Dynamic Programming solution for a Recursion solution - c++

Given an input n , find the sum of all the possible combinations of numbers 1 ... n.
For example, if n=3 , then all the possible combinations are
and their sum is
1 + 2 + 3 + (1+2) + (1+3) + (2+3) + (1+2+3) =24
I am able to solve this problem using recursion. How can I solve this problem using Dynamic Programming ?
using namespace std;
int sum=0,n;
int f(int pos,int s)
return 0;
for(int i=pos+1;i<=n;++i)
int main()
Though this problem can be solved in constant time using this series.
But I want to know how this can be done using Dynamic Programming as I am very weak at it.

You do not need to use dynamic programming; you can use simple arithmetic if you want.
The number of cases is 2 ^ n, since each number is either on or off for a given sum.
Each number from 1 to n is used in exactly half of the sums, so each number comes 2 ^ (n-1) times.
1 + 2 + ... + n = (n - 1) * n / 2.
So the sum is (n - 1) * n / 2 * 2 ^ (n-1).
For n = 3, it is (4*3/2) * 4 = 24.
EDIT: if you really want to use dynamic programming, here's one way.
Dynamic programming makes use of saving the results of sub-problems to make the super problem faster to solve. In this question, the sub-problem would be the sum of all combinations from 1 ... n-1.
So create a mapping from n -> (number of combinations, sum of combinations).
Initialize with 1 -> (2,1). Because there are two combinations {0,1} and the sum is 1. Including 0 just makes the math a bit easier.
Then your iteration step is to use the mapping.
Let's say (n-1) -> (k,s), meaning there are k sets that sum to s for 1 ... n-1.
Then the number of sets for n is k * 2 (each combination either has n or does not).
And the sum of all combinations is s + (s + k * n), since you have the previous sum (where n is missing) plus the sum of all the combinations with n (which should be k * n more than s because there are k new combinations with n in each).
So add n -> (2*k,2*s + k*n).
And your final answer is the s in n -> (k,s).

let dp[n] be the result, Therefore:
dp[1] = 1
dp[n] = 2 * dp[n-1] + 2^(n-1) * n
First, it is obvious that dp[1] = 1
Second, dp[n] is the sum which contains n and sum which didn't contains n
E.G: dp[3] = {(1) (2) (1,2)} + {(3), (1,3), (2,3), (1,2,3)}
We can find dp[n-1] appear twice and the number of n appear 2^(n-1) times
I think maybe it is what you want.


from number of possible pairs get the size of the original array

I have this function
public int numberOfPossiblePairs(int n)
int k=2;
if (k>n-k) { k=n-k;}
int b=1;
for (int i=1, m=n; i<=k; i++, m--)
return b;
Which gets the number of pairs you can make from given number of items, so for example, if you have an array of 1000 items, you can make 499,500 pairs. But what I actually need is the opposite. In other words a function that would take 499500 as the parameter, and return 1000 as the original number of unique items that could produce that many pairs. (Would be a bonus if it could also handle imperfect numbers, like 499501, of which there is no number of unique items that makes exactly that many unique pairs, but it would still return 1000 as the closest since it produces 499500 pairs.)
I realize I could just incrementally loop numberOfPossiblePairs() until I see the number I am looking for, but seems like there should be an algorithmic way of doing this rather than brute forcing it like that.
Your problem boils down to a little algebra and can be solved in O(1) time. We first note that your function does not give the number of permutations of pairs, but rather the number of combinations of pairs. At any rate the logic that follows can be easily altered to accommodate permutations.
We start off by writing the formula for number of combinations choose k.
Setting n = 1000 and r = 2 gives:
1000! / (2!(998)!) = 1000 * 999 / 2 = 499500
Just as numberOfPossiblePairs(1000) does.
Moving on in our exercise, for our example we have r = 2, thus:
total = n! / ((n - 2)! * 2!)
We now simplify:
total = (n * (n - 1)) / 2
total * 2 = n^2 - n
n^2 - n - 2 * total = 0
Now we can apply the quadratic formula to solve for n.
Here we have x = n, a = 1, b = -1, and c = -2 * total which give:
n = (-(-1) +/- sqrt(1^2 - 4 * 1 * (-2 * total))) / 2
Since we are only interested in positive numbers we exclude the negative solution. In code we have something like (Note, it looks like the OP is using Java and I am not an expert here... the following is C++):
int originalNumber(int total) {
int result;
result = (1 + std::sqrt(1 - 4 * 1 * (-2 * total))) / 2;
return result;
As for the bonus question of returning the closest value if the result isn't a whole number, we could simply round the result before coercing to an integer:
int originalNumber(int total) {
int result;
double temp;
temp = (1 + std::sqrt(1 - 4 * 1 * (-2 * total))) / 2;
result = (int) std::round(temp);
return result;
Now when values like 500050 are passed, the actual result is 1000.55, and the above would return 1001, whereas the first solution would return 1000.

