check the result of a CFQUERY via CFIF statement - if-statement

I am having an issue with the sytnax on how to get a value from a database and then check that value in an if statement in ColdFusion
This is what I have so far:
<cfquery name="reserveCheck" datasource="RC">
SELECT comp_type FROM partnerCompany WHERE comp_ID = "#COOKIE.RISOURCEUSRID#"
<cfif #reserveCheck# NEQ 4>
<li>Product Search</li>

Change this:
<cfif #reserveCheck# NEQ 4>
to this
<cfif reserveCheck.comp_type NEQ 4>
This assumes your query only returns one row. If the query returns more than one row, the code in this answer only looks at the first row. That may or may not be what you want.

You could modify your query so that it is not selected in the first place. Change your query to
<cfquery name="reserveCheck" datasource="RC">
SELECT comp_type FROM partnerCompany
AND comp_type <> 4


Conditional CF Record Count

I'm trying to save my database server a few requests by querying a large number of items from several categories all at once, then using <cfif ... > statements to filter those results into unique tables I'm showing for each category. I'm looking to find record counts for each of the categories returned, not just the record count of the overall query.
The basic code is:
<cfinvoke component="..." method="..." returnvariable="session.queryList">
<cfoutput #session.queryList#>
<cfif #category# eq "A">
[Table for A things]
<cfif #category# eq "B">
[Table for B things]
<cfif #category# eq "C">
[Table for C things]
I don't want to use "ORDER BY category" here because the tables are actually on different divs we're hiding and showing, so we need separate tables.
The problem I'm running into is that I want the "Table for A Things" to say "No results" if there is no records returned where category="A", but RecordCount seems to apply to the entire query. Is there any way to say something along the lines of <cfif #queryList.RecordCount# WHERE #category# eq "A" GT "0">?
QoQ can help.
<cfinvoke component="..." method="..." returnvariable="session.queryList">
<!---then run QoQ on it--->
<cfquery name="catA" dbtype="query">
select * from session.queryList where category ="A"
<cfquery name="catB" dbtype="query">
select * from session.queryList where category ="B"
<cfif catA.recordcount>
<cfoutput query="catA">
[Table for A things]
No Records for A things
<cfif catB.recordcount>
<cfoutput query="catB">
[Table for B things]
No Records for B things
I believe you are trying to do the following. <cfoutput> has a feature that helps you group the query results given the query is ordered by the grouping item.
<cfoutput query="#session.queryList#" group="category">
<h3>Category #category#</h3>
<cfoutput><!--- This cfoutput loops through the each record in the group. --->
QofQ is slow. You can accomplish this with a single round trip to mySQL:
SELECT someColumn, category, count(*) AS categoryCount
FROM theTable
GROUP BY category
ORDER BY category, someColumn
Grouping will give you a count per category which you can use in CFML.
<cfoutput query="session.queryList" group="category">
<cfif categoryCount eq 0>
No Records for #category#. =(

conditional query in coldfusion

I need to provide some status on items in my table which I do in the last column of my table.
First I go and query one table to see if I have a confirmation for the item .
<cfquery name="focnotice" datasource="******" result="FocResult">
SELECT ecspc
WHERE icsc = '#myarray[i].ICSC#'
AND asr_no = '#myarray[i].ASR#'
The ECSPC is a field in my Table, so logic is see if there is a record. If so, see if the ECSPC value is something other then "". If so, query another table to see if there is a matching record for this ECSPC.
<cfset ISUPStatus = "#focnotice.ecspc#">
<cfif ISUPStatus NEQ "">
<cfquery name="isupStatus" datasource="******" result="ISUPResult">
select *
from tbl_ISUP
where dpc = '#ISUPStatus#'
<cfset isupcount = #ISUPResult.RecordCount#>
<cfif #isupcount# GT 0>
<cfset ISUPorder = "Yes">
<cfset ISUPorder = "No">
<cfset ISUPorder = "No">
I get the following error in my debug
Complex object types cannot be converted to simple values.
The expression has requested a variable or an intermediate expression
result as a simple value. However, the result cannot be converted to a
simple value. Simple values are strings, numbers, boolean values, and
date/time values. Queries, arrays, and COM objects are examples of
complex values. The most likely cause of the error is that you tried
to use a complex value as a simple one. For example, you tried to use
a query variable in a cfif tag.
What am I missing here ?
You are passing invalid parameter into the Query "myarray[i].ICSC",'#myarray[i].ASR#'. You need to specify what index of array you are using.
<cfquery name="focnotice" datasource="*******" result="FocResult">
Select ecspc
From tbl_CNR_H
Where icsc = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#myarray[1].ICSC#">
asr_no = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#myarray[1].ASR#">
I believe the error causing you the issue lies in:
<cfset isupcount = #ISUPResult.RecordCount#>
From a quick look of your code, try using instead:
<cfset isUpCount = isUpStatus.recordCount>
But in addition please look at the comments above, especially joins.

