class Offer(models.Model):
match = models.ForeignKey(Match, related_name='offers')
# arbitrary information
class Odds(models.Model):
offer = models.ForeignKey(Offer, related_name='odds')
time = models.DateTimeField(db_index=True)
class Meta:
get_latest_by = 'time'
# arbitrary information
I have a potentially huge set of Offers where I need to get the latest Odds object. The query I am performing right now is the following
for m in Match.objects.all():
odds = [o.odds.latest() for o in m.offers.all()]
The rest of the Odds objects connected to Offer are stored for historical purposes and should not be used in the computations that would follow.
The problem is that this computes one query for each Offer object and is a huge time and performance factor that I'm drastically trying to fix.
I want to get one Odds object for each Offer, using ORDER BY time.
Any help is truly appreciated.
You can use prefetch_related. it does a separate lookup for each relationship, and does the ‘joining’ in Python, instead of many small queries from your code.
For Django 1.6 and earlier:
class Offer(models.Model):
match = models.ForeignKey(Match, related_name='offers')
def latest_odds(self):
return max(self.odds.all(), key=lambda odds: odds.time)
for m in Match.objects.all().prefetch_related('offers__odds'):
odds = [o.latest_odds() for o in m.offers.all()]
3 queries
In Django 1.7, there is a Prefetch() object that allows you to control the behaviour of prefetch_related:
for m in Match.objects.all().prefetch_related(Prefetch("offers__odds", queryset=Odds.objects.order_by('time'))):
odds = [o.odds.first() for o in m.offers.all()]
3 queries
If Odds is really huge, you should look towards denormalization table
I have the following class:
class Instance(models.Model):
products = models.ManyToManyField(Product, blank=True)
class Product(models.Model):
description = HTMLField(blank=True, null=True)
short_description = HTMLField(blank=True, null=True)
And this form that I use to update Instances
class InstanceModelForm(InstanceValidatorMixin, UpdateInstanceLastUpdatedMixin, forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Instance
products = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(required=False, queryset=Product.objects.annotate(i_count=Count('instance')).order_by('i_count'))
My instance-product table is sizable (~ 1000 rows) and ever since I've added the queryset for products I am seeing web requests that are timing out due heroku's 30 second request limit.
My goal is to do something to this queryset such that my users are no longer timing out.
I have the following insights:
Accuracy doesn't matter as much to me - It doesn't have to be very accurate. Yes I would like to sort products by the count of instances this product has linked to but if it's off by 5 or 10 it doesn't really matter
that much.
Limited number of products - When my users are selecting products to be linked to an instance, they are primarily interested in products with less than 10 total linkages to instances. I don't know if a partial query will be accurate, but if this is possible I am open to trying.
Effort - I know there are frameworks out there that I can install to cache many things. I am looking for something that is light weight and requires less than 1 hr to get up and running.
First I would want to ensure that the performance issue actually comes from the query. I've tried to reproduce your problem:
>>> Instance.objects.count()
>>> Product.objects.count()
>>> sum(p.instance_set.count() for p in Product.objects.all())/Product.objects.count()
>>> list(Product.objects.annotate(i_count=Count('instance')).order_by('i_count'))
>>> from django.db import connection
>>> connection.queries[-1]
{'sql': 'SELECT "products_product"."id", "products_product"."description", "products_product"."short_description", COUNT("products_instance_products"."instance_id") AS "i_count" FROM "products_product" LEFT OUTER JOIN "products_instance_products" ON ("products_product"."id" = "products_instance_products"."product_id") GROUP BY "products_product"."id", "products_product"."description", "products_product"."short_description" ORDER BY "i_count" ASC', 'time': '0.189'}
By accident, I created a dataset that is probably quite a bit bigger than yours. As you can see, I have 1000 Products with an average of ~273 related Instances, but the query still takes less than a second (both on SQLite and PostgreSQL).
Use a one-off dyno with heroku run bash and check if you get the same numbers.
My guess is that your performance issues are either caused by
an n+1 query, where an extra query is made for each Product, e.g. in your Product.__str__ method.
the actual rendering of the MultipleChoiceField field. By default, it will render as a <select> with an <option> for each Product. This can be quite slow, and even it wasn't, it would pretty inconvenient to use. You might want to use a different widget, like django-select2.