Fibonacci sequence faster, but with different starting numbers (F[n]=F[n-1]+F[n-2])

(beginner here)
I want to know how to find n-th number of the sequence F[n]=F[n-1]+F[n-2].
F[0] = a;
F[1] = b;
a,b < 101
N < 1000000001
M < 8; M=10^M;
a and b are starting sequence numbers.
n is the n-th number of the sequence i need to find.
M is modulo, the number gets very large quickly so F[n]=F[n]%10^M, we find the remainder, because only last digits of the n-th number are needed
The recursive approach is too slow:
int fib(int n)
if (n <= 1)
return n;
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
The dynamic programming solution which takes O(n) time is also too slow:
f[i] = f[i-1] + f[i-2];
While there are solutions on how to find n-th number faster if first numbers of the sequence are 0 and 1 (n-th number can be found in O(log n)) by using this formula:
If n is even then k = n/2:
F(n) = [2*F(k-1) + F(k)]*F(k)
If n is odd then k = (n + 1)/2
F(n) = F(k)*F(k) + F(k-1)*F(k-1)
(link to formula and code implementation with it: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/program-for-nth-fibonacci-number/)
But this formula does not work if starting numbers are something like 25 and 60. And the recursive approach is too slow.
So I want to know how can I find the n-th number of a sequence faster than O(n). Partial code would be helpful.
Thank you.
This matrix:
A = / 1 1 \
\ 1 0 /
When multiplied by the column vector (fn+1, fn), where fn is the nth number in a Fibonacci sequence, will give you the column vector (fn+2, fn+1), i.e. it will advance you by one step. This works no matter what the initial elements of the sequence were.
For example:
/ 1 1 \ / 8 \ = / 13 \
\ 1 0 / \ 5 / \ 8 /
So the nth fibonacci number is the first element of An-1v, where v is a column vector containing f1 and f0, the first two numbers in your sequence.
Therefore, if you can quickly calculate An-1 modulo some number, this will give you fn. This can be done using Exponentiation by squaring, which works in O(logn). Just make sure to perform the modulo after every multiplication and addition to prevent the numbers from getting too big.

Recursive solution for Permutations

Hey I have a problem where I need to create two functions, countWithPerms() and ignorePerms() These two functions must be a recursive solution. countWithPerms() will count the number of actual permutations while ignorePerms() will only count the number of duplicate permutations.
So an example would be find the permutation for the number 3. So if I pass 3 into the function countWithPerms() would find that 3 = (2 + 1) = (1 + 2) = (1 + 1 + 1), so countWithPerms(3) is 3, because it counted 3 ways to sum up 3. While countIgnorePerms(3) is 2 because (1 + 2) and (2 + 1), would both not be counted in countWithPerms since they are the just written in the opposite order.
A large example would be countWithPerms(7) is 63, while countIgnorePerms(7) is 14.
I have countwithPerms done, but I am completely stuck on countIgnorePerms.
int countWithPerms( int n)
if(n == 1)
return 0;
return (countWithPerms(n) + 1) +
int ignorePerms(int sum, int xmin){
if(sum == 1)
return 0;
for(int i=0; i<sum;i++){
sum += sum-xmin;
return sum;
The idea of counting without considering permutations is to consider only ordered solutions.
To do this pass in addition to n also what is the minimum value xmin that an addendum must have. For example
3 = 1 + 2
would be ok (because 2 >= 1), but
3 = 2 + 1
wouldn't be acceptable (because 1 < 2).
So the idea is to write a function that answers "how many sums with non-decreasing terms can give the prescribed total in the first addendum is not less than min_addendum?".
if min_addendum is bigger than total clearly the answer is 0
if total is 1 then there's only one sum
otherwise the first possible sum is total, then you should count as sums
min_addendum + a sum of other non-decreasing terms, the first not less than min_addendum totalling total-min_addendum
min_addendum+1 + a sum of other non-decreasing terms, the first not less than min_addendum+1 totalling total-min_addendum-1
min_addendum+2 + a sum of other non-decreasing terms, the first not less than min_addendum+2 totalling total-min_addendum-2

