Homographie Opencv apply in Opengl - c++

I modified a algorithm to rectif. It returns me 2 Opencv homographies (3x3 Matrixes). I can use cv::warpPerspective and get rectified images. So the algorithm works right. But I need to apply this homographies to textures in OpenGl. So I create a 4x4 Matrix (HomoGl) and I use
to apply this Tranform. To fill HomoGl I use
for(int i=0;i<3;++i){
for(int j=0; j<3;++j){
HomoGL[i+j*4] = HomoCV.at<double>(i,j);
This methode has the best result...but it is wrong. I test some other methods[1] but they doesn't work.
My Question: How can I convert the OpenCV Homography, so I can use
glMultMatrixf to get right transformed Images.

So an H matrix is the transformation of 1 point on plane one to another point on plane 2.
X1 = H*X2
When you use warpHomography in opencv you are putting the points in the perceptive of plane 2.
The matrix (or image mat) that you get out of that warping is the texture you should use when applying to the surface.

Your extension of the 3x3 homography to 4x4 is wrong. The most naive approach which will somewhat work would be an extension of the form
h11 h12 h13 h11 h12 0 h13
H = h21 h22 h23 -> H' = h21 h22 0 h23
h31 h32 h32 0 0 1 0
h31 h32 0 h33
The problem with this approach is that while it gives the correct result for x and y, it will distort z, since the modified w component affects all coordinates. If the z coordinate matters, you need a different approach.
In this paper, an approximation is proposed which will minimize the effects on the depth (see equation 5, you also will need to normalize your homography so that h33=1). However, this approximation will only work well enough for small distortions. If you have some extreme trapezoid distorion, that approch will also fail. In that case, a 2-pass approach of rendering into the texture and and applying the 2D distortion is possible.
With the modern programmable pipeline, one could also deal with this in one pass by undistorting the z coordinate in the fragment shader (but that can have some negative impact on performance on its own).


How to calibrate camera focal length, translation and rotation given four points?

