how to do loops, and callbacks using $timeline? -

Are these functionalities built into the service somewhere? Here's
sample context:
<fa-modifier fa-opacity="opacityMod(testTimeline.get())">...
$scope.testTimeline = new Transitionable(0);
$scope.opacityMod = $testTimeline([
[0, 0, Easing.inOutExpo],
[1, 1]
$scope.testTimeline.set(1, {
duration: 500,
curver: 'easeInOut'
Couldn't find these in the docs or from reading src. The only ideas I had were:
loops - setInterval or re-run animation on callback
callback - setTimeout at same time testTimeline.set is called for the same duration within the same scope

Ended up just doing the callback on the transitionable's 'set' and re-running the function afterwards. Here's a sample:
function runLoop(){
$scope.testTimeline.set(1, {duration:...,curve:...}, function() {
$scope.testTimeline.set(0, {duration:....,curve....}, runLoop);
Note that this runs the loop again but backwards. (I wanted this affect). Still open to other solutions


Attempting to put a delay in a loop in Postman

I'm trying to put a 1 second delay using setTimeout(()=>{},1000) in the Pre-request Script for a Postman POST call.
var moment = require('moment');
var tap1TimeStr = pm.environment.get("now");
var tap1TimeMoment = moment(tap1TimeStr,"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss");
var expTap2Time = tap1TimeMoment.add(2, 'minutes').format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss");
console.log("Tap 2 timestamp should be: " + expTap2Time);
var timestamp;
var timecheck = false;
setTimeout(() => {},1000);
timecheck = moment.utc().isSame(expTap2Time);
console.log("timecheck: " + timecheck);
timestamp = moment.utc().format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss");
console.log("Timestamp is now: " + timestamp);
pm.environment.set("now", timestamp);
But it doesn't seem to work and I can see that the console.log line is being printed far more frequently than 1sec. And the exercise here is to send the "Tap 2" POST exactly 2mins after the first POST (tracked by the 'now' variable). Also, it seems like Postman takes a fair bit of time before it even starts executing this particular script.
Edit: The main requirement here is to send the "Tap 2" POST request exactly 2mins AFTER the "Tap 1" POST request. HOW best to implement that? Espcially if setTimeout() is non-blocking and thus probably can't be used in a loop.
Anyone has any ideas?
setTimeout() takes a callback function which is executed after the specified delay so only what happens in the callback function will happen after that delay.
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("This will be executed after 1 second");
}, 1000);
console.log("This will immediately be executed");
setTimeout() is asynchronous and non-blocking so JavaScript will call set timeout but not wait for 1 second for it to return and instead immediately move on to the next instruction. Only after that 1 second has passed the callback passed to setTimeout() will be scheduled and executed. Have a look at this YouTube video for a good explanation of what's going on.

<query>.loading will not change to true

What are the possible reasons for query being stuck on loading = true (networkStatus = 1)?
I cannot get a query result on refetch and cannot log 'called2'
graphql(_stepQuery, {
name: 'stepQuery',
options: ({goalDocId}) => ({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true,
variables: {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
let stepIdsFromServer
if (nextProps.currentGoalSteps.length > this.props.currentGoalSteps.length) {
console.log('this.props', this.props)
if (!nextProps.stepQuery.loading) {
// console.log('nextProps.stepQuery.allSteps', nextProps.stepQuery.allSteps)
This looks quite dangerous for a infinite loop.
First the refetch function is a Promise, so you will not be able to know the correct query state right after the call for refetching. You would need to go on in the .then function. See refetch Api.
Second the query in the end is executed inside the graphql wrapper Component. So you should not check the loading state and refetch in the componentWillReceiveProps function, Because when the query is executed again the whole component is instantiated again and will enter the componentWillReceiveProps function with resetted states and so on.
If you need some kind of search, i suggest you use a mutation as a workaround (using withApollo wrapper and in the componentWillReceiveProps you call this.props.client("MUTATION")), because this will not render the whole component.

Asserting a specific stub call was made with the required arguments using sinon

Let's say you are testing a function that will call a dependency multiple times with different arguments:
var sut = {
ImportantFunction: function(dependency){
dependency("a", 1);
dependency("b", 2);
Using QUnit + Sinon and assuming the order of the calls is not important, I could write the following test that makes sure the function calls the dependency as expected:
test("dependency was called as expected", function () {
var dependencyStub = sinon.stub();
ok(dependencyStub.calledTwice, "dependency was called twice");
sinon.assert.calledWith(dependencyStub, "a", 1);
sinon.assert.calledWith(dependencyStub, "b", 2);
But what if the order is important and I want the test to take it into account? What is the best way to write such a test using QUnit+Sinon?
I have used the following approach, but I am losing the descriptive failure message provided by sinon assertions (which shows expected and actual values). For this I have just manually added some descriptive message, but it is not as useful as having a failure message with the expected and actual values (and has to be manually maintained).
ok(dependencyStub.firstCall.calledWith("a", 1), "dependency called with expected args 'a', 1");
ok(dependencyStub.secondCall.calledWith("b", 2), "dependency called with expected args 'b', 2");
Is there a way of using an assertion like sinon.assert.calledWith for a particular call like the first or second call?
Sample setup in this fiddle
And just as I was creating the sample fiddle I have found the solution...
In my code I was using version 1.7.1 of Sinon, but while writing the fiddle using Sinon's latest version (1.14.1 as of today) I just realized that you can pass a particular spyCall to the assert.calledWith method. This means you can write the following:
sinon.assert.calledWith(dependencyStub.firstCall, "a", 1);
sinon.assert.calledWith(dependencyStub.secondCall, "b", 2);
So the test I wanted to create can be nicely written:
test("dependency was called multiple times as expected - with order", function () {
var dependencyStub = sinon.stub();
sinon.assert.calledWith(dependencyStub.firstCall, "a", 1);
sinon.assert.calledWith(dependencyStub.secondCall, "b", 2);
Fiddle here
Found in the github repository the discussion that introduced this change. By the date the change was merged to master, this should work on version 1.13.0 and newer.
If you are using older versions, you can use mantoniĀ“s solution:
test("dependency was called multiple times as expected with order - pre 1.13.0", function () {
var dependencyStub = sinon.stub();
dependencyStub.withArgs("a", 1),
dependencyStub.withArgs("b", 2));
You can use sinon.assert.callOrder(spy1, spy2, ...), or spy1.calledBefore(spy2) or spy2.calledAfter(spy1).
These can also be used with the result of spy.calledWith(...), e.g. sinon.assert.callOrder(spy.withArgs('a'), spy.withArgs('b')).

