++) \
{ \
} \
if (false);
it's ugly and (probably) slow, but works even on ancient hw
I want to send const int variable from CPU side to shader so I could initialize the array in the shader conveniently.
But if sending with usual glUniform1ui(programm, N) shader compiler says that N must be const.
#version 450 core
uniform const int N;
int myArray[N];
void main() {
Is this possible ? If yes what are the workarounds ?
I know that this is not related to the definition of uniform variables which clarifies that uniforms are immutable per shaders executing
A constant is as the name says constant and cannot be changed from outside via one of the glUniform methods and is NOT a uniform.
If you want to change the constant value, you've to recompile the hole shader and changing the shaders text before.
Sample ( Pseudocode )
GLchar** shaderSources = new GLChar*[3];
shaderSources[0] = "#version 450 core\n";
shaderSources[1] = "#define ARRAY_LENGTH 5\n";
shaderSources[2] = myShaderCode;
glShaderSource(shader, 2, shaderSources, LENGTH_OF_EACH(shaderSources, 2));
int myArray[ARRAY_LENGTH];
void main()
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH; i++) myArray[i] ....;
A different approach is using textures ( or SSBO ) instead of arrays and get values of the texture without interpolation between the values.
I have implemented normal mapping shader in my OpenGL/GLSL application. To compute the bump and shadow factor in the fragment shader I need to send from the vertex shader some data like the light direction in tangent space and the vertex position in light space for each light of my scene. So to do job I need the declare 2 output variables like below (vertex shader):
out vec4 ShadowCoords[MAX_LIGHT_COUNT]; //Vertex position in light space
out vec3 lightDir_TS[MAX_LIGHT_COUNT]; //light direction in tangent space
uniform int LightCount;
for (int idx = 0; idx < LightCount; idx++)
lightDir_TS[idx] = TBN * lightDir_CS;
ShadowCoords[idx] = ShadowInfos[idx].ShadowMatrix * VertexPosition;
And in the fragment shader I recover these variables thanks to the followings input declarations:
in vec3 lightDir_TS[MAX_LIGHT_COUNT];
in vec4 ShadowCoords[MAX_LIGHT_COUNT];
The rest of the code is not important to explain my problem.
So now here's the result in image:
As you can see until here all is ok!
But now, for a sake of simplicity I want to use a single output declaration rather than 2! So the logical choice is to use an input/output data block like below:
out LightData_VS
vec3 lightDir_TS;
vec4 ShadowCoords;
uniform int LightCount;
for (int idx = 0; idx < LightCount; idx++)
LightData_OUT[idx].lightDir_TS = TBN * lightDir_CS;
LightData_OUT[idx].ShadowCoords = ShadowInfos[idx].ShadowMatrix * VertexPosition;
And in the fragment shader the input data block:
in LightData_VS
vec3 lightDir_TS;
vec4 ShadowCoords;
But this time when I execute my program I have the following display:
As you can see the specular light is not the same than in the first case above!
However I noticed if I replace the line:
for (int idx = 0; idx < LightCount; idx++) //Use 'LightCount' uniform variable
by the following one:
for (int idx = 0; idx < 1; idx++) //'1' value hard coded
int count = 1;
for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
the shading result is correct!
The problem seems to come from the fact I use uniform variable in the 'for' condition. However this works when I used seperates output variables like in the first case!
I checked: the uniform variable 'LightCount' is correct and equal to '1'; (I tried unsigned int data type without success and it's the same thing using a 'while' loop)
How can you explain a such result?
I use:
OpenGL: 4.4.0 NVIDIA driver 344.75
GLSL: 4.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
I already used input/output data block without problem but it was not arrays but just simple blocks like below:
[in/out] VertexData_VS
vec3 viewDir_TS;
vec4 Position_CS;
vec3 Normal_CS;
vec2 TexCoords;
} VertexData_[IN/OUT];
Do you think it's not possible to use input/output data blocks as arrays in a loop using a uniform variable in the for conditions ?