I'm trying to find the focal length, position and orientation of a camera in world space.
Because I need this to be resolution-independent, I normalized my image coordinates to be in the range [-1, 1] for x, and a somewhat smaller range for y (depending on aspect ratio). So (0, 0) is the center of the image. I've already corrected for lens distortion (using k1 and k2 coefficients), so this does not enter the picture, except sometimes throwing x or y slightly out of the [-1, 1] range.
As a given, I have a planar, fixed rectangle in world space of known dimensions (in millimeters). The four corners of the rectangle are guaranteed to be visible, and are manually marked in the image. For example:
std::vector<cv::Point3f> worldPoints = {
cv::Point3f(0, 0, 0),
cv::Point3f(2000, 0, 0),
cv::Point3f(0, 3000, 0),
cv::Point3f(2000, 3000, 0),
std::vector<cv::Point2f> imagePoints = {
cv::Point2f(-0.958707, -0.219624),
cv::Point2f(-1.22234, 0.577061),
cv::Point2f(0.0837469, -0.1783),
cv::Point2f(0.205473, 0.428184),
Effectively, the equation I think I'm trying to solve is (see the equivalent in the OpenCV documentation):
/ xi \ / fx 0 \ / tx \ / Xi \
s | yi | = | fy 0 | | Rxyz ty | | Yi |
\ 1 / \ 1 / \ tz / | Zi |
\ 1 /
i is 1, 2, 3, 4
xi, yi is the location of point i in the image (between -1 and 1)
fx, fy are the focal lengths of the camera in x and y direction
Rxyz is the 3x3 rotation matrix of the camera (has only 3 degrees of freedom)
tx, ty, tz is the translation of the camera
Xi, Yi, Zi is the location of point i in world space (millimeters)
So I have 8 equations (4 points of 2 coordinates each), and I have 8 unknowns (fx, fy, Rxyz, tx, ty, tz). Therefore, I conclude (barring pathological cases) that a unique solution must exist.
However, I can't seem to figure out how to compute this solution using OpenCV.
I have looked at the imgproc module:
getPerspectiveTransform works, but gives me a 3x3 matrix only (from 2D points to 2D points). If I could somehow extract the needed parameters from this matrix, that would be great.
I have also looked at the calib3d module, which contains a few promising functions that do almost, but not quite, what I need:
initCameraMatrix2D sounds almost perfect, but when I pass it my four points like this:
cv::Mat cameraMatrix = cv::initCameraMatrix2D(
cv::Size2f(2, 2), -1);
it returns me a camera matrix that has fx, fy set to -inf, inf.
calibrateCamera seems to use a complicated solver to deal with overdetermined systems and outliers. I tried it anyway, but all I can get from it are assertion failures like this:
OpenCV(3.4.1) Error: Assertion failed (0 <= i && i < (int)vv.size()) in getMat_, file /build/opencv/src/opencv-3.4.1/modules/core/src/matrix_wrap.cpp, line 79
Is there a way to entice OpenCV to do what I need? And if not, how could I do it by hand?
3x3 rotation matrices have 9 elements but, as you said, only 3 degrees of freedom. One subtlety is that exploiting this property makes the equation non-linear in the angles you want to estimate, and non-linear equations are harder to solve than linear ones.
This kind of equations are usually solved by:
considering that the P=K.[R | t] matrix has 12 degrees of freedom and solving the resulting linear equation using the SVD decomposition (see Section 7.1 of 'Multiple View Geometry' by Hartley & Zisserman for more details)
decomposing this intermediate result into an initial approximate solution to your non-linear equation (see for example cv::decomposeProjectionMatrix)
refining the approximate solution using an iterative solver which is able to deal with non-linear equations and with the reduced degrees of freedom of the rotation matrix (e.g. Levenberg-Marquard algorithm). I am not sure if there is a generic implementation of this in OpenCV, however it is not too complicated to implement one yourself using the Ceres Solver library.
However, your case is a bit particular because you do not have enough point matches to solve the linear formulation (i.e. step 1) reliably. This means that, as you stated it, you have no way to initialize an iterative refining algorithm to get an accurate solution to your problem.
Here are a few work-arounds that you can try:
somehow get 2 additional point matches, leading to a total of 6 matches hence 12 constraints on your linear equation, allowing you to solve the problem using the steps 1, 2, 3 above.
somehow guess manually an initial estimate for your 8 parameters (2 focal lengths, 3 angles & 3 translations), and directly refine them using an iterative solver. Be aware that the iterative process might converge to a wrong solution if your initial estimate is too far off.
reduce the number of unknowns in your model. For instance, if you manage to fix two of the three angles (e.g. roll & pitch) the equations might simplify a lot. Also, the two focal lengths are probably related via the aspect ratio, so if you know it and if your pixels are square, then you actually have a single unknown there.
if all else fails, there might be a way to extract approximated values from the rectifying homography estimated by cv::getPerspectiveTransform.
Regarding the last bullet point, the opposite of what you want is clearly possible. Indeed, the rectifying homography can be expressed analytically knowing the parameters you want to estimate. See for instance this post and this post. There is also a full chapter on this in the Hartley & Zisserman book (chapter 13).
In your case, you want to go the other way around, i.e. to extract the intrinsic & extrinsic parameters from the homography. There is a somewhat related function in OpenCV (cv::decomposeHomographyMat), but it assumes the K matrix is known and it outputs 4 candidate solutions.
In the general case, this would be tricky. But maybe in your case you can guess a reasonable estimate for the focal length, hence for K, and use the point correspondences to select the good solution to your problem. You might also implement a custom optimization algorithm, testing many focal length values and keeping the solution leading to the lowest reprojection error.

How rectify an image from a single calibrated camera using Matlab toolbox [duplicate]

