When to use httptest.Server and httptest.ResponseRecorder - unit-testing

As title, when to use httptest.Server and httptest.ResponseRecorder?
It seems to me that I can also test my handlers to return correct response using httptest.Server. I can simply start a httptest.Server given with my implementation of handlers, then do validations on the response's body.
Please correct if I'm wrong, I am learning Go + TDD

When you just want to check, if your http.Handler does what it should, you don't need to use httptest.Server. Just call your handler with an httptest.ResponseRecorder instance and check the output as in the example.
The possible uses of httptest.Server are numerous, so here are just a couple that come to my mind:
If your code depends on some external services and APIs, you can use a test server to emulate them. (Although I personally would isolate all code dealing with external data sources and then use them through interfaces, so that I could easily create fake objects for my tests.)
If you work on a client-server application, you can use a test server to emulate the server-side when testing the client-side.


Does any web site test framework facilitate fine-grained concurrent testing

I have a legacy .NET application that is implemented using Application variables and makes heavy use of Session data as well. There are some anecdotal reports of bugs that seem to point toward concurrency errors, i.e. multiple sessions clobbering shared application-level data.
I want to develop some automated tests that let me control concurrent access in a fine-grained fashion, i.e.
Create two HTTP clients with fresh sessions
Request /my/page/1 with client 1
Request /my/page/2 with client 2
POST data with client 2
POST data with client 1
Issue parallel request for /my/page/results from both clients
Are there any libraries that make this sort of testing easier or will I have to roll my own to some extent?
I'm aware of Selenium and WatiN, but have not personally used either project. From reading the docs, neither appears to be a good match.
Perhaps the best option is just plain NUnit and making good use of the .NET WebClient class?
Clarification: What you want is a well-defined series of steps to be executed synchronously. This means your test code does not need to be multithreaded, more precisely, it must not be multithreaded, or you lose control over the order the steps are executed.
The only thing you need is two browser instances and the ability to dispatch the test steps to the two browsers.
To do so, I presume you can use either of Selenium or WatiN as follows (not verified, it's only in my mind)
Selenium (with WebDriver):
using (var firefox1 = new FirefoxDriver(profile))
using (var firefox2 = new FirefoxDriver(profile))
//// ...
using (var firefox1 = new FireFox(url1))
using (var firefox2 = new FireFox(url2))
//// ...

UnitTesting a WebClient in Windows Phone 7

I have some of WebClient Requests in my App and want to check the parsing of the retrieved data in a unit test. How Do I wait in the WP7 Silverlight UnitTestFramework for the event client_DownloadStringCompleted?
My approach to this has been to introduce a wrapper class around WebClient (well, I actually used HttpWebRequest in the end, as WebClient did too much in the UI thread...) implementing an interface. I could then create a FakeWebClient implementing IWebClient, allowing me to validate the URLs that were being fetched, and responding with errors, success cases etc as desired.
It's unfortunate that quite a few APIs in .NET aren't easily testable / fakable :(
Completely wrong approach here. You're unit testing the wrong thing.
What you want to do, is to move your parsing of the data out to another class, and define a interface, say:
interface IWebParser { MyResult Parse(string input); }
and then inject that into your class, and in your DownloadStringCompleted event, call iWebParser.Parse(e.Result).
Now you can test your implementations of the IWebParser. And replace it.
Unit Testing isn't meant to test implementation specific code. You might as well just use a accessor and test a private method then!
Usually you should not test with HTTP requests. But to write such tests anyway eventually this link will help you (asynchronous testing):

Strategy to simulate events in object under test

BRAND NEW to unit testing, I mean really new. I've read quite a bit and am moving slowly, trying to follow best practices as I go. I'm using MS-Test in Visual Studio 2010.
I have come up against a requirement that I'm not quite sure how to proceed on. I'm working on a component that's responsible for interacting with external hardware. There are a few more developers on this project and they don't have access to the hardware so I've implemented a "dummy" or simulated implementation of the component and moved as much shared logic up into a base class as possible.
Now this works fine as far as allowing them to compile and run the code, but it's not terrible useful for simulating the events and internal state changes needed for my unit tests (don't forget I'm new to testing)
For example, there are a couple events on the component that I want to test, however I need them to be invoked in order to test them. Normally to raise the event I would push a button on the hardware or shunt two terminals, but in the simulated object (obviously) I can't do that.
There are two concerns/requirements that I have:
I need to provide state changes and raise events for my unit tests
I need to provide state changes and raise events for my team to test dependencies on the component (e.g. a button on a WPF view becomes enabled when a certain hardware event occurs)
For the latter I thought about some complicated control panel dialog that would let me trigger events and generally simulate hardware operation and user interaction. This is complicated as it requires a component with no message pump to provide a window with controls. Stinky. Or another approach could be to implement the simulated component to take a "StateInfo" object that I could use to change the internals of the object.
This can't be a new problem, I'm sure many of you have had to do something similar to this and I'm just wondering what patterns or strategies you've used to accomplish this. I know I can access private fields with a n accessor, but this doesn't really provide an interactive (in the case of runtime simulation) changes.
If there is an interface on the library you use to interact with the external hardware you can just create a mock object for it and raise events from that in your unit tests.
If there isn't, then you'll need to wrap the hardware calls in a wrapper class so you mock it and provide the behaviours you want in your test.
For examples of how to raise events from mock objects have a look at Mocking Comparison - Raising Events
I hope that helps!