Calculating Binomial Coefficient (nCk) for large n & k

I just saw this question and have no idea how to solve it. can you please provide me with algorithms , C++ codes or ideas?
This is a very simple problem. Given the value of N and K, you need to tell us the value of the binomial coefficient C(N,K). You may rest assured that K <= N and the maximum value of N is 1,000,000,000,000,000. Since the value may be very large, you need to compute the result modulo 1009.
The first line of the input contains the number of test cases T, at most 1000. Each of the next T lines consists of two space separated integers N and K, where 0 <= K <= N and 1 <= N <= 1,000,000,000,000,000.
For each test case, print on a new line, the value of the binomial coefficient C(N,K) modulo 1009.
3 1
5 2
10 3
Notice that 1009 is a prime.
Now you can use Lucas' Theorem.
Which states:
Let p be a prime.
If n = a1a2...ar when written in base p and
if k = b1b2...br when written in base p
(pad with zeroes if required)
(n choose k) modulo p = (a1 choose b1) * (a2 choose b2) * ... * (ar choose br) modulo p.
i.e. remainder of n choose k when divided by p is same as the remainder of
the product (a1 choose b1) * .... * (ar choose br) when divided by p.
Note: if bi > ai then ai choose bi is 0.
Thus your problem is reduced to finding the product modulo 1009 of at most log N/log 1009 numbers (number of digits of N in base 1009) of the form a choose b where a <= 1009 and b <= 1009.
This should make it easier even when N is close to 10^15.
For N=10^15, N choose N/2 is more than
2^(100000000000000) which is way
beyond an unsigned long long.
Also, the algorithm suggested by
Lucas' theorem is O(log N) which is
exponentially faster than trying to
compute the binomial coefficient
directly (even if you did a mod 1009
to take care of the overflow issue).
Here is some code for Binomial I had written long back, all you need to do is to modify it to do the operations modulo 1009 (there might be bugs and not necessarily recommended coding style):
class Binomial
Binomial(int Max)
max = Max+1;
table = new unsigned int * [max]();
for (int i=0; i < max; i++)
table[i] = new unsigned int[max]();
for (int j = 0; j < max; j++)
table[i][j] = 0;
for (int i =0; i < max; i++)
delete table[i];
delete table;
unsigned int Choose(unsigned int n, unsigned int k);
bool Contains(unsigned int n, unsigned int k);
int max;
unsigned int **table;
unsigned int Binomial::Choose(unsigned int n, unsigned int k)
if (n < k) return 0;
if (k == 0 || n==1 ) return 1;
if (n==2 && k==1) return 2;
if (n==2 && k==2) return 1;
if (n==k) return 1;
if (Contains(n,k))
return table[n][k];
table[n][k] = Choose(n-1,k) + Choose(n-1,k-1);
return table[n][k];
bool Binomial::Contains(unsigned int n, unsigned int k)
if (table[n][k] == 0)
return false;
return true;
Binomial coefficient is one factorial divided by two others, although the k! term on the bottom cancels in an obvious way.
Observe that if 1009, (including multiples of it), appears more times in the numerator than the denominator, then the answer mod 1009 is 0. It can't appear more times in the denominator than the numerator (since binomial coefficients are integers), hence the only cases where you have to do anything are when it appears the same number of times in both. Don't forget to count multiples of (1009)^2 as two, and so on.
After that, I think you're just mopping up small cases (meaning small numbers of values to multiply/divide), although I'm not sure without a few tests. On the plus side 1009 is prime, so arithmetic modulo 1009 takes place in a field, which means that after casting out multiples of 1009 from both top and bottom, you can do the rest of the multiplication and division mod 1009 in any order.
