Decide(in Haskell) if a number is or not a palindrome without using lists - list

I need to check in Haskell if a four digit number is a palindrome, the problem is that I can't use lists, and in spite of having a fixed digit number, I should use recursion. I have been think on the problem and I couldn't get a solution using recursion. The closest that I could get was this:
pldrm :: Integer -> Bool
pldrm x
|x > 9999 = False
|x > 999 = (div x 1000 == mod x 10) && (mod (div x 100) 10) == div (mod x 100) 10
|otherwise = False
Do you have any idea? thanks

How about just checking if a number is equal to its reversal?
palindrome :: Integer -> Bool
palindrome x = reversal x == x
reversal :: Integral a => a -> a
reversal = go 0
where go a 0 = a
go a b = let (q,r) = b `quotRem` 10 in go (a*10 + r) q
This lets negative numbers like -121 be palindromes, which is easy to check for if you don't want that to be true.
nonNegativePalindrome x = x >= 0 && palindrome x
reversal gives us the integer with digits in reverse order of our input (ignoring the infinite leading zeroes implicit in 12 == ...000012).
reversal works by peeling off the digits from the bottom (using quotRem, which is a lot like divMod) and putting them together in reverse order (via muliplication and adding).
reversal 12345
= go 0 12345
= go 5 1234
= go 54 123
= go 543 12
= go 5432 1
= go 54321 0
= 54321
It's worth noting that n == reversal $ reversal n only if n is zero or has a non-zero 1s digit. (reversal (reversal 1200) == 12), but that integers in the range of reversal are all invertible: reversal x == reversal (reversal (reversal x)) forall x.
More thorough explanation of how to reach this solution in this blog post.

Ok, this is indeed a bit tricky and more math than Haskell so let's look at a possible solution (assuming a decimal system).
The idea is to use div and mod to get at the highest and lowest digit of a number.
Remember that you can write
(q,r) = n `divMod` m
to get numbers q and r so that q * m + r = n with 0 <= r < q. For m = 10 this
will conveniently get (for positive n):
in q all but the last digits
in r the last digit
remark: I had this wrong for some time - I hope it's correct now - the edge cases are really tricky.
palindrome :: Integer -> Bool
palindrome n = palin n (digits n)
palin x dgts
| x < 0 = False
| x == 0 = True
| x < 10 = dgts == 1
| otherwise = q == x `mod` 10 && palin inner (dgts-2)
inner = r `div` 10
(q,r) = x `divMod` size
size = 10^(dgts-1)
digits :: Integer -> Integer
digits x
| x < 10 = 1
| otherwise = 1 + digits (x `div` 10)
Obvious I did not know the size of your problem so digits will look for the number of digits:
digits 5445 = 4
digits 123 = 3
The edge cases are these:
| x < 0 = False
| x == 0 = True
| x < 10 = digits == 1
Obvious negative numbers should not be palindromes
if all digits are 0 then it's an palindrome
one-digit numbers are palindromes if indeed we are looking only at length 1 (this had me bad, as the inner of stuff like 1011 is a one digit nubmer 1)
The rest is based on this observations:
x div 10^(digits-1) = the highest digit (5445 div 1000 = 5)
x mod 10^(digits-1) = all but the highest digit (5445 mod 1000 = 445)
x mod 10 = the lowest digit (5445 mod 10 = 5)
number div 10 = remove the lowest digit (5445 div 10 = 544)
just to be safe let's test it using Quickcheck:
Let's use Quickcheck to test it (should be a nice example :D )
module Palindrome where
import Test.QuickCheck
main :: IO ()
main = do
checkIt palindrome
palindrome :: Integer -> Bool
palindrome n = palin n (digits n)
palin x dgts
| x < 0 = False
| x == 0 = True
| x < 10 = dgts == 1
| otherwise = q == x `mod` 10 && palin inner (dgts-2)
inner = r `div` 10
(q,r) = x `divMod` size
size = 10^(dgts-1)
digits :: Integer -> Integer
digits x
| x < 10 = 1
| otherwise = 1 + digits (x `div` 10)
checkIt :: (Integer -> Bool) -> IO ()
checkIt p =
quickCheckWith more (\n -> n < 0 || p n == (reverse (show n) == show n))
where more = stdArgs { maxSuccess = 10000, maxSize = 999999 }
seems ok:
runghc Palindrom.hs
+++ OK, passed 10000 tests.

