Dynamo DB provisionedthroughput for paginated query - amazon-web-services

I have a small doubt regarding the READ capacity unit consumption when i query a dynamo db table with a LIMIT set on it.
Say my query expression could return 100 matching items if i iterate it with LastEvaluatedKey but if the limit is set to 20 and i dont iterate all pages( i want top 20 only) then how much read capacity unit will be consumed ? Is it going to be for 100 items or only for the retrieved 20 items?I have read the documentation but could not find anything clearly mentioning the paginated cases.

Here, throughput is the data sent over the network.
When you specify some limit (20 in your case) then only that number of rows are transfered at that time. And in case of no limit, maximum of 1 MB of data will be send.
Number of read capacity unit consumed on some query depends upon the size of your result.
In case of read operations - 4KB = 1 unit
and for write operations - 2KB = 1 unit.
For example if you query returned 15KB of data then your read units consumed will be - 15/4 = 4 read units.

The Limit parameter will tell DynamoDB how many items to examine. The Read Capacity Units consumed by that query will depend on the size of the items in your table. You will consume the RCU necessary for DynamoDB to look at the first 20 items.
If you are using a filter, you may not receive all 20 of those items. If you have a filter and you need 20 results, you will need to count the number of results and paginate until you have received 20 results. DynamoDB cannot do that counting for you.
Reference: DynamoDB Documentation for Limit


What is the best performance I can get by querying DynamoDB for a maximum 1MB?

I am using DynamoDB for storing data. And I see 1MB is the hard limit for a query to return. I have a case that queries a table to fetch 1MB of data in one partition. I'd like to know what the best performance I can get.
Based on DynamoDB doc, one partition can have a maximum of 3000 RCU. If I send an eventual consistency read, it should support responding 3000 * 8KB = 24000KB = 23MB per second.
If I send one query request to fetch 1MB from one partition, does this mean it should respond 1/23 second = 43 milliseconds?
I am testing in a lambda sends a query to DynamoDB with XRay enabled. It shows me the query takes 300ms more based on XRay trace. So I don't understand why may cause the long latency.
What can I do if I want to reduce the latency to a single-digit millisecond? I don't want to split the partition since 1MB is not really big size.
DynamoDB really is capable of single-digit millisecond latency, but if the item size is small enough to fit into 1 RCU. Reading 1 MB of data from a database in <10ms is a challenging task itself.
Here is what you can try:
Split your read operation into two.
One will query with ScanIndexForward: true + Limit: N/2 and another will query with ScanIndexForward: false + Limit: N/2. The idea is to query the same data from both ends to the middle.
Do this in parallel and then you merge two responses into one.
However, this is likely will decrease latency from 300 to 150ms, which is still not <10ms.
Use DAX - DynamoDB Caching Layer
If your 1 MB of data is spread across thousands of items, consider using fewer items but each item will hold more data inside itself.
Consider using a compression algorithm like brotli to compress the data you store in 1 DynamoDB item. Once I had success with this approach. Depending on the format, it can easily reduce your data size by 4x, which translates into ~4x faster query time! Which could be 8x faster with the approach described in item #1.
Also, beware, that constantly reading 1 MB of data from a database will incur huge costs.

How does AWS DynamoDB count read units for Query?

I am working on a table, in which every item is approx. 3KB in size.
Now as per the docs, the read units are calculated in 4s - i.e. For every item less than 4 kb, it would be counted as 4KB, and occupy 1 read unit.
Let's say i have a table of 100 items, of 3kb each in size (total table = 300kb). I do a query, in which 50 items satisfy under the query condition, and they are returned to me.
Now, will the read units be counted like : 50 items of 3kb size (rounded to 4kb) = 200kb = 200/4 = 50 read units ?
Any help is appreciated! :) Thanks!
I think this should clarify the issue:
Capacity Units Consumed by Query
DynamoDB calculates the number of read capacity units consumed based on item size, not on the amount of data that is returned to an application.
When you do the query, you can specify a parameter ReturnConsumedCapacity to get the number of read capacity units consumed:
TOTAL — The response includes the aggregate number of read capacity units consumed.
It also depends if you use eventually consistent reads (by default for query) or strongly consistent:
for eventually consistent reads (1 unit is 2 reads): 200 / 4 / 2 = 25 units
for strongly consistent reads (1 unit is 1 read): 200 / 4 / 1 = 50 units
Yes, if you read 50 items of 3K each with strongly consistent reads, the cost will be 50 units. If you do eventual consistent reads, the answer will be half - 25.5 units.
However, there is another important cost issue you should be aware of, if you are not already. You mentioned you actually have 100 items, but only retrieving half of them by using a "query condition". DynamoDB actually has two types of "conditions" on queries. One of them are called key conditions (KeyConditions or KeyConditionExpression) and the other is post-query filters (QueryFilter or FilterExpression). If you use key conditions, you will only pay for the retrieved items - as you hoped. But if you use filtering, you will pay for all items, not just for the retrieved items. So in your example you would be paying 100 units instead of 50.