Where there are non-small cases left, they will still involve multiplying together long runs of consecutive integers. This can be simplified by knowing 1008! (mod 1009). It's -1 (1008 if you prefer), since 1 ... 1008 are the p-1 non-zero elements of the prime field over p. Therefore they consist of 1, -1, and then (p-3)/2 pairs of multiplicative inverses.
So for example consider the case of C((1009^3), 200).
Imagine that the number of 1009s are equal (don't know if they are, because I haven't coded a formula to find out), so that this is a case requiring work.
On the top we have 201 ... 1008, which we'll have to calculate or look up in a precomputed table, then 1009, then 1010 ... 2017, 2018, 2019 ... 3026, 3027, etc. The ... ranges are all -1, so we just need to know how many such ranges there are.
That leaves 1009, 2018, 3027, which once we've cancelled them with 1009's from the bottom will just be 1, 2, 3, ... 1008, 1010, ..., plus some multiples of 1009^2, which again we'll cancel and leave ourselves with consecutive integers to multiply.
We can do something very similar with the bottom to compute the product mod 1009 of "1 ... 1009^3 - 200 with all the powers of 1009 divided out". That leaves us with a division in a prime field. IIRC that's tricky in principle, but 1009 is a small enough number that we can manage 1000 of them (the upper limit on the number of test cases).
Of course with k=200, there's an enormous overlap which could be cancelled more directly. That's what I meant by small cases and non-small cases: I've treated it like a non-small case, when in fact we could get away with just "brute-forcing" this one, by calculating ((1009^3-199) * ... * 1009^3) / 200!
I don't think you want to calculate C(n,k) and then reduce mod 1009. The biggest one, C(1e15,5e14) will require something like 1e16 bits ~ 1000 terabytes
Moreover executing the loop in snakiles answer 1e15 times seems like it might take a while.
What you might use is, if
n = n0 + n1*p + n2*p^2 ... + nd*p^d
m = m0 + m1*p + m2*p^2 ... + md*p^d
(where 0<=mi,ni < p)
C(n,m) = C(n0,m0) * C(n1,m1) *... * C(nd, nd) mod p
see, eg http://www.cecm.sfu.ca/organics/papers/granville/paper/binomial/html/binomial.html
One way would be to use pascal's triangle to build a table of all C(m,n) for 0<=m<=n<=1009.
psudo code for calculating nCk:
result = 1
for i=1 to min{K,N-K}:
result *= N-i+1
result /= i
return result
Time Complexity: O(min{K,N-K})
The loop goes from i=1 to min{K,N-K} instead of from i=1 to K, and that's ok because
C(k,n) = C(k, n-k)
And you can calculate the thing even more efficiently if you use the GammaLn function.
nCk = exp(GammaLn(n+1)-GammaLn(k+1)-GammaLn(n-k+1))
The GammaLn function is the natural logarithm of the Gamma function. I know there's an efficient algorithm to calculate the GammaLn function but that algorithm isn't trivial at all.
The following code shows how to obtain all the binomial coefficients for a given size 'n'. You could easily modify it to stop at a given k in order to determine nCk. It is computationally very efficient, it's simple to code, and works for very large n and k.
binomial_coefficient = 1
col = 0
n = 5
do while col < n
binomial_coefficient = binomial_coefficient * (n + 1 - (col + 1)) / (col + 1)
col = col + 1
The output of binomial coefficients is therefore:
1 * (5 + 1 - (0 + 1)) / (0 + 1) = 5
5 * (5 + 1 - (1 + 1)) / (1 + 1) = 15
15 * (5 + 1 - (2 + 1)) / (2 + 1) = 15
15 * (5 + 1 - (3 + 1)) / (3 + 1) = 5
5 * (5 + 1 - (4 + 1)) / (4 + 1) = 1
I had found the formula once upon a time on Wikipedia but for some reason it's no longer there :(