I tried using 2 vec4 (for a sake of data alignment like for uniform block (for this case data need to be aligned on a vec4)) into the data structure like below:
[in/out] LightData_VS
vec4 lightDir_TS; //vec4((TBN * lightDir_CS), 0.0f);
vec4 ShadowCoords;
without success...
Here's the code concerning shader compilation log:
core::FileSystem file(filename);
std::ifstream ifs(file.GetFullName());
if (ifs)
GLint compilationError = 0;
std::string fileContent, line;
char const *sourceCode;
while (std::getline(ifs, line, '\n'))
fileContent.append(line + '\n');
sourceCode = fileContent.c_str();
this->m_Handle = glCreateShader(this->m_Type);
glShaderSource(this->m_Handle, 1, &sourceCode, 0);
glGetShaderiv(this->m_Handle, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compilationError);
if (compilationError != GL_TRUE)
GLint errorSize = 0;
glGetShaderiv(this->m_Handle, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &errorSize);
char *errorStr = new char[errorSize + 1];
glGetShaderInfoLog(this->m_Handle, errorSize, &errorSize, errorStr);
errorStr[errorSize] = '\0';
std::cout << errorStr << std::endl;
delete[] errorStr;
And the code concerning the program log:
GLint errorLink = 0;
glGetProgramiv(this->m_Handle, GL_LINK_STATUS, &errorLink);
if (errorLink != GL_TRUE)
GLint sizeError = 0;
glGetProgramiv(this->m_Handle, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &sizeError);
char *error = new char[sizeError + 1];
glGetShaderInfoLog(this->m_Handle, sizeError, &sizeError, error);
error[sizeError] = '\0';
std::cerr << error << std::endl;
delete[] error;
Unfortunatly, I don't have any error log!
I'm currently writing an OpenGL 3.1 (with GLSL version 330) application on linux, (NVIDIA 360M card, with the 313.0 nv driver) that has about 15k lines. My problem is that in one of my vertex shaders, I can experience drastical perforamce drops by making minimal changes in the code that should actually be no-op.
For example:
// With this solution my program runs with 3-5 fps
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
vout.shadowCoord[i] = uShadowCP[i] * w_pos;
// But with this it runs with 30+ fps
vout.shadowCoord[0] = uShadowCP[0] * w_pos;
vout.shadowCoord[1] = uShadowCP[1] * w_pos;
vout.shadowCoord[2] = uShadowCP[2] * w_pos;
vout.shadowCoord[3] = uShadowCP[3] * w_pos;
// This works with 30+ fps too
vec4 shadowCoords[4];
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
shadowCoords[i] = uShadowCP[i] * w_pos;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
vout.shadowCoord[i] = shadowCoords[i];
Or consider this:
uniform int uNumUsedShadowMaps = 4; // edit: I called this "random_uniform" in the original question
// 8 fps
for(int i = 0; i < min(uNumUsedShadowMaps, 4); ++i) {
vout.shadowCoord[i] = vec4(1.0);
// 30+ fps
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if(i < uNumUsedShadowMaps) {
vout.shadowCoord[i] = vec4(1.0);
} else {
vout.shadowCoord[i] = vec4(0.0);
See the entire shader code here, where this problem appeared:
Like any idea would be appreciated, about what can cause these.
I finally managed to find what was the source of the problem, and also found a solution to it.
But before jumping in right for the solution, please let me paste the most minimal shader code, which with, I could reproduce this 'bug'.
