adding new url patterns to on the fly in django - django

I'm trying to add new url patterns to the projects an apps urls) on the fly. I couldn't find anything about this on stackoverflow!
I'm writing a simple scaffolding app. For a given model, I create forms, views, templates, and for an app on the fly. The last thing is to add(attach) of the app to the of the project automatically.

Django routing does not allow such dynamics, as the routing table is built once in the application startup and never refreshed. Even if it where refreshable then you should communicate the routing table changes across different server processes using database, sockets, Redis pubsub or such mechanism and you would be bending Django framework for something it was not designed to do.
Instead, as the suggestion is, you need one generic regex hook to match the all URLs you want to be "dynamic". Then, inside the view code of this generic URL you can do your own routing based on the full input URL and the available data (E.g. from database). You can even build your own Django URL resolver inside the view if you wish to do so, though this might not be a problem-free approach.
Generally, the better approach to solve the situation like this is called traversal. Django does not natively support traversal, but other Python web frameworks like Pyramid support traversal.


How to manage multiple websites with 1 django project

Let's say I have 1 Django project where I want host multiple websites on with different domains. I managed to set it up but progressing further is where I get confused.
We'll call them,
I can route to both sites through a custom middleware that checks the url where the request comes from and that is working fine.
Both stores have it's own apps like cart, category, product, account and so forth.
What would be the best practice to structure this?
Do I put everything from a store inside 1 app or is it better to have all these models and views in a separate app and keep checking the request so that the app knows which URL to serve?
IMHO the best way is to create an app for all the different functionalities and then use Django Sites framework to manage multiple sites.
You can read more on the Django documentation

How to structure a project directory in django?

Suppose you are building a Google website. (ok big dream)
Google has web search/youtube/email/news/etc ..
For this site, I'd like to structure my django directory like
and so on.
How do I structure such a site?
Create an app for each even though I'm not expecting to publish any of the category as an app?
Where would a common stuff (such as user model, utility modules, decorators..) would go, create a common_app?
Applications are reusable components for a django project that revolve around a central purpose. Applications don't need to map directly to your url structure of the website. While there is a standard structure for a django application to tie in with some of the management commands, such as,, static files at /static/ you don't need to have any of it to be an application. For example, South is a popular django application used to provide database migrations. It adds a few management commands to
When you are adding functionality and it doesn't map directly to the purpose of the application, just create a new one. So instead of thinking of it a a common_app, think about what the purpose of the application would be and how it might be utilized by your other applications.
In my projects, I tend to create a base application to handle the base template and static assets that are used in the base template. I'll create an accounts application to handle the user model and implement things like password reset. To deal with global notifications from any part of my site, I'll create an alerts application. The list can go on for a lot of the common functionality, but it's grouped in a way that revolves around a function and written as if it would be distributed.
So, in your specific case, you'll likely have at least an application for each of the domains such as search, youtube, email, and news, but also an application for each common component you might want to use across your core domains.

Restful routes and Django

I'm in a process of migrating Rails project into Django. Rails project was built using restful routes and it never touches the database. Instead, it simply redirects to different methods which all call an external service with the specified action method. Now, I have found a number of frameworks for django that provide restful capability plus a bunch of bells and whistles, but it's an overkill for my current case.
As an alternative, I can ignore action method in by simply providing a regex to validate urls and then parse the request method in, redirecting to the appropriate method. Is this a way to go or are there any other approaches that I can look at?
Class based views look like the idiomatic way to organize restful view functions by request method.
Django snippets has several simple example implementations.

Django Sites - Different for two sites

I maintain a Django webapp for a client of mine. We built it out in Django and for computer users, it's great. We now want to cater to mobile device users.
On top of a template switch, we also need things to work differently. The application will have views that work in a subtly different way but also the URL structure needs to be simplified.
I realise what I'm about to ask for violates the DRY ethos but is there a good way to split the so that half of it is for and the other half is for If I can do that, I can add a and write the new views.
Django's Sites is enabled in the project but I'm happy to use a hard-coded request.domain.startswith('m.')-style hack. Seems like that might perform better - but I've no idea how one gets the request from the URLs file.
Use middleware to detect the access to the other site and set request.urlconf to the other urlconf that you want to use.

django powering multiple shops from one code base on a single domain

I am new to django and python and am trying to figure out how to modify an existing app to run multiple shops through a single domain.
Django's sites middleware seems inappropriate in this particular case because it manages different domains, not sites run through the same domain, e.g. : etc.
Each site will need translated content - and minor template changes. The solution needs to be flexible enough to allow for easy modification of templates.
The forms will also need to vary a bit, e.g minor variances in fields and validation for each country specific shop.
I am thinking along the lines of the following as a solution and would love some feedback from experienced django-ers:
In short: same codebase, but separate country specific urls files, separate templates and separate database
Create a middleware class that does IP localisation, determines the country based on the URL and creates a database connection, e.g. /au/ will point to the au specific database and so on.
in root have routes that point to a separate country specific routing file, e..g
use a single template directory but in that directory have a localised directory structure, e.g. /base.html and /uk/base.html and write a custom template loader that looks for local templates first. (or have a separate directory for each shop and set the template directory path in middleware)
use the django internationalisation to manage translation strings throughout
slight variances in forms and models (e.g. ZA has an ID field, France has 'door code' and 'floor' etc.) I am unsure how to handle these variations but I suspect the tables will contain all fields but allowing nulls and the model will have all fields but allowing nulls. The forms will to be modified slightly for each shop.
Anyway, I am keen to get feedback on the best way to go about achieving this multi site solution. It seems like it would work, but feels a bit "hackish" and I wonder if there's a more elegant way of getting this solution to work.
There's no reason you can't the sites framework with multiple Django installations served from different subdirectories under the same domain.
OK I have done some further digging and it seems that the Django sites framework is not suitable for the same domain but with different paths:
The two other options are an apache/wsgi set up where a separate wsgi and is referenced for each subdirectory. This seems a bit cumbersome; I don't really want to have to be reconfiguring apache each time I deploy a new shop. Also it'd make maintaining the local dev, online dev, staging and live versions of the site more hassle.
I think given this situation the best solution is to look at a middleware class that keeps track of country code and somehow changes database settings and root Then each app is going to have to be aware of its current base url for things like form actions and links and so on.