I'm using Matlab for camera calibration using Jean-
Yves Bouget's Camera Calibration Toolbox. I have all the camera
parameters from the calibration procedure. When I use a new image not
in the calibration set, I can get its transformation equation e.g.
Xc=R*X+T, where X is the 3D point of the calibration rig (planar) in
the world frame, and Xc its coordinates in the camera frame. In other
words, I have everything (both extrinsic and intrinsic parameters).
What I want to do is to perform perspective correction on this image
i.e. I want it to remove any perspective and see the calibration rig
undistorted (its a checkerboard).
Matlab's new Computer Vision toolbox has an object that performs a perspective transformation on an
image, given a 3X3 matrix H. The problem is, I can't compute this
matrix from the known intrinsic and extrinsic parameters!
To all who are still interested in this after so many months, i've managed to get the correct homography matrix using Kovesi's code (http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/~pk/research/matlabfns), and especially the homography2d.m function. You will need however the pixel values of the four corners of the rig. If the camera is steady fixed, then you will need to do this once. See example code below:
%get corner pixel coords from base image
por=[p1 p2 p3 p4];
por=[0 1 0;1 0 0;0 0 1]*por; %swap x-y <--------------------
%calculate target image coordinates in world frame
% rig is 9x7 (X,Y) with 27.5mm box edges
XXw=[[0;0;0] [0;27.5*9;0] [27.5*7;27.5*9;0] [27.5*7;0;0]];
Rtarget=[0 1 0;1 0 0;0 0 -1]; %Rotation matrix of target camera (vertical pose)
XXc=Rtarget*XXw+Tc_ext*ones(1,4); %go from world frame to camera frame
xn=XXc./[XXc(3,:);XXc(3,:);XXc(3,:)]; %calculate normalized coords
xpp=KK*xn; %calculate target pixel coords
% get homography matrix from original to target image
%do perspective transformation to validate homography
That should do the trick. Note that Matlab defines the x axis in an image ans the rows index and y as the columns. Thus one must swap x-y in the equations (as you'll probably see in the code above). Furthermore, i had managed to compute the homography matrix from the parameters solely, but the result was slightly off (maybe roundoff errors in the calibration toolbox). The best way to do this is the above.
If you want to use just the camera parameters (that is, don't use Kovesi's code), then the Homography matrix is H=KK*Rmat*inv_KK. In this case the code is,
% corner coords in pixels
pmat=[p1 p2 p3 p4];
pmat=[0 1 0;1 0 0;0 0 1]*pmat; %swap x-y
R=[0 1 0;1 0 0;0 0 1]; %rotation matrix of final camera pose
Rmat=Rc_ext'*R; %rotation from original pose to final pose
H=KK*Rmat*inv_KK; %homography matrix
pnew=H*pmat./[H(3,:)*pmat;H(3,:)*pmat;H(3,:)*pmat]; %do perspective transformation
H2=[0 1 0;-1 0 0;0 0 1]*H; %swap x-y in the homography matrix to apply in image
Approach 1:
In the Camera Calibration Toolbox you should notice that there is an H matrix for each image of your checkerboard in your workspace. I am not familiar with the computer vision toolbox yet but perhaps this is the matrix you need for your function. It seems that H is computed like so:
KK = [fc(1) fc(1)*alpha_c cc(1);0 fc(2) cc(2); 0 0 1];
H = KK * [R(:,1) R(:,2) Tc]; % where R is your extrinsic rotation matrix and Tc the translation matrix
H = H / H(3,3);
Approach 2:
If the computer vision toolbox function doesn't work out for you then to find the prospective projection of an image I have used the interp2 function like so:
[X, Y] = meshgrid(0:size(I,2)-1, 0:size(I,1)-1);
im_coord = [X(:), Y(:), ones(prod(size(I_1)))]';
% Insert projection here for X and Y to XI and YI
ZI = interp2(X,Y,Z,XI,YI);
I have used prospective projections on a project a while ago and I believe that you need to use homogeneous coordinates. I think I found this wikipedia article quite helpful.

Interpolate between original and transformed image

In OpenCV I am using feature matching techniques to find matching objects in other images. When I find a matching object I calculate the perspective transformation using the "findHomography" method.
This works fine and I can transform images based on this matrix. I have a video which alpha blends between the original and transformed images but now I want to animate the transition between the original and transformed position instead of just alpha blending between the two.
I have the 3x3 Homography matrix which gives me the full transformation but how would I interpolate between no transformation and this? If the 3x3 matrix had single values then I would interpolate between 0 and the Matrix value for however many time steps. However each element of the 3x3 matrix is made up of 3 values, I'm guessing because they are homogenous coordinates.
Could anyone advise the best way to approach this issue.
Trying the method suggested by AldurDisciple I am creating the identity matrix with:
Mat eye = Mat::eye(3,3,CV_32F);
And performing the suggested calculation with:
Mat newH = (1-calc) * eye + calc * H;
where calc = k/N for the step/total number of steps.
I get an assertion failed error trying to calculate newH with the error being:
src1.type() == src2.type() in function scaleAdd
One simple way to approach this is to use linear interpolation between the identity matrix (i.e. no transformation) and the homography matrix you estimated with findHomograhy.
If H is the estimated homography and N is the number of time steps you want to use, then the transformation to apply at step k in [0,N] is as follows: Hk = (1-ak) * Id + ak * H, with ak = k/N.