Vertex Shader:
#version 330
vec3 CountPosition(); // Irrelevant how it is implemented.
uniform mat4 uProjectionMatrix, uCameraMatrix;
out VertexData {
vec3 c_pos, w_pos;
vec4 shadowCoord[4];
} vout;
void main() {
vout.w_pos = CountPosition();
vout.c_pos = (uCameraMatrix * vec4(vout.w_pos, 1.0)).xyz;
vec4 w_pos = vec4(vout.w_pos, 1.0);
// 20 fps
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
vout.shadowCoord[i] = uShadowCP[i] * w_pos;
// 50 fps
vout.shadowCoord[0] = uShadowCP[0] * w_pos;
vout.shadowCoord[1] = uShadowCP[1] * w_pos;
vout.shadowCoord[2] = uShadowCP[2] * w_pos;
vout.shadowCoord[3] = uShadowCP[3] * w_pos;
gl_Position = uProjectionMatrix * vec4(vout.c_pos, 1.0);
Fragment Shader:
#version 330
in VertexData {
vec3 c_pos, w_pos;
vec4 shadowCoord[4];
} vin;
out vec4 frag_color;
void main() {
frag_color = vec4(1.0);
And funny thing is that with only a minimal modification of the vertex shader is needed to make both solutions work with 50 fps. The main function should be modified to be like this:
void main() {
vec4 w_pos = vec4(CountPosition(), 1.0);
vec4 c_pos = uCameraMatrix * w_pos;
vout.w_pos = vec3(w_pos);
vout.c_pos = vec3(c_pos);
// 50 fps
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
vout.shadowCoord[i] = uShadowCP[i] * w_pos;
// 50 fps
vout.shadowCoord[0] = uShadowCP[0] * w_pos;
vout.shadowCoord[1] = uShadowCP[1] * w_pos;
vout.shadowCoord[2] = uShadowCP[2] * w_pos;
vout.shadowCoord[3] = uShadowCP[3] * w_pos;
gl_Position = uProjectionMatrix * c_pos;
What's the difference is that the upper code reads from the shaders out varyings, while the bottom one saves those values in temporary variables, and only writes to the out varyings.
The conclusion:
Reading a shader's out varying is often seen to be used as an optimisation to get off with one less temporary variable, or at least I have seen it at many places on the internet. Despite of the previous fact, reading an out varying might actually be an invalid OpenGL operation, and might get the GL into an undefined state, in which random changes in the code can trigger bad things.
The best thing about this, is that the GLSL 330 specification doesn't say anything about reading from an out varying, that was previously written into. Probably because it's not something I should be doing.
Also note that the second example in the original code might look totally different, but it works exactly same in this small code snippet, if the out varyings are read, it gets quite slow with the i < min(uNumUsedShadowMaps, 4) as condition in the for loop, however if the out varyings are only written, it doesn't make any change in the performace, and the i < min(uNumUsedShadowMaps, 4) one works with 50 fps too.
I tried to implement something in glsl to do texture splatting, but the for loop is acting weird and gives different results for code that does exactly the same.
Code 1:
for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
if(i == 1) {
float fade = texture2D(alphaTextures[i], texCoord.st).r;
vec4 texCol = texture2D(textures[i], texCoord.ba);
texColor = mix(texColor, texCol, fade);
Code 2:
for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
if(i == 1) {
float fade = texture2D(alphaTextures[i], texCoord.st).r;
vec4 texCol = texture2D(textures[i], texCoord.ba);
texColor = mix(texColor, texCol, fade);
The if statement is just for testing purposes so that it should give the same result. The only difference is the loop condition. I really have no idea why only Code 1 gives the correct result. Here are two pictures:
The result should be like in picture 1.
According to this answer, you can't iterate over a sampler array. The index alphaTextures[i] is invalid, you can only use alphaTextures[1].
This changes in GLSL 4.00+ (OpenGL 4.0+), where you can have a variable index, but it cannot be from a shader input/derived value.
One reason could be that Graphic processors don't like branched texture fetches.
Try this instead:
for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
float fade = texture2D(alphaTextures[i], texCoord.st).r;
vec4 texCol = texture2D(textures[i], texCoord.ba);
if(i == 1) {
texColor = mix(texColor, texCol, fade);
(disclaimer) i am only guessing and this error is really weird.