If only four digit numbers considered, you can recursively subtract 1001 to check if first and last digits are equal and then subtract 0110 to check if middle digits are equal.
pldrm :: Int -> Bool
pldrm x
| x > 1000 = pldrm (x - 1001)
| x > 100 = pldrm (x - 110)
| otherwise = x == 0
Please note that this function will give incorrect results for numbers outside of [1000,9999] range.

It is a pity that you cannot use lists. Here is cumbersome solution based on arithmetic operations (works only for four-digit numbers):
pldrm :: Int -> Bool -- no need for Integer if you work only with four
-- digit numbers
pldrm x = (div x 1000 == mod x 10) && (div y 10 == mod y 10)
where y = rem x 1000 `quot` 10 -- extracts two inner digits
> pldrm 3113
> pldrm 3111

isPolindrom :: Integer -> Bool
isPolindrom n = if let i = read (reverse (show n)) :: Integer in i==n then True else False


Given an integer N. What is the smallest integer greater than N that only has 0 or 1 as its digits?

I have an integer N. I have to find the smallest integer greater than N that doesn't contain any digit other than 0 or 1. For example: If N = 12 then the answer is 100.
I have coded a brute force approach in C++.
int main() {
long long n;
cin >> n;
for (long long i = n + 1; ; i++) {
long long temp = i;
bool ok = true;
while (temp != 0) {
if ( (temp % 10) != 0 && (temp % 10) != 1) {
ok = false;
temp /= 10;
if (ok == true) {
cout << i << endl;
The problem is, my approach is too slow. I believe there is a very efficient approach to solve this. How can I solve this problem efficiently?
Increment N,
Starting from the left, scan until you find a digit above 1. Increment the partial number before it and zero out the rest.
12 -> 13 -> 1|3 -> 10|0
101 -> 102 -> 10|2 -> 11|0
109 -> 110 -> 111|
111 -> 112 -> 11|2 -> 100|0
198 -> 199 -> 1|99 -> 10|00
1098 -> 1099 -> 10|99 -> 11|00
10203 -> 10204 -> 10|204 -> 11|000
111234 -> 111235 -> 111|235 -> 1000|000
The requested number must be at least N+1, this is why we increment. We are now looking for a number greater or equal.
Let us call the prefix the initial 0/1 digits and suffix what comes after. We must replace the first digit of the suffix by a zero and set a larger prefix. The smallest prefix that fits is the current prefix plus one. And the smallest suffix that fits is all zeroes.
I forgot to specify that the prefix must be incremented as a binary number, otherwise forbidden digits could appear.
Another possibility would be the following one:
You start with the largest decimal number of the type "1111111...1111" supported by the data type used
The algorithm assumes that the input is smaller than this number; otherwise you'll have to use another data type.
Example: When using long long, you start with the number 1111111111111111111.
Then process each decimal digit from the left to the right:
Try to change the digit from 1 to 0.
If the result is still larger than your input, do the change (change the digit to 0).
Otherwise the digit remains 1.
Input = 10103
Start: 111111