Keeping the GUI separate

I have a program that (amongst other things) has a command line interface that lets the user enter strings, which will then be sent over the network. The problem is that I'm not sure how to connect the events, which are generated deep inside the GUI, to the network interface. Suppose for instance that my GUI class hierarchy looks like this:
GUI -> MainWindow -> CommandLineInterface -> EntryField
Each GUI object holds some other GUI objects and everything is private. Now the entryField object generates an event/signal that a message has been entered. At the moment I'm passing the signal up the class hierarchy so the CLI class would look something like this:
sig::csignal<void, string> msgEntered;
And in the c'tor:
entryField.msgEntered.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &CLI::passUp));
The passUp function just emits the signal again for the owning class (MainWindow) to connect to until I can finally do this in the main loop:
gui.msgEntered.connect(sigc::mem_fun(networkInterface, &NetworkInterface::sendMSG));
Now this seems like a real bad solution. Every time I add something to the GUI I have to wire it up all through the class hierarchy. I do see several ways around this. I could make all objects public, which would allow me to just do this in the main loop:
gui.mainWindow.cli.entryField.msgEntered.connect(sigc::mem_fun(networkInterface, &NetworkInterface::sendMSG));
But that would go against the idea of encapsulation. I could also pass a reference to the network interface all over the GUI, but I would like to keep the GUI code as seperate as possible.
It feels like I'm missing something essential here. Is there a clean way to do this?
Note: I'm using GTK+/gtkmm/LibSigC++, but I'm not tagging it as such because I've had pretty much the same problem with Qt. It's really a general question.
The root problem is that you're treating the GUI like its a monolithic application, only the gui is connected to the rest of the logic via a bigger wire than usual.
You need to re-think the way the GUI interacts with the back-end server. Generally this means your GUI becomes a stand-alone application that does almost nothing and talks to the server without any direct coupling between the internals of the GUI (ie your signals and events) and the server's processing logic. ie, when you click a button you may want it to perform some action, in which case you need to call the server, but nearly all the other events need to only change the state inside the GUI and do nothing to the server - not until you're ready, or the user wants some response, or you have enough idle time to make the calls in the background.
The trick is to define an interface for the server totally independently of the GUI. You should be able to change GUIs later without modifying the server at all.
This means you will not be able to have the events sent automatically, you'll need to wire them up manually.
Try the Observer design pattern. Link includes sample code as of now.
The essential thing you are missing is that you can pass a reference without violating encapsulation if that reference is cast as an interface (abstract class) which your object implements.
Short of having some global pub/sub hub, you aren't going to get away from passing something up or down the hierarchy. Even if you abstract the listener to a generic interface or a controller, you still have to attach the controller to the UI event somehow.
With a pub/sub hub you add another layer of indirection, but there's still a duplication - the entryField still says 'publish message ready event' and the listener/controller/network interface says 'listen for message ready event', so there's a common event ID that both sides need to know about, and if you're not going to hard-code that in two places then it needs to be passed into both files (though as global it's not passed as an argument; which in itself isn't any great advantage).
I've used all four approaches - direct coupling, controller, listener and pub-sub - and in each successor you loosen the coupling a bit, but you don't ever get away from having some duplication, even if it's only the id of the published event.
It really comes down to variance. If you find you need to switch to a different implementation of the interface, then abstracting the concrete interface as a controller is worthwhile. If you find you need to have other logic observing the state, change it to an observer. If you need to decouple it between processes, or want to plug into a more general architecture, pub/sub can work, but it introduces a form of global state, and isn't as amenable to compile-time checking.
But if you don't need to vary the parts of the system independently it's probably not worth worrying about.
As this is a general question I’ll try to answer it even though I’m “only” a Java programmer. :)
I prefer to use interfaces (abstract classes or whatever the corresponding mechanism is in C++) on both sides of my programs. On one side there is the program core that contains the business logic. It can generate events that e.g. GUI classes can receive, e.g. (for your example) “stringReceived.” The core on the other hand implements a “UI listener” interface which contains methods like “stringEntered”.
This way the UI is completely decoupled from the business logic. By implementing the appropriate interfaces you can even introduce a network layer between your core and your UI.
[Edit] In the starter class for my applications there is almost always this kind of code:
Core core = new Core(); /* Core implements GUIListener */
GUI gui = new GUI(); /* GUI implements CoreListener */
You can decouple ANY GUI and communicate easily with messages using templatious virtual packs. Check out this project also.
In my opinion, the CLI should be independant from GUI. In a MVC architecture, it should play the role of model.
I would put a controller which manages both EntryField and CLI: each time EntryField changes, CLI gets invoqued, all of this is managed by the controller.

Should my unit tests be touching an API directly when testing a wrapper for that API?

