Normalized laplacian matrix with eigen lib - c++

I am little confused of definition of normalized laplacian matrix edfined as:
The sentence of wiki: (isnt too much clear for me}::
the positive square roots of the corresponding positive diagonal entries of D
THe problem is if my D matrix have over 99 diagonal entries less then zero, so the square root of negative numbers can be done only with complex numbers...
does it mean that this sum have to be with abs() value? or input A matrix have to be rewrite with abs() values,....?
This is how I have it now:
for ( int i=0; i < data.cols(); i++) {
Deg(i,i)=1/(sqrt((data.cwiseAbs().row(i).sum())) );

The normalized laplacian matrix is usually defined for networks, where A is the adjacency matrix and D is the diagonal matrix containing the degrees of the nodes. As an adjacency matrix, A has a one when the corresponding nodes are connected. Thus, as you say, the entries in D can be computing by taking row sums in A. But these sums are always positive, because you are adding zeros and ones. So I do not understand why your D matrix has negative numbers.
Maybe the edges in the network are weighted and some of the weights are negative? In that case, the definition of normalized laplacian matrix as D^{-1/2}*A*D^{-1/2} does not make sense, but I do not know what the correct definition is. I guess it depends on what you are using it for.


2D FFT what to do after converting both matrix into FFT-ed form?

Assume that I have 2 matrix: image, filter; with size MxM and NxN.
My regular convolution looks like this and produces matrix output size (M-N+1)x(M-N+1). Basically it places the top-left corner of a filter on a pixel, convolute, then assign the sum onto that pixel:
for (int i=0; i<M-N; i++)
for (int j=0; j<M-N; j++)
float sum = 0;
for (int u=0; u<N; u++)
for (int v=0; v<N; v++)
sum += image[i+u][j+v] * filter[u][v];
output[i][j] = sum;
Next, to perform FFT:
Apply zero-padding to both image, filter to the right and bottom (that is, adding more zero columns to the right, zero rows to the bottom). Now both have size (M+N)x(M+N); the original image is at
(Do the same for both matrix) Calculate the FFT of each row into a new matrix, then calculate the FFT of each column of that new matrix.
Now, I have 2 matrices imageFreq and filterFreq, both size (M+N)x(M+N), which is the FFT-ed form of the image and the filter.
But how can I get the convolution values that I need (as described in the sample code) from them?
convolution between A,B using FFT is done by per element multiplication in the frequency domain so in 1D something like this:
convert A,B by FFT
assuming the sizes are N,M of A[N],B[M] first zero pad to common size Q which is a power of 2 and at least M+N in size and then apply FFT:
Q = exp2(ceil(log2(M+N)));
a = FFT(A);
b = FFT(B);
in frequency domain use just element wise multiplication:
for (i=0;i<Q;i++) a[i]*=b[i];
reconstruct result
simply apply IFFT (inverse of FFT)...
AB = IFFT(a); // crop to first N (real) elements
and use only the first N element (unless algorithm used need more depends on what you are doing...)
For 2D you can either convolute directly in 2D (using 2 nested for loops) or convolve each axis separately. Beware that separating axises need also to normalize the result by some constant (which depends on dimensionality, resolution and kernel used)
So when put together (also assuming the same resolution NxN and MxM) first zero pad to (QxQ) and then:
Q = exp2(ceil(log2(M+N)));
a = FFT(A);
b = FFT(B);
for (i=0;i<Q;i++)
for (j=0;j<Q;j++) a[i][j]*=b[i][j];
AB = IFFT(a); // crop to first NxN (real) elements
And again crop to AB to NxN size (unless ...) for more info see:
How to compute Discrete Fourier Transform?
and all sublinks there... Also here at the end is 1D convolution example using NTT (its a special form of FFT) to compute bignum multiplication:
Modular arithmetics and NTT (finite field DFT) optimizations
Also if you want real result then just use only the real parts of the result (ignore imaginary part).