Step 1: [1]11111, try [0]11111; 011111 > 10103 => 011111
Step 2: 0[1]1111, try 0[0]1111; 001111 < 10103 => 011111
Step 3: 01[1]111, try 01[0]111; 010111 > 10103 => 010111
Step 4: 010[1]11, try 010[0]11; 010011 < 10103 => 010111
Step 5: 0101[1]1, try 0101[0]1; 010101 < 10103 => 010111
Step 6: 01011[1], try 01011[0]; 010110 > 10103 => 010110
Result: 010110
Proof of correctness:
We process digit by digit in this algorithm. In each step, there are digits whose value is already known and digits whose values are not known, yet.
In each step, we probe the leftmost unknown digit.
We set that digit to "0" and all other unknown digits to "1". Because the digit to be probed is the most significant of the unknown digits, the resulting number is the largest possible number with that digit being a "0". If this number is less or equal the input, the digit being probed must be a "1".
On the other hand, the resulting number is smaller than all possible numbers where the digit being probed is a "1". If the resulting number is larger than the input, the digit must be "0".
This means that we can calculate one digit in each step.
C code
(The C code should work under C++, too):
long long input;
long long result;
long long digit;
... read in input ...
result = 1111111111111111111ll;
digit = 1000000000000000000ll;
while( digit > 0 )
if(result - digit > input)
result -= digit;
digit /= 10;
... print out output ...
Let me suggest a couple of alternatives.
I. Incrementing. Consider it a modification of #YvesDaoust method.
Increase N by 1
Expand result with leading zero
Go from the last to the second digit
(a) if it is less than 2 then leave everything as is
(b) otherwise set it to 0 and increase preceding
Repeat steps 3a,b
1. N = 0 -> 1 -> (0)|(1) -> 1
2. N = 1 -> 2 -> (0)|(2) -> (1)|(0) -> 10
3. N = 101 -> 102 -> (0)|(1)(0)(2) -> (0)|(1)(1)(0) -> (0)|(1)(1)(0) -> (0)|(1)(1)(0) -> 110
4. N = 298 -> 299 -> (0)|(2)(9)(9) -> (0)|(2)(10)(0) -> (0)|(3)(0)(0) -> (1)|(0)(0)(0) -> 1000
You get result in decimal format.
II. Dividing.
Increase N by 1
Set sum to 0
Divide result by 10 to get div (D) and mod (M) parts
Check M
(a) if M exceeds 1 then increase D
(b) otherwise increase sum by M*10k, where k is the current iteration number (starting with 0)
Repeat steps 3,4 until D is 0
Example 1:
1. N = 0 -> N = 1
2. sum = 0
3. 1/10 -> D == 0, M == 1 -> sum = sum + 1*10^0 == 1
4. D == 0 -> sum == 1
Example 2:
1. N = 1 -> N = 2
2. sum = 0
3. 2/10 -> D == 0, M == 2 -> D = D + 1 == 1
4. 1/10 -> D == 0, M == 1 -> sum = sum + 1*10^1 == 10
5. D == 0, sum == 10
Example 3:
1. N = 101 -> N = 102
2. sum = 0
3. 102/10 -> D == 10, M == 2 -> D = D + 1 == 11
4. 11/10 -> D == 1, M == 1 -> sum = sum + 1*10^1 = 10
5. 1/10 -> D == 0, M == 1 -> sum = sum + 1*10^2 == 10 + 100 == 110
6. D == 0, sum == 110
Example 4:
1. N = 298 -> N = 299
2. sum = 0
3. 299/10 -> D == 29, M == 9 -> D = D + 1 == 30
4. 30/10 -> D == 3, M == 0 -> sum = sum + 0*10^1 == 0
5. 3/10 -> D == 0, M == 3 -> D = D + 1
6. 1/10 -> D == 0, M == 1 -> sum = sum + 1*10^3 == 1000
7. D == 0, sum == 1000