Resolving rotation matrices to obtain the angles

I have used this code as a basis to detect my rectangular target in a scene.I use ORB and Flann Matcher.I have been able to draw the bounding box of the detected target in my scene successfully using the findHomography() and perspectiveTransform() functions.
The reference image (img_object in the above code) is a straight view of only the rectangular target.Now the target in my scene image may be tilted forwards or backwards.I want to find out the angle by which it has been tilted.I have read various posts and came to the conclusion that the homography returned by findHomography() can be decomposed to the rotation matrix and translation vector. I have used code from https:/gist.github.com/inspirit/740979 recommended by this link translated to C++.This is the Zhang SVD decomposition code got from the camera calibration module of OpenCV.I got the complete explanation of this decomposition code from O'Reilly's Learning OpenCV book.
I also used solvePnP() on the the keypoints returned by the matcher to cross check the rotation matrix and the translation vector returned from the homography decomposition but they do not seem to the same.
I have already the measurements of the tilts of all my scene images.i found 2 ways to retrieve the angles from the rotation matrix to check how well they match my values.
Given a 3×3 rotation matrix
R = [ r_{11} & r_{12} & r_{13} ]
[ r_{21} & r_{22} & r_{23} ]
[ r_{31} & r_{32} & r_{33} ]
The 3 Euler angles are
theta_{x} = atan2(r_{32}, r_{33})
theta_{y} = atan2(-r_{31}, sqrt{r_{32}^2 + r_{33}^2})
theta_{z} = atan2(r_{21}, r_{11})
The axis,angle representation - Being R a general rotation matrix, its corresponding rotation axis u
and rotation angle θ can be retrieved from:
cos(θ) = ( trace(R) − 1) / 2
[u]× = (R − R⊤) / 2 sin(θ)
I calculated the angles using both the methods for the rotation matrices obtained from the homography decomposition and the solvepnp().All the angles are different and give very unexpected values.
Is there a hole in my understanding?I do not understand where my calculations are wrong.Are there any alternatives i can use?
Why do you expect them to be the same? They are not the same thing at all.
The Euler angles are three angles of rotation about one axis at a time, starting from the world frame.
Rodriguez's formula gives components of one vector in the world frame, and an angle of rotation about that vector.

Cement Effect - Artistic Effect

I wish to give an effect to images, where the resultant image would appear as if it is painted on a rough cemented background, and the cemented background customizes itself near the edges to highlight them... Please help me in writing an algorithm to generate such an effect.
The first image is the original image
and the second image is the output im looking for.
please note the edges are detected and the mask changes near the edges to indicate the edges clearly
You need to read up on Bump Mapping. There are plenty of bump mapping algorithms.
The basic algorithm is:
for each pixel
Look up the position on the bump map texture that corresponds to the position on the bumped image.
Calculate the surface normal of the bump map
Add the surface normal from step 2 to the geometric surface normal (in case of an image it's a vector pointing up) so that the normal points in a new direction.
Calculate the interaction of the new 'bumpy' surface with lights in the scene using, for example, Phong shading -- light placement is up to you, and decides where will the shadows lie.
Finally, here's a plain C implementation for 2D images.
Starting with
1) the input image as R, G, B, and
2) a texture image, grayscale.
The images are likely in bytes, 0 to 255. Divide it by 255.0 so we have them as being from 0.0 to 1.0. This makes the math easier. For performance, you wouldn't actually do this but instead use clever fixed-point math, an implementation matter I leave to you.
First, to get the edge effects between different colored areas, add or subtract some fraction of the R, G, and B channels to the texture image:
texture_mod = texture - 0.2*R - 0.3*B
You could get fancier with with nonlinear forumulas, e.g. thresholding the R, G and B channels, or computing some mathematical expression involving them. This is always fun to experiment with; I'm not sure what would work best to recreate your example.
Next, compute an embossed version of texture_mod to create the lighting effect. This is the difference of the texture slid up and right one pixel (or however much you like), and the same texture slid. This give the 3D lighting effect.
emboss = shift(texture_mod, 1,1) - shift(texture_mod, -1, -1)
(Should you use texture_mod or the original texture data in this formula? Experiment and see.)
Here's the power step. Convert the input image to HSV space. (LAB or other colorspaces may work better, or not - experiment and see.) Note that in your desired final image, the cracks between the "mesas" are darker, so we will use the original texture_mod and the emboss difference to alter the V channel, with coefficients to control the strength of the effect:
Vmod = V * ( 1.0 + C_depth * texture_mod + C_light * emboss)
Both C_depth and C_light should be between 0 and 1, probably smaller fractions like 0.2 to 0.5 or so. You will need a fudge factor to keep Vmod from overflowing or clamping at its maximum - divide by (1+C_depth+C_light). Some clamping at the bright end may help the highlights look brighter. As always experiment and see...
As fine point, you could also modify the Saturation channel in some way, perhaps decreasing it where texture_mod is lower.
Finally, convert (H, S, Vmod) back to RGB color space.
If memory is tight or performance critical, you could skip the HSV conversion, and apply the Vmod formula instead to the individual R,G, B channels, but this will cause shifts in hue and saturation. It's a tradeoff between speed and good looks.
This is called bump mapping. It is used to give a non flat appearance to a surface.