Matrix inverse calculation of upper triangular matrix gives error for large matrix dimensions

I have a recursive function to calculate the inverse of an upper triangular matrix. I have divided the matrix into Top, Bottom and Corner sections and then followed the methodology as laid down in Here is a pseudocode form:
//A diagram structure of the Matrix
Matrix = [Top Corner]
[0 Bottom]
Matrix multiply_matrix(Matrix A, Matrix B){
Simple Code to multiply two matrices and return a Matrix
Matrix simple_inverse(Matrix A){
Simple Code to get inverse of a 2x2 Matrix
Matrix inverse_matrix(Matrix A){
//Creating an empty A_inv matrix of dimension equal to A
Matrix A_inv;
if(A.dimension == 2){
A_inv = simple_inverse(A)
Top_inv = inverse_matrix(Top);
(Code to check Top*Top_inv == Identity Matrix)
Bottom_inv = inverse_matrix(Bottom);
(Code to check Bottom*Bottom_inv == Identity Matrix)
Corner_inv = multiply_matrix(Top_inv, Corner);
Corner_inv = multiply_matrix(Corner_inv, Bottom_inv);
Corner_inv = negate(Corner_inv); //Just a function for negation of the matrix elements
//Code to copy Top_inv, Bottom_inv and Corner_inv to A_inv
return A_inv;
int main(){
matrix A = {An upper triangular matrix with random integers between 1 and 9};
A_inv = inverse_matrix(A);
test_matrix = multiply_matrix(A, A_inv);
(Code to Raise error if test_matrix != Identity matrix)
For simplicity I have implemented the code such that only power of 2 dimension matrices are supported.
My problem is that I have tested this code for matrix dimensions of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64. All of these pass all of the assertion checks as shown in code.
But for matrix dimension of 128 I get failure is the assertion in main(). And when I check, I observer that the test_matrix is not Identity matrix. Some non-diagonal elements are not equal to 0.
I am wondering what could be the reason for this:-
I am using C++ std::vector<std::vector<double>> for Matrix representation.
Since the data type is double the non-diagonal elements of test_matrix for cases 2, 4, 8, ..., 64 do have some value but very small. For example, -9.58122e-14
All my matrices at any recursion stage are square matrix
I am performing checks that Top*Top_inv = Identity and Bottom*Bottom_inv = Identity.
Finally, for dimensions 2, 4, ..., 64 I generated random numbers(b/w 1 and 10) to create my upper triangular matrix. Since, these cases passed, I guess my mathematical implementation is correct.
I feel like there is some aspect of C++ datatypes about double which I am unaware of that could be causing the error. Otherwise the sudden error from 64->128 doesn't make sense.
Could you please elaborate on how the matrix == identity operation is implemented?
My guess is that the problem might be resumed to the floating point comparison.
The matrix inversion can be O(n^3) in the worst case. This means that, as the matrix size increases, the amount of computations involved also increase. Real numbers cannot be perfectly represented even when using 64 bit floating point, they are always an approximation.
For operations such as matrix inversion this can cause problems of numerical error propagation, due to the loss of precision on the accumulated multiply adds operations.
For this, there has been discussions already in the StackOverflow: How should I do floating point comparison?
EDIT: Other thing to consider if the full matrix is actually invertible.
Perhaps the Top and/or Bottom matrices are invertible, but the full matrix (when composing with the Corner matrix) is not.

Fast matrix multiplication of XDX^T for D diagonal

Consider fast matrix multiplication of XDX^T for X an n by m matrix, and D an m by m diagonal matrix. Here m>>n (suppose n around 1000, m around 100000). In my application, X is a fixed matrix and values of D can change at every iteration.
What would be a fast way to calculate this? At the moment I am just doing simple multiplication in C++.
EDIT: I should clarify my current procedure, it is not "simple multiplication". In particular, I am columnise multiplying the X by the square root of diagonal entries of D to get A:=XD^{1/2}. Then I am directly calculating A*t(A) (which is the multiplication of an n by m matrix with its transpose).
Thank you.
If you know that D is diagonal, the you can just do simple multiplication. Hopefully, you are not multiplying the zeros.