Finds elements to the right of the given element on a 4x4 board

I'm currently flabbergasted with a seemingly easy problem.
I've got a 4x4 board with sequentially ordered elements, like so:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
And I want to write list comprehensions that, given a direction and element, a list will be returned with all elements in the given direction.
For example: given direction North for element 10 would give 6 and 2.
I've got 3 directions nailed, North, South and West but I can't figure out East.
My list comprehensions for the 3 I've got are, with Id being the element in question and List a list from 1 to 16:
[ X | X <- List, X < Id, (Id-X) mod 4 == 0]
South ->
[ X | X <- List, X > Id, (Id-X) mod4 == 0]
West ->
[ X | X <- List, X < Id, X > ((Id-1) div 4)*4]
I can't find a valid equation for East. Any help?
East 14 should give 15 and 16 for example. East 16 should give the empty list. I'm really stumped.
The key to this problem is using division and modulo to tell which numbers are on the same lines.
If two values have the same modulo result, then they are on the same column. If they are less than the given value, then they are north. If they are more than the given value, they are south.
In general, if two values have the same integer result of division, they should be on the same row. This would always be true for 0-based squares; however, this example uses a square that starts at 1. Instead of testing the division results of the given value and the numbers on the board, subtract 1 from the given value and the test value, then divide and compare results.
Psuedo code
given = 10
for x in board:
if int( (given - 1) / 4 ) equals int( (x - 1) / 4 ):
if x < given:
x is west
if x > given:
x is east
Here is a sample function written in Python
import math
def figure(board, num, dir):
dir = dir.lower()
sq = math.sqrt(len(board))
if sq != int(sq) or num not in board:
return "invalid sqaure"
if dir == "n":
return [x for x in board if x < num and x%sq == num%sq]
elif dir == "s":
return [x for x in board if x > num and x%sq == num%sq]
elif dir == "e":
return [x for x in board if x > num and int((x-1)/sq) == int((num-1)/sq)]
elif dir == "w":
return [x for x in board if x < num and int((x-1)/sq) == int((num-1)/sq)]
return "invalid direction"
I think the Esat shold be:
[ X | X <- List, X >Id, X <= ⌈Id / 4)⌉ * 4 ]

need algorithm to find the nth palindromic number

consider that
0 -- is the first
1 -- is the second
2 -- is the third
9 -- is the 10th
11 -- is the 11th
what is an efficient algorithm to find the nth palindromic number?
I'm assuming that 0110 is not a palindrome, as it is 110.
I could spend a lot of words on describing, but this table should be enough:
#Digits #Pal. Notes
0 1 "0" only
1 9 x with x = 1..9
2 9 xx with x = 1..9
3 90 xyx with xy = 10..99 (in other words: x = 1..9, y = 0..9)
4 90 xyyx with xy = 10..99
5 900 xyzyx with xyz = 100..999
6 900 and so on...
The (nonzero) palindromes with even number of digits start at p(11) = 11, p(110) = 1001, p(1100) = 100'001,.... They are constructed by taking the index n - 10^L, where L=floor(log10(n)), and append the reversal of this number: p(1101) = 101|101, p(1102) = 102|201, ..., p(1999) = 999|999, etc. This case must be considered for indices n >= 1.1*10^L but n < 2*10^L.
When n >= 2*10^L, we get the palindromes with odd number of digits, which start with p(2) = 1, p(20) = 101, p(200) = 10001 etc., and can be constructed the same way, using again n - 10^L with L=floor(log10(n)), and appending the reversal of that number, now without its last digit: p(21) = 11|1, p(22) = 12|1, ..., p(99) = 89|8, ....
When n < 1.1*10^L, subtract 1 from L to be in the correct setting with n >= 2*10^L for the case of an odd number of digits.
This yields the simple algorithm:
p(n) = { L = logint(n,10);
P = 10^(L - [1 < n < 1.1*10^L]); /* avoid exponent -1 for n=1 */
n -= P;
RETURN( n * 10^L + reverse( n \ 10^[n >= P] ))
where [...] is 1 if ... is true, 0 else, and \ is integer division.
(The expression n \ 10^[...] is equivalent to: if ... then n\10 else n.)
(I added the condition n > 1 in the exponent to avoid P = 10^(-1) for n=0. If you use integer types, you don't need this. Another choice it to put max(...,0) as exponent in P, or use if n=1 then return(0) right at the start. Also notice that you don't need L after assigning P, so you could use the same variable for both.)