Let's say I have the following Django models:
class X(models.Model):
some_field = models.FloatField()
class Y(models.Model):
x = models.ForeignKey(X)
another_field = models.DateField()
Let's say I'm looking for a particular instance of y, with a certain date (lookup_date), belonging to a certain x. Which option would be a more efficient lookup, if any?:
1. Y.objects.get(x=x, another_field=lookup_date)
or using the related manager:
2. x.y_set.get(another_field=lookup_date)
You'll probably find that they produce the same query, you can check this by adding .query to the end of the query which will show the resulting sql.
Y.objects.get(x=x, another_field=lookup_date).query
But either way this is a micro optimization and you may find it interesting to read Eric Lippert's performance rant.
Is one of them considered more pythonic?
Not really, I tend to use the second since it can make it slightly easier to conform to pep8's line length standard
I have a little problem with getting latest foreign key value in my django app. Here are my two models:
class Stock(models.Model):
class Dividend(models.Model):
date = models.DateField('pay date')
stock = models.ForeignKey(Stock, related_name="dividends")
class Meta:
ordering = ["date"]
I would like to get latest dividend from stock object. So basically this - stock.dividends.latest('date'). However, everytime I call stock.dividends.latest('date'), it fires up sql query to get latest dividend. I have latest() method in for cycle for every stock I have. I would like to avoid these sql queries. May I somehow define new method in class Stock that would get latest dividend within sql query for stock object?
I cannot change default ordering from "date" to "-date".
Using select_related('dividends') loads dividends objects with stock, but latest probably uses order_by and it requires sql query anyway. :(
EDIT1: To make more clear what I want, here is an example. Let's say I have 100 symbols in shares.keys():
for stock in Stock.objects.filter(symbol__in=shares.keys()): # 1 sql query
latest_dividend = stock.dividends.latest('date') # 100 sql queries
... #do something with latest dividend
Well and in some cases I might have 500 symbols in shares.keys(). That is why I need to avoid making sql queries on getting latest dividend for stock.
I have the same problem with you, so I tested many Django queries. Finally, I found out that we can use this:
I'm not sure my solution is the best, but here it is (works only with PostgreSQL):
stocks = list(Stock.objects.filter(**something))
dividends = Dividend.objects.filter(
dividends_dict = {d.stock_id: d for d in dividends}
for stock in stocks:
stock.latest_dividend = dividends_dict.get(
I'm a little confused by your question, I'm assuming you are trying to access the dividends from your stock object in order to limit your queries to the database. I believe that is the least number queries of possible.
stock_options = stock.objects.get(pk=your_query)
order_options = stock.dividend_set.order_by('-date')[:5]
likeon: Thanks for your answer. But I think I can avoid initializing that large dictionary (I have 5000 stocks and 280 000 dividends). But your list gave me an idea. Your code requires 2 sql queries. Here is my example (EDIT1).
for stock in Stock.objects.filter(symbol__in=shares.keys())\
.prefetch_related('dividends'): # 2 sql queries
latest_dividend = list(stock.dividends.all())[-1] # 0 sql queries
... #do something with latest_dividend
My code also requires 2 sql queries, but I do not have to reorder it and create list from stocks and all 280 000 dividends (I only create dict from current stock dividends every cycle). May be creating one dict is quicker than creating len(shares.keys()) dicts, not sure.
I thought there would be easier solution (avoid creating list/dictionary from dividends), but this is good enough for now. Thanks for answers!
As long as I understood you can do it this way:
as implementation in Django is like this:
def first(self):
"""Return the first object of a query or None if no match is found."""
for obj in (self if self.ordered else self.order_by('pk'))[:1]:
return obj
Also, you can use .latest(*fields, field_name=None) too.
I have such a Book model:
class Book(models.Model):
authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author, ...)
In short:
I'd like to retrieve the books whose authors are strictly equal to a given set of authors. I'm not sure if there is a single query that does it, but any suggestions will be helpful.