How to render an Ember template to a string? [duplicate]

I just want to run the template string against an object and examine the result
I have a string that is a template. I've "compiled" it. Now I want to run it against an object and examine the result.
But this doesn't work:
var template = '<div>{{#each items}}<div>{{item}}</div>{{/each}}</div>';
var compiled = Ember.Handlebars.compile(template);
var result = compiled({ items: [1, 2, 3] }); // ERRORS
What I want to get is the DOM result of running my compiled string against an object. In other words, a set of DOM elements that looks something like this:
It appears that Ember.Handlebars.compile is very tightly coupled to other parts of an Ember application, to the point it expects a lot of things to be populated in the context I'm passing ot the compiled function. I have yet to figure out what all of these things are, or if there is a better way to create a context to pass to the compiled function.
Other things:
I don't want to use plain "non-Ember" Handlebars.
I'd like to avoid creating an Ember Application if I can.
I don't really want to answer questions about "why" I want to do this. This is what I want to do. :P
Why do you want to do this? ;)
Honestly the easiest way to do this will be to create a view. Ember hooks up a bunch of fancy rendering stuff when it calls compile due to the data binding etc, so it's difficult to create it straight from the compile function (it passes in a slew of additional stuff, like buffers etc...)
var view = Ember.View.extend({
template:Ember.Handlebars.compile('hello <div>{{#each item in view.items}}<div>{{item}}</div>{{/each}}</div>')
var foo = view.create({ items: [1, 2, 3] });
// you must wait for all bindings to sync before you can check the contents of #blah:
var empty = $('#blah').html(); // this will be empty{
var notEmpty = $('#blah').html(); // this will have the proper result in it
or you can hook up to the didInsertElement callback
var foo = view.create(blah);
foo.didInsertElement = function(){
The bindings are still in tact when you create a Ember handlebars template, so you can modify the object passed in and it will update the template.

how to unit-test setInterval in karma angularjs

app.directive('shuffleBlocks', function($timeout){
return {
link: function(sco,ele,att){
if (itemCnt <= 1) return;
/*Trigger function*/
function triggerEvent(){
ele.bind('click', triggerEvent);
setInterval(triggerEvent, 5000);
here I wrote the test
var elem = '<div shuffle-blocks><div>';
elem = mockCompile(elem)(rootScope.$new());
Obviously this is not the right method,
does anyone know how to test $timeout and setInterval in karma?
UPDATE: The proper method of mocking setInterval in an angular 1.2+ application is to use angular's $interval service. Using the $interval service provides a number of benefits, but the one of most use in this situation is the $interval.flush() method. When writing tests, $interval exposes a .flush() method which allows you to mock the JS clock.
app.directive('shuffleBlocks', function($timeout, $interval){
return {
link: function(sco,ele,att){
if (itemCnt <= 1) return;
/*Trigger function*/
function triggerEvent(){ ... }
ele.bind('click', triggerEvent);
$interval(triggerEvent, 5000);
and then in your unit test:
var elem = '<div shuffle-blocks><div>';
elem = mockCompile(elem)(rootScope.$new());
$interval.flush(5000); // flush accepts the # of ms to be flushed
Hope that's helpful to anyone who looks up this answer in the future. I'll leave my previous answer for those still using 1.1X.
Previous Answer: According the jasmine docs, you should be able to just use the jasmine.Clock.useMock() function to mock the typical javascript clock and manually work your way through the interval. Since angular is just wrapping the native setTimeout function, I'm quite positive it should allow this to work, though I haven't tested it to be sure.
The jasmine docs for version 1.3 are here. Here's the code example that demonstrates how it works.
beforeEach(function() {
timerCallback = jasmine.createSpy('timerCallback');
it("causes a timeout to be called synchronously", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
The only issue I see is that your triggerEvent() function is local to your link function, so I don't know how you'll be able to get to it to mock it. But hopefully that points you in the right direction. If not, sorry, I tried.
UPDATE: The syntax for mocking the clock has changed in Jasmine 2.0. If you are using 2.0, please see the updated docs here.