C++ get every number separately

I have a range of numbers from 100 to 999. I need to get every number separately of it and check whether it can be divided by 2. For example:
2 divided by 2 = 1 = true
3 divided by 2 = 1.5 = false
2 divided by 2 = 1 = true
and so on.
To get the first number all I have to do is to divide the entire number by 100.
int x = 256;
int k = x/100;
so x would hold a value of 2.
Now, is there a way to check those other ones? Because k = x/10; would already be 25.
Try this:
int x = 256;
int i = x / 100; // i is 2
int j = (x % 100) / 10; // j is 5
int k = (x % 10); // k is 6
maybe look into integer division and the modulo.
int k1 = (x / 10) % 10 // "10s"
int k2 = ( x / 100 ) % 10 // "100s"
//etc etc
Use modulo to get the last digit of the number, then divide by ten to discard the last digit.
Repeat while the number is non-zero.
What you need is the modulus operator %. It does a division and returns the reminder.
1 % 2 = 1
2 % 2 = 0
3 % 2 = 1
4 % 2 = 0
eg. take 232:
int num = 232;
int at_ones_place = num % 10;
int at_tens_place = ( num /10 ) % 10 ;
int at_hundreds_place = (num /100);

Ranking and unranking of permutations with duplicates

I'm reading about permutations and I'm interested in ranking/unranking methods.
From the abstract of a paper:
A ranking function for the permutations on n symbols assigns a unique
integer in the range [0, n! - 1] to each of the n! permutations. The corresponding
unranking function is the inverse: given an integer between 0 and n! - 1, the
value of the function is the permutation having this rank.
I made a ranking and an unranking function in C++ using next_permutation. But this isn't practical for n>8. I'm looking for a faster method and factoradics seem to be quite popular.
But I'm not sure if this also works with duplicates. So what would be a good way to rank/unrank permutations with duplicates?
I will cover one half of your question in this answer - 'unranking'. The goal is to find the lexicographically 'K'th permutation of an ordered string [abcd...] efficiently.
We need to understand Factorial Number System (factoradics) for this. A factorial number system uses factorial values instead of powers of numbers (binary system uses powers of 2, decimal uses powers of 10) to denote place-values (or base).
The place values (base) are –
5!= 120 4!= 24 3!=6 2!= 2 1!=1 0!=1 etc..
The digit in the zeroth place is always 0. The digit in the first place (with base = 1!) can be 0 or 1. The digit in the second place (with base 2!) can be 0,1 or 2 and so on. Generally speaking, the digit at nth place can take any value between 0-n.
First few numbers represented as factoradics-
0 -> 0 = 0*0!
1 -> 10 = 1*1! + 0*0!
2 -> 100 = 1*2! + 0*1! + 0*0!
3 -> 110 = 1*2! + 1*1! + 0*0!
4 -> 200 = 2*2! + 0*1! + 0*0!
5 -> 210 = 2*2! + 1*1! + 0*0!
6 -> 1000 = 1*3! + 0*2! + 0*1! + 0*0!
7 -> 1010 = 1*3! + 0*2! + 1*1! + 0*0!
8 -> 1100 = 1*3! + 1*2! + 0*1! + 0*0!
9 -> 1110
10-> 1200
There is a direct relationship between n-th lexicographical permutation of a string and its factoradic representation.
For example, here are the permutations of the string “abcd”.
0 abcd 6 bacd 12 cabd 18 dabc
1 abdc 7 badc 13 cadb 19 dacb
2 acbd 8 bcad 14 cbad 20 dbac
3 acdb 9 bcda 15 cbda 21 dbca
4 adbc 10 bdac 16 cdab 22 dcab
5 adcb 11 bdca 17 cdba 23 dcba
We can see a pattern here, if observed carefully. The first letter changes after every 6-th (3!) permutation. The second letter changes after 2(2!) permutation. The third letter changed after every (1!) permutation and the fourth letter changes after every (0!) permutation. We can use this relation to directly find the n-th permutation.