c++ eigenvalue and eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue

I am trying to find out the eigenvalues and the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue. I have a matrix A (nx2) and I have computed B = transpose(A) * a. When I am using c++ eigen function compute() and print the eigenvalues of matrix B, it shows something like this:
(4.4, 0)
(72.1, 0)
Printing the eigenvectors it gives output:
(-0.97, 0) (0.209, 0)
(-0.209, 0) (-0.97, 0)
I am confused. Eigenvectors can't be zero I guess. So, for the smallest eigenvalue 4.4, is the corresponding eigenvector (-0.97, -0.209)?
P.S. - when I print
it prints (4.4, 0). And when I print
it prints (-0.97, 0) (0.209, 0). That's why I guess I can assume that for eigenvalue 4.4, the corresponding eigenvector is (-0.97, -0.209).
I guess you are correct.
None of your eigenvalues is null, though. It seems that you are working with complex numbers.
Could it be that you selected a complex floating point matrix to do your computations? Something along the lines of MatrixX2cf or MatrixX2cd.
Every square matrix has a set of eigenvalues. But even if the matrix itself only consists of real numbers, the eigenvalues and -vectors might contain complex numbers (take (0 1;-1 0) for example)
If Eigen knows nothing about your matrix structure (i.e. is it symmetric/self-adjoint? Is it orthonormal/unitary?) but still wants to provide you with exact eigenvalues, the only general type that can hold all possible eigenvalues is a complex number.
Thus, Eigen always returns complex numbers which are represented as pairs (a, b) for a + bi. Eigen will only return real numbers if the matrix is self-adjoint, i.e. SelfAdjointView is used to access the matrix.
If you know for a fact that your matrix only has real eigenvalues, you can just extract the real part by eigenvalue.real since Eigen returns std::complex values.
EDIT: I just realized that if your matrix A has no complex entries, B=transposed(A)*A is self-adjoint and thus you could just use a SelfAdjointView of the matrix to compute the real eigenvalues and -vectors.

Image reconstruction using SVD Decomposition

I have performed block SVD decomposition over image and I stored results.
Now, I need to make reconstruction from this results. I found few examples all written in Matlab, which is a mystery for me.
I only need formula from which I can reconstruct my picture, or example written in C language.
Matrix A is equal U*S*V'. How will look formula, e.g. for calculating first five singular values (product of which rows and columns)? Please provide formula with indexes in C like style. U and V' are matrices and S is vector (not matrix).
Not sure if I get your question right, but if you just need to know singular values, they are the diagonal values of the middle matrix S. S in general is a diagonal matrix, which is stored here as a vector. I mean, only the diagonal is stored, you should imagine it as a matrix if you're thinking in matrix calculations.
Those diagonal values are your singular values, if you need the first biggest singular values, just take the 5 biggest values of the vector S.
Quoting from Wikipedia:
The diagonal entries Σi,i of Σ are known as the singular values of M.
The m columns of U and the n columns of V are called the left-singular
vectors and right-singular vectors of M, respectively.
In the above quote, sigma is your S, and M is the original matrix.
You have asked for C code, yet my hope is that pseudocode will suffice (it's late, I'm tired). The target matrix A has m rows, c columns and rank rho. The variable p = min(m,n).
One strategy is to first form the the intermediate matrix product B = US. This is trivial due to the diagonal-like nature of the matrix of singular values. Assume you have rho ( = 5 ) singular values. You must enforce rho <= p.
Replace column vector u1 with s1u1.
Replace column vector u2 with s2u2.
Replace column vector urho with srhourho.
Replace column vector urho+1 with a zero vector of length m.
Replace column vector urho+2 with a zero vector of length m.
Replace column vector up with a zero vector of length m.
Next form the new image matrix A = BVT. The matrix element in row r and column c is the dot product of the rth row vector (length rho) of B with the cth column vector (length rho) of VT.
Another strategy is to jump to the form where the matrix elements of A in row r and column c are
ar,c = sum ( skur,kvc,k, { k, 1, rho } )
The row counter r runs from 1 to m; the column counter c runs from 1 to n.