how to fix a bug of sirius/viewpoint specification project - eclipse-emf

I'm using Sirius framework on eclipse mars (4.5).
When I create a new "viewpoint specification project" in class Activator appears this error:
"The type org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeListener cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files"
Anybody has seen this problem? Is there a way to fix it?
Thanx a lot

See which corresponds to this issue, and contains a workaround until we fix the core issue in Sirius itself.


CS0012 error when building Origami (Hololens 101 tutorial)

I have been tortured by the CS0012 error for one week (reported problem)
Briefly speaking, I follow the Holograms 101 tutorial. When I tried to deploy the holograms to Hololens at the end of Chapter 1, I encountered two errors and the build failed. Two errors are:
The type "CoreApplicationView" is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly "Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null, ContentType=WindowsRuntime".
The type "CoreWindow" is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly "Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null, ContentType=WindowsRuntime".
I have searched online for solutions but I turned out to find some same questions without a valid solution, or solutions which didn't work for me.
I'm using win10 OS, Visual Sudio Community 2017 Version 15.7.1, Unity 2017.2.0f3.
I was wondering whether the errors have something to do with Assembly-CSharp-firstpass. After generating the APP, under the dir Origami/App/GeneratedProjects/UWP there is only one folder Assembly-CSharp but no Assembly-CSharp-firstpass. I also tried to search anything related to Assembly-CSharp-firstpass under the Origami dir but there's nothing. However, I never encountered the error "Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll is not found" which some people reported.
Anybody has experience with this problem? Thanks a lot in advance for any help!!
Okay guys, let me answer my own question. I have figured it out.
If you also use win10, VS2017, and unity 2017 (I'm using 2017.2, but I guess this should also work for 2017.3/4), then in the case of these two annoying "assembly that is not referenced" problem, check whether you have a reference called "windows" under Origami assembly->References. If it is not there, then right click References, on the left side you will see a "Browse", under the Browse, browse to add the reference which is supposed to be at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\UnionMetadata\10.0.17134.0\Facade\windows.winmd
I hope this helps you guys. Good luck!

An error occurs when opening MyForm.h in Visual Studio 2017 using C++

[Updates] 12/3/2017
Thanks for #Hans Passant .
I have edited my MyForm.h by following the instruction. However, I'm not able to open the MyForm[Design], the same error occurs. And seems like something wrong with my Linker and Entry Point? Refer to the image:
I created a C++/CLR Empty Project, and I clicked Project->Add New Item..., I selected UI under Visual C++, and chose Winform then trying to add it. However an alert pops when I added it:
To prevent possible data loss before loading the designer, the following errors must be resolved:
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Designer.Interfaces.IVSMDCodeDomProvider.get_CodeDomProvider()
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Design.Serialization.CodeDom.CodeDomDocDataAdapter.get_Provider()
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Design.Serialization.CodeDom.CodeDomDocDataAdapter.get_CompileUnit()
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.Serialization.CodeDom.VSCodeDomDesignerLoader.PerformLoad(IDesignerSerializationManager serializationManager)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.Serialization.CodeDom.VSCodeDomDesignerLoader.DeferredLoadHandler.Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.IVsTextBufferDataEvents.OnLoadCompleted(Int32 fReload)
What should I do to solve it?
Thank you!

Unknown Type name 'class'; did you mean Class'? ERROR on CCApplicationProtocol.h, CCApplication.h and Expected ';' after top level declarator ERROR

I am using cocos2d-x on an iOS game. But I am getting some errors that are preventing the app to compile properly. Here's a screenshot to emphasize the issues:
Any ideas on how to fix those errors? I tried the Xcode suggested methods, like replacing class with Class, but this produces even more errors. Whatever Xcode suggested did not work.
Issues have been solved. I did not touch anything in code. I remember that I recently added few files into the cocos2dx project that was NATIVE iOS code:
I renamed that ProjectFile.m to and it compiled without errors! So if you have any Objective C classes added into the project and see that error, try changing .m to .mm as Bo Perssoon suggested. THANKS!

Erroneous "Unable to resolve identifier" in Netbeans

My program compiles fine, but Netbeans tells me "Unable to resolve identifier to_string."
I tried everything in "Netbeans 7.2 shows "Unable to resolve identifier" , although build is successful" and I set the "C++ standard" to "C++11" in the code assistance options.
This is the only function giving this problem so far. It is however also the first C++11 feature I am using, which leads me to believe it has something to do with Netbeans not understanding that I am using C++11, although I specify it explicitly in the code assistance menu.
Minimal example:
#include <string>
int main() {
EDIT: the same problem arises where using nullptr
EDIT2: I suddenly realized it might be important to mention that I do not use a generated Makefile, but SCons.
I know this question is seven months old but since it came up as the second result to a google search I'll tell the answer I came up with. For Netbeans at least. Go to your project properties and make sure you have you "C Compiler"->"C Standard" set to C11, and your "C++ compiler"->"C++ Standard" set to C++11. You have to set BOTH or it will still give false errors!
This will solve the problem:
Right click on "Project".
Select "Code Assistance".
Clean C/C++ cache.
Restart IDE.
Autocomplete and sometimes even syntax highlighting are always faulty with C++. The more you go in depth with C++ and C++11, the more Eclipse and Netbeans will start underlining everything with a red wavy line. Some of my (correct and perfectly compiling) programs are a huge red wavy line. I suggest you disable error markers altogether and you keep autocomplete, but in many cases it just won't work and you have to make the best of it.
I had the same situation. This was occurred because I used .c file instead of .cpp
for Netbeans 8.2 (on Linux) only the following worked for me: Tools -> Options -> Code Assistance -> Macro Definitions:
for C++14
or to __cplusplus=201103L
for C++11
I did all the above but what did the trick for me was recognizing that the Makefile had g++ rather than g++ -std=c++11.
To resolve c++17 related 'Unable to resolve identifier' in latest netbeans 8.2 or 9 version, one may need to set the macro definition __cplusplus=201703L as the default C++14 standard macro definition unable to resolve those unexpected error messages appeared in the editor.

Build error referring to yvals.h in a cantata++ test project

I am testing c++ source codes using the tool cantata++. I created a project, built it and encounter the following error message.
error I9282: the global scope has no "_invalid_parameter" C:\LegacyApp\VisualStudio2005\VC\include\yvals.h 167
I find this error wierd, because yvals.h is not really a file in my source codes. What does this error message imply?
You'll find that yvals.h is probably included by one of the many system header files the Microsoft compiler includes, and you are only seeing it in the error message because the Cantata++ instrumenter is finding a problem with it. My guess would be that there is some problem with the settings in either Cantata++, your Visual Studio project or a mismatch between the two meaning they are not using the same settings.
In order to help diagnose the problem it would help to know a few things about the setup you have, and the code you are building when you get the error.
As Joachim Wuttke said, I would suggest you contact the Cantata Technical Support team directly if you are still having problems with this issue. They will be able to provide you with further information to help solve the problem.