In long:
Here is what I tried, (that failed to run getting an AttributeError)
# A sample set of authors
target_authors = set((author_1, author_2))
# To reduce the search space,
# first retrieve those books with just 2 authors.
candidate_books = Book.objects.annotate(c=Count('authors')).filter(c=len(target_authors))
final_books = QuerySet()
for author in target_authors:
temp_books = candidate_books.filter(authors__in=[author])
final_books = final_books and temp_books
... and here is what I got:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_meta'
In general, how should I query a model with the constraint that its ManyToMany field contains a set of given objects as in my case?
ps: I found some relevant SO questions but couldn't get a clear answer. Any good pointer will be helpful as well. Thanks.
Similar to #goliney's approach, I found a solution. However, I think the efficiency could be improved.
# A sample set of authors
target_authors = set((author_1, author_2))
# To reduce the search space, first retrieve those books with just 2 authors.
candidate_books = Book.objects.annotate(c=Count('authors')).filter(c=len(target_authors))
# In each iteration, we filter out those books which don't contain one of the
# required authors - the instance on the iteration.
for author in target_authors:
candidate_books = candidate_books.filter(authors=author)
final_books = candidate_books
You can use complex lookups with Q objects
from django.db.models import Q
target_authors = set((author_1, author_2))
q = Q()
for author in target_authors:
q &= Q(authors=author)
Q() & Q() is not equal to .filter().filter(). Their raw SQLs are different where by using Q with &, its SQL just add a condition like WHERE "book"."author" = "author_1" and "book"."author" = "author_2". it should return empty result.
The only solution is just by chaining filter to form a SQL with inner join on same table: ... ON ("author"."id" = "author_book"."author_id") INNER JOIN "author_book" T4 ON ("author"."id" = T4."author_id") WHERE ("author_book"."author_id" = "author_1" AND T4."author_id" = "author_1")
I came across the same problem and came to the same conclusion as iuysal,
untill i had to do a medium sized search (with 1000 records with 150 filters my request would time out).
In my particular case the search would result in no records since the chance that a single record will align with ALL 150 filters is very rare, you can get around the performance issues by verifying that there are records in the QuerySet before applying more filters to save time.
# In each iteration, we filter out those books which don't contain one of the
# required authors - the instance on the iteration.
for author in target_authors:
if candidate_books.count() > 0:
candidate_books = candidate_books.filter(authors=author)
For some reason Django applies filters to empty QuerySets.
But if optimization is to be applied correctly however, using a prepared QuerySet and correctly applied indexes are necessary.
Which one would be better for performance?
We take a slice of products. which make us impossible to bulk update.
products = Product.objects.filter(featured=True).order_by("-modified_on")[3:]
for product in products:
product.featured = False
or (invalid)
for product in products.iterator():
I have tried QuerySet's in statement too as following.
This line works fine on SQLite. But, it rises following exception on MySQL. So, I couldn't use that.
DatabaseError: (1235, "This version of MySQL doesn't yet support
'LIMIT & IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery'")
Edit: Also iterator() method causes re-evaluate the query. So, it is bad for performance.
As #Chris Pratt pointed out in comments, the second example is invalid because the objects don't have update methods. Your first example will require queries equal to results+1 since it has to update each object. That might really be costly if you have 1000 products. Ideally you do want to reduce this to a more fixed expense if possible.
This is a similar situation to another question:
Django: Cannot update a query once a slice has been taken
That being said, you would have to do it in at least 2 queries, but you have to be a bit sneaky on how to construct the LIMIT...
Using Q objects for complex queries:
# get the IDs we want to exclude
products = Product.objects.filter(featured=True).order_by("-modified_on")[:3]
# flatten them into just a list of ids
ids = products.values_list('id', flat=True)
# Now use the Q object to construct a complex query
from django.db.models import Q
# This builds a list of "AND id NOT EQUAL TO i"
limits = [~Q(id=i) for i in ids]
Product.objects.filter(featured=True, *limits).update(featured=False)
In some cases it's acceptable to cache QuerySet in array
products = list(products)
Small optimization with values_list
products_id = list(products.values_list('id', flat=True)