DynamoDB: When does 1MB limit for queries apply

In the docs for DynamoDB it says:
In a Query operation, DynamoDB retrieves the items in sorted order, and then processes the items using KeyConditionExpression and any FilterExpression that might be present.
A single Query operation can retrieve a maximum of 1 MB of data. This limit applies before any FilterExpression is applied to the results.
Does this mean, that KeyConditionExpression is applied before this 1MB limit?
Indeed, your interpretation is correct. With KeyConditionExpression, DynamoDB can efficiently fetch only the data matching its criteria, and you only pay for this matching data and the 1MB read size applies to the matching data. But with FilterExpression the story is different: DynamoDB has no efficient way of filtering out the non-matching items before actually fetching all of it then filtering out the items you don't want. So you pay for reading the entire unfiltered data (before FilterExpression), and the 1MB maximum also corresponds to the unfiltered data.
If you're still unconvinced that this is the way it should be, here's another issue to consider: Imagine that you have 1 gigabyte of data in your database to be Scan'ed (or in a single key to be Query'ed), and after filtering, the result will be just 1 kilobyte. Were you to make this query and expect to get the 1 kilobyte back, Dynamo would need to read and process the entire 1 gigabyte of data before returning. This could take a very long time, and you would have no idea how much, and will likely timeout while waiting for the result. So instead, Dynamo makes sure to return to you after every 1MB of data it reads from disk (and for which you pay ;-)). Control will return to you 1000 (=1 gigabyte / 1 MB) times during the long query, and you won't have a chance to timeout. Whether a 1MB limit actually makes sense here or it should have been more, I don't know, and maybe we should have had a different limit for the response size and the read amount - but definitely some sort of limit was needed on the read amount, even if it doesn't translate to large responses.
By the way, the Scan documentation includes a slightly differently-worded version of the explanation of the 1MB limit, maybe you will find it clearer than the version in the Query documentation:
A single Scan operation will read up to the maximum number of items set (if using the Limit parameter) or a maximum of 1 MB of data and then apply any filtering to the results using FilterExpression.

DynamoDB: Making range query v/s query each item separately

Lets say, I have several items in the dynamodb with the same partition-key and different sort-keys.
Is there any difference between consumed read capacity units if I query the records using a sort-key constraint in a single go v/s query each item individually? Assume that the number of sort-keys to be fetched at-a-time are around 50. The official-documentation says that
One read capacity unit represents one strongly consistent read per
second, or two eventually consistent reads per second, for an item up
to 4 KB in size.
From this definition, it doesn't seem that there should be a difference since this definition is independent of how we query the database.
Apart from additional network delay, does the second approach have any other downside?
Please note that the costing is based on Read Capacity Units (RCU) and Write Capacity Units (WCU).
RCU formula:-
RCU = read capacity unit per item × number of reads per second
Before going into the below calculation, calculate the item size. You can get the item size from AWS console.
Go to the dynamodb table on AWS console --> Overview tab --> See at the bottom.
Lets talk about RCU. In the above case,
Scenario 1 - Getting all the data in one go using hash key only:-
In this scenario, the number of items read will be high (i.e. 50 items data). Calculate the size and check how many RCU required.
Scenario 2 - Getting the data multiple times using hash key and sort key:-
In this scenario, the API will be called multiple times. So, the number of reads per second will go up. Calculate the number of reads required and check how many RCU required.
Compare the RCU calculated in scenario 1 and 2. Choose the option which has less RCU in order to save cost.

DynamoDB - How to calculate the read throughput for queries

Consider the following case:
I have a table with read and write capacity both set to 100. Assume the table has 10000 entries and each entry is 0.5KB.
With this, I can read 100 records of 4KB each and write 100 records of 1KB each per second.
From the AWS docs
You can use the Query and Scan operations to retrieve multiple
consecutive items from a table or an index, in a single request. With
these operations, DynamoDB uses the cumulative size of the processed
items to calculate provisioned throughput. For example, if a Query
operation retrieves 100 items that are 1 KB each, the read capacity
calculation is not (100 × 4 KB) = 100 read capacity units, as if those
items had been retrieved individually using GetItem or BatchGetItem.
Instead, the total would be only 25 read capacity units, as shown
(100 * 1024 bytes = 100 KB) / 4 KB = 25 read capacity units
I want to issue a query (using the hash key and range key unspecified) and it'll retrieve say 1000 items.
So the cumulative size of the returned records is 1000 * 0.5KB = 500KB.
Should the read throughput be 500/4 = 125?
or 100(or anything around 80) is sufficient because the Query is not going to complete in one second
How can I determine the throughput for this(Query) case?
When you run a query or a scan, you consume reads based on the size of the data scanned or queried, not the number of records. If you query 500KB using the strongly consistent reads it will consume 125 read capacity units.
There is an option ReturnConsumedCapacity that will return the consumed read capacity along with your data.