identifying the coldfusion value comng to run against query

I am passing dynamically named parameters in the url. (The number of sSearch parameters can go beyond 5 to 7 or 8 etc)
I want to run a loop to do a search within a query. I am trying like this:
<cfloop from="0" to="5" index="k">
<cfset counter = k>
<cfif IsDefined('url.sSearch_' & counter)>
<cfset "check_" & k = 'url.sSearch_' & counter>
I am trying to write in a query like this:
<cfquery datasource="#coldfusionDatasource#" name="qFiltered">
FROM mytable
<cfif len(trim(url.sSearch))>
<cfloop list="#listColumns#" index="thisColumn">
<cfif thisColumn neq listFirst(listColumns)> OR </cfif>
#thisColumn# LIKE <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR"
value="%#trim(url.sSearch)#%" />
But it is not working. The error says check_ is undefined.
For dynamic variable naming using quotes, try:
<cfset "check_#k#" = 'url.sSearch_' & counter>
See this article

Set a variable dynamically into a structure via CFLOOP

I am trying to set a variable dynamically into a structure via CFLOOP. I have read Ben Nadal's blog post but cant seem to get the assignment correct. I would like to use dot notation and make the VIN a sub structure of values.
Here is my code:
<cfloop query="VINs">
<cfquery name="carsQue" datasource="carsData">
<cfset carsStruct= StructNew()>
<cfset carsStruct.[VIN].MAKE = '#carsQue.MODEL#'>
<cfset carsStruct.[VIN].MODEL = '#carsQue.MAKE#'>
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated,
Running a query inside a loop is almost always a bad idea. In your case, a better option would be:
<cfif ListLen(valuelist( gt 0>
<cfquery name=CarsQue datasource = "carsData">
select vin, model, make, etc
from carsDB
where vin in (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
value="#valuelist(" list="true">)
<cfset carsStruct = StructNew()>
<cfloop query="carsQue">
code for your struct
code for vins query returning no data
Better yet would be to get all the data with one query. You didn't provide enough information to determine if this was possible, but it often is.
Create a structure outside loop and and setting variable within loop can solve the problem. in a current scenario each time loop run its create a new structure.
you can do some thing like this
<cfset carsStruct= StructNew()>
<cfloop query="VINs">
<cfquery name="carsQue" datasource="carsData">
WHERE VIN = <cfqueryparam cf_sql_type="cf_sql_varchar" value="#VINs.VIN#">
<cfset carsStruct[VINs.VIN].MAKE = carsQue.MODEL>
<cfset carsStruct[VINs.VIN].MODEL = carsQue.MAKE>
Based on the limited information you've given you should be able to run one query and loop through that to add to your struct.
<cfset carsStruct= {}> //new struct
<cfif VINs.RecordCount> //your VINs query has records
<cfquery name="carsQueue" datasource="carsData">
// Quoted list of all your VINs. cfqueryparam prevents against SQL injection
WHERE VIN IN (<cfqueryparam cf_sql_type="cf_sql_varchar" value="#ValueList(VINs.VIN)#" list="true">
<cfloop query="carsQueue">
<cfset carsStruct.[carsQueue.VIN].MAKE = carsQueue.MODEL>
<cfset carsStruct.[carsQueue.VIN].MODEL = carsQueue.MAKE>
// if VINs query return nothing a blank struct will be returned.
//You do NOT need this <cfelse> unless you are returning something when the query is blank

Compare mysql query to sql query

I am a lot more at home manipulating arrays and objects in php or javascript, and do next to no work with coldfusion.
I have one query pulling data from mysql. I would like to store results list or array ( or simpler approach)
WHile looping over a second query from msql that generates html output I need to see if one value is contained in prior mysql array or list.
Have tried playing with varierty of cf array/list methods and really not sure what best approach is to resolve following if.
CF version is 9
<cfquery datasource="Mysql" name="premium_submitters">
SELECT submitter_id from table
<!--- Need loop to store to array or list??--->
<cfquery datasource="Sql" name="main_data">
SELECT * from table
<cfoutput query="main_data">
<cfif #submiiter_id# <!---is in Mysql array/list return boolean---> >
Use ValueList to get the value of one column of a query into a list.
<cfquery datasource="Mysql" name="premium_submitters">
SELECT submitter_id from table
<cfset submittersList = ValueList(premium_submitters.submitter_id)>
<cfquery datasource="Sql" name="main_data">
SELECT * from table
<cfoutput query="main_data">
<cfif ListFind(submittersList, main_data.submitter_id) gt 0>
<!--- is in list, do whatever --->