Once we represent n in factoradic representation, we consider each digit in it and add a character from the given string to the output. If we need to find the 14-th permutation of ‘abcd’. 14 in factoradics -> 2100.
Start with the first digit ->2, String is ‘abcd’. Assuming the index starts at 0, take the element at position 2, from the string and add it to the Output.
Output String
c abd
2 012
The next digit -> 1.String is now ‘abd’. Again, pluck the character at position 1 and add it to the Output.
Output String
cb ad
21 01
Next digit -> 0. String is ‘ad’. Add the character at position 1 to the Output.
Output String
cba d
210 0
Next digit -> 0. String is ‘d’. Add the character at position 0 to the Output.
Output String
cbad ''
To convert a given number to Factorial Number System,successively divide the number by 1,2,3,4,5 and so on until the quotient becomes zero. The reminders at each step forms the factoradic representation.
For eg, to convert 349 to factoradic,
Quotient Reminder Factorial Representation
349/1 349 0 0
349/2 174 1 10
174/3 58 0 010
58/4 14 2 2010
14/5 2 4 42010
2/6 0 2 242010
Factoradic representation of 349 is 242010.
One way is to rank and unrank the choice of indices by a particular group of equal numbers, e.g.,
def choose(n, k):
c = 1
for f in xrange(1, k + 1):
c = (c * (n - f + 1)) // f
return c
def rank_choice(S):
k = len(S)
r = 0
j = k - 1
for n in S:
for i in xrange(j, n):
r += choose(i, j)
j -= 1
return r
def unrank_choice(k, r):
S = []
for j in xrange(k - 1, -1, -1):
n = j
while r >= choose(n, j):
r -= choose(n, j)
n += 1
return S
def rank_perm(P):
P = list(P)
r = 0
for n in xrange(max(P), -1, -1):
S = []
for i, p in enumerate(P):
if p == n:
for i in S:
del P[i]
r *= choose(len(P) + len(S), len(S))
r += rank_choice(S)
return r
def unrank_perm(M, r):
P = []
for n, m in enumerate(M):
S = unrank_choice(m, r % choose(len(P) + m, m))
r //= choose(len(P) + m, m)
for i in S:
P.insert(i, n)
return tuple(P)
if __name__ == '__main__':
for i in xrange(60):
print rank_perm(unrank_perm([2, 3, 1], i))
For large n-s you need arbitrary precision library like GMP.
this is my previous post for an unranking function written in python, I think it's readable, almost like a pseudocode, there is also some explanation in the comments: Given a list of elements in lexicographical order (i.e. ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']), find the nth permutation - Average time to solve?
based on this you should be able to figure out the ranking function, it's basically the same logic ;)
Java, from (my public domain code, minus the error checking):
public class PermuteUtil {
public <T> List<T> nthPermutation(List<T> original, final BigInteger permutationNumber) {
final int size = original.size();
// the return list:
List<T> ret = new ArrayList<>();
// local mutable copy of the original list:
List<T> numbers = new ArrayList<>(original);
// Our input permutationNumber is [1,N!], but array indexes are [0,N!-1], so subtract one:
BigInteger permNum = permutationNumber.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
BigInteger factorialNminusI = factorial(size - i);
// casting to integer is ok here, because even though permNum _could_ be big,
// the factorialNminusI is _always_ big
int j = permNum.divide(factorialNminusI).intValue();
permNum = permNum.mod(factorialNminusI);
// remove item at index j, and put it in the return list at the end
T item = numbers.remove(j);
return ret;