Number of calls for nth Fibonacci number

Consider the following code snippet:
int fib(int N)
if(N<2) return 1;
return (fib(N-1) + fib(N-2));
Given that fib is called from main with N as 10,35,67,... (say), how many total calls
are made to fib?
Is there any relation for this problem?
PS: This is a theoretical question and not supposed to be executed.
I am aware of other methods for the faster computation of Fibonacci series.
I want a solution for computing number of times fib is invoked for fib(40),fib(50) ,.. without the aid of compiler and in exam condition where you are supposed to answer 40 question similar to this one in a stipulated of time ( about 30 mints).
Let f(n) be the number of calls made to calculate fib(n).
If n < 2 then f(n) = 1.
Otherwise, f(n) = 1 + f(n - 1) + f(n - 2).
So, f is at least O(fib(n)). In fact, f(n) is 2 * fib(n) - 1. We show this by induction:
Base cases (n < 2, that is, n = 0 or n = 1):
f(n) = 1 = 2 * 1 - 1 = 2 * fib(n) - 1.
Induction step (n >= 2):
f(n + 1) = f(n) + f(n - 1) + 1
f(n + 1) = 2 * fib(n) - 1 + 2 * fib(n - 1) - 1 + 1
f(n + 1) = 2 * fib(n + 1) - 1
There exist efficient ways to calculate any Fibonacci term. Thus the same holds for f(n).
Is there any relation for this problem
There is a close-form equation for the nth fibonacci number: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number#Closed_form_expression
In the pseudocode you posted, the number of calls satisfies the recurrence relation
x(n) = x(n-1) + x(n-2) +1 # for n>=2
x(1) = 1
x(0) = 1
This is almost same as the Fibonacci recurrence relation. Proof by induction can show that the number of calls to fib made by fib(n) is equal to 2*fib(n)-1, for n>=0.
Of course, the calculation can be sped up by using the closed form expression, or by adding code to memorize previously computed values.
As mentioned above, you need to solve the following recurring equation:
Let's write it for n-1: K(n-1)=K(n-2)+K(n-3)+1
Now, subtract the second one from the first one:
K(n)-K(n-1) = K(n-1) - K(n-3),
K(n) - 2*K(n-1) + K(n-3) = 0.
The respective characteristic equation will be:
x^3 - 2*x^2 + 1 = 0.
It has the following roots: 1, (1+sqrt(5))/2, (1-sqrt(5))/2
Thus for any real A,B,C the following function
K(n) = A*(1)^n + B*((1+sqrt(5))/2)^n + C*((1-sqrt(5))/2)^n
will be a solution for your equation.
To find A,B,C you need to define several initial values K(0), K(1), K(2) and solve the system of equations.
phi is a constant
position = ceil(log((n - 0.5)*sqrt(5))/log(phi));
n is the fibonacci number...
position will give you the which fibonacci number is n
for example given 13 , position will be 7 - 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13
using this position just calculate the fibonacci number at position-1 or any position you want relative to given fibonacci number.
Previous Fibo Num = floor((pow(phi,position-1)/sqrt(5))+0.5);
floor((pow(phi, position)/sqrt(5))+0.5) - is the standard formula for calculating Nth fibonacci num (Note - This is not an approximation)
I have just reverse this formula to calculate the position and use the position - 1 to calculate the previous fibonacci number.
Ref - http://itpian.com/Coding/20951-Given-the-Nth-fib-no-and-find-the--N-1-th-fib-number-without-calculating-from-the-beginning---------.aspx
This is a classic problem for solving with Recurrence Relations.
Specifically, the fibonacci problem has the following parameters:
f(0) = 1
f(1) = 1
f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)
Once you master solving recurrences, you'll have no problem reaching the solution (which, incidently, is exactly the same as fib(n)).
Interesting question, I can't give you a formula, but I wrote a Ruby program to do it, it works on numbers I figured out on paper, and it should work for any.
#find out how many times fib() would need to be called
def howmany(n)
a = [ ]
a.push n-1
a.push n-2
while a.select{|n| n > 2}.length > 0
a.map! do |n|
n > 2 ? [n-1,n-2] : n
>> howmany(10)
=> 55
It's slow.. I'm figuring out 35 right now, I'll edit when it finishes.
>> howmany(35)
=> 9227465