I have some written a number of unit tests that test a wrapper around a FTP server API.
Both the unit tests and the FTP server are on the same machine.
The wrapper API gets deployed to our platform and are used in both remoting and web service scenarios. The wrapper API essentially takes XML messages to perform tasks such as adding/deleting/updating users, changing passwords, modifying permissions...that kinda thing.
In a unit test, say to add a user to a virtual domain, I create the XML message to send to the API. The API does it's work and returns a response with status information about whether the operation was successful or failed (error codes, validation failures etc).
To verify whether the API wrapper code really did do the right thing (if the response indicated success), I invoke the FTP server's COM API and query its store directly to see if, for example when creating a user account, the user account really did get created.
Does this smell bad?
Update 1: #Jeremy/Nick: The wrapper is the focus of the testing, the FTP server and its COM API are 3rd party products, presumably well tested and stable. The wrapper API has to parse the XML message and then invoke the FTP server's API. How would I verify, and this may be a silly case, that a particular property of the user account is set correctly by the wrapper. For example setting the wrong property or attribute of an FTP account due to a typo in the wrapper code. A good example being setting the upload and download speed limits, these may get transposed in the wrapper code.
Update 2: thanks all for the answers. To the folks who suggested using mocks, it had crossed my mind, but the light hasn't switched on there yet and I'm still struggling to get my head round how I would get my wrapper to work with a mock of the FTP server. Where would the mocks reside and do I pass an instance of said mocks to the wrapper API to use instead of calling the COM API? I'm aware of mocking but struggling to get my head round it, mostly because I find most of the examples and tutorials are so abstract and (I'm ashamed to say) verging on the incomprehensible.
You seem to be mixing unit & component testing concerns.
If you're unit-testing your wrapper, you should use a mock FTP server and don't involve the actual server. The plus side is, you can usually achieve 100% automation like this.
If you're component-testing the whole thing (the wrapper + FTP server working together), try to verify your results at the same level as your tests i.e. by means of your wrapper API. For example, if you issue a command to upload a file, next, issue a command to delete/download that file to make sure that the file was uploaded correctly. For more complex operations where it's not trivial to test the outcome, then consider resorting to the COM API "backdoor" you mentioned or perhaps involve some manual verification (do all of your tests need to be automated?).
To verify whether the API wrapper code really did do the right thing (if the response indicated success), I invoke the FTP server's COM API
Stop right there. You should be mocking the FTP server and the wrapper should operate against the mock.
If your test runs both the wrapper and the FTP server, you are not Unit Testing.
To test your wrapper with a mock object, you can do the following:
Write a COM object that has the same interface as the FTP server's COM API. This will be your mock object. You should be able to interchange the real FTP server and your mock object by passing the interface pointer of either to your wrapper by means of dependency injection.
Your mock object should implement hard-coded behaviour based on the methods called on its interface (which mimics FTP server API) and also based on the argument values used:
For example, if you have an UploadFile method you can blindly return a success result and perhaps store the file name that was passed in in an array of strings.
You could simulate an upload error when you encounter a file name with "error" in it.
You could simulate latency/timeout when you encounter a file name with "slow" in it.
Later on, the DownloadFile method could check the internal string array to see if a file with that name was already "uploaded".
The pseudo-code for some test cases would be:
//RealServer theRealServer;
//FtpServerIntf ftpServerIntf = theRealServer.getInterface();
// Let's test with our mock instead
MockServer myMockServer;
FtpServerIntf ftpServerIntf = myMockServer.getInterface();
FtpWrapper myWrapper(ftpServerIntf);
FtpResponse resp = myWrapper.uploadFile("Testing123");
assertEquals(FtpResponse::OK, resp);
resp = myWrapper.downloadFile("Testing123");
assertEquals(FtpResponse::OK, resp);
resp = myWrapper.downloadFile("Testing456");
assertEquals(FtpResponse::NOT_FOUND, resp);
resp = myWrapper.downloadFile("SimulateError");
assertEquals(FtpResponse::ERROR, resp);
I hope this helps...
I agree with Nick and Jeremy about not touching the API. I would look at mocking the API.
If it's .NET you can use:
Moq: http://code.google.com/p/moq/
And a bunch of other mocking libraries.
What are you testing the wrapper or the API. The API should work as is, so you don't need to test it I would think. Focus your testing efforts on the wrapper and pretend like the API doesn't exist, when I write a class that does file access I don't unit test the build in streamreader...I focus on my code.
I would say your API should be treated just like a database or a network connection when testing. Don't test it, it isn't under your control.
It doesn't sound like you're asking "Should I test the API?" — you're asking "Should I use the API to verify whether my wrapper is doing the right thing?"
I say yes. Your unit tests should assert that your wrapper passes along the information reported by the API. In the example you give, for instance, I don't know how you would avoid touching the API. So I don't think it smells bad.
The only time I can think of when it might make sense to dip into the lower level API to verify results if if the higher-level API is write-only. For example, if you can create a user using the high-level API, then there should be a high-level API to get the user accounts, too. Use that.
Other folks have suggested mocking the lower-level API. That's good, if you can do it. If the lower-level component is mocked, checking the mocks to make sure the right state is set should be okay.